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The Eternal Pact
The Eternal Pact
The Eternal Pact
Ebook258 pages3 hours

The Eternal Pact

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 So close to him, I could only feel warmth and safety. It was as if the connection between us served as a balm against the chaos of the world. 
 But I had been pierced, straight to my core. 
 No matter the lie my skin told, I knew the truth. I would never be the same again. 
In this enchanting sequel to  The Eternal Trade , Victoria finds herself trapped in the Kingdom, a realm ruled by vampires—as the betrothed of Prince Dominic, the heir to the throne. However, she is soon caught in a web of lies, forcing her to question her loyalties and true heritage.
When the queen orders Victoria and Dominic's wedding, Victoria is driven by her sense of justice to protect the blood slaves...yet she also discovers a disturbing truth about her own blood. Victoria demands that Dominic promise never to exploit this power, but rumors about her abilities come to light, causing tensions within the vampire council to escalate.
As the wedding approaches, Victoria reunites with loved ones she thought she had lost, but they hold a deep-seated hatred for all vampires, including her fiancé. At the same time, Dominic uncovers the queen's dark agenda…
With the threat of war looming, Victoria faces a difficult decision: embrace her love for Dominic or fulfill her duty to fight the darkness.
Release dateAug 29, 2023
The Eternal Pact

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    Book preview

    The Eternal Pact - Leigh Walker



    As I sank lower in the tub, I could hear Mistress Olivia bustling about in my room, probably fluffing the skirts of the gown she’d chosen for me or dusting the already-immaculate armoire.

    Are you all right in there, dear?

    Sinking another inch, I said, Yes, thanks. I wondered how long I could stay in the bath before she yanked me out to go about my day.

    I wasn’t hiding from Mistress Olivia, of course. She was the kindly vampire maid who took care of me in the castle. But just because I wasn’t hiding from Mistress Olivia didn’t mean I wasn’t hiding. I most certainly was hiding from many things.

    The blood sacrifices wanted me to work out with them. The queen wanted to start fitting me for my wedding dress. My vampire BFF, Anthony, wanted me to keep working on developing my power to erase vampire brains.

    Then there was my fiancé, the prince, His Highness Dominic Allard. I would get out of the tub for him. Maybe we could pick up where we’d left off the previous night, when he’d been kissing me, his hands buried in my hair…

    I shivered then splashed water on my face so I would snap out of it. I needed to keep my eye on the ball, which in the kingdom meant staying alive.

    I should explain.

    My name is Victoria Edwards. I’m eighteen, from New Jersey, and was previously a high-school senior somewhat—okay, very—behind on my college applications. I’d had good reasons, though. My mother and my little sister, Isabel—well, I’d thought they died in an accident. But they were alive, or at least, I think they are.

    I’d been living with a foster family when I got a strange anonymous letter. It asked me to go to a nearby pond in the middle of the night. It said I might find the things I’d lost. I’d thought maybe what I’d actually lost was my mind, but having nothing better to do, I went. To add to the crazy, another strange and anonymous letter was waiting for me at the pond. It asked me to go into the water and come out on the other side, the side you can’t see from here.

    Again, perhaps having lost my mind, or maybe just being too curious for my own good, I went into the water and swam to the other side. That’s crazy, but when everything you love’s been taken away, what do you really have to lose?

    When I came out of the water, I was in a different place and time. I learned that although there was no electricity or cell phones, and people rode horses instead of driving cars, I was in the future. The year 3130, to be exact, and I’d somehow traveled to the other side of the world, a region that most likely used to be a part of England. And that wasn’t even the crazy part!

    I met Mistress Olivia and my friend Anthony, and I learned they were vampires. Then I met the prince, Dominic Allard, and learned that he was a vampire. Then he picked me out of a lineup to be his bride. I met his parents, the king and queen, and found out that his mother wanted to take vampires out of the closet and rule the world, enslaving all humankind.

    That’s where I come in—well, that’s the other thing. That’s where I keep coming in. Dom told me I’d traveled back and forth in time repeatedly over the past nine years. And each time I came back, I couldn’t remember anything. I never remembered him or that vampires existed.

    One other quick thing, before I forget: my blood is poisonous to vampires. If they drink from me, they die. In smaller doses, my blood makes anyone who ingests it forget they ever met me.

    Dominic told me we fell in love each time I traveled to the kingdom. Now, that I had no problem believing, even if I was skeptical at first. But we were supposed to be getting married in about two weeks, by order of the queen, and she was planning a big, fancy wedding and was making some sort of public statement. She wanted her son to feed from me on a permanent basis.

    Again, I was only eighteen and in no way, shape, or form ready to tie the knot—and certainly not ready to be a human feedbag.

    But I would be getting married, or at least, I was going to keep pretending that I was getting married. Because the queen planned to invite foreign vampire dignitaries to the event, and therein lay the rub. Dominic told me that my mother and sister are here, somewhere. They’re in this time zone, in this land, property of a notorious vampire emperor. Apparently, my mother is married to the guy. And he’s my sister’s father. I hadn’t explored the ramifications of how that might or might not pertain to me. My poor, addled brain had had quite enough to deal with.

    Anyway, though I was currently hiding in the bath, I was actually doing whatever it took to please the queen—working out with the blood slaves, the other human girls who lived on the property for the benefit and enjoyment of the royal family, and learning how to please vampires so that I could satisfy my future husband. I was being polite and not running away, screaming, though the queen was extremely scary and sometimes I wanted to.

    I was being brave, playing the game. I would see my mother and sister again, and I was going to save them.

    Lady Victoria. The knock on the bathroom door made me jump. Anthony just popped in, Mistress Olivia said. He said he needs you for a little bit. Something about a project?

    Anthony was my friend, and he was also Dominic’s best friend. I knew what project was code for. He wanted me to work on my vanishments.

    I’ll be right out. I drained the water and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself. Duty calls. I would have loved to stay in the bath for the rest of the day, but how was I going to win like that?

    What did you tell Mistress Olivia? Anthony asked as we hustled down the hallway to the stairs.

    I glanced at my friend. This morning he wore tan trousers, a matching vest, and a button-down shirt. His crimson hair was still wet around the edges, and his freckles gleamed prominently against his pale skin. I told her you needed help to organize books in the library, I said.

    He frowned at me. That was dumb.

    What was I supposed to say? That we were going to the dungeons to work on erasing vampire brains?

    "Shut up, Tor. Anthony whipped his head around, making sure no guards or spies had heard my outburst. If we get caught, it’s the stake for me and the pyre for you."

    What do you mean, ‘the pyre’?

    That’s what they do with witches—they burn them.

    I’m no witch, I hissed, as I followed him down the dimly lit stairs to the dungeon.

    He gave me a dirty look over his shoulder, his green eyes narrowing. You’re not exactly normal.

    And you are?

    Let’s argue later. We’ve been putting this off for too long. He zipped down the stairs, his long legs carrying him much faster than I could go in my wretched high heels. We didn’t have much time. Soon, they would look for me to take me to lessons, a workout, or another dress fitting.

    We quickly made it to the bottom. Anthony opened the heavy door, looking both ways before he motioned for me to follow him into the gloomy hall. It was dark down there for a reason. Only prisoners and vampire tombs occupied the castle basement, along with the guards who got stuck with subterranean duty.

    Quietly, we made our way down the hall. Anthony knocked on a door and then held still so he could hear what was happening within.

    Be quiet, you beast! someone scolded inside. There—stay under the bench, or I’ll declaw you myself!

    Anthony cursed. We’re coming in, Fitzy. He opened the door and pulled me through and then immediately closed it behind us.

    "Well, hello there. If it isn’t my favorite visitors. The prisoner smiled at us placidly. He was sitting on a stone bench, chained to the wall behind him. Did you bring me another present?"

    Anthony crossed his arms against his chest. Where is it?

    Where’s what? Fitz asked innocently. With his large, crooked nose, bulging eyes, and thick, wrinkled skin, the prisoner looked just as much like a giant condor as he did a vampire.

    "The bloody cat. I heard you talking to it!"

    Just then, a tentative yowl came from beneath the bench.

    Damn you, Fitz! I brought you that so you could eat it, not domesticate it!

    The cat, a skinny tabby with yellow eyes, came out and stood between the prisoner’s feet. It stared up at Anthony as it rubbed against Fitz’s legs. The prisoner chuckled. They really don’t listen, do they? They do just as they please.

    Apparently, so do you! Anthony went to grab the cat, and it hissed. Don’t spit at me, you mangy beast! I’ll toss you in the moat!

    The cat hissed again, and Fitz frowned at Anthony. Don’t talk to him like that. He has done nothing to you.

    Anthony threw his hands in the air. I thought you liked cat blood—that’s why I risked myself to bring you the cursed thing. Haven’t the guards found it yet?

    The guards never check on me. They’ve left me here to rot, you see. Fitz chuckled and leaned back against the wall. The cat sat down, still staring up at Anthony. That’s why I kept my little friend here. I decided I would rather starve to death than be alone one minute more. Solitary’s a wretched business, I tell you. I’d take a public staking any day. Get it over and done with quickly.

    Anthony just stared at him. So you kept it as a pet.

    Yeah, so I did. Fitz considered him. So why’ve you come back? Brought your mouth-watering witch friend to experiment on me some more?

    That’s right.

    Fitz leaned forward, sniffing in my direction. Never smelled a witch like that before.

    I clenched my hands into fists. "Will you both please stop calling me that? I’m not a witch!"

    The prisoner shrugged and then nodded toward my left hand. That’s some ring. The stone’s about as big as this ginger’s brain, I reckon. Who did you bewitch into giving you a jewel like that?

    I didn’t bewitch anyone—it was a gift. I put my hand behind my back, eager to hide the enormous sapphire-and-diamond engagement ring the prince had given me. Speaking of gifts, I’m glad you like the cat. I don’t think I properly thanked you, Mr. Fitz. I appreciate what you did.

    The last time I’d been in his cell, a guard had surprised us. Fitz hadn’t helped us, exactly, but he hadn’t turned us in, either. I’d managed to vanish the guard’s brain, a trick that only vampires had mastered. The guard had been so confused that I’d convinced him he’d stumbled into my chambers in the middle of the night. He’d left us quickly and without a backward glance. Anthony had promised that his behavior meant that the guard was permanently vanished. He would never remember what had really happened.

    You got that guard pretty confuzzled. Fitz cackled. And it’s a good thing because he was a nasty one. Would’ve taken you right before the queen.

    Enough with the chitchat. Anthony stepped forward and then pointed at the cat. Anthony giveth and Anthony taketh away. So will you help us again, Fitzy? The lady needs to practice her vanishments. It’s not like you’d be sad to not recognize her, right?

    The prisoner shrugged. She didn’t get very far with me last time.

    She’s learning. That vanishment she did on the guard was legitimate—he didn’t know what hit him. So? Are you in?

    I’ll do it on two conditions.

    Anthony crossed his arms. What are they?

    Get the cat some food. Tibby—his name is Tibby. And write that down, in case I forget it. He’s just getting used to it. No sense in going backward. The wizened old vampire turned to me. "Now go and do your magic, witch. If you somehow erased my memory, it would be a blessing. I would probably owe you a cat. Just don’t take mine."

    I won’t, Mr. Fitz. I smiled at him. Now relax, all right? This won’t hurt a bit.



    W hy didn’t it work? I moaned as Anthony helped himself to more than his fair share of the sandwiches Mistress Olivia had prepared.

    I don’t know. He picked a bit of watercress off his bread and scowled. Maybe we should try it on someone else.

    Like who? Are there any other prisoners?

    None safe enough to approach. We could kidnap a guard, I suppose…

    That doesn’t seem like a great idea. If we get caught, the queen will hear about it for sure. It’s too risky.

    He contemplated what remained of his cucumber sandwich. I wish I understood more about how your power worked. The one time it’s stuck, the only time, was when you were threatened.

    Maybe you can have Mr. Fitz yell at me.

    Anthony shook his head. It might have to be real danger. I don’t know.

    I shrugged. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

    He put down his food and stared at me. "Of course it matters. You want to save your mother and sister, right?" Anthony had listened to me talk endlessly about my family’s plight.

    Of course I do. It was the thing I wanted most in the world.

    You want to stop the queen from enslaving all of mankind, don’t you?

    I sighed. Yes.

    What’re you sighing for? We’re talking about humans being trafficked for their blood.

    "I know, I know—but I’m sighing because I’m a human. What am I going to do against Queen Danica, the most powerful vampire alive?"

    Dominic had shared that his mother was one of the oldest vampires in existence. She was almost impossible to destroy; he’d seen her rip stakes out of her heart and live to tell the tale.

    "Something—you’re going to do something. I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. Anthony grabbed a slice of pear from the plate. You have your powers for a reason. I know it. Now we just have to get them to work—and we will."

    "I’m glad you’re so sure. The only thing I’m certain about is that I’ll be summoned any minute. They’ll try to squeeze me into that dress again, then the seamstress will jab me with her wretched needles and suggest I stop eating until the wedding. Then she’ll come at me with a corset. Not my idea of a good time!"

    A knock came at the door. Lady Victoria? It’s time for your fitting, the seamstress called.

    Great. I’ll be right there. I frowned and put down my sandwich. Parting with food was definitely against my better judgment.

    Anthony laughed as I stood up and wiped the crumbs from my gown. Have fun, Tor! I’ll just stay here and finish your lunch.

    You do that. But grumbling wouldn’t do me any good. I headed to the door, determined to meet my afternoon with a positive attitude. I might’ve failed again at my vanishment attempt, but I refused to fail as a bride-to-be. Too much was riding on it.

    Proof that things didn’t improve one hundred percent for women in the future—the seamstress did indeed lace me into a corset.

    It’s just for the fitting—I’m sure you can whittle yourself down a size or two before the ceremony. The vampire seamstress pushed her glasses up on her nose. They’d likely slipped because she was sweating as she tried to wrangle me into the impossible contraption.

    I don’t plan on losing a size or two. I winced as she pulled the laces tighter. For a tiny little thing, she sure had a powerful grip.

    I mean, you could try to drop three sizes, but you haven’t much time… And of course that would require real willpower and commitment. She sighed as she kept cinching as if she didn’t believe I had what it took.

    She was correct, of course. "I’m already committed—to a very rigorous schedule of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Not to mention snacks. I briefly stuck my tongue out, grateful that she couldn’t see my face. And I want to look like myself on my wedding day, thank you very much."

    That’s exactly what I want.

    Dominic! My heart soared. Can you pass a law banning these terrible things, then? I joked. Or issue a decree on the matter?

    My betrothed, Prince Dominic Allard of the kingdom, strode into the room. I just might, he growled.

    In addition to my oxygen supply being cut off by the corset, the sight of him had me breathless. He was very tall and strapping, his muscular chest and broad shoulders encased in a form-fitting black ceremonial tunic. His legs were long, and his thighs, athletic; I could see them bulging beneath his fitted pants. My gaze rose higher, taking in his handsome face. He had a square jaw—which grew taut when he was upset—even features, and an aquiline nose. His close-cropped dark hair framed his face. But my favorite things to stare at were Dom’s eyes. They were a dark, depthless brown, almost black, a color I’d never seen before, framed by a set of heavy black lashes.

    I sighed in contentment. Even the corset couldn’t mar my enjoyment of the view. But the prince’s face twisted with sour disapproval once he got closer. He could see how tight the laces were.

    Get that thing off her.

    Your Highness, please—the undergarment’s just for the fitting. I promise the lady won’t have to wear it for long. The seamstress adjusted her glasses again. And forgive me for saying so, but you’re not supposed to be in here. It’s bad luck to see the bride trying on her dress!

    His nostrils flared. That’s a silly superstition from centuries ago. And that,—he pointed at the corset—is an abomination. Get it off the lady at once!

    She scurried and loosened the laces of the vile device. Yes, Your Highness.

    She removed it, and I took a deep, relieved breath. Then I grinned at the prince. You really are my knight in shining armor, you know that?

    Ha-ha. But he looked pleased. "I prefer to rescue you while you’re still breathing, my lady. Otherwise, we would be in quite the

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