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Neurodivergent: The Infiniverse Saga Part 1
Neurodivergent: The Infiniverse Saga Part 1
Neurodivergent: The Infiniverse Saga Part 1
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Neurodivergent: The Infiniverse Saga Part 1

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It is a time of unprecedented change. Reality, with all its limitations, has been replaced by a boundless secondary reality known as the INFINIVERSE. This new existence was crafted to eradicate war, poverty, hunger, and disease.

PublisherKeith Simpson
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Neurodivergent: The Infiniverse Saga Part 1

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    Book preview

    Neurodivergent - Keith Simpson


    The Infiniverse Saga


    Infiniverse – A secondary reality that has replaced the real world via mind and body uploading technology, originally designed to eliminate war, poverty, disease and inequalities.

    Two hundred years in the future, a secondary reality known as the Infiniverse has replaced the real world. The galaxy still trembles from the aftermath of the cataclysmic Druid-Ethereal War, a conflict so fierce it left both factions in ruins. This once utopian realm now stands on the brink of chaos. In the hidden recesses of the Infiniverse, a powerful and influential individual has secretly been building a galaxy wide army across both realities with the goal of total domination. The fate of both realities hangs in the balance as a new era of conflict looms...

    Table of Contents


    1 – Visions of the Past or Future? 3

    2 – Klics Take on the Infiniverse 13

    3 – Day One 16

    4- The Tragedy of Swazer 26

    5 – The Day of the Despotics 43

    6 – Companion Castle 69

    7 – Training and the Ethereal Embers 90

    8 – Katana 135

    9 – Peace Through War 183

    10 – Going out Alone 250

    11 – Deep in the Thick of Things 276

    12 – The Main Battle 292

    13 – The Lobby World 335

    14 – The Council Meeting 347

    15 – The Takeover of Earth and Klics Clique 376

    16 – Heal the World 381

    17 – Irondiety 430

    18 – The Stellarand of Zyzar 464

    19 – Prince Pandolfo 495

    20 – The Infinity Sword 522

    21 – Adelrams Clone Army 531

    22 – The Reveal 551

    23 – The Never-Ending War 559

    24 – A Dark Stellarand 601

    Chapter 1

    Visions of the Past or Future?

    Stellarand: Unknown Secondary reality

    I couldn’t tell if I was in the real world, or the secondary reality world known as the Infiniverse. It was always impossible to tell as the new reality has surpassed the one that we all were brought up in.

    As my eyelids fluttered open, I found myself engulfed in a world that defied explanation—a realm as vivid and tangible as any reality I had ever known, yet distinctly surreal. It was as though I had stepped into the living embodiment of a video game, where every detail and contour pulsated with otherworldly energy.

    My body and facial appearance were me, but that is where the similarities ended.

    My iridescent hair, shifting from bright yellow to electric blue, stood in sleek, gravity-defying spikes, a testament to the uniqueness of this digital reality. Behind my augmented reality lenses, data streams danced, offering a glimpse into the intricacies of this fantastical realm. With a mere thought, I could switch modes—night vision, zoom—enhancing my perception of the world around me.

    However, despite the wonder of my surroundings, a sense of unease crept in. Before I could fully immerse myself in this new world, I found my fingers compulsively tapping against the metallic surface of my jacket. Once, twice, thrice—I repeated the pattern, unable to shake the nagging feeling of unease.

    Clad in high-tech attire, I wore a metallic, form-fitting jacket with holographic displays, seamlessly blending into the surroundings like camouflage. Beneath it, a smart fabric shirt changed color and texture, mirroring my mood and environment. My pants, equipped with kinetic energy absorbers, ensured comfort and durability, while adaptive sneakers adjusted to terrain, their glowing lines pulsing with each step.

    Accessories of futuristic design adorned my form—a thin, flexible OLED pendant projected holographic images and transformed into a mini-computer interface. A multifunctional wristband acted as a communicator, health monitor, and gadget controller, its interactive touch interface providing seamless integration. Sensory gloves enhanced my touch, enabling interaction with virtual and augmented reality elements. Wrap-around AR glasses displayed information, tracked movements and offered real-time navigation.

    Equipped with gadgets, my sleek, modular backpack expanded and contracted with ease, featuring solar panels and a built-in hover mechanism. Buzz, my advanced AI drone, projected interactive 3D maps and assisted in complex tasks. My flexible, transparent tablet is rolled up for easy carrying, projecting holographic screens for immersive experiences.

    Despite the marvel of technology surrounding me, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. My fingers twitched, longing to check and recheck the settings on my wristband, to ensure everything was in perfect order. But I resisted the urge, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.

    The landscape sprawled before me, a mesmerizing tapestry of ancient ruins and rugged terrain, like a forgotten civilization frozen in time. Towering rock formations loomed above me, casting long, eerie shadows that stretched across the horizon. The sky above swirled with an ever-changing palette of grey and blue, a testament to the digital realm's boundless creativity and mystery.

    As I stood at the edge of this digital world, he could see remnants of colossal stone structures partially buried in the earth, their intricate carvings still visible despite the ravages of time. Vines and moss clung to the ancient stones, weaving through cracks and crevices, reclaiming the ruins for nature.

    The air was thick with a sense of history and untold stories, as if the very stones whispered secrets of the past. The sky's shifting colors created an otherworldly ambiance, illuminating the terrain in soft, ethereal light. The clouds moved with a slow, deliberate grace, adding to the surreal beauty of the scene.

    Beneath my feet, the ground was a patchwork of crumbled pathways and wild undergrowth. Small, bioluminescent plants dotted the landscape, casting a gentle glow that contrasted with the ancient, weathered stones. In the distance, a waterfall cascaded down a series of rocky ledges, its waters sparkling like liquid crystal as it descended into a serene, mist-covered pool.

    As I ventured deeper, I discovered hidden alcoves and secret passages, each one more intriguing than the last. The ruins seemed to pulse with a faint, magical energy, the remnants of powerful spells long forgotten. Statues of long-gone heroes and mythical creatures stood sentinel, their eyes seeming to follow him as he passed.

    The sound of distant thunder echoed through the landscape, a reminder of the dynamic, ever-changing nature of this digital world. The breeze carried the scent of rain and earth, mingling with the faint aroma of ancient incense that still lingered in the air.

    The landscape was alive with the promise of adventure, each corner and crevice holding the potential for discovery and wonder. For me, this digital realm was a canvas painted with the rich, vivid details of imagination and creativity, a world where the past and the present coexisted in a delicate, beautiful balance.

    Despite the uncanny familiarity of my surroundings, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. This was no ordinary virtual world; it was the secondary reality world known as the Infiniverse, a world until now I wasn’t even allowed to enter.

    My anxiety was through the roof but there was also a hint an excitement racing through my body. I continued to test out my movements until something bizarre caught my eye. It was my hair. As it was flopping around I noticed it had changed colors once again. This time it was a bright yellow and a dark blue, almost as if it was reading my mood and emotions.

    As I navigated the unfamiliar terrain, my fingers tapped against my thigh in a rhythmic pattern—one, two, three, four. It was a compulsive gesture, a coping mechanism to quell the rising tide of anxiety threatening to overwhelm me. But amidst the uncertainty, I pushed forward, determined to uncover the secrets of this mysterious realm.

    As I took in the surreal panorama, a glint caught my eye—a golden sword pulsating with an ethereal glow, materializing in my hand as though conjured by some unseen force. Its weight felt foreign and familiar, a relic of ancient power steeped in the lore of the Druids. Fear gripped me as I grappled with the realization that I might be trapped in a secondary reality, forced to fight for survival in a world that felt all too real. Testing my theory that my hair was now a mood ring I glanced to see that it was a mix of dark red and black now, showing my fear of survival mixed with the knowledge that I would be engaging with enemies soon enough.

    But amidst the uncertainty, I couldn't help but marvel at the legendary golden armor adorning my form. It felt weightless yet exuded an aura of invincibility. Crafted from cosmic materials, it was a testament to elegance and power, each piece resonating with celestial motifs and symbols of timeless wisdom.

    As I navigated this strange landscape, my body moved with a fluidity and grace that defied logic. Instincts I never knew I possessed guided me effortlessly as if I were a seasoned warrior. With each encounter, I faced adversaries clad in black armor, their presence ominous and foreboding.

    Yet, with a flick of my wrist, the golden sword danced through the air, effortlessly dispatching my foes. I felt like a puppet controlled by an unseen force, moving precisely and purposefully. The battles were intense, but my body seemed to adapt, growing stronger with each victory.

    Amidst the chaos, a vision overwhelmed my senses—a vision of an ancient grove bathed in moonlight, where spectral figures moved with the grace of wraiths. I recognized them as the Druids, keepers of ancient knowledge and guardians of the Infiniverse. Their faces twisted in agony as they toiled over a mystical forge, their hands guiding molten metal into a shape that seemed to defy comprehension.

    In the heart of the forge lay the object of their labor—a key of immense power, pulsating with dark energy that seemed to devour the very essence of the Infiniverse itself. War Mode, they whispered, their voices a chorus of despair. This weapon was forged in desperation, a last resort against a threat too terrible to contemplate.

    As the vision unfolded before me, the air grew heavy with a sense of intuition. The Druids' pleas echoed in my mind, their voices a haunting melody that sent shivers down my spine. Urging me to find and destroy the War Mode key before it was too late, their words carried the weight of centuries of wisdom and sacrifice.

    But the vision was more than just a warning—it was a terrifying glimpse into a future where darkness reigned supreme, where the Infiniverse was consumed by chaos and despair. I saw worlds torn asunder, civilizations reduced to ashes, and the fabric of reality unraveling before my eyes. It was a fate too terrible to contemplate, yet one that seemed inevitable if the War Mode key fell into the wrong hands.

    With renewed determination, I vowed to heed the Druids' warning and protect the Infiniverse at all costs. I was not just a player in this digital realm—I was its guardian, its champion, destined to face challenges beyond imagination and emerge victorious against all odds.

     From behind, a soft voice gently reached my ears. I turned to witness a stunning blonde girl surpassing any beauty I had ever seen. Her flawless appearance hinted at Katana's origin, a civilization known for beauty and the deadliest warriors.

    In her ethereal embrace, I sensed both strength and passion. Her peculiar glow drew me to her, triggering an unexpected connection.

    Her presence is a curious blend of confidence and concealed unease. Though her demeanor exudes strength, subtle signs of anxiety betray her inner turmoil. As she interacts with the protagonist, her words are laced with a sense of urgency, her eyes darting nervously as if anticipating unseen threats. Yet, beneath her facade of composure, there lies a vulnerability that hints at deeper fears and uncertainties. Despite her reservations, she stands resolute by the protagonist's side, her determination shining through even in the face of adversity.

    Who... who are you? she asked, her voice trembling slightly as she looked around the surreal landscape. Where are we? And why do I feel like I've been dropped into a nightmare?

    I blinked, taking in her anxious expression, and trying to process the overwhelming sensory inputs. My response came out more bluntly than I intended. I’m Klic. Do you know how you got here?

    Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip, clearly struggling to contain her fear, but did not say a word.

    Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip, clearly struggling to contain her fear.

    There’s something... off about this place. Like we’re being watched. This didn’t seem to help her clear anxiety at all.

    Her hands trembled slightly as she gripped her weapon. I’ve fought battles before, but this... this is different. I feel like there’s danger everywhere.

    This was a small sense of relief as she at least had seen combat before. Something I had not.

    I tried to focus on the immediate threats, my mind racing through potential scenarios. We need a plan. Stick close, and we’ll figure this out together. But we have to keep moving.

    Her voice was laced with urgency. Okay, Klic. Just... don’t leave me behind. I can’t do this alone.

    I looked at her, trying to offer some semblance of reassurance. I won’t. We’ll get through this, Ayla. Just stay close.

    Just then a second figure in a warrior-like stature appeared out of nowhere just as she had, confusing the both of us. He resembled an ancient Greek and was in perfect physical fitness from head to toe. They both wore similar-looking armor, which signaled they were likely from the same planet and possibly related.

    He gave up a much different vibe, exuding an air of overconfidence and boastfulness in his interactions with both of us. His words are brimming with self-assurance, his voice carrying the weight of countless victories won on the battlefield.

    As if there is no danger on the horizon he starts to regale with tales of his exploits, each anecdote more embellished than the last, as if seeking to impress upon them his prowess as a warrior. Yet, beneath his swaggering exterior, there lurks a hint of insecurity, a fear of falling short of the lofty expectations he sets for himself. Despite his bravado, there are moments when his facade cracks, revealing the vulnerabilities hidden beneath his formidable facade.

                The confusion in my mind was still full, but my attention turned toward the sky as it darkened, signaling the arrival of two massive warships sending down a legion of dark soldiers. These invaders sought control of the Infiniverse, and I knew we were the only three left in its defense. In the ensuing confrontation, my confidence wavered momentarily, only to be rekindled by an unexpected surge of power.

     Compelled, I uttered words that felt foreign yet resolute: Protect the Keys, Save the Infiniverse! This declaration marked an unforeseen leadership role.

    Empowered by the golden sword, I rose to defend the Infiniverse against the deadly onslaught. I fought with my two allies until every last dark soldier lay on the ground in their blood.

    However, the tide turned abruptly. The dark leader, a monstrous figure with skeletal features, emerged and confronted my allies. My body was heavy from exhaustion as I gave all I had left to aid them in battle, but as I approached, I noticed both my allies lay lifeless, and the once-victorious battlefield turned into a grim tableau of death. In the distance, I could see an imposing figure appear from the ground that he now stood on as he stared directly at me.

    From the depths of shadow, I arise. Tremble before the darkness incarnate, for I am Tyrant, the Shadow Emperor of the Despotics!

    Tyrant, a name very familiar to me was clad in a suit of midnight black armor, crafted from an otherworldly metal that seems to drink in the light around it. The armor is adorned with intricate etchings that pulse with an ominous crimson glow, reminiscent of ancient runes infused with dark magic. His helmet is sleek and angular, featuring a T-shaped visor that conceals his face in shadow, leaving only glowing, piercing eyes visible from within. Draped across his shoulders is a billowing cloak, its fabric as dark as the void itself, swirling ominously with every movement. A series of arcane talismans and amulets adorn his armor, each imbued with forbidden power and radiating an aura of malevolence. His gauntleted hands are encased in fingerless gloves, revealing fingers adorned with ornate rings bearing sinister symbols.

    Even with all of his soldiers defeated I knew it would not be an easy task to get to him as he appeared to manipulate the environment between us.

    As I navigated this strange landscape, challenges arose at every turn, testing my resolve and pushing me to the brink. Shadows danced ominously around ancient ruins, their depths concealing ancient traps waiting to ensnare the unwary traveler. Flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows upon the crumbling walls, whispering secrets of forgotten lore that echoed through the corridors like ghostly whispers.

    Complications emerged, complicating my path, and adding layers of complexity to my journey. Stay Positive, avoid the negative, I kept chanting to myself. A treacherous maze of twisting passages and hidden chambers lay before me, each step fraught with danger and uncertainty. Illusions danced before my eyes, distorting reality, and clouding my judgment as I struggled to discern friend from foe amidst the shifting shadows.

    Amidst the chaos, a sense of impending doom hung heavy in the air, a prelude to the confrontation with Tyrant, the Shadow Emperor of the Despotics. His name echoed like a sinister omen, sending shivers down my spine, and igniting a primal fear deep within me. I knew that facing him would be the ultimate test of my strength and courage, a battle that would determine the fate of the Infiniverse itself.

    But as I braced myself for the inevitable showdown, unforeseen obstacles emerged, threatening to derail my quest and undermine my resolve. The very ground beneath my feet trembled with the fury of ancient guardians, their wrath unleashed upon intruders who dared to disturb their slumber. A labyrinth of traps sprung from the depths of the earth, ensnaring me in a deadly game of cat and mouse as I fought to evade their grasp.

    I found myself hurtling downward into a pit of spikes. With lightning-fast reflexes, I managed to grab hold of a protruding ledge, my fingers gripping desperately as I dangled precariously above the deadly abyss below. With every muscle strained to its limit, I pulled myself up, the jagged edges of the pit tearing at my flesh as I fought for my life.

    As I made my way through the treacherous labyrinth, every step felt like a battle against my own body. Tyrant’s voice boomed through the air, loud and intense, reverberating off the walls.

    Do you truly believe you can defeat me, Klic? Tyrant taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. You’re nothing but a feeble pawn, stumbling blindly through my domain. Each step you take only brings you closer to your inevitable demise.

    How does he know my name? I thought to myself. I narrowly dodged a swinging blade that descended from the ceiling, its edge gleaming with a deadly sharpness. My breath came in ragged gasps as I forced myself onward. Well, if this is your domain, Tyrant, I retorted, my voice trembling yet steady despite the danger, you really ought to consider hiring a better interior decorator. These traps are so last century.

    A roar of anger echoed through the corridors. You insolent wretch! You mock the very power that will end your miserable existence!

    I rolled under a barrage of arrows, each one whizzing past my ears with lethal precision. Pain shot through my side as I landed hard, my muscles protesting with every movement. End my existence? Please, Tyrant, I’ve had hangovers that were tougher than this. You’re going to have to step up your game if you want to impress me.

    You dare to jest in the face of death? Tyrant’s voice was now seething with rage. These traps are mere child’s play compared to the torment I will unleash upon you!

    I stumbled into a chamber filled with a shifting maze of spikes, the ground beneath my feet trembling with malevolent energy. Sweat poured down my face as I navigated the deadly maze, my vision blurring. Child’s play? You know, Tyrant, for someone who talks so much, you really don’t know how to entertain a guest. What’s next? A bottomless pit? A giant rolling boulder? Oh wait, already did those.

    You will pay for your insolence, Klic, Tyrant snarled. You think your humor can save you? It will only hasten your end!

    A spike grazed my leg, and I bit back a cry of pain, the wound searing with agony. Blood trickled down my calf, each step becoming more excruciating. If my end’s coming, I might as well enjoy the view on the way down. Besides, you seem to enjoy our little chats. It’s almost like you need someone to talk to. Feeling lonely up there on your evil throne?

    Tyrant’s laughter was dark and hollow, echoing through the labyrinth-like the tolling of a death knell. Lonely? I am surrounded by legions of darkness, each one more powerful than you could ever imagine. You, Klic, are nothing but a speck, a fleeting whisper in the storm that is my power.

    I clenched my jaw as I pulled myself through a narrow passage, the jagged rocks tearing at my already battered body. My arms and legs screamed in protest, but I forced myself to keep moving. A whisper, huh? Funny, I always thought of myself as more of a shout. But hey, if I’m just a speck, you must be worried if you’re going to all this trouble just for me.

    You insufferable fool! Tyrant’s voice was thunderous, shaking the very walls around me. You will beg for mercy before the end. You will know the true meaning of fear and suffering.

    I staggered into another chamber; this one filled with pools of molten lava bubbling ominously. The heat was unbearable, my skin blistering from the intense heat. My vision swam, black spots dancing before my eyes. Mercy? Not really my style, Tyrant. But thanks for the offer. I’ll pass.

    Your arrogance will be your undoing, Klic! Tyrant’s rage was palpable, a storm of fury that seemed to make the very air crackle with dark energy.

    Arrogance? I prefer to call it confidence. I smirked, despite the burning pain in my limbs. Each word felt like a knife in my throat, my body threatening to collapse. You should try it sometime, Tyrant. Might do wonders for that brooding personality of yours.

    Tyrant’s growl was a low rumble, the prelude to a cataclysm. Face me, Klic. Face your doom and let the Infiniverse witness the fall of its would-be hero!

    Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I emerged from the chamber, gasping for air as I collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. My body ached with every movement; my limbs were heavy with fatigue as I struggled to push myself onward. But despite the pain and the overwhelming odds stacked against me, I refused to surrender. With sheer determination driving me forward, I rose to my feet once more, my eyes fixed on the distant horizon where my ultimate challenge awaited.

     As I finally approached the Despotic leader he pulled out a double-bladed obsidian sword, with razor-sharp edges pulsating with dark energy. Runes of ancient origin are etched along the length of the blade, glowing with an unholy light whenever he unleashes its devastating power.

    I knew I was way over my head with this adversary.

    The dark leader continued to taunt me, revealing the reality of our situation. This was not a video game; the pain, the guilt, and the consequences were all too real.

    Refusing to accept defeat, I summoned the strength to stand and face the dark lord, even as his sword engulfed in flames and headed for me. Bracing for impact, I prepared for the end.

    Yet, a twist of fate intervened. The sword halted inches from my demise, and an intense light emanated from my chest, stopping the darkness.

    With a swift, reactive motion, I raised the golden sword, its blade shimmering with a radiant glow as it lunged forward.

    Frozen like a statue, the dark leader did not attempt to evade the strike. Instead, a twisted smirk played upon his lips as he awaited his fate.

    The blade struck true, piercing the leader's chest with a sickening thud. A rush of dark energy erupted from the wound, crackling, and writhing as it dissipated into the air.

    As the leader fell lifelessly to the ground, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, a mixture of triumph and trepidation coursing through his veins. But as the adrenaline subsided, a wave of curiosity washed over me.

    Approaching the fallen leader cautiously, I reached out to remove the mask that concealed the man's identity. With trembling hands, I grasped the edges of the mask and slowly lifted it away. To my disbelief and horror, I found myself staring into the familiar eyes of my mother, her face twisted in agony and betrayal, her eyes vacant and empty.

    A guttural scream tore from my throat, the sound echoing through the empty chamber as I recoiled in horror. Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend the devastating truth before him.

    In that moment of anguish and despair, a blinding light enveloped me, washing away the darkness and pain. My surroundings blurred and shifted until I found myself lying in my bed, tangled in sweat-soaked sheets.

    Gasping for breath, I thrashed about, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to make sense of the vivid nightmare that had consumed me. It felt so real, so visceral, that I could still feel the weight of the sword in my hand and the chill of the mask against his skin.

    A gentle hand rested upon my shoulder, and I looked up to see my uncle standing beside me, his face etched with concern.

    Klic, it's okay, his uncle murmured, his voice a soothing balm amid Klic's turmoil. It was only a nightmare. You're safe now.

    As I sat on the edge of my bed, my fingers began to twitch involuntarily, longing to reach out and touch the nearby dresser. One touch, two touches, three touches—I counted silently in my head, each touch bringing a fleeting sense of relief but never quite enough to quell the rising tide of anxiety.

    Seeing my agitation, my uncle guided me away from the dresser, leading me to the safety of my bed. Let's take a moment, Klic, he suggested, his voice gentle but firm. Focus on your breathing, okay? In... and out.

    With each breath, I felt the tightness in my chest begin to ease, the racing thoughts gradually slowing to a more manageable pace. My uncle's presence was a lifeline in the storm, a beacon of hope amid the chaos of my mind.

    Remember, Klic, my uncle said softly, sitting beside me and placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. You're not alone in this. I'm here for you, and together, we'll get through it.

                  But even as my uncle's words washed over me, I couldn't shake the haunting image of my mother's face beneath the mask. The memory lingered like a ghost, haunting me with unanswered questions and unspoken truths.

    I stayed silent as I didn’t want to reveal that I had just killed his sister for the tenth time in my nightmares since my mother’s real-world passing.

    Little did I know, the seeds of destiny had already been sown, and the threads of fate drew me ever closer to a revelation that would change everything.  

    Chapter 2

    Klics take on the Infiniverse

    Like a sculptor shaping clay, we mold the virtual world with each movement, crafting beauty from the void. - Klic

    What a nightmare that was. Who the heck was all those people?

                    Hey there, pals, and gals! I'm Klic, just your average Joe navigating this crazy thing called life. And how the heck are we chatting? Beats me, but hey, we must have some cosmic connection, right? Otherwise, one of us is certifiable, and I've been checked, so it's probably not me... hopefully.

    Every day's like opening a mystery box, full of unexpected twists and turns! Sorry for the rollercoaster, but hey, strap in, 'cause it's going to be a wild ride!

    Now that we're besties, let's shake things up! Who needs a script? I'm all about breaking that fourth wall, like Zack Morris on turbo mode! Variety's the spice of life, folks, whether it's in a book, a game, or binge-watching your favorite show. Let's keep it fresh, like a Real-World reunion episode!

    Hopefully, it doesn’t get boring for you after a while…..Like the Real World! Oh, and get ready for some impromptu tunes 'cause I'm a songwriter extraordinaire, inspired by the moment!

    But before we dive into the Infiniverse abyss, let me spill some beans about yours truly. Brace yourselves, folks, 'cause I'm about as focused as a squirrel on espresso. ADHD, anyone? Strap in, 'cause you're in for a ride through the whirlwind that is my mind.

    Now, my mom wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole Infiniverse deal, which only fueled my curiosity even more. Despite her attempts to rein me in, I soaked up knowledge like a sponge, thanks to books, school, and the good ol' internet. Couldn't log into that secondary reality, but I was thirsty for info!

    Not to put a somber tone on all this craziness being thrown at you, but my mom has recently passed away in the real world and I am starting to think I am responsible. The thing is she was plugged into the real world when she died, so that means she could still be alive in the Infiniverse. Better than nothing right? When you die in the real world your body doesn’t die in the Infiniverse if you are logged in at the time. You have two chances of life, although your real-world life isn’t nearly as valuable as your secondary reality life.  I am getting to that part.

    Now that she is gone my locks are off and I have the freedom to go into the Infiniverse whenever I choose and enjoy all the advantages I read about, but still, I want to be with my mom and the secondary reality world is my only chance; only I don’t know how she is going to feel when I find her as she knows I’m in.

    So, I'm turning 18, but mentally, I'm still a kid in a candy store. Thank the stars for Uncle Modeo, who's stepped up as my guardian. And get this—he's an Infiniverse legend! Talk about having a tour guide with all the cheat codes!

    But enough about me, let's talk Infiniverse! Real world? Snoozeville! I mean, who needs atoms when you can have pixels, am I right? The virtual realm is where it's at—innovation central!

    The dreary existence of the natural world never tickled my fancy. The transition of phones from large to minor, incremental improvements in cameras, and cars that stubbornly refused to sprout wings or become AI-driven felt like a tedious slog. Breakthroughs, when they did decide to grace us, took ages, if not eons, to materialize. Why get stuck with screens, pictures, and typed words when you can dive headfirst into firsthand experiences? The lifestyle of those in the past is like an alien language.

    Hold on to your hat; this isn't Facebook or some ancient tech relic from the early 2000s. The Infiniverse is the polar opposite of a snooze-fest—a realm where possibilities sprout like mushrooms after rain!

    DNA plays the puppeteer in the real world, pulling the strings on traits and imposing limits. But the Infiniverse? It's the grand equalizer. Whether rolling in dough or squatting on the streets, you've got a golden ticket to its resources. Homeless? Log in, find an empty spot, and open up build mode. There are endless resources to use in this reality.  Live there for as long as you want; there is no need to return to the real world, where you can live like a king without fearing shelter. Hungry? Are you craving seafood in a landlocked area? Log in, splash a few credits, and gorge on an oceanic feast in a lifelike setup. 

    Armed with nanobots and a matter manipulator, your personal transfer pod lets you teleport, shifting your particles into a synthetic body in the virtual world—no need to solve the technological issues or resource-heavy dependent need of space travel.

    No matter where you hail from in the galaxy, once you're in the Infiniverse, you're rocking a synthetic body superior to the biological version. Of course, your appearance stays similar, as all your particles were transferred from one world to another. There are plenty of masks and outfits to change into, so you can be whoever you want. 

    Underneath that synthetic body lies your real-life body that has been transferred to this secondary reality. That is how the positive stuff like disease curing and famine are fixed, as well as TWO BRAINS. 

    You heard that right. You have your real-life brain uploaded into the Infiniverse and a secondary brain that computes faster than a cheetah on energy drinks the most complex things in the galaxy for you and breaks them down before transferring them to your natural mind to comprehend. Crazy, isn't it?

    Diseases that once held us, hostage, are now just tales of yore, and the Infiniverse even lets you replay memories. Age and regrets? They're like last season's fashion addressable. Psychological disorders? Diagnosable and curable. My wonderful girlfriend has been pushing me to get mine fixed as soon as I enter the Infiniverse! I might be accused of having an undiagnosed condition with all this rambling, but hey, I will be living my best virtual life. You can spend as long as you want in the Infiniverse without aging your real-life body, causing your life expectancy to grow exponentially.

    Now, here's where it gets interesting. Neurodivergents like me sometimes have special abilities in the Infiniverse. Neurodivergent is a term for people whose brains function differently from the typical brain. This includes conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more. In the real world, these differences can be challenging, but in the Infiniverse, they can be a superpower.

    For instance, someone with ADHD might have heightened reflexes and the ability to hyper-focus, making them unbeatable in fast-paced environments. People with autism might have incredible pattern recognition, allowing them to solve complex puzzles or decode encrypted messages with ease. Each neurodivergent trait translates into a unique advantage in this secondary reality.

    As for me, my ADHD and autism might make me feel like a chaotic mess in the real world, but in the Infiniverse, I believe I have a chance to be special.  I can be more than just a kid lost in a world that doesn't understand me—I can be a hero.

    With my luck, I will be one of the neurodivergents whose brain is tricked in the secondary reality and be just as plain as I am in the real world.  I wonder why many neurodivergents are left without any special abilities. I mean if there’s no war you don’t have to worry about us being dangerous. We can only make the world a better place.

    Anyways, buckle up, buttercup! You'll be swept off your feet on this wild ride through the Infiniverse!

    Alright, that's out of my head. No more breaking the fourth wall for now. My mother is out there, and I have an Infiniverse to finally explore.

    Alright, enough chitchat. Narrator, take it away!

    Virtual vibes, real-life highs!

    Chapter 3

    Day One

    Stellarand: Lobby Secondary Reality

    Hello, I will be your storyteller for this journey. Klic's passion and energy are a blast, but his descriptions and focus can also be a bit of a head-scratcher. That's where I come in—I'll be your guide through his tale. No fancy name is needed, just call me Orin. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this epic journey together! Anyway, please enjoy the saga.

    The lock on Klic's Infiniverse account lifted with a satisfying click, unleashing a torrent of possibilities that electrified his every nerve. As the pod hummed to life around him, Klic's world transformed into a playground of boundless adventures. Armed with a blend of excitement and nervous energy, he stepped into the sleek pod nestled in the corner of his living room, prepared to plunge headlong into the swirling maelstrom of possibilities that awaited him in the secondary reality world.

    As the pod hummed to life around him, its interface buzzing with electric anticipation, Klic felt a surge of exhilaration course through his veins. His fingers danced over the pod's control panel, a giddy smile tugging at his lips. Here we go,, his physical form was sent hurtling through the digital void, transcending the boundaries of space and time to arrive in the Infiniverse, where the horizon stretched infinitely before him like a canvas waiting to be painted with the strokes of his imagination.

    As he stepped into the Infiniverse, he felt invincible, like he could live forever. That would almost be true if the Druids had never created war mode in the secondary reality. If only there was a way to remove that terrible mode and bring peace back to the Infiniverse.  

    He paused as he noticed his fingers twitching involuntarily just as they would have in the real world, which gave him the realization that this secondary reality had indeed exactly replaced reality.

    He was wearing basic clothes, which for a human male were basic white shoes and socks, and a blue jumpsuit. His face and body looked the same but felt a thousand times better.

    Klic wiggled his toes in his basic white shoes. Not exactly high fashion, he mused, but at least I’m not showing up naked to my own adventure.

    The Infiniverse was never intended to feel like you were in a video game, it was a secondary reality, a second life, but war mode changed all that. The lines between a video game and reality were now crossed as anything now goes.

    The first order of business was finding out his Infiniverse grades. This is a special and exciting experience for new users because it gives them a benchmark and would immediately transfer their upgraded attributes back into the real world.

    The grading system assigns grades to traits like knowledge, strength, and endurance based on DNA and body makeup. If you were smart in reality, you would start with higher knowledge grades, or if you were lazy, your endurance would be limited in the secondary reality world. Klic liked to say that he had every mental disability known to man, so any flashing light or funny sound would still get his attention.

    Klic’s heart sank as he looked at his grades for the first time, only to see his starting grades displayed in harsh, unflattering clarity. This... can’t be right, he muttered, eyes scanning the low marks. I guess I need some AP. Stay Positive, avoid the negative, he repeated to himself but found it harder than ever to believe in these words.

    For Klic, the allure of AP was more than just a means of empowerment—it was a lifeline tethering him to the promise of improvement in both the digital and real worlds. With each upgrade purchased with AP, his capabilities would transcend the confines of his physical form, manifesting as tangible enhancements that echoed across both realities.

    Hold on, let me just count these AP coins in my inventory again... One, two, three... Wait, was that a sneeze? Gotta start over, can't risk missing a count!

    Yet, amidst the tantalizing prospect of advancement, there existed a rare and coveted trait known as special, granting users extraordinary abilities and the coveted status of Metahuman. Controlled by the enigmatic Druids, who now teetered on the brink of extinction, this trait held the key to unparalleled power and influence within the Infiniverse.

    Klic stood at the precipice of a new world, his heart pounding with anticipation as he activated his heads-up display (HUD) for the first time in the Infiniverse. As the holographic interface materialized before him, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by its complexity and sophistication.

    Wow, Klic breathed, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the myriad of information and options laid out before him. This is incredible.

    Klic's gaze focused on the dynamic mini-map at the center of the display, which rendered the surrounding terrain in exquisite detail.

    Look at that, he exclaimed, pointing to a distant mountain range. You can see everything from here!

    To the right of the mini-map, a quest tracker displayed Klic's current objectives and tasks.

    Alright, let's see what quests we have lined up, Klic said, scrolling through the list. Looks like we've got quite a few adventures ahead of us.

    Moving on, Klic navigated to the inventory management section, where he could access and organize his belongings.

    I need to find a marketplace, Klic said, seeing that his inventory only contained starting items, which included a basic sword. Can't embark on an adventure without being properly equipped.

    Klic continued his tapping as a calming mechanism as he examined the section displaying real-time information on the resources available from the planet he was on.

    Looks like we've got plenty of resources to work with, Klic remarked, noting the abundance of minerals and flora. We'll need these for crafting.

    Klic's attention turned to the analysis of environmental conditions, which provided data on atmospheric composition and temperature.

    Good to know what we're up against, Klic said, noting the fluctuating weather patterns. We'll need to stay alert for any environmental hazards.

    Integrated seamlessly into the HUD, a communications interface allowed Klic to communicate with allies.

    Hello, anyone here? Klic said, activating the interface. He knew there would be no response as he didn’t have anyone added at this point.

    To his surprise an AI bot appeared in front of him with a smile covering its face.

    You need to set up your auto translator newbie. The AI bot spoke in his robotic tone.

    Newbie, that is kind of harsh. Klic responded.

    Sorry that it was we call all users that are clearly new to the Infiniverse.

    Is it that obvious? Klic spoke to himself in a light tone but could tell by the bots expression that he heard and gave a playful smile. Ok, what do I have to do? Klic continued.

    I am going to speak in a language you aren’t accustomed to and the translator should automatically adjust it for you. You just have to repeat to me what I say in your language to make sure the translator is working perfectly. I am going to start in Sumerian. Ready?

    Klic smiled mischievously and nodded.

    The robot made a bunch of noises that Klic on his end, but all Klic heard was Hello in English, clearly working, but Klic wanted to have fun with the AI bot for calling him a newbie.

    Ok, what did I say? The AI asked.

    I didn’t hear a word, just symbols. Something like 𒁹𒂠𒀀𒀀𒀀!" Klic wrote with his fingers.

    The robot froze as if it didn’t expect any issues. "Hmm, those are Sumerian symbols newbie, but you should have heard a word in your native language.

    Klic just shrugged his shoulders and looked at him, trying his hardest to hold in a smile.

    One more try. The AI announced. Ready?

    Klic nodded again and waited, before hearing Hello, again.

    Ok, what did I say? The AI asked.

    Trying not to laugh still he spoke in dolphin sounds. Eee-ee-ee. Is that correct?

    The serious robot still had a smile on his face but was clearing going through its programing to find the issue. After a few seconds it spoke up again. Oh dear, it appears the Babel chip is malfunctioning.

    Is this a common issue? Klic asked trying to continue the gag.

    Sorry you are going to have to log out of the Infiniverse and restart from the beginning. Please let me know when you are ready.

    Klic decided to end the charade and explain to the bot how he was just messing with him, something the AI was not used to and didn’t take lightly, as there was no response as it turned around and disappeared from his sight.

    Before proceeding further, Klic customized his interface to suit his preferences and playstyle.

    A little adjustment here, a tweak there, Klic muttered, fine-tuning the layout. Perfect.

    As Klic surveyed the HUD, he noticed the threat indicator tied to war mode, which alerted him to the presence of hostile forces.

    Looks like we'll need to keep an eye out for trouble, Klic said, noting the blinking red icon. Can't let our guard down.

    Klic's gaze shifted to the progress bar tracking his accumulated Adventure Points (AP).

    Let's see how far we've come, Klic said, watching as the bar filled with each discovery and accomplishment. We're making progress.

    Checking the weather forecast, Klic noted the upcoming meteorological conditions.

    Looks like it's going to be a clear day, Klic said, glancing at the sunny forecast. Perfect weather for an adventure.

    As Klic was about to proceed, a social notification appeared on the display, alerting him to a message from a friend. He opened it up to see it was only a generic message from the Infiniverse. Oh, bummer.

    The next two were the time of day on the current planet that he was on and the emergency beacon which was used to call law enforcement or medical assistance if he needed it. Nothing to look at for now.

    Klic then activated the navigation assistance tools, which provided optimal routes and waypoints for the quests if had was to select any, but he didn’t want to overwhelm himself at this point.

    The next order of business was testing, lots and lots of testing. Klic found himself in a sleek, futuristic testing facility surrounded by holographic screens and buzzing with the hum of advanced technology. As he approached the testing area, a cheerful AI greeted them, its voice echoing through the room.

    Welcome, Klic, to your initiation into the wonders of the Infiniverse! We're here to help you navigate this virtual playground easily.

    And so, the testing began.

    First was taste and smell. Klic was presented with various virtual delicacies, from savory dishes to sweet treats. With a curious grin, he sampled each one, his taste buds tingling with delight as the flavors danced on their tongue. The AI nodded in approval, noting Klics keen sense of taste and smell.

    Klic couldn't contain his excitement as he finally had the chance to try Nebula Nectar, the renowned drink of the Infiniverse that he had been eagerly anticipating. As the holographic display shimmered to life, presenting him with a dazzling array of virtual delicacies, his eyes lit up with anticipation. From savory dishes to sweet treats, Klic's curiosity surged, but his focus remained fixed on the elusive Nebula Nectar.

    With a grin as wide as a planetary orbit, Klic reached out for the shimmering glass filled with the ethereal liquid. The AI overseeing the tasting nodded in approval, recognizing Klic's palpable anticipation. With trembling hands, he brought the glass to his lips, inhaling deeply as the tantalizing aroma wafted up to greet his senses.

    Klic tapped the bottle three times before his first sip which was like a voyage through the cosmos itself. The taste of Nebula Nectar was an explosion of flavor, each sip revealing new layers of complexity. It was sweet yet tangy, with hints of celestial fruits and exotic spices dancing across his palate. Klic's taste buds erupted with joy, tingling with the sensation of pure delight as the flavors lingered, leaving an otherworldly aftertaste that seemed to defy description.

    As he savored each precious drop, Klic felt a sense of exhilaration, unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was more than just a drink; it was an adventure, a journey into the unknown depths of flavor and sensation. And as he gazed out into the endless expanse of the Infiniverse, he knew that this would be just the beginning of his epic culinary quest.

    Next up were basic actions and movements. Klic found himself in a virtual training ground, where they were tasked with performing a series of actions, from walking and running to jumping and crouching.

    With boundless energy, Klic threw himself straight into the tasks, his movements fluid and precise as they faced each challenge with flying colors, cleaning his ears methodically between each challenge.

    Now, it was time to look at a picture of a completely black cat. Please try to say, The cat is green." The prompt said.

    Klic shook his head each time and tried his hardest to use a different color but was unable to.

     Passed. The prompt spoke, as this ensured that Klic had the filters set correctly. This one was designed so users wouldn't be allowed to lie in the Infiniverse; the filter wouldn't let them and couldn't be turned off. Over time, users found ways to trick the filters, but a newer secondary filter in the user's HUD can detect if the user is being untruthful in any way, taking it out of the hands of the user.

    Now it was time for the tutorial on what Klic was most excited about. Building in the Infiniverse was the thing he had studied most and felt he had a grip on before the tutorial even started.

    His fingers tapping his head to three on each side he was ready.

    Welcome, traveler, a synthesized voice echoed from the interface. Prepare to embark on the tutorial for building in the Infiniverse.

    With a sense of intrigue, Klic engaged with the interface, and suddenly, he found himself immersed in a series of virtual landscapes, each representing a different Stellarand. The tutorial explained that in each land, he could only use the resources native to that specific realm.

    As Klic began the tutorial, he noticed a timer ticking away in the corner of his vision—a subtle reminder of the time-consuming nature of building in the Infiniverse.

    Clearing out his ears again and counting the taps of his fingers on himself, he dove into each level with determination, swiftly mastering the intricacies of construction within each unique environment.

    In the forested realm of Sylvanwood, he learned to harness the power of ancient trees and verdant foliage to create stunning arboreal structures that blended seamlessly with the natural landscape.

    In the fiery expanse of Vulcan's Forge, he forged mighty fortresses from molten lava and obsidian, their imposing forms standing as a testament to the strength of his craftsmanship.

    In the crystalline realm of Azure Heights, he sculpted intricate spires and crystalline palaces from shimmering gemstones and translucent minerals, their delicate beauty reflecting the ethereal light of the realm's crystalline skies.

    As Klic navigated through each level of the tutorial with remarkable speed, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. He was surprised at how good he was doing but wondered if he could do even better without the compulsive habits that he had to do before each challenge.

    As he reached the final level, a holographic droid materialized before him, its metallic form glowing with otherworldly energy.

    Congratulations, traveler, the droid intoned. "You have completed the tutorial for building in the Infiniverse. Remember, building here is a time-consuming process and should be used for creating structures and cannot be used during battle unless you own the plot of land that you are building on.

    As the droid's words faded into the ether, Klic's mind ignited with a blaze of creativity. Nanotechnology had always been his forte, his favorite class among all others. He excelled in it effortlessly, and ideas were already flowing through his mind faster than the bot could imagine.

    Nano-constructs danced before his eyes, their intricate designs weaving a tapestry of possibility. Self-assembling structures, shape-shifting marvels, and sentient materials beckoned to him, their siren song calling him to push the boundaries of what was deemed possible.

    I understand the constraints, Klic murmured, his voice a reverent whisper. But within them lies the canvas upon which I shall paint my masterpiece. Nano-forges, quantum fabricators, the very building blocks of creation... I shall mold them into wonders the likes of which the Infiniverse has never seen.

    The droid hummed in acknowledgment, its mechanical form a stoic sentinel in the face of Klic's fervor. Your ambition burns bright, traveler, it replied, its tone tinged with respect. May your creations stand as a testament to your ingenuity, and may they shape the very fabric of this boundless realm.

    Klic blinked his right eye twice before moving on.

    Next was the social media platform of the secondary reality world, known only as InfiniStream.

    The application lit up in his HUD, forcing him to activate it. The vibrant interface of the social media platform greeted him, beckoning him to explore its myriad features.

    Alright, let's see what all the fuss is about, Klic muttered, his fingers deftly navigating the holographic controls. A holographic tutorial popped up, guiding him through the setup process.

    Welcome to InfiniStream, a cheerful voice chimed through his neural interface.

    To begin streaming your experiences in the Infiniverse, simply activate your neural link and select your desired streaming settings.

    Klic followed the prompts, adjusting the privacy settings and selecting the appropriate channel category for his stream. He hesitated momentarily, a pang of uncertainty gnawing at his


    Should I be doing this? Klic murmured, his gaze flicking to the icon indicating the

    number of potential viewers as he couldn’t control the blinking in his eyes.

      This is a pain, shouldn’t the Infiniverse fix this? Klic whispered.

    Despite his outgoing nature, the thought of broadcasting his every move to an audience of strangers made him uneasy.

    With a sigh, Klic made a snap decision, deactivating the InfiniStream application and closing his HUD.

    He shook his head, dismissing the lingering sense of doubt. Nah, not today, he muttered, pushing the intrusive thoughts to the back of his mind. He was here to focus on the task, not become a virtual sensation.

     As he left the InfiniStream his eyes moved to a filter that would be etched in his mind as he remembered from his nightmare. The war mode filter sat there stuck in the on position, impossible to turn off. It was the only filter that kept the Infiniverse from being a perfect galaxy. Created by the Druids during their war with the Ethereals it was now the focus of every power-hungry user in the galaxy. It was the one filter that struck fear in every user that went into their HUD. He had to move on for the time being.

    But the testing didn't stop there. Oh no, there was much more to explore in the vast expanse of the Infiniverse.

    Klic next found himself in a series of simulations, testing his problem-solving skills, creativity, and adaptability in various scenarios. From navigating labyrinthine puzzles to crafting intricate structures, Klic enthusiastically tackled each challenge, his ADHD-fueled mind buzzing with ideas and solutions at every turn, leaving him with mixed and hilarious results.

    As the day wore on, Klic emerged from the testing facility with a newfound confidence and excitement. He was ready to embark on his journey through the Infiniverse.

    The Infiniverse unfurled before him, an endless canvas of neon-lit cities, untamed wilderness, and alien landscapes, all shimmering with the promise of adventure.

    Next, he moved into a new location, populated by many users, but most were mixed in small groups and engaged in gaming or trading with each other.

    Klic knew he should start by asking around about his mother but couldn't resist the urge to pull a prank to amuse himself and add a touch of excitement to his new surroundings. With mischievous glee, he plotted a clever trick he had learned from watching other Infiniverse users to catch unsuspecting users off guard.

    He clicked on every door and table he passed at first but realized what he was doing and decided that he could ignore his tendencies and focus better in this reality.

    As he strolled through the bustling virtual streets, Klic spotted a group of users engrossed in a virtual reality game. Their attention was entirely focused on the immersive experience. Seizing the opportunity, he activated his holographic projector and conjured up a lifelike image of a mischievous sprite hovering above their heads.

    The sprite, adorned with colorful wings and a playful grin, darted around the users with lightning speed, giggling mischievously as it teased and taunted them. Each flutter of its wings unleashed a burst of colorful sparks, adding to the illusion of its presence.

    The users, wholly engrossed in the game, were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the sprite, their virtual avatars stumbling and fumbling in confusion as they tried to make sense of the unexpected intrusion. Some laughed in delight, while others furrowed their brows in frustration, unable to comprehend the source of the prank.

    Meanwhile, Klic watched from a safe distance, barely able to contain his amusement as he observed the users' reactions to his prank. With each bewildered expression and startled gasp. He couldn't resist a grin as he conjured a mischievous sprite to dance above unsuspecting users' heads. Nothing like a little chaos to kick things off, he chuckled.

    The prank continued until they seemed to catch on. Klic had successfully pulled the prank before they could find out what it was or who did it, making it more humorous to himself as he disappeared from that area and went to a new place where he was by himself.

    The sun hung lazily in the sky as Klic strolled into the bustling town square, his makeshift lute slung over his shoulder and a mischievous grin plastered on his face. He was on a mission—one that would go down in history as the most epic showdown of musical prowess the land had ever seen.

    But as Klic approached the center of the square, his ears were assaulted by the sound of a familiar melody drifting through the air. His grin faltered as he spotted the galactically famous singer, Bardolph the Bombastic, perched atop a makeshift stage, his lute gleaming in the sunlight as he regaled the crowd with his dulcet tones.

    Oh, it's on, Klic muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing with determination. He squared his shoulders and marched boldly onto the stage, drawing the attention of the gathered crowd.

    Ah, Klic the Silly, Bardolph sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. What brings you to my stage? Surely you're not foolish enough to challenge the greatest bard in all the land?

    Klic's grin widened into a wicked smirk as he met Bardolph's gaze. On the contrary, Bardolph the Bland. I'm here to challenge you to a musical duel—a showdown of epic proportions!

    The crowd erupted into excited murmurs as Klic and Bardolph faced off, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. With a dramatic flourish, Klic produced his makeshift lute—a battered shield with a string hastily strung across it—and prepared to unleash his secret weapon.

    Behold! Klic exclaimed, brandishing his weapon with pride. The mightiest instrument in all the land!

    Bardolph scoffed, strumming a few chords on his ornate lute with practiced ease. A shield with a string? How quaint. But let's see if you can match my musical mastery, Klic.


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