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Under His Command
Under His Command
Under His Command
Ebook56 pages48 minutes

Under His Command

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About this ebook

I thought I'd find a treasure trove of guys in the military to give me plenty of hands-on training, but I was sorely mistaken.
What's a guy with a smart mouth and a problem with authority supposed to do to scratch the itch? Get out there and do something about it, that's what!
What I didn't know was that my fun times were not going unnoticed. When the new, extremely hot--and incredibly alpha--commanding officer takes over my platoon, I'm in for some serious disciplinary action...and I just can't wait.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Under His Command

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    Under His Command - Devin Daniels

    After Don’t ask, don’t tell bit the dust, I thought there would be a lot more guys like me in the military. In reality, things didn’t change that much at all. It was business as usual, and sometimes the same old silence was even more deafening. No one talked about their sexuality or what they did in their private time. No one asked, either. The buddies I’d made and the new recruits I’d met weren’t any different than before. As I walked around the base on patrol duty, watching soldiers come and go, I just didn’t notice anyone quite like me—a guy who was into guys.

    Disappointment seemed to follow me around. I’ve felt that way ever since I was a kid. It wasn’t easy growing up in a boring, small town with a single mother. I was the youngest of five kids, and I got very little attention. Mom had almost no time, and what she did have it, she gave it to my four older sisters. She didn’t seem to care what I did. So I came and went as I pleased, got into trouble, and never had any sort of discipline. It was fun at first, but it grew tiresome after a while.

    I never knew my father. Mom never spoke about him, never told me anything about him. I didn’t know if he left us or she left him. The only thing she had ever said was that they just hadn’t worked out. She didn’t seem angry or bitter about it. To her, it was just a fact of life. I wanted to know more about him, but I also didn’t want to nag her about it. She was just so busy all the time.

    I kept a fantasy alive about my father—right up until this day. I know it was rather stupid, but it gave me some direction. I imagined the reason he and mom couldn’t be together was that he was a soldier stationed far away from us, maybe going on secret missions for the government. He had to hold down a secret life so we’d stay  safe.

    I held onto that even today. It was one of the reasons I had joined the military. Well, that and the lack of suitable guys in town. I knew I needed more direction in my life, so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone? Get more discipline in my life while meeting tons of guys who were willing to give it to me. Problem was, despite my fantasies, that was easier said then done.

    Thank God for weekend leave. I was itching for some fun, but couldn’t find a lick of it on base, so a trip into the city was on the top of my agenda.

    Friday night and I couldn’t wait to get downtown for a bit. I went in alone as I usually did. My buds knew about me, all right, and it didn’t seem to be an issue with them—but, then again, we just didn’t really talk about it. They went their way and I went mine. They were good shits, but I wasn’t interested in watching scantily dressed women shake their stuff in front of my face or try to give me a lap dance. Just didn’t do it for me, and that was okay with my buds. We’d agreed to meet back for breakfast on Sunday morning before returning to base.

    Now, the sailor boy I’d spied through the window of the local gay dive bar did do it for me. Man, did he ever. Thank God for phone apps or I never would have found this place. It was in the middle of fucking nowhere. Smart phones made it so much easier to find what you were looking for. I just couldn’t imagine what it must have been back in the old days.

    My heart was already beating too fast when I walked through the door. Sailor boy played the part well. He wore the entire navy blue jumper and black neckerchief, right down to the little

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