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I Loved You Like That!: 2, #2
I Loved You Like That!: 2, #2
I Loved You Like That!: 2, #2
Ebook170 pages1 hour

I Loved You Like That!: 2, #2

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"I Loved You Like That! - A Summer's Journey"

Where every heart finds its summer, and every summer, its story.


In the warmth of a summer that promised infinity, Sognia and Charles discovered something eternal each other. We invite you into their world, a tapestry woven with the golden threads of love and the shaded hues of personal growth.


As the season progresses, the lovers bond deepens, tested by time, and tempered by the elements. From the exhilaration of newfound connection to the introspection brought on by balmy nights under star-studded skies, their story is a testament to love's power to evolve.


Set against the backdrop of a season that echoes the cycle of life itself, this narrative explores the depth of human emotion and the indomitable spirit of two people determined to grow together and apart.


Interwoven with interactive elements that bring the story off the pages and into the heart, "I Loved You Like That!" is not just a book to be read but an experience to be lived.


Will Sognia and Charles's love endure the inevitable shift of seasons, or will the changing tides bring with them a new direction? Join them on their journey, and discover the enduring beauty of a love that, like summer itself, is meant to be felt, cherished, and remembered.


PublisherMGM Meddis
Release dateJun 25, 2024
I Loved You Like That!: 2, #2

MGM Meddis

Watch for her releases and dive into the world she creates at  MGM Meddis journey is a reminder of the power of following one's passion and the transformative magic of of literature. 

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    Book preview

    I Loved You Like That! - MGM Meddis

    I Loved You Like That!

    A Summer’s Journey

    MGM Meddis

    Volume 2

    Copyright Page

    This book is a work of creative fiction. The stories, reflections, and poems within are inspired by interviews, research, and some personal experiences. To protect privacy, names, locations, and identifying details have been changed or generalized. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Copyrighted Material. All Rights reserved.

    Copyright © 2024 MGM Meddis

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express writer permission of the author and or publisher. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Dedication Page

    To those who have dared to love, to dream, and to grow under the vast canopy of the summer sky. To the dreamers, the artists, the adventurers—may you always find the courage to chase the horizon and the strength to weather the storms.

    This book is dedicated to the enduring spirit of love in all its forms.

    To the love that nurtures, challenges, and transforms us.

    To the love that endures beyond the fleeting moments of joy and the shadows of doubt. May you find a reflection of your own heart within these pages.

    And to you, the reader, who embarks on this journey with us. May you discover within these stories not just the warmth of summer’s embrace but the light to guide you through your own I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT! A Summer’s Journey.

    With gratitude and love,

    MGM Meddis



    elcome to the threshold of a journey that unfolds beneath the boundless sky of summer, where the heart ventures into realms both luminous and shadowed. I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT! A Summer’s Journey: A Summer's Journey is more than a narrative; it's a voyage into the essence of what it means to love, to lose, and to find oneself anew in the embrace of another soul.

    In the heart of this odyssey are Sognia and Charles—two spirits drawn together by the serendipitous magic of summer. Their tale is one of discovery, set against the backdrop of sun-drenched days and starlit nights, where every moment is ripe with potential, and every whisper of the wind speaks of possibility.

    This book is an invitation to walk with them through meadows flush with life, under canopies of stars that have witnessed a thousand loves bloom and fade, and along paths where the shadows of past hurts and the light of future hopes dance in harmony. It’s an exploration of love in its myriad forms as vast as the summer sky and as intimate as the warmth in a shared glance.

    But beyond the pages of Sognia and Charles’s story lies an invitation to you, the reader, to reflect on your own I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT! A Summer’s Journey. To find, amidst their joys and trials, echoes of your own experiences and dreams. To remember that, like the cycles of the earth, the heart too has its seasons each with its own beauty, each with its own lessons to impart.

    So, as you turn these pages, may you lose yourself in the warmth of I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT! A Summer’s Journey: A Summer's Journey, and may you emerge with a heart ready to embrace the seasons yet to come, filled with the light of summers past and the promise of springs anew.

    Welcome, dear reader, to a story where every chapter is a step, every word a breath of summer air. Here’s to the journey.



    n the heart of a summer that promised infinity, where the days stretched like the horizon and nights whispered of untold stories, Sognia and Charles found each other—and in finding each other, they discovered the myriad hues of love. This is not just a story; it's an invitation to journey through the tapestry of emotions that bind two souls in the warm embrace of the season’s light.

    Within these pages lies a tale as old as time yet as fresh as the summer dew, a narrative woven with the threads of passion, discovery, and the kind of love that both challenges and cherishes.


    Summer's Embrace

    I LOVED YOU LIKE THAT! A Summer’s Journey"

    beckons you to delve into the depths of heartfelt connections, to ride the waves of laughter and tears, and to find solace in the shared silences that speak volumes. It's a story that transcends the simplicity of a summer fling, exploring the complexities of growing together, learning from each other, and facing the shadows that lurk even in the brightest of days.

    Sognia and Charles's journey is a mirror to our own—their victories, their setbacks, and their moments of unguarded vulnerability a reflection of the universal dance of love. Through the lens of their experiences, we are invited to question, to feel, and above all, to remember the transformative power of love.

    As you turn these pages, let yourself be carried away by the currents of their story, let the rhythms of their hearts echo in your own, and may you emerge from this journey with a renewed belief in the enduring magic of love.

    Welcome to "

    Summer's Embrace

    ," a story where every chapter is a heartbeat, every word a breath of summer air.

    Here, in the warmth of their tale, may you find the light of your own summer's day, bright and unending.



    ummer's Embrace" I Loved You Like That! unfolds under the expansive, sunlit sky of a single, transformative summer, capturing the essence of a love story between Sognia and Charles. It's narrative rich with the vibrancy of new beginnings, the depth of introspection, and the inevitable changes that come with the passing seasons.

    As summer blooms, so does the connection between Sognia, an aspiring artist with a heart open to the world’s beauty, and Charles, a thoughtful dreamer determined to leave his mark. Their meeting is serendipitous, sparked by shared laughter and a mutual appreciation for the little moments that make life shine brighter.

    The narrative weaves through the lush tapestry of summer’s offerings: from lazy afternoons in meadows abloom with wildflowers to spontaneous adventures under the star-veiled sky, each moment serving as a thread pulling them closer. Interspersed with their journey are curated playlists that resonate with each phase of their relationship, recipes that capture the essence of shared meals, and guides to the locales that witness their love’s unfolding. Interactive elements invite readers to immerse themselves deeper into Sognia and Charles's world, making Summer's Embrace a journey not just of the characters but of the reader themselves.

    As the season progresses, Sognia and Charles confront the challenges that come with deepening intimacy: fears of vulnerability, the shadows of past hurts, and the inevitable question of what the future holds.

    Through moments of solitude and interaction with a cast of richly drawn side characters—each with their own lessons on love and life—they navigate the complexities of their emotions, learning that love, like summer, is a season of growth, discovery, and renewal.

    The book is bookended with poems that capture the heart of their journey—beginning with the promise of new love and closing with the acknowledgment that every ending is a new beginning. As summer fades into the golden hues of autumn, Sognia and Charles emerge not just as lovers but as souls forever changed by the season’s embrace.

    Summer's Embrace is more than a story of summer love; it’s an exploration of the ways in which love mirrors the cycles of nature—ever-changing, ever-growing, evergreen.

    Through its pages, readers are invited to reflect on their own stories, finding in Sognia and Charles’s journey a reminder of the enduring power of love to transform us, season after season.

    I Loved You Like That!

    In the quiet corridors of my mind,

    I wander, retracing steps left behind,

    I loved you like the first gleam of dawn's kind light,

    Softly dispelling the cloak of night.

    With the fierceness of a river untamed,

    Rushing, eager, impossible to chain,

    I loved you like the desert prays for rain,

    A desperate plea, whispered again and again.

    Like the ancient oak loves its steadfast ground,

    Roots entwined where solace is found,

    I loved you in silence, profound,

    In each leaf's rustle, a love resounds.

    Under the wide expanse of the azure sky,

    Where hopes soar and spirits fly,

    I loved

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