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I Loved You Like That!: 3, #3
I Loved You Like That!: 3, #3
I Loved You Like That!: 3, #3
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I Loved You Like That!: 3, #3

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"Where every Season is a chapter of the heart."


Read the evolving love story of two souls against the backdrop of nature's ever-changing canvas. Sognia and Charles navigate the joys and challenges of their relationship, discovering the profound depths of love, growth, and resilience. This timeless narrative celebrates the beauty of the natural world and its reflection in the human heart, making it a compelling read for anyone who has loved, lost, and loved again.


Our lovers embark on a timeless exploration of love's enduring cycle. Set to the rhythm of the changing Seasons, this mesmerizing tale captures the essence of human connection, weaving together moments of joy, sorrow, growth, and renewal.


First whispers of spring through to the reflective quiet of winter, Sognia and Charles's journey is a testament to the power of love to endure through change.  -- With a cast of characters that enrich their story with wisdom, humor, and insight, they navigate the challenges that life throws their way, finding strength in their bond and the beauty of the world around them.


Incorporating poetic interludes, philosophical reflections, and a rich tapestry of cultural and artistic references, "Seasons of the Heart" I Loved You Like That" invites you to lose yourselves in a story that echoes the complexities of love and life itself.  -- It doesn't just tell a tale of two hearts but speaks to the soul, offering a reminder of the transformative power of love through the Seasons of existence.


Step into a world where the beauty of nature mirrors the depth of human emotion and discover a story that will captivate your heart and linger long after the last page is turned.


"Seasons of the Heart – I Loved You Like That" is more than just a novel—it's an experience, a journey, and a celebration of love's eternal Season.

PublisherMGM Meddis
Release dateJun 25, 2024
I Loved You Like That!: 3, #3

MGM Meddis

Watch for her releases and dive into the world she creates at  MGM Meddis journey is a reminder of the power of following one's passion and the transformative magic of of literature. 

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    Book preview

    I Loved You Like That! - MGM Meddis

    I Loved You Like That!

    Autumn, Grateful Hearts.

    MGM Meddis

    Volume 3

    Copyright Page

    This book is a work of creative fiction. The stories, reflections, and poems within are inspired by interviews, research, and some personal experiences. To protect privacy, names, locations, and identifying details have been changed or generalized. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Copyrighted Material. All Rights reserved.

    Copyright © 2024 MGM Meddis

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express writer permission of the author and or publisher. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Dedication Page:

    To those who find love in the changing skies and the turning of the earth,

    To the wanderers of paths both green and gold, who see the world in the hues of their emotions,

    To the dreamers, who believe in the enduring power of love through cycles of growth and renewal,

    And to you, the reader, who steps into this journey with us, finding reflections of your own story within these pages.

    May you always find warmth in the winter, renewal in the spring, joy in the summer, and reflection in the autumn.

    This book is dedicated to the enduring spirit of love, in all its forms and seasons.

    Remembering ALL the loves of my life.

    And the ones who’ve loved me back.


    n the quiet reflection of twilight, where memories dance in the hushed glow of fading light, there lies a sacred space to honor the loves of one's life.

    This contemplation is not just an ode to those who have walked the paths of our hearts, but also a tribute to the intricate dance of love itself—a force that shapes us, breaks us, and, in its purest form, heals us.

    To remember all the loves of one's life is to trace the map of one's journey through joy and sorrow, through seasons of abundance and times of want.

    Each love, a brushstroke on the canvas of our existence, colors our world in hues of passion, friendship, longing, and sometimes, loss.

    These loves, whether they blossomed in the warmth of reciprocation or withered in the silence of unrequited dreams, have left indelible marks upon our souls, teaching us lessons that only the heart can understand.

    And for those who’ve loved us back, their return of affection has been a mirror reflecting the best and sometimes the hardest parts of ourselves.

    These relationships, built on the foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and care, are the cornerstones of our emotional edifice.

    They remind us of our capacity for connection, for empathy, and for the profound joy that comes from truly being seen and understood.

    In remembering these loves, we must also acknowledge the role of time—how it softens the edges of old wounds, brings into focus the beauty of what was, and grants us the wisdom to appreciate the mosaic of experiences that define our emotional legacy.

    It is a process of acknowledging every scar, every smile, and every tear as integral chapters of our life's story.

    To honor these loves is to recognize the transient nature of existence, where every hello carries the whisper of a goodbye, where every touch, every word, and every shared glance becomes a precious memory stored in the heart's eternal vault.

    It is to understand that while the act of loving can render us vulnerable, it is also our greatest strength, for in the capacity to love, we find our humanity, our purpose, and our connection to the infinite.

    So, here's to remembering all the loves of our lives and the ones who’ve loved us back—with gratitude, with reverence, and with the understanding that, in the end, love is what weaves the most profound magic into our lives.

    It is the legacy we leave, the treasure we carry, and the light that guides us home.



    n the unfolding tapestry of life, where each thread vibrates with the colors of emotion and experience, there lies a timeless narrative—a story of love that ebbs and flows with the rhythm of the seasons. I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT!  Autumn, Grateful Hearts.: I Loved You Like That -- The Journey of Sognia and Charles invites you on a voyage through the vibrant landscape of human connection, where every leaf that falls, every snowflake that kisses the ground, every blossom that unfurls, and every sunbeam that caresses the skin tells a story of love's enduring dance.

    This is not just a tale of two hearts finding their melody in the symphony of life; it is a reflection of the universal journey of love, with its trials and triumphs, its moments of doubt and declarations of devotion.

    Set against the backdrop of the ever-changing seasons, Sognia and Charles’s story unfolds, a testament to the belief that love, in all its forms, is the most profound and complex of life’s experiences.

    Through whispered promises under the canopy of stars, through laughter shared in the golden warmth of summer, through the silent understanding in the crispness of autumn air, and the comfort found in each other's arms amidst winter's chill, their story weaves a narrative that resonates with the soul’s yearning for connection, for growth, for a love that is both a shelter and a journey.

    As you turn these pages, you are invited not just to observe but to feel—to find echoes of your own experiences in the spaces between words, in the silent moments of reflection, and in the joyous leaps of the heart.

    Here, within the heart of this story, may you find a mirror to your own love stories, past, present, or yet to be written.

    So, let us embark on this journey together, through the pages of I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT!  Autumn, Grateful Hearts., I Loved You Like That where the beauty of the natural world entwines with the intricate dance of human emotions, where every season brings its own melody, and every heart finds its echo in the harmony of love’s eternal song.

    Welcome to a story that, like the seasons themselves, promises to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of your heart.

    At the Beginning: Whispers of Dawn

    In the quiet hush before dawn's light,

    Where shadows blend and take their flight,

    There lies a whisper, soft and clear,

    Of two hearts meeting, drawing near.

    In the symphony of the waking day,

    Amidst the hues of morning's gray,

    A melody of love begins to play,

    A dance of souls, in light's array.

    Love, like the dawn, is quiet, then bold,

    A story in the sunlight, waiting to be told.

    With each breath, each beat, a tale unfolds,

    Of warmth in the cold,

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