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Planet survival
Planet survival
Planet survival
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Planet survival

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Hundreds of millions of people wake up and are dropped onto a Jurassic planet dominated by dinosaurs.

Crisis, the environment is harsh, dinosaurs are everywhere, survival is facing a great test.

Collecting supplies, building territories, exploring treasures, raising dinosaurs, building divine equipment, all in order to survive.

PublisherElisa Bernard
Release dateJun 1, 2024
Planet survival

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    Planet survival - Elisa Bernard

    Chapter 1 Hello, I come from a strange place

    Dear judges and teachers, hello, I am a researcher from the M55 star cluster. My name on Earth is Helen Mayfield. I have been here for six years and I am here to bring you a song.

    Stop, let me ask you, what do you mean from the M55 cluster? Are all young people so casual these days?

    Oh, well, let me explain. The M55 cluster is located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy and belongs to a second-class civilization, which on Earth should be called Sagittarius, about 20,000 light-years away from Earth. I arrived on Earth six years ago on a scientific mission, and then my communications and positioning equipment malfunctioned and I was left here forever. But I love the earth, so I continue my scientific career, and hope to use music to bring the fifth civilization Earth and the second civilization of us closer together, I will bring you a song of fire.

    The four judges all looked like they couldn't smile, and one of the older judges waved his hand: You go back first, we'll call you if there's any news.

    But teacher, I haven't sung yet.

    'Get out!

    Why don't you listen to me first... No, don't do it. Helen Mayfield broke free from the clutches of the security guard, sighed and bowed to the judges: I still hope you can listen...

    "Get out of here!

    Helen Mayfield, who was driven out of the audition scene, sat on the side of the road. It was already late autumn, and the temperature was a little low, but the low temperature could not match the cold in his heart.

    I'm getting hungry. He looked up at a persimmon poking out of the wall and opened his mouth wide.

    After waiting for about half an hour, the persimmon had not yet fallen into his mouth, but he was almost hungry, so he had to stand up resentfully and return with his broken guitar.

    He's been living with a friend for six months now. Technically, he's been moving from place to place, living here for a while, there for a while, and now living in the home of a fat nerd he met in an underpass, and he's the only person in the world who really believes Helen Mayfield is from the M55 star cluster.

    I'm back. Helen Mayfield opened the door and sat dejectedly on the sofa: Failed again today.

    But as soon as he said it, he found that today's atmosphere was not quite right, because there were a lot of things scattered on the ground, the fat man's favorite hand was separated from the hand, and the game machine that he played with last night was also fragmented lying in the living room, and the whole room could be said to be a mess.

    Just as he thought the house was being attacked by a gangster, a shrill voice came from the back room: If today you don't let go of your psycho friend who says he's from Remy Martin, then we'll break up.

    How could you? What does it matter to you that he's here?

    What do you say bothers me? That's a liar! I'm doing you good, and you're being mean to me?

    Helen Mayfield then realized that it was the girlfriend of the fat-ass who had come to throw a tantrum, and the source of the tantrum seemed to be her own...

    He thought about it, tiptoe into the back room, just to see the dead fat man and his girlfriend in the confrontation scene, he poof laughed out, because the dead fat man is now wearing a pair of shorts, the body of the white flower fat meat looks unique texture.

    Ah, Tingting. It's not the face of Centauri, it's the M55 Centauri cluster.

    Are you back? The fat man gave his girlfriend a look and then walked out with a smile. How were you today? Did it work?

    Helen Mayfield took one look at the fat man with the scratches on his face and the ugly girlfriend behind him, then nodded vigorously and said with excitement: Dude is going to be hot!

    Really? Fatso obviously didn't believe it, he knew how bad the grandson could sing: Are the judges deaf or blind?

    You have no faith in me? No more nonsense, I'm packing up, ready to move to the training center, one of the judges said good on me, ready to sign me directly. Helen Mayfield patted her chest and said, When the boys are rich and the crayfish tube is enough, move, move, I'll get the stuff.

    Pushing the fat man aside, he walked into the room, smiled at the girl who was staring at him, put his few bags into a backpack, and quickly put the bag on his back and walked out.

    No, bring me some bread from the fridge. Helen Mayfield pointed to the refrigerator. We have a long bus ride to the provincial capital. There's no time to prepare.

    Fat Man quickly took everything out of the refrigerator, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Helen Mayfield. As he stood in the doorway, he patted Helen Mayfield on the shoulder with his head down. I'm sorry."

    Helen Mayfield didn't say anything, just pinched his stomach. Dude's going to be hot.

    With that, he turned and left, carrying a bundle of clothes and a broken guitar, and walked downstairs, leaving the place where he had lived for half a year.

    When he reached the road, he turned around and saw the fat man standing at the window watching him, but he didn't care, just flew a kiss, and then strode away.

    Of course, there are some things we all know, fat is just fat, but in terms of intelligence is not lost to anyone, he does not know Helen Mayfield's singing skills, he can be seen, unless the judge is interested in his body.

    Returning to the tree, Helen Mayfield watched the ripe persimmon stand with its mouth open for a moment, but this time it did not fall, much to her disappointment.

    But worse than the persimmon falling, this time he had nowhere else to go. I had twelve dollars left on me, a few sausages and a few pieces of hard bread, and I should have been able to survive on that for three days, but... I'm afraid the rest of the day is a little difficult, can not come every day to wait for that rotten persimmon to fall into the mouth.

    After eating a piece of bread on the roadside and then picking up a mineral water bottle from the roadside, receiving some tap water and drinking happily, he began to think about the future road for the first time today...

    Hey, little girl, give me some money.

    Helen Mayfield thought about it and thought it was a good idea. But she was so inexperienced that she had to ask for it. And just then the roadside passed a little girl wearing a high school uniform, pushing a bicycle with a sad face.

    I... I have no money.

    The little girl was frightened by Helen Mayfield, and instinctively thought that she had met a bad person, so she was trembling when she spoke.

    No money? I can't. Helen Mayfield touched her head. So, your bike is broken? I'll fix it for you, and you'll pay me.

    Huh? that How much?

    One hundred and two hundred is not too much, ten and twenty is not too little. Said Helen Mayfield, snatches the bike off her hands and pulls a set of tools from her bag. You see, I'm a professional, aren't I?"

    Exclusively... Professional.

    That's a major. I'm the only genius in M55 who got into Civic University at 14. Helen Mayfield fiddles with her bike. If I have enough, I'll build you a water droplet.

    In a few words, the bike was as good as new under his handling. Helen Mayfield tried it out and handed it to the little girl with satisfaction. Here's the money.

    I... Fifty is all I have.

    How much are you going to give?

    How much do you want?

    It's not a question of how much I want, it's a question of how much you're going to give. Helen Mayfield was angry and amused: Why can't you understand the vernacular? No wonder you have remained a fifth-class civilization for so many years.

    That... Five perfections for you. The little girl was frightened by his gossip: Really no...

    Helen Mayfield thought for a moment, took fifty dollars in her hand, tilted her head to take a look at the high school girl, then reached for a pen in her pocket and picked up a cigarette case on the side of the road and tore it open. On it was written a website: In the future, you can find me here. I owe you one.

    Oh... Oooooo. Yes.

    Taking the cigarette box, the little girl put it into her schoolbag and rode away in a flying way. Helen Mayfield looked at her back and silently sighed: Weak chicken.

    But after saying this, he raised the fifty yuan in his hand, looked at the sky, and then kissed it vigorously and said to himself, There is money for dinner!

    With the money, he first is Mei Mei ate a meal, ordered fried chicken and plum soup, spent a full forty pieces, and after eating the meal, he found that it was dark, there was also a vague trend of heavy rain outside.

    Ah... I have to think about my life for the second time today. Helen Mayfield sat in her seat and said to herself, Where are you staying?

    His expression is very tangled, as if there are many choices like the kind of entanglement, and finally he seems to make a determination, a cruel bite of teeth back bag stood up.

    Taking the bus in the light rain, he reached the terminal and after walking for fifteen minutes, almost soaking wet, he finally came to an abandoned bomb shelter.

    Haven't gone in, in the mouth of the cave smelled a smell of urine, anyway, it is not clear whether it is animal urine or human urine, anyway the taste is very bad on the right.

    He stood at the mouth of the cave for a moment, then walked slowly in, covering his mouth and nose.

    The shelter was deep, and he kept walking into it until he reached a point where there was almost no light, and suddenly he raised his arm, and after a few clicks on the broken digital watch, there was a sudden buzzing sound in the cave, and then suddenly lights went on all around him, and the walls that were facing him slowly parted, and inside was a strange spaceship, The ship looked sci-fi, and it was 50 meters long.

    Welcome back, Seeker.

    The artificial intelligence sounds from inside the ship, and then the door slowly opens and a fluorescent road sign guides Helen Mayfield onto the ship.

    Coming to the rest bin, he went to the soft bed and said sadly: I still come back.

    This is where you're supposed to be.

    Damn it, it's not you! Helen Mayfield suddenly pointed to the ceiling and said, If you didn't say try an FM connection, I wouldn't be stranded in this dump. Six years! Have you figured it out?"

    For this, I am deeply sorry. But if there are no accidents, a rescue team has been sent from the home planet and will arrive soon. There was a hint of shyness in the AI's voice: I'm terribly sorry.

    What I'm afraid of isn't the rescue team coming, what I'm afraid of is the home planet perceives this as an aggressive civilization, you know?

    Got it, but I keep sending harmless signals into space, so that shouldn't be a problem.

    At this point, Helen Mayfield suddenly thought of her old teacher.

    The universe is deep, and in theory life is possible where there are stars, and once life is born, there is a great chance that civilization will be born.

    Why would I want to learn about a backward civilization that rode horses? What's the point of such information?

    In response to his question, the teacher beside him walked over here with a serious face and said in a dignified voice: The birth of great civilizations began with the barbarians, and according to the DNA profile analysis, they are our closest race, aren't you a little curious?

    I'm not curious.

    'You! The teacher, flushed with anger, pressed his big hand on his head. Remember, we are not an aggressive civilization. Our goal is to help all non-aggressive civilizations to achieve greatness.

    That... I have a question. He stroked his chin. What if it's an aggressive civilization?

    Destroy it.

    Hey, old man. Although you are my teacher, I also question your mindset. We are indeed a higher civilization, but who gives us the right to destroy other civilizations, whether they are aggressive or not?

    If I choose to participate in a research project on this planet, will I be able to gain insight into whether or not they are an aggressive civilization? He actually understood that some things could not be changed, such as the laws of the universe, so he silently swallowed what he wanted to say.

    In theory, yes, but I warn you that once you embark on this path, there are dangers ahead. You could lose your life at any moment, and even if you succeed, you will return to a strange world.

    What does it matter? I was born a scientist. At that time, he smiled very good, eyelashes curved, eyes curved: I volunteer to participate in this civilization investigation.

    Do you know this planet in detail?

    He stood up and said solemnly, I can learn.

    The teacher smiled with emotion: You have to remember your mission.

    He was not curious, but with a strange sense of mission to join the exploration project as a candidate, he studied the Earth's racial and visual characteristics and cultural characteristics, and gave himself an Earth name, Helen Mayfield.

    Of course, the civilization expedition is not an easy trip, even with their technology to travel more than 20,000 light

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