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SENTINELS: The Awakening
SENTINELS: The Awakening
SENTINELS: The Awakening
Ebook299 pages2 hours

SENTINELS: The Awakening

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Micah's life changes forever when he discovers his extraordinary powers. Under the guidance of his enigmatic mentor, Marek, Micah learns to ha

Release dateJun 8, 2024
SENTINELS: The Awakening

Steven M Short

Raised amidst the sunny shores of Southern California, Steven M Short developed an early love for the ocean and the magical sight of the full moon setting on clear summer mornings. At 25, he married his best friend and embarked on a whirlwind adventure, moving 16 times in their first three years of marriage, from Southern California to Northern Utah, then down to Atlanta, Georgia, and finally settling in Texas. Despite initial resistance, Steven and his wife found Texas to be their home, appreciating its amazing people.With 15 years of experience in IT and the past 8 years in the construction industry, Steven's life took a dramatic turn with the tragic loss of their daughter. This profound event led him to a pivotal moment in his faith journey, where after some harsh and direct conversations with God, he felt a clear calling and committed to following His will. Throughout his construction career, Steven has found ways to help and serve others no matter where in the country he has been sent to work.Steven's writing journey began in grade school, where he even won an award for writing in the second grade. Although he dabbled in writing over the years, it wasn't until a friend from church encouraged him that he finally gathered the courage to write his first novel. This debut work marks the beginning of what he hopes to be a long and fulfilling writing career, with plans for a series and an autobiography reflecting his unique life experiences.Outside of writing, Steven enjoys building, tinkering, and making things. He has a passion for motorcycles, road trips, and exploring new places. Known as a jack of all trades and master of none, his intuitive problem-solving skills are legendary among his friends and family.Steven and his wife have been blessed with a miracle son after 14 years of marriage, a joy they cherish deeply. He looks forward to continuing his writing journey and sharing his stories with the world.

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    Book preview

    SENTINELS - Steven M Short

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    By Steven M Short

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    Chapter 1: New Beginnings .....................................................................5

    Chapter 2: Forces Unknown .................................................................. 11

    Chapter 3: Unseen Currents ................................................................. 17

    Chapter 4: The Awakening..................................................................... 23

    Chapter 5: New Routines ...................................................................... 29

    Chapter 6: Deepening Secrets .............................................................. 39

    Chapter 7: The Gallery Event ................................................................. 49

    Chapter 8: Hidden Truths ...................................................................... 55

    Chapter 9: The Eve of Change ............................................................... 67

    Chapter 10: The Fundraiser ................................................................... 75

    Chapter 11: Revelations and Reactions ................................................. 85

    Chapter 12: A Change in The Air ............................................................ 95

    Chapter 13: Shadows of Doubt............................................................ 109

    Chapter 14: The Glow of Truth ............................................................. 119

    Chapter 15: Secrets Unveiled .............................................................. 131

    Chapter 16: Training and Preparation ................................................... 143

    Chapter 17: Confrontation and Conflict ............................................... 153

    Chapter 18: New Beginnings ............................................................... 161


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    Chapter 1: New Beginnings

    The last bell of the day reverberated through the hallways of Westfield High, its sound a sharp reminder that for most, the school day was over. But for Micah, it signaled the start of a long, lonely walk through unfamiliar corridors.

    He shoved his notebooks into his backpack, not bothering to arrange them as neatly as he usually did. Hoisting it high on his shoulder, feeling the weight of his textbooks, Micah began navigating through the sea of students.

    Around him, laughter and chatter filled the air, a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped him. Groups of teenagers clustered around lockers, making plans for the evening, their voices blending into a cacophony of adolescence that Micah felt disconnected from. He had watched these same scenes unfold over the past few days, an observer in a world that seemed to move without him.

    Stepping outside, the chill of early fall greeted him. He pulled his jacket tighter around him, the crisp air nipping at his cheeks. Walking down the school’s front steps, he glanced back at the imposing structure of red brick and wide windows. It was just a building, but to Micah, it felt like a fortress he couldn’t breach.

    His walk home was a quiet one. The streets of his new neighborhood were lined with tall oaks and maples, their leaves just beginning to turn shades of orange and red. It was picturesque, the kind of scenery you’d see on a postcard under the words Welcome to Suburbia. Yet, the beauty was lost on Micah. His mind replayed the day’s failures—missed cues to join a conversation, hesitant smiles not returned, and the isolating buzz of group chats he wasn’t a part of.

    When he arrived home, the house was silent. His mother’s note on the kitchen table was a small relief, a reminder that he wasn’t the only one adjusting to new routines.

    'Micah, had to stay late at work. Why don’t you take your camera out and explore the town? I hear town square is awesome. It might cheer you up. Love, Mom.'


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    The suggestion was typical of her—always trying to nudge him towards the little things that could bring him joy. It was her way of showing love, her way of coping with the guilt of the hours her job demanded. Micah appreciated it, even if today it felt like a Band-Aid over a gaping wound.

    He grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and headed upstairs to fetch his camera. The DSLR was a gift from his mom, meant to encourage his creative side, a trait she insisted he had inherited from her. As he packed his camera bag, his fingers brushed against the smooth lens, the familiar touch bringing a hint of comfort. Maybe a walk would help, maybe it wouldn’t, but it was better than sitting alone with his thoughts.

    Micah stepped outside, camera bag slung over his shoulder, feeling a mix of reluctance and anticipation. The sun was lower in the sky now, casting long shadows that stretched across the pavement like dark fingers. He headed towards town square, the part of town his mother suggested might spark his interest.

    As he walked, Micah let the rhythm of his steps calm his restless thoughts.

    He began to view the world around him through the eyes of a photographer.

    Every detail, from the way the afternoon light filtered through the leaves to the architectural quirks of the suburban homes, became potential subjects for his lens.

    He paused at an overgrown lot, where wildflowers fought their way through the cracks in the pavement. The contrast of nature reclaiming space in such an orderly neighborhood captured his imagination. He snapped several photos, playing with the focus to blur the edges, creating a dreamlike quality. It felt like capturing hope in the midst of decay.

    Continuing his exploration, Micah found himself drawn to a small park. It was quiet, save for a few younger children playing under the watchful eyes of their parents. He took a few candid shots: a little girl with pigtails swinging high into the air, her laughter piercing the usual suburban silence; an old couple walking hand in hand, their pace slow but their smiles wide.

    With each click of the shutter, Micah felt a layer of his loneliness peel away, replaced by a growing sense of connection to these strangers’ simple joys and 6

    quiet sorrows. Photography, he realized, wasn’t just about preserving moments; it was about understanding them, about seeing the life that pulsated beneath the surface of everyday scenes.

    By the time he reached the town square area, his initial hesitation had given way to curiosity. The streets here were lined with a mix of old brick buildings and modern boutiques, each storefront offering its own slice of the town's character. His camera found its next subject in an alleyway adorned with vibrant murals, the vivid colors and bold lines clashing with the gray concrete.

    The artwork told stories of community and creativity, themes that resonated with Micah as he wondered about the artists behind them.

    Eventually, his wanderings brought him to the front of the small art gallery.

    The quaint building, nestled between a bustling coffee shop and a quiet bookstore, seemed almost hidden by its more commercial neighbors. A sense of intrigue pulled him inside, his camera ready to capture whatever lay beyond that inviting door.

    The gentle chime of a bell greeted Micah as he pushed open the door to the gallery. Inside, the space was warm and inviting, filled with soft lighting that highlighted the artwork on display. Canvases of varying sizes and styles adorned the walls, each piece a window into another world. Micah felt a surge of admiration—for the art, certainly, but also for the artists who dared to share their inner visions with the public.

    He was slowly making his way around the room when an older woman approached him. Her hair was a whirl of silver and black, and her eyes sparkled with an intelligence that immediately put Micah at ease.

    Welcome to Willow Creek Gallery, she said, her voice as warm as the space. I’m Evelyn, the owner. If you have any questions about the pieces, feel free to ask.

    Micah nodded, thanking her. Actually, I’m a photographer... I saw the notice outside about the exhibition for local artists. I was wondering... He trailed off, unsure how to continue.


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    Evelyn smiled encouragingly. You’re wondering if your photography could be part of the exhibition? We’re always looking for fresh perspectives. Do you have any of your work with you?

    Emboldened by her kindness, Micah opened his bag and pulled out a tablet.

    He quickly connected it to his camera, bringing up an app that displayed the images he'd captured throughout the day. He handed the tablet to Evelyn, each swipe revealing another part of his journey through the town—the wildflowers in the lot, the children in the park, the murals in the alley.

    Evelyn examined the digital images with a discerning eye. These are quite remarkable, she commented. There’s a thoughtfulness to your compositions that’s quite mature for your age. What’s your name?

    Micah, he replied, a flush of pride warming his cheeks.

    Micah, these photos speak of someone who sees the world in a unique way. I would be delighted to include your work in our upcoming exhibition. Why don’t you come by tomorrow? You can meet some of the other artists and we can discuss how you’d like your work displayed.

    As Micah left the gallery later, a new feeling accompanied him—a sense of belonging. Perhaps this town could offer more than just a fresh start. Maybe it could provide a place where he could truly be seen, not just as the new kid or the son of a busy mom, but as an artist in his own right.

    As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the town, Micah made his way back home. The excitement from the gallery visit lingered, but as the streets emptied and the shadows lengthened, a familiar solitude crept back over him.

    He entered the quiet house, dropping his bag by the door. The silence was a stark contrast to the warmth and promise of the gallery. As he passed the kitchen, the note from his mom caught his eye again. He paused, tracing the lines of her hurried handwriting with his finger. The note was meant to encourage, but it also served as a reminder of the many nights spent alone, waiting for her to return from work.


    Micah headed upstairs to his room, the walls still bare, the boxes not yet fully unpacked. He sat on the edge of his bed, the tablet in his hand switching to a photo of his mom in her police uniform, smiling despite the evident tiredness in her eyes. Her job as a police investigator, specializing in cases involving children and families, was more than just a job; it was a calling. She often said that helping those kids, giving them a chance at a safer, better life, was worth the long hours and the heartache.

    Understanding this did little to ease Micah’s loneliness, but it did inspire a deep respect for her. He wondered, not for the first time, if there was a way he could help, a way to make his own mark, just as she did.

    His thoughts were interrupted by a ping from his tablet—an email from Evelyn confirming the details for tomorrow’s meeting and expressing excitement about showcasing his work. A smile tugged at his lips. Tomorrow, he would be stepping into a community, into a role he had longed for without even realizing it.

    That night, as he lay in bed, Micah’s mind wasn’t filled with the usual worries and doubts. Instead, he imagined the gallery filled with people admiring his photographs, his mother’s proud face among them, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this new town was exactly where he needed to be.


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    Chapter 2: Forces Unknown

    The soft light of dawn was just creeping through the curtains when Micah felt a gentle shake on his shoulder. He groaned, burrowing deeper into his blankets, but the persistent shaking continued.

    Micah, time to get up, his mother’s voice was gentle but firm. As he blinked open his eyes, he saw her sitting on the edge of his bed, her police uniform already neatly buttoned, her badge gleaming in the morning light. Sorry I got in so late last night. Did you manage dinner okay?

    Micah nodded, sitting up. Yeah, I made some Mac N Cheese.

    His mother smiled, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. I’ll make it up to you tonight.

    Thanks, Mom, Micah replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Oh! I’ll be a little late. I stopped at the Art Gallery last night in town square. They’re having an exhibit featuring local artists, and the owner invited me to display my photos. There’s a meeting tonight to go over things.

    A smile broke out across Rebecca’s face. Well, that’s exciting. I want to hear all about it over dinner.

    They shared a quiet breakfast, the early morning silence comfortable between them. Rebecca sipped her coffee, glancing occasionally at her son, who was lost in thought. The faint sounds of birds chirping outside added a serene backdrop to their morning.

    Micah’s thoughts wandered to the gallery and the meeting he planned to attend. He felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement bubble inside him.

    Mom, do you think they’ll like my photos? he asked, breaking the silence.

    Rebecca reached across the table and squeezed his hand. I’m sure they will, Micah. You have a great eye for capturing moments. Just be yourself and let your work speak for itself.


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    Her words offered a measure of comfort as they finished their breakfast. The drive to school was filled with their usual banter, Rebecca sharing stories from work while Micah listened intently. As they pulled up to the school, she gave him an encouraging smile.

    Remember, you’re talented and you’ve got this. Have a great day, and I can't wait to hear all about the meeting tonight.

    Micah nodded, feeling more assured. Thanks, Mom. See you tonight. He leaned back in briefly. Love you, Mom.

    Love you too. Knock them dead, kiddo, she called out, as he closed the door and she drove away.

    Micah was adjusting his bag on his shoulder when he heard a voice from behind. Hey, you were at the Gallery yesterday, right? He turned to see a girl approaching him, her stride confident, her expression friendly. It was a cute girl he’d recognized from his history class. Her recognition sparked a flicker of surprise and pleasure in him.

    Yeah, I was checking out the place. I’m Micah, he responded, feeling a hint more confident than usual.

    Her smile was contagious. I thought so! I saw you from the coffee shop next door. I’m Emma, she introduced herself eagerly. You’re coming to the meeting tonight, aren’t you? They’re discussing the new exhibition.

    Before Micah could respond, another voice joined in, laden with humor, He better be there, or he’ll miss your brilliant commentary on post-modernism in suburban art.

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