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The Enchanted Grove: Enchanted Grove, #1
The Enchanted Grove: Enchanted Grove, #1
The Enchanted Grove: Enchanted Grove, #1
Ebook61 pages42 minutes

The Enchanted Grove: Enchanted Grove, #1

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About this ebook

 Lila, an adventurous girl from a small village, stumbles upon a hidden path in the forest that leads to an enchanted grove. There, she meets Eldrin, the guardian of the grove, and Mara, a talking fox. They warn her of Thalor, a dark sorcerer who seeks to drain the grove's magic. Together, Lila, Eldrin, and Mara embark on a quest to protect the grove and thwart Thalor's evil plans.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Enchanted Grove: Enchanted Grove, #1


I am currently 20 years old and I have been working on this book ffor two years. I got 10 to 15 more stories that I have to finish to publish it. I always wanted to write books but nobody belived me so I did it on my own.

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    Book preview

    The Enchanted Grove - DERANTE WILKINS

    Chapter 1: The Hidden Path

    The sun was just beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the small village of Windermere. Lila loved this time of day, when the shadows grew long and the world seemed full of possibilities. She grabbed her worn leather satchel, slung it over her shoulder, and headed towards the forest. Her parents had always warned her about wandering too far, but Lila couldn't resist the call of adventure.

    The forest was a place of wonder for Lila. She knew every tree and stream within a mile of the village, but today she felt a strange pull, as if something was guiding her deeper into the woods. She followed a narrow deer trail, her footsteps soft on the mossy ground. Birds chirped overhead, and the scent of pine filled the air.

    After walking for what felt like hours, Lila came upon a part of the forest she had never seen before. There, hidden behind a thick curtain of ivy, was a narrow path that seemed to glow faintly in the dim light. Her heart raced with excitement. She pushed the ivy aside and stepped onto the path.

    The air grew cooler as she ventured further, and the forest around her seemed to change. The trees were taller, their branches intertwining to form a canopy overhead. Strange, luminescent flowers lined the path, their petals glowing softly in the twilight. Lila felt as if she had stepped into another world.

    She continued along the path until she reached a clearing. In the center stood an enormous tree, its trunk wide and gnarled with age. Lila approached it, her eyes wide with wonder. She reached out to touch the bark, and to her surprise, it felt warm under her fingertips.

    Welcome, young one, a deep voice rumbled from the tree.

    Lila jumped back, her eyes darting around for the source of the voice. Who... who said that? she stammered.

    I did, the tree replied. I am Eldrin, the guardian of this grove. And you, young Lila, have found your way to the heart of the forest.

    How do you know my name? Lila asked, her fear giving way to curiosity.

    I know many things, Eldrin replied. The forest speaks to me, and I to it. You have been chosen, Lila, to protect this place from a great danger.

    Lila's eyes widened. Danger? What kind of danger?

    A dark sorcerer named Thalor seeks to capture the magic of this grove for his own, Eldrin said. If he succeeds, the balance of the forest will be destroyed, and with it, all the creatures that call it home.

    Lila felt a surge of determination. What can I do to help?

    Eldrin's branches rustled, and a small figure emerged from behind the tree. It was a fox, its fur a vibrant red, its eyes sharp and intelligent. You will not be alone, Eldrin said. This is Mara. She will guide you on your journey.

    Mara stepped forward, her tail flicking playfully. Nice to meet you, Lila, she said with a sly grin. We've got a lot of work to do.

    Lila nodded, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. She had always dreamed of adventure, but she never imagined it would find her in this way. She looked up at Eldrin and Mara, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. Together, they would protect the enchanted grove and stop Thalor's evil plans.

    And so, their journey began.

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