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Waking Up
Waking Up
Waking Up
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Waking Up

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About this ebook

Are you ready to start your journey as a newly awakened person? You can gain
a better understanding of your own spiritual nature and your many objectives
in this life, as well as some clarity and insight into your beautiful soul.
Waking up to higher levels of consciousness and to our true nature is a
mystical process of liberation and transformation, one bringing inner peace
and freedom. Waking up is about pulling your awareness and consciousness
to the forefront, examining who you are in your heart and mind, and assessing
the possible need for inner healing to bring more joy and love to ourselves
and our family members. We grow, we change, and we become who we’re
meant to be in life. It’s a lifelong journey full of excitement and wonder, and
it’s even more glorious if we choose to see it through newly enlightened eyes.
This spiritual guide offers ways to help you find out who you really are
and what your life’s purpose is beyond your responsibilities, interests, and
relationships. You might discover a few occult secrets along the way, as well
as affirmations and suggestions that can help you live your best life with joy,
happiness, and importance.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 19, 2024
Waking Up

Cindy Vaillancourt

Cindy Vaillancourt was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. She worked in the corporate world as a writer and supervisor for more than twenty years. A natural-born empath, she has walked the path of enlightenment, studying under various masters of meditation, wisdom, and higher truths, since her teens. A mother of two sons, she enjoys art, music, reading, and caring for a Jack Russell terrier named Joey.

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    Waking Up - Cindy Vaillancourt

    Copyright © 2024 Cindy Vaillancourt.

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    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5228-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5229-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5227-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024909459

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/19/2024



    Chapter 1Who You Really Are

    Chapter 2Your Purpose as a Light Worker

    Chapter 3Turning on the Lights of Enlightenment

    Chapter 4Who’s in Charge of the Light Switch?

    Chapter 5Consciousness and Healing

    Chapter 6Your Thoughts and Your Mind

    Chapter 7A Meditation Technique

    Chapter 8Life-Changing Affirmations

    Chapter 9The Planetary Energy Soup and You


    To Joshua, Alex, and Jayson


    God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs

    in the animals, and awakens in man.

    —Ibn Arabi

    Souls reincarnate on this planet for a wide variety of reasons. For those who belong to the family of light, being awake to higher truths and living in love and goodness with the purpose of loving ourselves and others is a great honor and privilege. It is part of our mission.

    We chose to come here to reincarnate on earth at this precise time in history. Living on a higher level, our souls chose to come here to wake up and remember that we are more than human. Our souls are ancient.

    Waking up to higher levels of consciousness and to our true nature is a mystical process of liberation and transformation, one bringing inner peace and freedom. Waking up is about pulling your awareness and consciousness to the forefront, examining who you are in your heart and mind, and assessing the possible need for inner healing to bring more joy and love to ourselves and our family members.

    We grow, we change, and we become who we’re meant to be in life. It’s a lifelong journey full of excitement and wonder, and it’s even more glorious if we choose to see it through newly enlightened eyes.

    When we find forgiveness in our hearts and minds, we lighten up. Our energy and our frequency changes for the better. When that happens, we literally change the soup of energy around us in the world. The frequencies become lighter. We contribute to changing the world in this way.

    When I began waking up to the higher levels of consciousness in the early 1980s, I was thirsty for a wide variety of knowledge. I delved into numerous books on the occult, looking for answers to questions I had held in my mind for a long time. Often, I felt frustrated because I wanted someone to cut to the chase and tell me exactly what was happening to me and the world around me. I wanted quick answers, not realizing that part of my own awakening required an extended period of study, meditation, exploration, reflection, healing, and growth. I didn’t see the bigger picture and therefore didn’t understand that living my life and being me was part of the formula for inner transformation.

    Back then, the internet was just getting started. I found several study groups online and soon began experiencing synchronistic events in my daily life that corresponded directly to things I was learning in my classes and things that emerged during my meditation exercises. For me, learning this hidden knowledge shared only among people with an interest in the occult was very exciting.

    My best girlfriend, Lori, and I used to visit a special bookstore during our lunch hour called Magical Journey in downtown Nashville. Upon entering the bookstore, we would hear chimes and other groovy sounds playing. The aroma of incense was inviting, and the bookstore employees always greeted us with the sweetest, most loving faces and smiles who offered to help us find another new book or a cool piece of jewelry.

    During one of our visits, a woman approached me and said, You’re the reason why I’m here today! Come with me. I want to show you a book. Lori and I followed the woman after giving each other a quick What’s going on? glance. Then the woman pulled a book from the shelf and handed it to me. It was called Astrology for

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