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In His Name
In His Name
In His Name
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In His Name

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Master the Art of Healing "In His Name"

"In His Name - Heal Your Trauma Clients in 3 Days and Double Your Income" presents a bold, brave, and utterly transformative approach to healing trauma memories. It goes beyond mere techniques-it's a manifesto for ever

Release dateMay 2, 2024
In His Name

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    Book preview

    In His Name - Kim West PhD MDiv

    In His Name

    Heal Your Trauma Clients in 3 Days and Double Your Income

    Kim West PhD MDiv

    Bold Faith Press



    Preface - Two Unbelievable Claims

    That are actually true


    1.From Suicidal to Joyful

    1. Mary's Story

    2.How is this possible?

    2. The Backstory

    3.The Four Foundations

    3. Identity, Attachment, Competency, Purpose

    4.Who Am I?

    4. -My Identity

    5.With Whom Am I?

    5. - My Attachments

    6.What Am I?

    6. -My Competency

    7.Why Am I?

    7. -MyPurpose

    8.Weekend Versus Weekly Sessions

    8. Have you had a trauma client tap out?

    9.We Can't Rely on Ourselves

    9. Only Christ can heal like this

    10.How to Work with the Lord

    10. Co-counseling with Christ

    11.The Weekend Breakthrough Format

    11. Gear Up – this is going to take a lot out of you.

    12.How to Double Your Income

    12. The workman is worth his wages

    13.Marketing a Weekend Breakthrough

    13. Those that need healing must find you

    14.Counselor Training

    14. Hands-on Weekend Breakthrough Training

    15.Your Own Weekend Breakthroughs

    15. You can do this

    16.Two now believable things

    16. They ARE true

    About the author

    Kim West PhD MDiv

    Also by Dr. Kim

    Preface - Two Unbelievable Claims

    That are actually true

    In the subtitle of this book I tell you two unbelievable claims.

    Trauma can be healed in 3 days!

    You can double your income!

    Perhaps you purchased this book because of these claims. You want to know if one or both of these unbelievable things are possible. You hope it is possible too.

    Many didn't buy the book because of these claims. They don't believe they could be true because it goes against the prevailing understanding of how things work.

    But, what if they are true?

    What if your trauma and abuse clients actually can be healed in just 3 days?

    How would that change not only their lives but also yours?

    They would be set free from the bondage and damage they have experienced through trauma abuse and recurring memories of it.

    They could move into a life that they never thought would be available to them. This would mean normal life could be theirs again.

    They would know the joy of being victorious rather than a victim. No longer with trauma define them.

    And, you?

    You would most likely find that your self-confidence has greatly improved as you successfully and repeatedly bring healing to your clients.

    You would look forward to seeing your clients set free and know that they will be. There is no greater joy than your clients restored to a healthy life.

    You would get a reputation as the counselor to go to. Word will get out!

    The first claim is absolutely true and I'll be showing you how your trauma clients can be healed; completely and permanently in just three days in our time together.

    Next, what if you actually could double your income?

    How would that change your life and practice?

    No more wondering and worrying about monthly income – you will have a surplus.

    You could breathe easier knowing that what you do will bring in what you need. Hourly rates are great but I'll show you how to make more in a weekend that an entire week and possibly even a month of work.

    You would find that you can work smarter rather than harder. We trade time for money so let's make our time really productive.

    You would have enough to give and serve and love. Not having enough to take care of the needs we see is painful, frustrating and defeating.

    With God the unbelievable becomes possible.

    These two unbelievable things become easily possible when the Lord is our guide and we follow His lead. I'll explain a lot about this in this book.

    I'm excited to share this information with you.

    In the pages to come you will discover that your trauma clients can absolutely be healed in just days and that doing this type of therapy will bring you specialist rates that can change your income substantially.

    You are going to be a believer.


    Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. 11:28

    What I am going to tell you, most don't believe but that doesn't make it any less true. Here goes. I've been successfully getting my clients' trauma memories healed in a single weekend for almost two decades.

    They are freed of the PTSD, the triggers, and the pain of the trauma memories in just days. Those painful memories that held so much power, now hold the peace of Christ. Their shame has been removed. Their fear has been released.

    The main emotions they feel when we are finished are relief and joy in contrast to the shame and pain they felt when we started.

    Are you already thinking that this isn’t possible? Who is this crazy woman to say that trauma healing can happen and happen quickly? We all know it doesn’t work that way!

    Let me ask you this:

    Who is your God? Is He the Almighty, the God of the Impossible? Did He say that He came to partially heal the brokenhearted and to kind of set the captives?

    Could it be possible that not only is He exactly who He says that He is but that He also is present to work through us to heal His children?

    In this book, I unapologetically say that our God heals and that He can and does heal completely, permanently and quickly.

    He is exactly who He says He is and I have seen Him do what is said to be impossible over and over again. This type of healing is absolutely impossible for us but absolutely possible for Him.

    I’m going to share with you how He does impossible healing in what I call a "Weekend Breakthrough." In this intensive counseling format, my clients do find real transformation in just a weekend.

    They ARE set free from past, painful memories. Even PTSD can be healed in a weekend. Pain becomes the peace of Christ. Shame is released. Prevalent memories begin to fade into the past. And, joy becomes their dominant emotion.

    During the Weekend Breakthrough, we spend about twenty hours together in intensive counseling and, by the time we are finished, their trauma memories are completely and permanently healed. We have healed their past and their future is now wide open and filled with promise.

    Don't get me wrong, my clients aren't suddenly able to live in a healthy, whole way because their trauma memories are healed.

    They are still left with their survival skills, possible relational issues, some habitual dysfunctional thinking and behaving all of which need to be addressed. But, the underlying reasons for all of those problems are resolved, making it possible for real transformation

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