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Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2): Magical Fantasy Adventure Series for Children Aged 6 - 10
Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2): Magical Fantasy Adventure Series for Children Aged 6 - 10
Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2): Magical Fantasy Adventure Series for Children Aged 6 - 10
Ebook63 pages33 minutes

Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2): Magical Fantasy Adventure Series for Children Aged 6 - 10

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About this ebook

Join Savannah and Skittle on their enchanting adventure to a magical land, where ordinary pets transform into DRAGON PETS! Collect all the titles in this fantasy adventure series perfect for children aged 6 to 10.

Savannah's dog Skittle is sweet and quirky, but Savannah is about to discover her secret.


Release dateMay 16, 2024
Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2): Magical Fantasy Adventure Series for Children Aged 6 - 10

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    Book preview

    Savannah and the Heart of Frost (Dragon Pets #2) - Anita Sachlikidis

    A silhouette of a lizard Description automatically generated

    Savannah perched on the far end of the bench, her legs swinging idly as she waited to be called for the start of her swimming lesson. She had chosen to sit in this particular spot for good reason. By craning her neck just so, she could see over the fence all the way down to the lake.

    Even from a distance, the blue waters sparkled. Harsh splashes of white dotted over the surface suggested that the normally calm lake waters were being buffeted by strong winds.

    Savannah reached behind her neck and unclipped her necklace. She hauled herself up and went over to where her dad sat chatting happily with another parent. After carefully stowing the special necklace in the swimming bag at her dad’s feet, she recalled a story her friend Jasmine had shared with Savannah and her closest friends. 

    It was the necklace that jogged her memory. Savannah had thought it lost once before, around the same time that Jasmine’s bracelet, Harley’s rainbow sneakers and Coby’s favourite cap had gone missing.

    Jasmine had told them the most incredible tale of adventure, in which she had journeyed to a secret magical world. What was even more exciting was that she had not gone alone. Jasmine’s dog, Jefferson, had undergone a magical transformation and turned into a DRAGON.

    Together they had embarked on a quest to restore hidden treasures in the magical world, which in turn had brought back the other missing things. Like Savannah’s necklace. 

    A sudden gust of wind whipped through the swimming centre, the chilly blast jolting Savannah from her thoughts of dragons and magical worlds.

    Dressed only in her swimmers, Savannah shivered. Goosebumps prickled over her bare skin.

    Finally, her swimming instructor called her name and Savannah lowered herself onto the ledge at the side of the pool. To her dismay, it was no warmer in the water than out.

    I’m sorry, it’s a little cold today, said her instructor apologetically. Hard to believe it’s still summer with that cold wind blowing! But you’ll soon warm up once you get going. Ready?

    Savannah nodded and lowered her goggles over her eyes, trying to stop her teeth from chattering.

    When her lesson was over, Savannah huddled in an oversized towel and waited for her turn under the warm shower.

    Sitting in the blissfully warm car on the way home, Savannah’s thoughts drifted back to the magical world that her friend had described.

    A beautiful place where strange and mysterious creatures dwelled. Where dragons and their protectors might be called upon for help, summoned by a magical glowing stone.

    It sounded so wonderful!  Savannah desperately hoped that the magic was real and that someday she might see it for herself, along with her sweet little dog Skittle. As she made her

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