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ALIVE FOR A REASON...: What You Don't Know Could Kill You and it's not the Pandemic: Julia's Story
ALIVE FOR A REASON...: What You Don't Know Could Kill You and it's not the Pandemic: Julia's Story
ALIVE FOR A REASON...: What You Don't Know Could Kill You and it's not the Pandemic: Julia's Story
Ebook437 pages3 hours

ALIVE FOR A REASON...: What You Don't Know Could Kill You and it's not the Pandemic: Julia's Story

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She Almost Died...

In the ordinary life of Julia, a hidden danger looms, threatening to unravel everything she holds dear. Unbeknownst to her, an insidious blood disorder, affecting her brain, poised to strike without warning.

Prepare for a heart-stopping journe

Release dateJan 15, 2024
ALIVE FOR A REASON...: What You Don't Know Could Kill You and it's not the Pandemic: Julia's Story

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    ALIVE FOR A REASON... - Jaiden Jackson Smith

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2




    Julia's Story

    Jaiden Jackson Smith

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2

    © 2022 by Jaiden Jackson Smith

    First edition

    All Rights Reserved.

    The publisher's written permission is required to reproduce any part of this book by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles published by U.S. government websites under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Editor: Gregory A. Cannioto

    Front cover design: Anastasia Sukhorebraya; Silhouette image by Kathy Gold/Can stock.

    Back cover and interior page layout: Rob Reid and Team QSMReid.

    Website concept development: Justin Chamereun

    Photographs and artwork on the website are under Creative Commons license 2.0, with the photographers' names credited on the website. Website images are under standard license by iStock to dbdonovan, then transferred with permission to the author.

    Library of Congress Control Number for Print versions only:


    Publisher's Cataloging-in-Publication

    (Provided by Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc.).

    Names:              Smith, Jaiden Jackson, author.

    Title:             Alive For A Reason: What You Don't Know Could Kill You And It's Not The Pandemic: Julia's Story / Jaiden Jackson Smith.

    Other titles:             Julia's Story.

    Description:              First edition. | Henderson, Nevada: Metamorphic Publications, [2023] | Includes bibliographical references.

    Identifiers:              ISBN: 979-8-9866310-0-4 (paperback) | 979-8-9866310-2-8 (hardcover) | 979-8-9866310-1-1 (e-book) | LCCN: 2023907468

    Subjects:              LCSH: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura—Patients--Personal narratives. | Autoimmune diseases--Patients--Personal narratives. | Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura--Causes and theories of causation. | Autoimmune diseases--Causes and theories of causation. | African American women--Health risk assessment. | Blood-Diseases. | Stress (Physiology)--Health aspects. | Psychic trauma-- Health aspects. | Mental health--Physiological effect. | Immune system--Effect of stress on. | BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases & Conditions / Immune & Autoimmune. | MEDICAL / Immunology.

    Classification:              LCC: RC647.B5 S65 2023 | DDC: 616.1/57--dc23

    Printed in the United States of America. Printing Details: Fonts used in the text are Times New Roman, Garamond, Calibri, and Arial Narrow.

    Scripture marked King James Version (KJV) is in the public domain. Scripture quotations from The Authorized (King James) Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.

    Other scripture stated in the text and endnotes, includes New King James Version® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. (Commissioned in 1975 by Thomas Nelson Publishers).

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights are reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. Used with permission of Zondervan. All rights are reserved worldwide. Scripture taken from the New Revised Standard Version, (NRSV) Updated Bible version Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America is used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide; and, The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. London: Crossway, 2010. GOD'S WORD® is a copyrighted work of God's Word to the Nations. Quotations are used by permission. Copyright 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. All rights reserved.


    This work is within the genre of creative non-fiction. The names of people and organizations are fictitious. Any resemblance to any person, alive or deceased, is coincidental. The events are actual. Any similarities, omissions, or coincidences are not the liability of the author and/or publisher.

    MEDICAL DISCLAIMER This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should consult a doctor in matters relating to his/her health, particularly regarding any symptoms that require diagnosis or medical attention. The author does not and cannot dispense medical advice.

    Metamorphic Publications, a division of:

    Jaiden Jackson Smith, Inc.

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2

    Carol's Conclusion

    Absolutely loved the perfect scripture ascribed to each chapter's focus. Many of them are my go-to's.

    At times, while reading certain parts, I thought about the author, Alice Walker, and her writing style.

    I must say that I'm used to reading most non-fiction literature in second-person narrative had to take a back seat while getting familiar and comfortable with this author's literary style. Jaiden and Julia's dance between using descriptive thought, character narration, and expression of Julia's inner thoughts and imaginings draws the reader into her world - her nightmare while awake - going through the ordeal of her life suddenly turned upside down!

    I shed tears while considering her struggles.

    Every detail describing her surroundings, sights, and impressions, from the opening of the journey to her current living, is appreciated, given the hundreds of hours and years all this recall took. It's a read that requires attention to detail - or you may find yourself doing a rewind.

    And the research sharing is so informative, and even inspiring for those who would see themselves helping to spread knowledge and word about TTP and other diseases with stress as the possible catalyst!

    Kudos to this new author!

    Carol Frances Ottley, Hackensack, New Jersey

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2

    There Are No Accidents in God's Universe.

    In memoriam to my parents,

    Rev. James Franklin Smith and Annie Jackson Smith

    The Smith Chronicles of Faith, Love, Grace, and Legacy in the

    Jim Crow South

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2


    Carol's Conclusion



    Introduction: In Julia's Words


    Part One: In the Beginning

    Chapter 1: Hello ... Is Anyone Home?

    Chapter 2: My Mother

    Chapter 3: My Fortress is Falling

    chapter 4: Onward and Northward

    Chapter 5: God's Message

    Chapter 6: The Dead Blue Phones

    Chapter 7: The Birth of the Circle of Trust

    Chapter 8: Preparing for an Unknown Battle

    Chapter 9: No One to Share My Grief

    Chapter 10: No Weapon

    Chapter 11: Divine Encounters

    Chapter 12: What's Happening to Me?

    Part Two: My Mandate To Tell All

    CHAPTER 13: Getting Past the Danger Zone

         Chapter 14: This Could Happen Again?

    Chapter 15: Into the Closet

    Chapter 16: I Am Exceedingly Blessed in My New Normal

    Chapter 17: I Am Not Alone Having TTP

    Chapter 18: I May Relapse?


    Chapter 19: The Emotional Stressors in the Court of Life

    Chapter 20: Hopeful and Faithful

    Chapter 21:  Only God Knows the ReasoN

    Chapter 22: Rivers in the Desert

    Chapter 23: The Light Along My Journey

    Chapter 24: Crossing the Finish Line



    About the Author



    References and Selected Bibliography

    Coming Soon by Jaiden Jackson Smith

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2


    I give honor and praise to God for allowing me to continue living so I could carry out His divine purpose for my life.

    I appreciate my hematologist, Dr. Tan, whose knowledge and expertise supported my improved health. Thanks also to his colleague, Dr. Holderness. They ensured the best quality of care for me.

    I want to give a shout-out to Dr. Johnston for recognizing that I needed a specialist after the first medical interventions didn't work.

    I acknowledge all the hospital physicians, nurses, assistants, therapists, and volunteers for their excellent care during my fifty-two-day in-patient stay.

    My earnest recognition to the people who donated their plasma to the Plasmapheresis and chemo care specialists who performed specialized skills that supported my circulatory and immune system to function as it should.

    I appreciate the entire body of staff and volunteers at Mercy and Hope Hospital campuses for their care and kindness.

    Donna, Ted, and Sierra put their professional lives and personal activities on hold for me. They were the first to answer God's prompting to rescue me in the proverbial nick of time. Each of them ensured my protection, gave reassurance, and never left me alone when I was in the haze of a medical quagmire about which none of us had ever heard. Each of them extended themselves significantly beyond the call of what's needed from friends and colleagues. My appreciation and prayers for their blessings will always be in my heart.

    I am grateful to my cousins Ricky and Irene McGee and Freda Jackson, who called me long distances to pray for me after my discharge home. I pray for blessings for Dee, Giselle, Eve, Lynne, Kevin, and his wife, Bérianne, all of whom supported me upon my return home following my nail-biting fifty-two-day, in-patient hospital stay.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Former Chief Operating Officer Benjamin Garner allowed his finest and most dependable staff to conduct in-person wellness checks, which began with the critical crisis of the sudden onset of illness. My heartfelt gratitude to Cheyenne, who came to the hospital to braid my hair because I could not lift my arms to comb it.

    To the people who shared their experience of TTP on YouTube so others could learn about this rare disorder: I admire your strength and courage to share your stories with the world.

    Much appreciation goes to author Jaiden Jackson Smith for writing on my behalf and making it an immersive experience; to editor Greg Cannioto; proofreader, David J. Fabiano; front book cover designer, Anastasia Sukhorebraya; front page silhouette by Kathy Gold/ Can Stock; back cover and interior page layout, Rob Reid, and Team QSMReid; web page format, and design by Justin Chamereun; website images artistically identified by dbdonovan.

    These contributors grasped the essence of the changing scenes of my emotionally charged epic episode from a chapter of my life.

    Julia Smith

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2


    This book is a comprehensive work of creative nonfiction. It's a constellation of medicinal, spiritual, psychological, inspirational, and paranormal elements. It is Julia's story based upon a foundation of scripture-based themes that introduce and summarize her journey from near-death to living in a new normal — before the COVID pandemic struck.

    A rare, unheard-of blood disorder strikes many people around the globe. It causes a rapid decline in mental faculties and can damage vital organs.

    What is it? It's an autoimmune blood disorder called Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP).

    Why have few people ever heard of it? Because it's not among the familiar autoimmune disorders.

    What can happen? Victims suffer vital organ damage and fight a 90% chance of dying.

    How do I know? Because it happened to Julia.

    Who's at risk? Women. Men. People of color. More frequently, women of African descent. Young children. Pregnant women and sometimes, hard-core drug addicts. I address the acquired and adult form of TTP, as Julia is an adult woman of color and African descent. Besides the disintegration of blood components, researchers and scientists have the opinion that chronic stress and anxiety can be a prelude to TTP and other autoimmune disorders. This disorder can happen worldwide — to anyone.

    How can you learn more information about this disorder? Read this book. It's written in a conversational style and chronicles how TTP changed Julia's life. You'll learn from the research how mental health can start a life-changing disease onset. You'll have a sense of the emotions sparked by her conversations with her hematologist and the three friends who heroically saved her. Each of them had a part in keeping her alive — according to a destiny designed by God.

    The book has three distinct parts that narrate her determination to beat this illness. You will travel with her from the start of the disease to coming to grips with having to look at her life through her out-of-body experiences, dreams, and visions, and being struck with the powerful message: "You will live. Tell the story about this blood disorder; do not return to work or you will die." She says that God imparted the messages to her spirit.

    How is it treated? There are lifesaving treatments that increase one's 10% chance of surviving. A multitude of resources and references are listed. This information can help families and concerned individuals attempt to understand this rare, and often deadly, disorder. People who have fallen prey to this disease can beat TTP. Victims don't have to die!

    Jaiden Jackson Smith, Henderson NV

    June_10_2024_made_for_epub_fileJaiden Jackson SmithJuandra Anita J-S Fabiano202024-05-10T17:52:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z2024-06-16T05:24:00Z30257601328330Microsoft273677038516116.0000221d7b7bc3c5142085c1889e22969a388ae1dfd651c3f58cad0fca72cc908ad2

    Introduction: In Julia's Words

    When I was in the hospital looking in the mirror at the Intravenous tubes (I.V.) or vas caths–as the nurses referred to them, on each side of my neck. Not only did I not understand how the blood disorder occurred but scared of the unknown and whether I'd survive. It's of significant importance for me to write this book. I affirm the people who survive an uncommon disease — and, in my case — like a lightning strike, a rare, near-fatal, blood-related disorder.

    I didn't realize I was sick. If a physician had not at once diagnosed and treated me, I would have died.

    I hope survivors of any extraordinary condition can feel relieved by knowing they are not alone. This text spotlights the strange, rapid outbreak of a blood disease called... wait for it... Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. It took me weeks before I understood how to pronounce it.

    The word thrombotic is pronounced (throm-BOT-ik) and relates to clots that develop. Thrombocytopenic (throm-bo-ci-toe-PEE-nick) means that a person's blood composition has a lower-than-average volume of platelets in their plasma. Purpura (PURR-purr-ah) refers to purple bruises caused by bleeding under the skin. [1]

    It's difficult to pronounce the term in its entire construct. Physicians refer to the sickness by its acronym — TTP.

    My description is specific to my experience. But it will apply to anyone who has battled a strange and severe sickness. The information is also for people who are simply curious about the human body's mysterious, complex network of its inner workings and how they might not function as they should. Although my focus is on my battle with TTP, some people have fought a similar fight. Medical professionals and scientists have recorded this uncommon illness in various parts of the world. The frequency of incidences is mind-blowing. One source says four out of 100,000 individuals (about the maximum seating of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum) in the United States fall prey to this rare complication. Another source shows its diagnosis is at 3-4 in 1 million people (about the population of Delaware) per year. [2]

    According to the U.S. government site,, at the time of this writing, there have been forty-five recorded TTP studies in the United States and other parts of the world. [3] Among the options to filter records, my search was only for the acquired form of TTP, the synonyms related to TTP, and adult men and women 18 years old and older.

    Most studies recorded were for different treatment interventions and pharmaceuticals used to treat TTP in regions where volunteers enrolled, or studies had not begun. The website also gives the status of whether the study was in process, withdrawn, or suspended.

    It came as a surprise to me that TTP studies have been undertaken globally, some of which are already underway or finished. There are studies recorded in East Asia (Japan), Europe, the Middle East, North America (the United States), Canada, Mexico; and Pacifica (Australia). [4]

    I will not address the disorder during pregnancy or when it occurs while giving birth. I won't discuss the disease in babies and children, sometimes born with what's called the familial or hereditary type TTP. Nor will I discuss its frequency with drug abuse. [5] This book is specific to addressing the acquired form of TTP in adults. The reason is that the vast majority of acquired TTP cases have an unknown cause.[6] Everyone is at risk.

    It does, however:

    ▪         Explain what I went through. I do this by sharing my narrative about a rare blood disease that has a 90% mortality rate if not diagnosed immediately;

    ▪         Speak on behalf of those who have experienced this unusual blood plasma disorder, TTP, and survived its staggering odds — often with permanent changes to their vital organs, including their brain;

    ▪         Address its effect on adults, who rarely suspect that anything is wrong;

    ▪         Review how much stress controls our physical and mental vigor;

    ▪         Offer resources that substantiate survivors' and their loved ones' confrontation with the rare disease, and how they can find answers to questions that others may not adequately explain. Included are references to prevent you from having to search endlessly, as I have;

    ▪         Includes appendices detailing how hematologists diagnose TTP, treatments applied, and a discussion about the possibility of relapse — all of which is to save you the trouble of engaging in a lengthy investigation;

    ▪         Discuss that females, particularly women of African descent, are more likely stricken at any age;

    ▪         Examine health concerns caused by chronic distress, which affect people who experience forms of prejudice; and,

    ▪         Give expression on behalf of individuals who have struggled with the rare blood disorder and survived its staggering odds — and learned to cope with permanent changes that may have affected their vitality.

    My hematologist explained I had an autoimmune disease caused by a decreased level of platelets in my blood. This happened without warning. These tiny cells in the blood clump together, producing clots in the blood vessels when blood flow needs to stop. The disease was causing this to happen at random, blocking the flow of blood. This activity triggered a fibrous material that damaged my red blood cells—shredding them, causing vital organ damage, and damaging part of my brain.

    Chronic stress is often the culprit that triggers health conditions that become permanent. Persistent anxiety triggers a sudden disease onset with no warning signs or physical symptoms.

    My goal is to reassure victims they are not alone when they go through the aftereffects of the yo-yo status of recovering from the illness.

    I believe in prayer and faith. Biblical scripture tells us to ... Call things that are not, as though they are [7] (New King James Version Bible,

    Romans 4:17). I've learned to get into the habit of thanking God for answering prayers before His answers materialize.

    I salute the courageous fighters as they go through the steps of conquering their condition. I send blessings to people who wholeheartedly supported them through thick and thin.

    Government health agencies have oversight over the public and some private sectors. I trust this book brings a flicker of light to the public about the seriousness of acquired TTP.

    My intention is for my story to serve as a bridge, shifting our mindset from mere hope that rare diseases and ailments won't happen to a state of vigilance against life's unknown challenges. Transform the culture of silent suffering by enlightening others about this disease and any other condition or deficiency, physical, mental, or spiritual. Please spread the word.

    Stress-related disorders... [8]

    Scientist Hans Selye studied the branch of medicine that relates to the structure, function, and sicknesses of the glands, tissues, and blood. His study included psychological health conditions that result from short- and long-term anxiety. [9] He concentrated on the way these conditions affect the body and may cause specific reactions within the individual.[10] He published over 1,700 articles and thirty-nine books on the subject and gained recognition for

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