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Troubled Zen: Zenobia Martinez, #1
Troubled Zen: Zenobia Martinez, #1
Troubled Zen: Zenobia Martinez, #1
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Troubled Zen: Zenobia Martinez, #1

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Having survived some of the worst war zones in modern history, ex-EOD operator Zenobia Ortega Martinez opts for a quiet life in Australia. That is until she is caught in the crossfire of cartels, violence, and revenge. She will need all of her skills and instincts to survive and protect the people she loves. Running away has never been an option.

Release dateApr 15, 2022
Troubled Zen: Zenobia Martinez, #1

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    Troubled Zen - Wolfric Styler

    First published in 2022 by Wolfric Styler.

    @ 2022 Wolfric Styler

    Republished 2023.

    Wolfric Styler has asserted his rights under the Copyright Act of 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by any way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any persons who commit any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be subject to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This book is a work of fiction, and except for the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The opinions expressed in this work are fictional and do not represent the views of the author.

    ASIN: B09V93QZHK

    BN ID: 2940160770581

    ISBN: 9798430952464

    Acknowledgments for this book go out to:

    Fatty – without your inspiration and dedication to quality, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Much appreciated, possibly my shout for the next brews.

    Wife and boy – thanks for giving me the time and space to smash this out – learning Spanish is next, I promise!!

    Michelle W – thanks for providing a female perspective.

    Jess – thanks for nutting out elements of Zenobia’s character early.

    Linda – crucial pick-up towards the end of drafting.

    Thommo – thanks for providing EOD guidance.

    Big Dylan – thanks for your early input.

    Dan M – wordsmith extraordinaire. You know, Big Guy.


    LCPL Steven Palmer

    CAPT Nick Beighton

    About Wolfric Styler

    Wolfric Styler was born in Brisbane, Australia, in 1976.

    Educated at James Cook University, Townsville.

    Served in two militaries: Australian Infantry (Ready Reserve) and Royal Engineers (12 years).

    This debut novel was inspired by some of the women he’s had the pleasure of working and socialising with. Zenobia’s adventures replicate daily struggles by millions of women across the world.

    Looking forward to seeing where Zenobia’s journey leads her.


    Chapter 1 - England June 2016

    The shrieks were piercing as Zenobia inhaled a deep breath and rubbed her temples with both thumbs. As an experienced explosive ordnance device operator, she was used to stressful situations, but this was a new brand of chaos. Zenobia was assisting Alan on a new battleground: his third child's birthday party. Fifteen 8-year-old kids doped up on sugar and cordial were running around the bouncy castle, back yard, and through the house, having the time of their lives.

    Zenobia retreated to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face, find a reprieve from the sweltering heat, and gather her thoughts on how she’d ended up there. The reason was, Corporal Alan Walton was her regular partner in the EOD teams. They worked as bomb disposal operators at 33 EOD Regiment, Royal Engineers, and had partnered together for nearly three years. During a training exercise, Zenobia bet she could defuse a device faster than Alan, with the loser to head the clean-up team after Amethyst's birthday celebration. Alan and his wife Sarah could use the help, as she was seven months pregnant with their fourth child. Being foreign to this land, Zenobia had found their family warm and welcoming, and although children's birthday parties were onerous, she felt happy to be around people who cared about her. With the screams and catastrophic mess developing, this definitely wasn't her Zen place.

    Zenobia checked her watch – 1100 hrs. Only two hours to go before she could cool off with a swim at the beach in Felixstowe, rinsing away the aftermath of this engagement.

    Keep plugging away - you've done harder things than this. Sarah's got it harder than you. Next time, bring a hair tie to keep your hair away from the grime. Maybe a bomb suit instead.

    Zenobia wet and dried her face for the fourth time before stepping back into the breach.

    AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there you are, Aunty Zen! screeched Amethyst as she ran to give Zenobia a bear hug. Where have you been? We're about to cut the cake and open some presents. Do you know if there's any more cordial? My friend Delilah ate too many chips, and she's chucked in the corner. I think she's OK, though. Oh, there she is, Amethyst expelled in rapid-fire succession before sprinting off to chase her friend onto the bouncy castle.

    I'll see if your dad has any left, Zenobia said to no one in particular as Amethyst sprinted away.

    She put her hands on the back of her light green cotton shorts and felt the stickiness Amethyst had left during the hug. She then checked her loose-fitting T-shirt for any more muck.

    Just the shorts got hit. Lucky I didn't get dressed up in my dancing gear for this.

    Alan bellowed across the back yard, Cake, everyone! Come and get it. You snooze, you lose. He was beaming. Everything he held dear surrounded him as people gathered for his usual speech on how proud a father and husband he was.

    Alan and Sarah had met young and been the picture-perfect couple. After their second child, the pair had replaced their razzmatazz lifestyle with a much more pedestrian pace as the grind of work and child-rearing took their toll. Alan had accepted the jump to dad bod graciously, evident in his current attire of bland, loose-fitting polo shirt hanging untucked over his blue gym shorts. Sarah had resisted a little longer but now fully embraced the busy mum look in a three-quarter length, red and white floral print dress, long hair restrained in a ponytail, and just enough makeup to hide the bags under her eyes.

    After the address, Sarah started slicing and issuing cake to the ravenous children. Zenobia had refilled the two jugs with red cordial and placed them on the table.

    Thanks for helping out, Zen. I know the kids love seeing you. You should come around more often. I know the kids have been practising FIFA and are ready to take you on, said Sarah, with a smile.

    Yeah, I will. I've just been busy with work, and you've got a fair bit on your plate at the moment. Zenobia nodded at her seven-month bump.

    I didn't want to impose.

    "What a load of crap, Zen - you're always welcome here. In fact, we're having a barbeque-and-games night next Saturday. Risk is the board game of choice, and Amethyst is adamant you're going to be her partner."

    Zenobia inhaled slowly and deeply, thinking of a dodge but tantalised by the opportunity to dominate in Risk and see the kids in a less agitated environment. Sarah's face glowed as she looked at Zenobia for a response.

    Pregnancy seemed to suit her, but then again, she was well-practised.

    Zenobia met Sarah's eyes. Judging by the silence, I'll let her know you're coming. She'll be buzzing. Oh, by the way, I've also invited a young man I work with. He's single, good looking, and not in the army. He seems...almost normal, said Sarah, with a smirk.

    I thought Alan was enough for you to handle? He seems to keep you busy being pregnant.

    Sarah shook her head in mock disappointment. Zen, you can be tiring. You'll have fun. It beats playing with bombs and getting punched in the face at karate.

    It's Brazilian jiu-jitsu, not karate. Sometimes I think I'd get a better response if I talked to the wall.

    Tomato, tomahto. Whatever, you'll be there. Sarah waved her hand dismissively.

    Right-o, I love being socially awkward in front of a crowd, especially during a blind date. It does sound like too good an opportunity to pass up, though, Zenobia sarcastically pondered while rubbing her chin and looking to the sky. What could go wrong?

    She was saved from any further persecution as her mobile started ringing. It was 33 EOD's duty mobile number.

    Corporal Martinez speaking, Zenobia monotoned into the phone.

    Zen, it's Tommy. There's a job on. UXO in Norfolk. Doesn't look like a big job. A two-inch mortar, probably World War Two era, has been uncovered on a beach. Local police are in the process of cordoning off. How far away are you? briefed Sergeant Tommy Chandler, the duty operations officer.

    Al and I are at his house, so about twenty minutes. I'll let him know.

    Do you want the full team?

    I'll check with Al to see about the other two and get back to you within five.

    Roger, just text me, and I'll make it so. I'll see you in thirty to forty. Sergeant Chandler signed off.

    Al and Zenobia were the duty bomb disposal numbers 1 and 2 for the weekend. She sought out Alan and Sarah in the back yard.

    Al, Tommy rang. Job's on in Norfolk. UXO, likely two-inch mortar on a beach. I said we'd be there in twenty minutes. Do you want to bring the full team, or just us?

    We should be right with just us. Let the other two have a full weekend. They've been hammered recently. It doesn't sound like a big job. We can confirm when we get to Carver.

    I'll text Tommy. I'm happy to take my car, offered Zenobia, which received a nod from Alan.

    Alan turned to Sarah. Sorry love, we have to go. I thought we'd make it through this one.

    Is this one of those 'calls from work' so you two get out of cleaning up? Sarah jokingly queried. Wouldn't be the first time you tried this trick.

    Love, that was years ago, and we only went for ten minutes before I got guilty. This one is legit. You alright to take care of this? Susan or Joan will help out for sure.

    Sarah nodded. Not my first rodeo.

    I'll say ’bye to the kids, said Alan as he gave his wife a longing hug and kiss.

    Sarah reciprocated the affection, then sighed and called out to the kids that their father was leaving. Archie, Amethyst, and Henry raced over to hug their dad.

    Alan squatted down as the kids approached. Kids, Zen and I have to go to work. We'll be back tonight. Have fun for the rest of the party.

    The kids shrugged their shoulders and nodded. This wasn't the first time Daddy had been called out at unusual hours. Besides, there was more bouncing to be had. Daddy would be back soon enough.

    Be good to your mother. She's got a special package inside her, and you need to help take care of them both. Kisses and cuddles all around.

    Daddy, that's not fair. You said you were going to spend the whole day with me, cried Amethyst.

    I know it sucks, darling. Zen and I have to go and help protect people from something dangerous. It wouldn't be very nice if someone else got hurt because I couldn't go out to fix it up. Would it? Alan questioned as he wiped away a single tear from her face with his thumb and drew her in for a hug.

    No, Daddy. I don't want other people to get hurt. But why you? Aren't there other people who don't have birthdays for their favourite child?

    No, sweetie, it's our turn. Favourite child, yes, you are definitely in my top three favourite children at the moment. Besides, you've still got loads of time to play, and there are all your friends here. I'll be home as soon as I can.

    Amethyst nodded while sticking out her bottom lip.

    Archie, you're the big rooster around the house now, after your mother of course. Be a good lad and take care of your brother and sister, too. I love you little rugrats. Alan hugged and kissed each one on the forehead while ruffling their hair as they stepped back.

    I'll bring him back real soon, Zenobia guaranteed Amethyst as she hugged her.

    She continued to hug and kiss the other two kids before giving Sarah a final wave and heading out to the car. Alan stood for a few more seconds, forlornly watching the kids disperse back into the frenzy of squealing, bouncing, and eating. Henry turned around and gave his dad a glum wave before heading off to the turmoil.

    You alright? Zenobia asked Alan as he sat in the passenger seat of her red 2014 Audi A4 Quattro.

    Yep. No problem, Alan monotoned.

    Really? Seems that goodbye was a bit harder than the others.

    Nah, it's sorted. No problem. Alan stared through the windshield, devoid of any unnecessary movement.

    Right-o. Set the tunes, then. Your choice today. Special treat to fix your misery.

    Ten minutes into the drive, Alan and Zenobia had remained silent, listening to the radio mix of 2000s pop and rock music as she concentrated on the road and he gazed out the window.

    You ever thought of getting out? Alan asked, breaking the silence while staring out the passenger window.

    What? Zenobia blurted, stalling for time.

    You know, enter Civi Street, maybe try something a bit safer? More nine-to-five, Alan said, turning towards Zenobia.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. You what? Get out? You're pulling my chain.

    You know, each time I go away, it seems a little bit harder to say goodbye, especially as the kids get older and Sarah's got the fourth on the way. This job isn't getting any quieter, and it's not in the Top Ten Jobs You Want Your Kids to Get Into.

    What, you want to sit around in an office and get fat? Gossiping by the water cooler on Mondays? Debating whether Guardiola should've played four-four-two rather than experimenting with three-five-two? Having cake for Gina because it's her fortieth year at accounts payable? C'mon man, you can't do that, you'll blow your brains out.

    Not so much that, but Sarah's mentioned it might be time to move on. Got me thinking.

    Don't you get the excitement anymore? Wearing the suit in forty-degree heat in some craphole no one cares about, spending hours searching for devices designed to take your face off?

    You're not really selling it.

    What we do, we're good at, and not many others can do it. We've saved countless lives with the stuff we've rendered safe in Iraq, Afghanistan, Northern Ireland, and Angola, let alone the stuff around the UK. It beats working at Wernham Hogg anyway. Zenobia let it soak in, then continued. More importantly, you'll be breaking up the dream team. Look at some of the jubes coming through. Wouldn't know their arse from their elbow. Throw me a frickin’ bone; this is what we do, we're good at it, and you know that. If I have to sit through public humiliation at a blind date next weekend, you can do a couple more years. Help a sister out, Zenobia retorted with a smirk, to try and get Alan out of his funk.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. We are a pretty good team, but...I just think it might be time to move on. Try something else, something...less explosive, said Alan.

    Zenobia nodded slightly with satisfaction, acknowledging the pun, then ploughed on. "Your first look on the board for sergeant is this year. If you get that, then you'll be off the tools a bit more, a bit safer. You'll leave me in the lurch,

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