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Married To The Warlock
Married To The Warlock
Married To The Warlock
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Married To The Warlock

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Once upon a time, in a land where magic whispered through the trees and dreams danced on the breeze, there lived a beautiful fairy princess named Madge.  Her shimmering wings sparkled with every hue of the rainbow, and her gentle heart was known to bring life and light to all who crossed her path. Madge's life, however, took an unexpected turn when she met a handsome prince named Thorian.

Their initial meeting was filled with innocent sparks and sweet, shy exchanges. Thorian seemed a bit worn down by life's trials, but Madge saw a potential for renewal in his eyes, a promise of dreams yet to be fulfilled. As they chatted, their connection grew, blossoming into a romance that felt as timeless as the fairy tales of old.

It wasn't long before the couple tied the knot in a secret union. The union of the fairy princess and the prince was seen as a beacon of hope, a symbol of love's enduring power to the couple. But beneath the surface of their fairy-tale romance, shadows began to gather.

Thorian, though outwardly charming, had a darker side that Madge was slow to see. Infatuation turned to boredom as the pressures of royal duty weighed heavily on both of them. Madge tried to breathe life into their relationship, but Thorian's promises remained unfulfilled, and his secret enjoyment of deceiving those he loved slowly came to light.

As the years passed, Madge's bright spirit dimmed. The emotional torture and manipulation she endured from Thorian left her wings battered and her heart heavy with sorrow. Despite her suffering, she found solace in her children.  She had to be careful of the wrath of Thorian whilst raising them, sadly.  

But fate had more trials in store. Thorian, now a bitter and vengeful warlock, blamed Madge and her friends for all of his perceived misfortunes. His heart twisted by jealousy and anger, he used their only daughter, the innocent and kind-hearted Lyra, as a pawn in his cruel games. His actions alienated Madge from everyone she loved, forcing her into a lonely battle against his dark machinations.

Madge faced a crucial choice: to let bitterness and resentment consume her or to rise above the darkness and let her spirit soar once more. Just when all seemed lost, a knight named Alaric appeared, a man driven by a desire for redemption and a heart filled with courage. Alaric saw the light within Madge and was determined to help her mend her broken wings.

With Alaric's support, Madge found the strength to confront Thorian. The warlock, consumed by his own hatred, plotted to become a warlord and unleash chaos upon the land. But fate had other plans. In his pursuit of power, Thorian's own magic turned against him. What happens next proves that the fairy queen, Madge, deserved to rule Humania from the very beginning



PublisherJodi Chow
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Married To The Warlock

Jodi Chow

Jodi lives in the PNW with her husband and her daughter.  They have two doggos, and they enjoy spending time outdoors.   Jodi earned her Master's Degree from Southern Nazarene University, and now writes full time thanks to Bitcoin.  

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    Married To The Warlock - Jodi Chow

    Married To The Warlock

    By: Jodi Chow

    Imagine marrying a cute and cuddly bear-cub like Chewbacca and slowly, he ruins himself into the world’s most vile creature. This novel covers issues of domestic violence and may trigger some readers.  

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Married To The Warlock

    The Fairy & The Prince

    Love’s Unlikely Companions

    Doomed Dragon Lovers

    Adventure Sweet Adventure

    Squelching A Rebellion

    The Dragon King’s Realm

    A Modern Reign

    Thorian’s Rule

    Becoming Fae

    Once upon a time, in a land where magic whispered through the trees and dreams danced on the breeze, there lived a beautiful fairy Princess named Madge.  Her shimmering wings sparkled with every hue of the rainbow, and her gentle heart was known to bring life and light to all who crossed her path. Madge's life, however, took an unexpected turn when she met a handsome prince named Thorian.

    Their initial meeting was filled with innocent sparks and sweet, shy exchanges. Thorian seemed a bit worn down by life's trials, but Madge saw a potential for renewal in his eyes, a promise of dreams yet to be fulfilled. As they chatted, their connection grew, blossoming into a romance that felt as timeless as the fairy tales of old.

    It wasn't long before the couple tied the knot in a secret union. The union of the fairy princess and the prince was seen as a beacon of hope, a symbol of love's enduring power to the couple. But beneath the surface of their fairy-tale romance, shadows began to gather.

    Thorian, though outwardly charming, had a darker side that Madge was slow to see. Infatuation turned to boredom as the pressures of royal duty weighed heavily on both of them. Madge tried to breathe life into their relationship, but Thorian's promises remained unfulfilled, and his secret enjoyment of deceiving those he loved slowly came to light.

    As the years passed, Madge's bright spirit dimmed. The emotional torture and manipulation she endured from Thorian left her wings battered and her heart heavy with sorrow. Despite her suffering, she found solace in her children.  She had to be careful of the wrath of Thorian whilst raising them, sadly. 

    But fate had more trials in store. Thorian, now a bitter and vengeful warlock, blamed Madge and her friends for all of his perceived misfortunes. His heart twisted by jealousy and anger, he used their only daughter, the innocent and kind-hearted Lyra, as a pawn in his cruel games. His actions alienated Madge from everyone she loved, forcing her into a lonely battle against his dark machinations.

    Madge faced a crucial choice: to let bitterness and resentment consume her or to rise above the darkness and let her spirit soar once more. Just when all seemed lost, a knight named Alaric appeared, a man driven by a desire for redemption and a heart filled with courage. Alaric saw the light within Madge and was determined to help her mend her broken wings.

    With Alaric's support, Madge found the strength to confront Thorian. The warlock, consumed by his own hatred, plotted to become a warlord and unleash chaos upon the land. But fate had other plans. In his pursuit of power, Thorian's own magic turned against him. What happens next proves that the fairy Queen, Madge, deserved to rule Humania from the very beginning.

    The Fairy & The Prince

    IN THE HEART OF THE Flurry Kingdom, where the air was always sweet and the sky painted in hues of perpetual dawn, lived a fairy with vibrant red hair and wings that shimmered like the finest crystal. Her name was Madge, the naive yet kind-hearted daughter of the graceful Fairy King, who had ruled the kingdom with wisdom and grace for over a century.

    The Flurry Kingdom was a place of eternal happiness and safety, a realm where worries seemed to vanish with the morning dew and where every heart was light.

    I know what you must be thinking... Trolls live here, right?  Madge interrupts.

    Scoffing, Madge glides down Fairy Mountain.  It is the Kingdom’s largest manmade hill covered in wildflowers.  As she bounces down the side effortlessly, she chimes in again, This is the land of milk and honey, loves.  Nothing gets in here but the very best. The village fairies greet her with joyous waves and bright smiles. The air was filled with the gentle hum of wings and the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

    Good morning, Princess Madge! called out a fairy with a basket of fresh produce. Her wings fluttered gently as she floated down to land softly beside Madge. The markets are bustling today. Would you care to see the new fruits we’ve harvested?

    Of course, Lila, Madge replied with a warm smile. Lead the way.

    As they walked through the cobblestone streets, the sights and sounds of village life surrounded them. Fairy children played in the meadows, their laughter ringing through the air like a melodious song. Some chased each other in games of tag, their tiny wings creating a colorful blur as they zoomed about. Others gathered around an ancient tree, listening intently as an elder fairy spun tales of magic and adventure.

    Madge’s eyes sparkled with delight as she watched a fairy mother teaching her daughter to do laundry by the river. They dipped delicate garments into the clear, flowing water and scrubbed them with lavender-scented soap. The little fairy giggled as bubbles floated up and popped in the air, while her mother smiled tenderly, guiding her small hands.

    Further down the path, a group of fairies were busy shopping at the market stalls. Vibrant fabrics, fragrant spices, and handwoven baskets were displayed with pride. A fairy tailor showcased his latest creations, dresses and tunics adorned with intricate beadwork and colorful threads. Nearby, a baker handed out samples of his freshly baked bread, the aroma of warm crust and herbs tantalizing the senses.

    As Madge approached, the fairies bowed respectfully. Your Highness, would you like to try a piece? the baker offered, holding out a slice of bread topped with honey and berries.

    Thank you, Gregor, she said, accepting the treat with a nod. The bread was soft and sweet, a perfect blend of flavors that made her smile with satisfaction.

    The villagers were not the only ones drawn to Madge’s presence. A group of male suitor fairies hovered nearby, their eyes filled with admiration. They followed her at a respectful distance, each hoping for a chance to speak with the Honorable Princess. One, a dashing fairy named Aiden, finally mustered the courage to approach.

    Princess Madge, he began, bowing deeply. It is an honor to walk in your company. Might I have the pleasure of showing you the new garden we’ve planted by the brook?

    Madge regarded him kindly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. I would love to see it, Aiden, she replied. Lead the way.

    As they strolled towards the garden, Madge felt a deep sense of contentment. Flurry Kingdom was not only her home but also a place of warmth, joy, and unending wonder. The villagers’ laughter, the vibrant markets, and the serene beauty of the land filled her heart with pride and happiness.

    When they reached the garden, she gasped in delight. Flowers of every color bloomed in carefully arranged patterns, their petals glistening with dew. Butterflies flitted among the blossoms, adding to the scene’s enchantment. Aiden watched her reaction with a smile, his heart swelling with pride.

    It’s beautiful, she whispered, turning to him. Thank you for sharing this with me.

    It is our pleasure to serve you, Princess, Aiden replied, bowing once more.

    As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the kingdom, Madge knew she was truly blessed. Surrounded by loyal friends and a land of unparalleled beauty, she felt a deep sense of gratitude and love for her kingdom and its people. Flurry Kingdom was her home, and she vowed to cherish and protect it always.

    The trees in Flurry Kingdom stand tall and proud, their leaves a sparkling green, adorned with blossoms that sing gentle lullabies. Rivers of crystal-clear water wind through the land, their banks lined with flowers that bloom in an endless array of colors. The air, filled with the melodious chirping birds and the laughter of fairies, creates a symphony.  Madge cannot conceptualize a world more grand and fair than the one her father rules. 

    To top it off, Madge is the jewel of the kingdom, her presence is always a beacon of joy and light. She rose with the sun, her wings catching the first light of day and casting a dazzling display of colors that danced across the walls of her room. Her delicate wings, shimmering with iridescent hues, resembled the most exquisite stained glass windows, and the gentle flutter of her wings filled the air with a soft, melodious hum.

    Her morning began with a visit to her father, the Fairy King, whose eyes would sparkle with pride and happiness at the sight of his beloved daughter. The Fairy King's throne room, adorned with flowers and vines that seemed to come alive at Madge's approach, transformed into a vibrant, living garden in her presence. Every petal and leaf reached out, basking in her radiant glow.

    Good morning, Father, she would greet him, her voice as sweet as the tinkling of bells. The melody of her greeting echoed throughout the hall, causing the flowers to bloom even brighter and the birds to sing in a harmonious chorus.

    Good morning, my precious Madge, the King would reply, his worries momentarily forgotten in her presence. His regal demeanor softened as he reached out to gently touch her cheek, his heart swelling with a deep, abiding love for his daughter. In those moments, the weight of the Kingdom's responsibilities lifted from his shoulders, replaced by the pure, unadulterated joy that Madge's presence brought.

    Madge's daily visits were a cherished ritual, a sacred bond between father and daughter that reinforced the harmony and happiness of their realm. The Kingdom flourished under her influence, her innate goodness and light infusing every corner with hope and prosperity. The Fairy King often marveled at how his daughter, with her simple acts of kindness and her unwavering spirit, could inspire such profound change.

    As Madge flitted about her father's throne room, her laughter like the sweetest music, the Fairy King couldn't help but feel that with Madge by his side, the Kingdom would forever remain a place of joy and light.

    Madge's daily life was a whirl of social engagements and activities. She was a social butterfly, flitting from one gathering to another, spreading joy and laughter wherever she went. Each morning, she would rise early, her wings catching the first light of day, and after her cherished visit with her father, she would venture out into the Kingdom.

    In the meadows, she joined other fairies in playful games and the weaving of intricate garlands from the freshest, most vibrant flowers. Her laughter rang out, a melodic blend with the songs of birds and the rustle of leaves, creating a symphony that celebrated the simple pleasures of life. The meadows, with their dew-kissed grasses and blooming wildflowers, became a playground where Madge's radiant presence made every moment magical.

    When the sun climbed higher, Madge would lead her friends in delightful dances, their wings fluttering in unison, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that dazzled anyone fortunate enough to witness the spectacle. Her grace and charm were unmatched, and she had a way of making every fairy feel special and valued.

    As the day progressed, Madge, covered in glittering fairy dust, would visit the various villages within the Kingdom. She loved spending time with the villagers, listening to their stories and sharing in their happiness. Her favorite place was the village square, where the elders would recount tales of old, their eyes twinkling with memories of times gone by. Madge would sit among them, her wings folded neatly behind her, her red hair glowing in the sunlight.

    In the afternoons, she often visited the enchanted forest at the edge of the Kingdom. The forest was a place of magic and mystery, where the trees whispered secrets and the animals spoke in riddles. Here, Madge would practice her fairy magic, her fingers weaving intricate spells that caused flowers to bloom and animals to dance. She was a natural, her magic a reflection of her pure heart and kind spirit.

    Evenings in the Flurry Kingdom were a time of celebration. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fairies would gather in the grand hall of the fairy palace, where feasts were laid out and music filled the air. Madge, with her shimmering wings and radiant smile, was always the center of attention. She would dance and sing, her voice a soothing balm that eased the worries of those around her.

    Despite her busy days, Madge always found time for her father. The Fairy King, though wise and strong, carried a burden of sorrow that only his daughter could lighten. She would sit by his side, holding his hand and speaking words of comfort and hope.

    "Father, the Kingdom is thriving. Your people are happy, and

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