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The Other Side Of God
The Other Side Of God
The Other Side Of God
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The Other Side Of God

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As a spiritual Christian, I consecrated regularly to get closer to GOD. Somehow, I took a wrong turn and drew closer to CREATOR and the Spiritual Realm instead.

One day, I felt a slight presence engaging me, and so I turned aside from my religious beliefs to investigate this presence.

As I drew closer, I recognized that it was that spiritual entity that was guiding me as a teen into Spirituality. I was distressed, and wondered: hey, why are we all present here together? I said to GOD, "We have a serious problem." 

I had to return to the church world, but I could not dismiss what I had encountered.
Because of my inquisitiveness, I had destroyed the very fabric of my spiritual religious faith. I had committed religious suicide! I drew closer to God because I sensed there was more to God. As a result, religion was eradicated and my religious family became distant as though they knew my secret. 

The Spirit of Africa was present within me, and I was becoming what I was sent here to be. My identity had been sealed, I was fading into the other side of God, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Other Side Of God

Amaziah S. Mostafa

About The Author Amaziah Mostafa is the author of the book “My Walk With GOD Gateway To FREEDOM Journey.” Amaziah is a college graduate and considered a professional student who spent over 20 years in higher education in-search-of that special educational calling that many have found, but he never received that calling. He found his love in service to others as a tactical instructor, teacher, youth pastor, pastor of a ministry, fitness coach, behavior interventionist, crisis behavior intervention trainer, and spiritual teacher. Amaziah was connected to GOD as a young kid and became a devout Christian and bible teacher for over 30 years. Strangely, the calling that was calling him was Spirituality, not Christianity. Spirituality was that very calling that was there all the time, causing him to be slightly above the norm in his spiritual connection to GOD. This connection to GOD was not considered normal and therefore was not fully appreciated by the Christian church. Amaziah would guard his relationship with GOD and keep his testimonies a secret to fit in. Amaziah was guided into the path of African spirituality one night in December 2017, with an outburst of: “You mean to tell me that there is no way for me to know…?” This “spirit” led Amaziah into a study of his past to bring him into his identity. Amaziah spent the next two years being directed by GOD into spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. Amaziah realized that his walk with GOD and the path of the Christian Church were not the same. One morning while worshipping GOD outside in the beauty of Creation, he heard that familiar voice that he had come to appreciate so say, “You will have to leave the Church.” Two years later, the appointed time had come for Amaziah to leave the Church.  Shortly after resigning from the Church organization, Amaziah became initiated into Spirituality as an African Elder at which time he was immediately connected to the Spiritual Realm and became a spiritualist. He received information, knowledge, and understanding unknown to him from the Spiritual Realm daily. He started on the path of Spirituality- Walking with the CREATOR. For more information on my journey, or starting your walk, and for speaking engagements, contact me at

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    The Other Side Of God - Amaziah S. Mostafa



    Amaziah S. Mostafa

    Copyright 2024 by Amaziah S. Mostafa

    Inspired Books / African & American Ministry Body Mind Spirit

    All Rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Title: The Other Side Of God

    Author: Amaziah S. Mostafa


    -I dedicate this book to black Africans on the African continent and in the African diaspora.

    -I dedicate this book to African enslaved people by European enslavement, colonization, brainwashing, conditioning, religious systems of bondage, westernization, and African identity theft. 

    -I dedicate this book to those of us who want to be set free from what has happened to us through psychological traumas and the use of the European bondage of religious systems.

    -I dedicate this book to those of us who seek freedom from the European spell and dome of religious bondage, and to those who seek to return home to the other side of god, back to our CREATOR, our cultures, and our spiritual knowledge systems.

    -I dedicate this book to those who need guidance to liberation.

    -I dedicate this book to my Christian Pentecostal brothers and sisters. I will tell the truth and shame the European devil here, henceforth and for the rest of my appointed time to do so in this dimension.


    -I want to acknowledge my divine help, guidance, and inspiration for another book. I would not have done this without your channeled information to my Ori.

    -To the Supreme Being / CREATOR- OLODUMARE; Osenobulua; Nyambe; Ngewo; Nyuy; Nyame; Chukwu.

    -To the Spiritual Authorities that have been set in place to govern the dimensions and all that has been assigned to you- I acknowledge you.

    -To the Spiritual Realm, the Physical Realm, the Spiritual Universe, the Spiritual World, the Ancestral Realm- I acknowledge you.

    -To my Ori, to Agwu, Okike, Ala, Odidid, Anyanwu, Onwa, Oku, Mmiri, Uwa, Ikuku- I acknowledge you.

    -To the governmental energies of Creation: Eke, Orie, Afor, Nkwo- I acknowledge you.

    -I acknowledge- my Great Mother: Ala- Alkebulan: I bow in humble submission and reverence at your remembrance and in your grand presence.

    -To this great body before which I stand facing- Osimiri- Ethiopia Ocean- I bow in humble submission and acknowledgment of you.

    -To the Gods of our African lands and Kingdoms- I acknowledge you.

    -To the Oyo Kingdom and the Benin Kingdom from where I derived- I give honor and acknowledge my tribal families.

    -To the spiritual energies and the ancestral beings that guide and interact with us as African people- I acknowledge you.  


    -W ARNING: Buyer beware before purchasing and reading this book.

    -The content of this book is specifically geared toward black African people on the African continent and in the African diaspora. It is not for any other ethnic group.

    -This book is for mature African audiences and may not be suitable for younger readers.

    -Some content in this book may be offensive to religiously enslaved and colonized brothers and sisters.

    -The content in this book is most likely to be offensive to Christian communities.

    -Please note that attention will be given to the wickedness of Christianity from the place of Authenticity. The content in this book about the enslavement of Christianity is not about my opinions. If you have an issue with the content, connect with CREATOR.

    -Be careful little wicked eyes what you read: I don't want you to lose your eyesight. This material is for Melanin-dominant African people only. I'm not dropping secrets here for you to steal.  


    After Liberation - Then What? This is a good noteworthy question indeed. How Do We Live Beyond European Enslavement and Religious Bondage? In the next few years, many of us African people will be leaving the European plantation of religious bondage and white worship. That is merely step one. But what will we do after religious enslavement? Can you imagine your life after being set free by CREATOR from the European enslavement religion of bondage? Yes, this is deep like that. In being free; how will you be? How will you do? How will you go? Ah, it gets deeper. I can tell you from personal experience it is difficult as all get out! I struggled and I had a Spiritual Alliance constantly directing me.

    After receiving some religious freedom information: My wife's question to me one evening was: are we supposed to study the bible, read the bible, or live the bible? This question denotes a person’s brain struggle with letting go of faulty information and brainwashing. So I didn’t answer the question; I moved our conversation forward towards something different. There are times indeed to answer such a question, but at other times, we should let the person reason through to reach their conclusion for the best results. However, I did address and answer her questions in detail later, and also in this book.

    In my previous book, African Liberation & Spirituality Our Chains Are Gone I addressed breaking the chains of religious enslavement to walk in spiritual freedom. In the Other Side of God, I point out that there is another side beyond the religious bondage of enslavement. This other side of the European religious system of bondage is - CREATOR and the Spiritual Realm. These two immutable essences of existence are eternal freedoms and bliss beyond your comprehension. It is freedom and bliss to the highest level in your spiritual-physical form. Do you want to know something that will make you fired up and angry? This freedom is what the colonizers and enslavers took from you and replaced it with their religion of bondage.

    So, how do we live free after nearly two centuries of the European religious system of enslavement? It dawned on me one day that after we are free many of us don't know what to do without being in bondage any longer. We see the same situation for those of us serving long prison sentences. When we are set free from that institution of bondage, we struggle to live in society after so many years of incarceration. Therefore, I must give us something to facilitate the path of our lives in true Freedom.

    As African people, our Spiritual connection with CREATOR and Creation is pivotal to those of us who are spiritual. So then, how do we walk in this new freedom? We do so by being spiritually led. This doesn't mean connecting with other African diaspora groups or communities. That is okay to some degree if you are predominantly religious. The Supreme Being didn't send us into this Physical Realm in groups. Therefore, we have to walk out our lives following the leading of the CREATOR to carry out our purpose and assignment in this dimension.

    The process of being spiritually led is challenging. We have to trust the leading of the Spiritual and walk accordingly. This is the best and safest method if you don't know your true African family identity. Knowing our family ethnicity or tribal group is of great importance to us as African-enslaved people because the codes for our path are already laid out for us. Knowing this information will connect you to your culture, customs, traditions, spirituality, and your God(s). This gives you the framework through which to walk in your authentic identity and to carry out your divine purpose and assignment.

    Please note that you can religiously connect with another's ancestral Gods, but they are not yours and it will not serve you well because you will be on a different ethnic frequency. You need your own through your ancestor's lineage or yours through marriage (the patriarchal cultural practice). However, we want to at all cost to stay away from religion. This isn’t necessarily saying that all of them are wicked. There are indeed some great religions out there, but they are the religions of a specific ethnic group and are not unique to your spiritual energy.

    So then, is there any great harm in being a part of another ethnic group’s religion? Connecting to foreign religions diminishes your authentic African spiritual being. It causes you to be disconnected and separated from your created African identity and your spiritual self. This is what causes us to be a tree without roots. The success of your life in this physical dimension is linked to the ancestral lineage you came into this dimension through. So it is vitally important that you know this information.

    Now let me point our attention to the enslavement terms of Christianity for a moment. The titles of Lord, God our Father, Him, or LORD God are terms of enslavement. Lord = master like that of the enslavement plantation and servitude. The Supreme Being is not our master nor is it a man; it is our creator, source, spiritual essence, and our innermost being of existence. So what is that about in the Christian book? These are terms of enslavement pointing to our spiritual allegiance to European men. We serve human lords or masters. We don't serve the Supreme Being. The CREATOR doesn't need our services. These terms are not inspired by any of our African deities nor by the CREATOR, but rather they were placed in the text by European man to birth subservience from others to themselves. We came here to carry out an assigned purpose that only we are fit to do. We, in our physical form, serve our spiritual self (our Chi), our tribes, and in some regard- humanity.

    This book, The Other Side Of God points us to the fact that there is life on the other side of the spell of the European religious system of our enslavement. We discover that beyond God is CREATOR and the Spiritual Realm. This book sets us on the path of how to live our life beyond the chains of the European religion of bondage. I mention in this book our spiritual lives beyond the confines of this physical manmade system of governance that keeps us in ignorance of who we are and why we are here. This system is designed to separate us from our higher spiritual self and therefore, keep us in shackles of enslavement. The book deals with a key component of our existence which is SPIRITUALITY. In comparison to religions, Spirituality predates and exceeds all forms of religion, and it is the authority above all things contaminated by European man.

    The book on African Liberation & Spirituality Our Chains Are Gone, deals with the practicality of the physical, mental, and spiritual parts of African liberation. Wherein The Other Side Of GOD deals with the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects tied to the physical components of African liberation and how we walk in freedom from the chains of slavery. We were enslaved physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, our freedom and liberation must also be physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The largest part of liberation for us as African people is to know the truth of what has been done to us. It is said in the Christian bible: The truth shall make you free. If we do not know the truth of our past and what has happened to us we will remain in bondage.

    The character of God, Lord, and Father have been pushed in front of our faces through the tool known as the holy bible along with the misleading concepts of eternal life, heaven, and hell. These characters and concepts have skewered our view as African people from seeing what is beyond that leaving us with the notion that they are relevant and of the greatest importance in the Spiritual Universe. But, there is another side that we will explore in this book as the other side of God. And this side shows us that there is so much more to life on a spiritual level than we have or can imagine. The Other Side of God shows that there is far more connected to us in the Spiritual spaces than what we have been indoctrinated to believe. There is a different life than what the Europeans through their lies and propaganda have slipped into our tea.

    So now, let us venture together on a great voyage into The Other Side Of God and see what has been hidden from us to keep us as perpetual slaves without knowing it. Ah, you should know that I don’t plan to play fair in this one because our enemies have sought to destroy us in so many ways that we are ignorant of. My goal in this book is to give solutions to the problems and not just address that there is a problem. So with that, let’s do this.


    In this walk in life , the one thing I have noticed is that everyone has a story. We are all on a journey, from our birth until our transition from this physical dimension. I always like to begin my books with my journey so people can see they are not alone. I don’t write from the place of being the one who knows everything there is to know. I write from a place to be inclusive with you in your journey because I too had a journey. In this chapter, I will share some of my life and my spiritual journey with you. So grab some tissues as you laugh to tears and maybe even weep in sorrow as we journey together.

    *Farewell To Christianity April 14, 2019  

    I was going about my life beyond the clouds, living my best Christian life, when something spiritually shifted. In January 2018, following the December 2017 exclamation from my spiritual self, I started my quest to know my African truth and identity. I began a study of the European slave trade (Christian slave trade) in West Africa and found the place where many of our feet last stood before being forcibly taken away from our Homeland. After watching a documentary on the Atlantic slave trade (European-Christian slave trade), there was a painful ancestry cry in my spirit: I’ve got to go Home! (I gotta go Home!) In February 2018, Mother Africa called out to me to remember who I was, and to come home to her. In the days following, OLODUMARE began to reveal to me the truth, and the destruction of my false ego life began to disintegrate as my African identity emerged.

    In March 2018, during

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