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Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS
Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS
Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS
Ebook241 pages1 hour

Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS

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About this ebook

The challenges that our children do face and will continue to face in the 21st century are enormous. The explosion of all manner of information on all platforms without discretion demands an urgent intervention on our parts as parents and ministers. Our Children have not only been entangled in the "World Wide Web/Internet" but have been thorough

Release dateJun 22, 2024
Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS

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    Who am I? The TEN Ultimate IDENTITY Questions for TEENS and PreTEENS - Dr. Mrs. Ekaete Ime Ettang


    The challenges that our children do face and will continue to face in the 21st century are enormous. The explosion of all manner of information on all platforms without discretion demands an urgent intervention on our parts as parents and ministers. Our Children have not only been entangled in the World Wide Web/Internet but have been thoroughly raped.

    R A P E D! YES! R A P E D!

    R: RISKED: exposed to dangers of different magnitudes in the physical world

    and social media. Above all, to ideologies that are contrary to the Truth. Col


    A: ABANDONED: left to themselves because parents are too busy. Their

    questions are not answered as and when due.

    P: PRESSURIZED: the children are under intense pressure from peers, from

    seducing spirits of the age and in the jungle of confusion in terms of choices to make. Many of them are simply unable to handle the pressures of life, so they become victims of pressure. They are doing many things in order to survive using the easy way out like drugs, sex, etc.

    E: ESTRANGED: alienated and isolated from the family, they are in the world of their own. They don’t have affection for or attachment to family. They are withdrawn and are easily bored.

    D: DECEIVED: they are following another Jesus, another gospel and another spirit. 2 Cor. 11:3-4 They have become strange children with strange identities. Psalm 144:11. They remain immature and are not able to handle responsibilities commensurate with their ages.

    Just picture in your mind being given a raped child to nurse back to life and health with the instruction, ‘nurse this child for me, I will pay you’. Exo 2:9.

    What will you do? Will you run away telling yourself, ‘This is too much responsibility or too bad, there is nothing I can do’.

    Or will you choose to submit your fears and anxieties to God, join the rescue mission and trust Him to lend you His wisdom on the matter?

    This is the reason for this training manual on identity and much more. A great number of our children in the midst of the frightening emerging trends in the world

    system need adequate training in knowledge, values and skills. This will guarantee the discovery of their true identity and worth. It will also empower them to make righteous choices, identify risks in their environments, protect their sexual health and have the courage to nurture their leadership potentials for a successful adult/family life.

    Dr. Mrs. Ekaete Ime Ettang – Daughters of Sarah Ministries - Nigeria


      The trainer must thoroughly study the 10 questions

      We use facilitation strategy

      The learning approach should be child-centered,

      Life application is most important so that children should apply every aspect

    of lesson to real life.

      The truth of God’s word remains central and children should be engaged to

    memorize critical passages that answer their questions in each lesson.

      Materials needed: worksheets, writing materials, colouring materials, access to video and audio facilities and a pool of games and other materials for

    crowd breaker.

      Methodology: use a variety of child-friendly methodologies which include

    but not restricted to group discussions and presentation, question and answer sessions, talk shows, book review, facilitation, games, role playing, research, drama, etc. to provoke for critical thinking. Let the children think so that they can own the truth discovered.

      The setting: the environment where the training is taking place is important. It must not be crowded. Everyone must be seated whether on seat or mats. It should be well ventilated and well lit. it can be outdoors. It should be controlled from outside noise and distractions so that children can concentrate. The environment must be safe.

    Who is qualified to use the manual?

    ¬Every trained person is qualified to use the manual as long as they have submitted to training.

    ¬This training promises to be an exciting adventure and you need to make a commitment at this point to persevere and finish the training. That way, God can use you to train other young people.



    It is very important for you to know who you were at birth. But most importantly, you need to answer these questions:

    ¬Who and where were you before you entered your mother’s womb?

    ¬Who were you when you were in your mother’s womb?

    ¬Who were you when your mother gave birth to you?

    At birth most babies come out of the mothers’ womb crying. Why does the baby cry? It is because the baby lived in a very comfortable and warm place inside the mother’s womb. As soon as the baby comes out of the womb to feel this world for the first time, there is a cry because it is colder and uncomfortable. He or she has to start using the nostrils and lungs to breath. The baby’s cry announces to the parents, I have come as a new member of your family. The parents are excited to announce to family and friends the sex of the baby; We are blessed with a boy or a girl, as the case may be. This announcement is followed soon after by Congratulations!"

    That is how the birth of children is normally celebrated because every child is a precious gift from God. Ps 127:3-5 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Even though I was small in size, my mother and others held me in their hands and fed me with milk so that I could grow up fast to be big. How big are you now?

    This chapter will be explored under FIVE headings

    Who/where was I before I entered my mother’s womb?

    Who was I in my mother’s womb?

    Who was I when my mother gave birth to me?

    What is the meaning of the word identity?

    Why do members of the same family resemble each other?


    At the end of this lesson a young person should be able to

    appreciate the fact that as a child, he/she is a gift, treasure and a blessing from God to the parents and the society,

    identify self as a member of a family,

    Discover the process of his/her creative identity (before the womb, in the womb and out of the womb.)  

    explain the meaning of identity,

    recognize maleness and femaleness as God-created/God assigned,

    establish the need for a Saviour.


    Who and where was I before I entered my mother’s womb?

    Beginning the Lesson: Give children opportunity to think through this question in small groups and present their answers. Let them describe:

    ¬Where do they think they were before they entered their mother’s womb?

    ¬Were they existing before they entered their mother’s womb?

    ¬Let the children engage in Discovery Bible Study (DBS) with the passages and given by the facilitator (Psalm 139:16-18, Jer 1:5) and share their

    understanding before the facilitator summarizes the lessonBefore I was conceived in my mother’s womb, God already knew me. I was in God's mind just like Jeremiah was. Jer. 1:5. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. NKJV

    Ps 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. NKJV

    God predetermined who I will be as a male/female before He put me in my mother’s womb. God knows who my parents should be, my tribe and nationality. God already knew what I will become before He put me in my mother’s womb

    Do you know the book that God has recorded your life in? It could be a very good adventure, studying and researching in the book to discover who you are. That is your true identity and God’s thoughts towards you. Ps 139:17-18 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with

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