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Christ is Our Natural State of Being
Christ is Our Natural State of Being
Christ is Our Natural State of Being
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Christ is Our Natural State of Being

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The Christ State of Being: According to A Course In Miracles, the Christ is not merely a historical figure (such as Jesus) but a universal state of consciousness. It represents our true identity beyond the limitations of the ego and the physical body. In other words, we are ALL Christ Beings and NOT human beings. The Christ state of being is characterized by love, forgiveness, and oneness with God. It transcends the illusion of separation and recognizes the divine essence in all beings. It's the living expression of Light within us, a recognition that we are interconnected, eternal, and part of a greater whole. Forgiveness and Awakening: ACIM emphasizes forgiveness as a central practice. By forgiving ourselves and others, we release the ego's grip on our minds and open ourselves to the Christ consciousness. When we forgive, we let go of grievances, judgments, and illusions. In this process, we awaken to our true nature, the Christ within us. Forgiveness is not about condoning harmful actions; it's about recognizing that everyone is worthy of love and redemption, regardless of their past behavior. Beyond Human Identity: When we attain perfection in forgiveness, we move beyond the limited perception of being a mere human being. We recognize our divine origin. The Christ within us is not bound by time, space, or physical form. It is eternal, unchanging, and connected to the Source. In this state, we see through the illusion of separateness and experience unity with all creation. Remember that ACIM invites us to practice forgiveness daily, allowing the Christ consciousness to shine through our interactions and perceptions. It's a journey toward awakening, a shift from human identity to divine realization. -Bob


PublisherRobert Hall
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Christ is Our Natural State of Being

Robert Hall

I'm 71 and was fortunate to be raised by a Father and Mother who were old enough to be my grandparents. The subject of God never came up but they taught me a prayer at a very young age, "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to you Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I awake I pray oh Lord my soul to take." Thus a belief in a Higher Power was ingrained. My manuscripts are a compilation of over ten years of writing. If they instill in you a growing peace I'm more than satisfied. Bob

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    Book preview

    Christ is Our Natural State of Being - Robert Hall

    Chapter 1

    The Bible

    Years ago I taught a large adult Sunday School class for over 15 years, thus I am extremely familiar with Biblical doctrine. There are many manuscripts of the Bible. For the New Testament alone, there are about 5,500. If we include lectionaries, which are Bibles arranged in the order they were read in the ancient church rather than in canonical order, then the number grows dramatically. Additionally, there are over 24,000 manuscript copies or portions of the New Testament in various languages including Greek, Latin, and others. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 different authors over approximately 1,500 years. These authors came from diverse backgrounds and wrote in different languages on three different continents.

    The main problem is the original texts of the Bible were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek over hundreds of years and underwent numerous revisions and translations too numerous to list. Thus, many of the writings are simply not true. For example, Romans 9:21 says, Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use?  The potter is a reference to God, the vessel is us. One vessel for special occasions means Heaven. Another for common use means Hell. In other words, if one lives a loving, caring, prayerful life but was made for common use; that person is going to experience agony in an eternal Hell and there is nothing he/she can do about it. This is utterly and completely nonsense. How could the God of Love make such a horrible place and allow one of His/Her children to exist there forever? One woman wrote the Course with no revisions.

    Chapter 2

    Hell and Satan

    The concept of Hell and Satan was simply made up. Centuries ago a council of scholars, on the advice of the Romans, agreed on the concept after Christianity had been declared the empire's religion. This would help keep the ignorant masses in line and be a good reason for them to give money. That worked well, considering the massive wealth of the Catholic Church. In this insane world, we are taught by the ego of God's opposite, Satan. Our ego wants the enemy out there so we don’t look for our true enemy in our own mind. We are taught Satan's greatest gimmick is to trick us to believe he does not exist.  After years of believing he does, I now, after a great deal of study, know he does not. Here is why. In the Bible, we are taught God created the most powerful of all angels, Lucifer. Lucifer was given so much power that he proceeded to attempt to overthrow God. He convinced one-third of the angelic realm to help. They were defeated and thrown into a nightmare God created in the center of the earth. Hell. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan. One-third became demons. Logic dictates that Lucifer never rebelled and maintains his position in Heaven. The terms omnipotent and omnipresent are used to describe two of the divine attributes of God. Omnipotent means all-powerful and refers to the belief that God has supreme power and is not subject to physical limitations like man. Being omnipotent, God has complete authority over wind, water, gravity, and physics. His power is limitless. Omnipresent means  present everywhere and refers to the belief that God is capable of being everywhere at once. This means His divine presence encompasses the whole of the universe, and there is no location where He does not inhabit. Lucifer knows this and completely understands he is a created being. The thought would never even occur to rebel against such total and massive power.

    Foremost, we do not need saving from a non-existent eternal torment. We require saving from our ego. We are all bipolar. Furthermore, we have our right mind, spirit, based on love, and we have our wrong mind, ego, based on fear.  Fear of what?  In the deepest part of our subconscious. God. Once we have consciously accepted the Truth. God Is. Now what? We start school. In this school, we will learn through experience the fruits of our ego: fear, resentment, anger, laziness, hatred, depression, anxiety, worry, jealousy, covetousness, and judgment. Now we will experience the fruits of our spirit: love, appreciation, peace, energy, acceptance, cheerfulness, serenity, calm, thankfulness, contentment, and empathy. A peaceful mind is our natural state and I feel is a great gift from God. There would be no opiate or alcohol problems in this world if everyone remembered this is their eternal nature.

    By perceiving with our right mind, we begin to appreciate the beauty of the animal kingdom and nature. We’ll put others' needs above our own. We give to the poor. Likewise, we always have a helpful attitude. A childlike wonder. We have a growing understanding of this false world matrix insanity and never being upset. We know the right action to take, learning from our mistakes and beginning to understand there are no problems, only circumstances. Likewise, we’re always growing in faith. No more hurting of self but love of self and others. We begin to understand we’re being helped by angels. A growing remembrance of our true Eternal Home in Heaven. No fear of death. Nothing can harm reality, nothing unreal exists, thus experiencing the peace of God. Being healed of our insanity. Knowing our self-made trials are always corrected for our good and the good of others. Understanding God's light is everywhere, thus dispelling our ego's lie of damnation. Realizing the Biblical statement that Judgment is mine, sayeth the Lord. means give all thoughts of judgment to God, Who alone can judge rightly. Believing we will once again enjoy the company of our loved ones who have passed over.

    Jesus said there has been much confusion about his death on the cross. He explained his death means nothing. God did not demand his death for something which does not exist. Sin. Jesus then explains his resurrection means everything. The empty tomb proves death is an illusion. Now you may think, there is no proof of his resurrection. I agree, however, his body has never been found and the reason Easter is still celebrated after 2000 years is because it’s true.  According to the Biblical Archaeology Society, the tomb of Jesus was sealed with a stone. The archaeological evidence suggests that the tomb of Jesus, the unused tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, would have been sealed with a cork-shaped stone. 98% of stones used to close tombs in Jesus’ day were square block stones. These were simple slabs shaped something like a bolt, with one end designed to provide a close fit for the small opening forming the doorway of the tomb. The larger remainder of the stone had a flange, so it would rest against the outside surface of the tomb. Other researchers believe Jesus’s tomb was sealed with a circular stone that slid into a groove. If so, how could 3 women possibly move this?

    You may ask what happens to a Jeffrey Dahmer serial killer at his moment of death. I have read that we all have two or three spiritual advisors, who will show us our life experiences in time, the good, and bad. Then we will be asked a question, Would you prefer to enter back into time? A mass murderer would say, I lived a terrible life and understand all the misery I have caused, especially to the loved ones of victims I slaughtered. I need to return to time as a baby and be tortured and killed to experience the horror. Reincarnation is real to us in our dream and designed for continued learning, the correcting of our mistakes and the eventual achievement of perfection in forgiveness.

    I have explained my understanding of the difference between our right mind and the wrong mind. We can either follow spirit or ego. The whole purpose of The Course is to teach you that the ego is unbelievable and will forever be unbelievable. By accepting the Atonement for yourself, you are deciding against the belief that you can be alone, thus dispelling the idea of separation and affirming your true identification with the entire Kingdom, as it's part of you. This identification is beyond doubt, as it is beyond belief. Your wholeness has no limits because you are Eternal.

    Chapter 3

    The Big Bang

    My Father and Mother were old enough to be my grandparents, Dad was born in 1895. We didn’t attend church and the subject of God was never discussed. However, I was very fortunate to be raised by two who deeply loved one another. As a toddler I was taught a short, simple prayer, "Now I lay me

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