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Cultivation game
Cultivation game
Cultivation game
Ebook316 pages4 hours

Cultivation game

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About this ebook

Travel through the Stardome universe to access the live streaming system.

As long as the audience's mood swings, the greater the reward.

The first exposure of the two worlds is the game world.

Then review the characters in the game, and let them die one by one!

Publishercroston Zoe
Release dateJun 3, 2024
Cultivation game

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    Book preview

    Cultivation game - croston Zoe

    Chapter 1 Magical Sunglasses

    Here, here you are!

    A cool, sweet voice rang in his ears. Ruby Brown looked up and saw a pretty girl in a maid's costume standing before him, holding a basket in one hand and a pair of sunglasses in the other.


    Ruby Brown was slightly shocked. There were a lot of leaflets and tissues sent in front of the commercial square, and raincoats were occasionally sent, but sunglasses were really not seen.

    And maid's sunglasses. What's that with?

    In a moment of silence, the maid had shoved the sunglasses into Ruby Brown's hands and then trotted away, disappearing into the dense crowd in a twinkling.

    Ruby Brown paused, looked down at her sunglasses, hesitated for a few seconds, put them in her pocket, turned and walked to the nearest bus stop, ready to go back to school.

    The campus was much quieter than usual on the weekend, with a sour smell of love everywhere. As Ruby Brown walked back to her dormitory, she saw no fewer than five couples walking hand in hand toward the school gate.

    Back in the dormitory, he looked around and found that only Liu Jinghe was playing computer, and the other two roommates were nowhere to be seen.

    Liu Jinghe, who was playing lol, heard the noise, looked back and saw Ruby Brown, the corners of his mouth immediately opened.

    Back ah, just, I'm about to end this, do you want to open black together later?

    No, you play. I want to read. Ruby Brown shook her head and walked to her desk.

    Their dormitory is a quadruple room, bed and desk, each person has a fixed desk.

    Liu Jinghe does not mind, consciously wear headphones, and then continue to play the game, he is now in the bronze promotion of silver at a critical moment, today must end the bronze goalkeeper this shameful title.

    The room was suddenly quiet. Ruby Brown pulled out the unfinished Kafka on the Sea from the shelf, turned to the bookmark, and continued to read.

    The refreshing and comfortable summer breeze blew in from the balcony, making people feel a bit lazy from the heart. After half an hour, he looked up and rubbed his brow and planned to rest for a while.

    Suddenly, as if remembering something, Ruby Brown patted her forehead, took the pair of sunglasses from her pocket, and began to study them.

    The lens is oval, the whole body is bright black, the overall style is very ordinary, and Taobao 9 yuan 9 also free mail sunglasses.

    That's right. You don't give away anything that's not cheap.

    After playing around with them for a while, Ruby Brown got the idea to put them on and suddenly her eyes went dark.

    It is not the kind of situation where the vision will be darkened after wearing sunglasses, but the light in all directions will disappear instantly, as if you are in an environment without any light, and what you see is deep and inimical darkness.

    These sunglasses aren't right!

    Ruby Brown looked around and began to frown. She was about to take off her sunglasses when a line of text burst into view.

    【 Welcome to the Cultivation Series games

    The font was pure white and stood out in the deep gloom.

    The Cultivation series?

    Ruby Brown paused, staring suspiciously at the vivid three-dimensional text in front of him, which was projected much like vr, but he was sure he wasn't wearing vr glasses.

    While meditating, new words appeared before my eyes.

    【 This series of games is rich and diverse, in each game world, you can continue to become stronger through cultivation, and get points 】

    【 The use of points includes but is not limited to redeemable game time, and when you have 100,000 points, players can ask the game designer for any wish, we will do our best to help you achieve it 】

    【 Enter the game 】

    【 Whether or not 】

    Line after line of pure white text, like 瀑流, dominates Ruby Brown's field of vision.

    Any wishes?

    Ruby Brown was silent for a few seconds, but finally couldn't resist her curiosity and decided to give it a try.

    But how do you choose yes?

    As soon as this thought occurred to him, he was surprised to see the 'yes' option flicker, and the next second all the words broke into countless particles of pure white light, which were quickly combined into new words.

    【 Please set your game name 】

    Is this mind control?

    Ruby Brown pursed her lips in surprise, thinking of Kafka on the Sea, which she had just read. She quickly made up her mind and whispered:


    As his thoughts came to him, the words changed again.


    【 Human male, 20 years old 】

    【 Score: 100】

    【 Welcome to join, player 'Crow' 】

    【 New players can get a free draw 】

    【 Please select the type of game you want to draw from the following five game types 】

    【 Body 】, 【 Dharma 】, 【 Tools 】, 【 Rules 】, 【 Call 】

    Ruby Brown's eyes darted past her in hesitation.

    On the surface, the meaning of these five words is not difficult to understand, but there is no way to know what the specific type of game is, and naturally there is no way to make the right choice based on it.

    So Ruby Brown chose the most seemingly normal type - the chain.

    From his limited online novel reading experience, the chain should refer to the tempering of the body, related to physical quality.

    This should be more suitable for beginners?

    As Ruby Brown made her choice, the scene changed from deep darkness to a light gray background with a row of five options for each of the previous five genres.

    In addition to the dim glow of the chain, the other four options are dim, and it is clear that only the chain is available at present.

    【 Start drawing games, the type is' chain '】

    【 Extraction completed 】

    The font slowly disappeared, Ruby Brown looked down, and there was one more game on the list of Chain.

    Strong Exercise Diary!

    Is this the game you can cultivate?

    For a moment, he tried to focus on the name of the game, and sure enough, the next second he saw the name of the game flicker, and then a large piece of text appeared.

    Name: Strong Exercise Diary

    Type: Chain

    Time flow rate: 1:120

    Cost: 10 credit hours (real time)

    【 Whether to start the game 】

    【 Whether or not 】

    A time flow rate of 1 to 120 refers to reality and game? Ruby Brown estimates that one hour of real life is equivalent to five days of gaming.

    He suddenly felt a sense of absurdity and disbelief.

    The situation just now can also be explained by technology, but if this time flow rate is true, then the sunglasses are not simple, and the technology tree of vr in reality has not reached this stage.

    Ruby Brown can't help but think of the goldfinger she often sees in online novels.

    Anyway, just give it a try!

    With this idea in mind, he chose to start the game, the screen flashed, the new text appeared.

    Here are the characters you can redeem points for in this game:

    1 Fitness enthusiast (Physical fitness +2), Price: 3 points

    2 Bachelor with small assets (get 1 million yen), price: 6 points

    3 Taekwondo students (master 'Basic Fighting lv1'), price: 10 points

    Ruby Brown looked slowly over, hesitated, and skipped the step.

    From the information just now, points should be very precious things, it is not clear how to get points at the moment, or try not to spend too much money, let alone he does not know how useful these roles are in the game.

    In an instant, the scene shattered like glass, and the endless darkness flooded out, drowning Ruby Brown's consciousness in the blink of an eye.

    The second chapter of the strong exercise diary

    In the misty period, Ruby Brown tried to gather her consciousness, I do not know how long it was before she finally woke up and regained control of her body.

    He opened his eyes and saw a yellowed, peeling ceiling.

    Here it is.

    Sitting up slowly, Ruby Brown rubbed her temples and turned her head to look around her.

    The old TV set, the low coffee table, the above are placed with messy snacks and magazines and other things, and then look at the body, it is a yellow discolored tatami mat, from the style should be non-woven core.

    He had read books on the subject and quickly recognized it.

    A Japanese-style room.

    Ruby Brown has a secret heart.

    As he rose from the ground, he was keenly aware of the sensations of the body, and his face could not help but look surprised.

    The sense of touch, sight and sound is very real, almost indistinguishable from reality!

    It was as if the whole body had come into the game!

    This discovery made him very surprised, the real technology can not do this degree, what is the origin of this pair of sunglasses?

    Even if the time flow rate of 1:120 is not real, it is enough to call black technology by the sense of body that is barely different from reality!

    After thinking for a while, Ruby Brown gave up thinking for a while and began to observe the layout of the room.

    The room area is not large, the living room and the bedroom are universal, about five stacks of large, that is, nine or nine square meters, the center is a low coffee table, covered with soft MATS below, you can sleep on it after moving the coffee table, equivalent to a bed.

    In addition, opposite the coffee table, there is an old 25-inch TV, the shell is covered with floating dust, apparently in a long time to use.

    On the right hand side of the living room is the balcony, and on the left hand side is the narrow bathroom and porch, which are connected to the kitchen and can be seen from the right after entering the door.

    In general, this is a narrow Japanese-style apartment, inside and out it is not difficult to tell that the owner is a bachelor.

    Ruby Brown glanced at the adult magazines on the coffee table and continued to look around.

    In the corner of the living room, he slowly paced to a full-length mirror that did not fit the room layout. Looking up, he found that his clothes had changed into ordinary T-shirts and shorts, but his appearance had not changed.

    As he looked at himself, lines of small white letters slowly appeared on the surface of the mirror.

    Welcome to the Strong Exercise Diary!

    Since this is your first time playing a game, here's a tip for you: stick to the daily plan in your diary, and actively explore the game world in the spare time you have to finish your workout!

    As soon as Ruby Brown finished reading this sentence, the mirror suddenly flashed and a large snowflake appeared as if the TV screen was faulty. It took more than ten seconds before the mirror returned to normal and a new text appeared.

    It has been detected that the player 'Crow' has special privileges, and according to the rules of the game, you can choose one of the following three options as a game benefit:

    1 Basic Combat Level +1 (if there is no corresponding skill, change to master 'Basic Combat lv1')

    2 Physical fitness +3 (maximum 20)

    3 Workout effect +50 (permanent, only within the game)

    Special privileges? Ruby Brown murmured and turned her attention to the three benefits, thinking for a moment before deciding on the third.

    After all, from the name point of view, this game is obviously very deep relationship with exercise, the choice of 'exercise effect +50' is more appropriate, and in the long run, this permanent effect buff is more cost-effective.

    On the other hand, Ruby Brown also noted that the first two rewards overlap with the character's identity before entering the game, for example, the first one overlaps with Taekwondo student and the second one overlaps with fitness enthusiast.

    Speaking of which, I feel like I still have 100 points.

    Ruby Brown recalled seeing a personal board-like text before entering the game, remembering that the score column was marked with the number 100.

    Thought of here, he suddenly had an idea, in his heart silently read a personal panel, the next second sure enough to see a translucent green light screen in front of him, light green text suspended in the air:


    【 Human male, 20 years old 】

    【 Score: 99】

    ----------- The chain ----------

    Physical fitness: 11

    Compared to what I have seen before, there are more words about refining and physical qualities!

    What level of physical fitness does 11 represent?

    Ruby Brown frowns and thinks, his daily life is very regular, often running fitness, so the body is much stronger than most of his peers, which surpasses that perhaps the normal adult man's body mass is 9, or 10?

    In addition, the character status and perks of special privileges both mention physical fitness and basic fighting, which seems to be very important in this game.

    Points, on the other hand, have been reduced from 100 to 99, and the 1 point reduction should be automatically deducted to redeem the game time.

    After standing in front of the mirror for a moment to make sure nothing new appeared, Ruby Brown turned around and searched the living room until she found a diary with a brown leather cover and a light gray wallet under an adult magazine.

    In addition to his identification, there were a number of yen notes in the wallet.

    Ruby Brown put her purse aside and took the diary.

    This should be the diary that the game prompts say.

    While talking to himself, he opened the cover of his diary and looked at the crooked writing on the first page:

    Work hard! I'm gonna be the strongest man in this city!

    Daily Plan:

    100 push-ups!

    100 sit-ups!

    100 squats!

    Run 10 kilometers!

    Never turn on air conditioning in summer!

    Ruby Brown looked up and around the living room, her mouth curling.

    There's no air conditioning in this room!

    And what does not turn on the air conditioning in the summer have to do with exercise?

    The text on the first page stopped abruptly, and Ruby Brown continued to turn back. To his surprise, the rest of the page was blank.

    So I have to complete a fixed number of exercises per day as it's written in my diary? Ruby Brown closed the diary, frowning slightly, From the name of the game, should be the completion of these projects can become strong, or improve the physical quality?

    Well, just try it!

    After putting the diary back on the coffee table, Ruby Brown was about to get up when she suddenly stopped, thought for a moment, reached for the wallet on the coffee table, took out all the banknotes, and carefully counted them, a total of 150,000 yen, no more or no less.

    He pulled out two $1,000 bills and slipped them into his pocket. He put the rest of the money back into his wallet.

    After putting on his sneakers in the hallway, Ruby Brown looked at the clock on the living room wall and noticed that it was just before 10:30 a.m., about the same time he entered the game in real life, and whether it was a coincidence or not.

    Outside, he found that he lived in a four-story apartment building and his room happened to be on the top floor.

    The apartment blocks are crumbling, the mottled walls are still covered with yellow creepers, and the stairs are covered with rust, which makes a squeaky sound when stepping on them, as if they will collapse at any time.

    The accommodation was surprisingly poor!

    The same goes for the street outside, where trash such as plastic bags and cans is strewn on the pavement, and the walls are covered in colorful graffiti.

    The whole street reeks of decay.

    It felt like coming to the ghetto. Ruby Brown murmured, looked away, stretched in place, warmed up for a while, and then ran.

    He was going to finish his 10-kilometer run and look outside.

    Chapter three reality feedback

    A cool breeze was blowing against Ruby Brown, easing her heat.

    He kept adjusting his breathing, running at a constant pace past a couple of laughing housewives carrying bags.

    The running site was chosen on the streets and roads near the apartment to prevent getting lost and observe the state of the game world.

    Running along the way, there is no difference between what you see and hear along the way and the real world, the streets are lined with shops, and the passers-by do not look like wooden games, flesh and blood, talking and laughing as usual, so that people can not imagine that everything in front of you is just a game.

    It's more of a real world than a game.

    More than an hour later, Ruby Brown finally finished the 10 kilometers, the whole has been sweating, panting, out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of the roadside just a convenience store, and went in to buy a bottle of mineral water.

    When he was about to check out, he caught a glimpse of the bento on the shelf and immediately felt the extremely real hunger in his stomach, so he grabbed another bento.

    That's 750 yuan.

    The cashier girl finished scanning the goods, looked up and fell on Ruby Brown's face, couldn't help but start, and then her cheeks were slightly flushed.

    Ruby Brown seemed unaware and handed her a $1,000 bill.

    I'll take you 1,000 yuan altogether, and the change is 250 yuan.

    As she spoke, the salesgirl glanced up at him quickly, then lowered her head again, her cheeks growing rudder.

    Welcome again!

    'Thank you! Ruby Brown took the change, completely unaware of the girl's expression, and left the store with her disappointed eyes.

    It wasn't until he was out of the convenience store that it hit him.

    Speaking of it, whether it is the language used by passers-by to communicate, or the text marked on the product, it seems to be Japanese, and I can actually understand and read it! And I just said thank you in Chinese, and the other party didn't seem to understand."

    Is it possible that all languages in this game are universal and there is no communication trouble! ?"

    Ruby Brown looked thoughtful.

    Back home, he ate a lunch with mineral water, rested for more than an hour, felt almost recovered, and began to carry out the rest of the exercise project.

    100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats.

    The three exercises were divided into five groups of 20 each, and each group took a 20-minute rest. It took Ruby Brown almost two hours to complete all the exercises, and it was not yet 4 PM.

    It took a lot less time than I expected.

    After taking a towel to wipe off the sweat, Ruby Brown silently read the personal panel in her mind, and the pale green translucent light screen suddenly emerged, suspended in the void in front of her.


    【 Human male, 20 years old 】

    【 Score: 99】

    ----------- The chain ----------

    Physical fitness: 12

    Increased fitness by 1 point! Ruby Brown muttered, Sure enough, you can increase your fitness through exercise in the game.

    He felt his body carefully again, and it seemed to be stronger, but it was not obvious, and I did not know whether it was an illusion.

    Or it could be that you've just exercised and you're too tired to feel it, and you'll see when you recover.

    After taking her last sip of mineral water, Ruby Brown was about to throw away the plastic bottle when a thought crossed her mind.

    Can the increase in physical fitness in the game feed back into the physical reality?

    As soon as the idea came up, it stuck in Ruby Brown's mind.

    I have to say, this speculation is a little absurd, even a little ridiculous, but with this pair of sunglasses, with the magic of this game, it is not impossible.

    With indescribable anticipation and excitement in her heart, Ruby Brown soon began to care, first looking at the clock on the wall to remember the time firmly in her mind, and then silently quit the game.

    With a moment's notice, Ruby Brown found herself back in the deep, endless darkness of the beginning.

    He quickly reached out to the side of the eye, fingertips immediately came from the mirror frame solid touch, see, the heart suddenly a loose, hurried to take off the sunglasses.

    The dazzling light dissipated the deep darkness in an instant, and Ruby Brown's eyes were slightly narrowed, and after a few seconds of slight adaptation, she looked around and found herself still in the dormitory, with Kafka on the Sea open on the desk in front of her.

    Looking back, Liu Jinghe is still immersed in lol, the mouse and keyboard can fly, and the operation is fierce like a tiger.

    Ruby Brown turned to look at the clock in the corner of his desk and realized that it had only been four or five minutes, and that he had been in the game for almost six hours. Excluding the time it took to name the game and choose the genre, the ratio of time flow between reality and the game was exactly 1:120.

    It really is a time flow ratio of 1 to 120! Ruby Brown took a quiet breath, shocked and excited.

    It took him a long time to calm down, and then he immediately felt a strange change in his body.

    The fatigue is gone and the physical fitness really seems to be getting better.

    As she touched her entire body, Ruby Brown felt her muscles firmer and fuller, and her body lighter.

    After a moment, he came back to his senses, immediately put the sunglasses in his pocket, got up and walked outside.

    Arriving at the school gate, instead of taking the bus, Ruby Brown took a taxi directly back to the commercial square, looking around for the maid who had given him sunglasses.

    Unfortunately, looking for a long time, never found the figure.

    Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be a maid cafe or anything like that around here, let alone an optician, so how could someone dress up as a maid and send glasses?

    Afraid that she was wrong, Ruby Brown took out her phone and searched the Internet. Sure enough, there were no storefronts or eyeglasses shops related to maids near the commercial square.

    "Who the hell is that guy?

    Ruby Brown continued to search around, but still fruitless, had to return to school full of doubts.

    Back in her dorm room, after a few moments of contemplation at her desk, Ruby Brown grabbed her sunglasses, went back to her bed, lay down on her back to the outside, pretended to sleep, but actually put on the sunglasses and logged into the game.

    Deep and deep darkness suddenly occupied the whole field of vision, a few seconds later, pure white letters slowly emerged.

    【 Welcome to the Cultivation Series games

    【 Enter the game 】

    【 Whether or not 】

    Ruby Brown chose yes and entered the game Strong Exercise Diary.

    When he opened his eyes again, he was back in the cramped apartment in the game.

    The clock on the wall still pointed to 3:46, exactly the same time as when we left the game.

    It seems that in real life, time in the game stands still.

    Ruby Brown, on the other hand, found that her body had returned to its old fatigue and pain.

    Seeing that it was still early, he got up, took a shower, changed into a T-shirt and shorts, and was ready to go out, intending to wander outside and see what he could find.

    After all, the game tips say to actively explore the game world in the spare time after completing your workout.

    With her purse in hand, Ruby

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