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Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions: Poetic writings and reflections by James A. Howard Sr., born in 1912, whose compilations created years ago, continue to remain relevant today.
Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions: Poetic writings and reflections by James A. Howard Sr., born in 1912, whose compilations created years ago, continue to remain relevant today.
Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions: Poetic writings and reflections by James A. Howard Sr., born in 1912, whose compilations created years ago, continue to remain relevant today.
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions: Poetic writings and reflections by James A. Howard Sr., born in 1912, whose compilations created years ago, continue to remain relevant today.

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About this ebook

Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions are poetic writings coupled with a creative compilation of reflections by James A. Howard. A highly respected man of color born in Sandy Point, Maryland in 1912. Known, lovingly by his family as “Daddy Jim” and referred to as “Jim Howard or Mr. Howard”. He was known as a distinguished community leader by so many long-time residents in the historical Deanwood community in Washington DC. Although his work was historically written during unequivocal challenging times for Blacks in US history, the compositions resonate a sense of relevancy and authentic optimism that personifies his identity as a proud Nego in the United States of America. An unbridled display of joy and pain, and recognizable significance of community emersed in an astute dedication to Justice for all.
Release dateJun 19, 2024
Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions: Poetic writings and reflections by James A. Howard Sr., born in 1912, whose compilations created years ago, continue to remain relevant today.

Linda Rose Gist

Linda Rose Gist is a US Air Force veteran and retired Senior Policy Analyst from the US Department of Justice. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from University of Maryland, University College and a Master’s of Science degree in Confl ict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University. A lifetime learner, she continues studies in correctional ministry with an accentuation on reentry. Linda spends her time traveling, journaling, enjoying live theater with family and friends and being a grandmother to her chocolate drops from heaven.

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    Daddy Jim’s Timeless Expressions - Linda Rose Gist

    Copyright © 2023 Linda Rose Gist.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5552-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5553-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023915703

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/12/2024


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    Contribution To Life

    A Friend


    Man & God


    Please Stay Near

    How Much of a Man are You?

    What is a Man?

    Clouds and Sunshine


    A Flirt


    Why I am Thankful on Thanksgiving Day

    Mother love

    Wisdom’s Demand

    Helping in Life

    This Busy Humanity


    Sunrise and the Meridian

    Making Life Easier

    The Home

    Truth the Conquer


    Give Happiness


    Let’s get Started


    Don’t Forget

    Wisdom Crieth

    Nature’s Call

    Tribute to Marriage

    Studies in Love

    Preparation for Marriage

    Making a Go of It


    Alida — Down By the Sea

    The Hot Hot Summer



    The Weather

    Are God And Democracy Too Big For Us?

    A Man’s World

    To My Friend

    What is Life?

    For Love of Love

    Human Emotion

    A Determined Fight

    Young Folks in Marriage


    A Reading

    Cheer Someone Up

    Never Fear

    It’s There

    Wake Up


    Absent Tranquility

    Cheer Others

    Hope For All

    Time Will Tell

    A Rainy Day At Home

    Take a Walk down the Aisle

    Hope for All

    Being Ones Self


    To Be Of Service


    I Don’t Know Why!


    Think of God Always


    The Reawakening


    True Love

    I Don’t Know Why!

    In Exchange for My Soul

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    To the tune of, Let’s Fill the Air With Eagles.

    Don’t Forget


    My Songs

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    Past God Future


    Encouraging Success in Teenagers

    My Grandfather: James Alexander Howard Sr.

    Poetry Archive

    Written by: Daddy Jim


    As a child, adolescent, and young mother I was inspired by the many enjoyable engagements I experienced with my grandfather Daddy Jim. He was deeply cherished within our family, and by the many people within the communities where he lived and served.

    As an elder in the family, Daddy Jim never had a problem with addressing concerns or relating to anyone regardless of their age, race, economic status, culture, or identity. He felt a sense of well-being and contentment while engaging with all types of people, and was fulfilled knowing that everyone that departed his presence would feel inspired and empowered. No matter what you were going through or experiencing in your life, when talking to him, his comments were always relevant, supportive, and inspirational, and felt so much like poetry in motion.

    His rich baritone voice, sung from his all-time favorite song, Old Man River, that all of us in the family learned instinctively how to sing, continues to reverberate in my heart. His oratorical declarations were even more prolific as he taught each of his grandchildren his favorite poem, If, by Rudyard Kipling. Making clear that we all understood valuable life lessons, and the need for self-control and integrity, no matter the challenges we faced.

    This collection of his poetry, wise sayings and songs is truly a testament to his creative thoughts, words and deeds that reflect the triumphant and forlorn experiences he encountered throughout his life.

    I am still simply amazed by his stature and confidence, and his uncanny ability to always have a story to tell or a hypothetical question to ask. He always inspired and challenged the entire family to always be the BEST, regardless of ANY situation. His optimism about life, ability to exhort his truth, and desire to make the world a better place has inspired me to not only walk in his legacy, but to also share his life with you.


    by Rudyard Kipling

    If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;

    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;

    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

    And lose, and start again at your beginnings

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