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Released From Fear
Released From Fear
Released From Fear
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Released From Fear

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Living in constant fear is not your destiny. Anxiety's power ends with knowledge, and "Released From Fear" will give you the knowledge you need to defeat anxiety forever. 

This is not just a book; it's a lifeline, drawing you out from fear int

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Released From Fear

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    Book preview

    Released From Fear - Kim West Mdiv PhD




    Let's get you released from fear


    1.Anxiety: What it is and Does

    1. Identifying the Enemy

    2.A Biblical Look at Anxiety

    2. We Come By It Honestly

    3. Anxiety and the Body

    3. Steps to Calm and Heal

    4. Anxiety and the Mind

    4. Unwanted Thoughts

    5.Faith is Greater Than Fear

    5. And they don't coexist

    6.The Simple Answer to Anxiety is God

    6. Seriously

    7.Redeeming Anxiety

    7. Returning to Healthy Vigilance

    8.The Battle is Between Your Ears

    8. Take Charge of Your Mind

    9.A Mind at Peace

    9. You Have the Mind of Christ

    10.Victory in Community

    10. No Lone Minds Allowed

    11.Released From Fear

    11. Living in Power and Peace

    12.What's Next?

    12. A Lifetime Commitment to Freedom

    About the author

    Also by Kim West PhD MDiv


    Let's get you released from fear

    Hi. I'm Dr. Kim West

    You are about to embark on an empowering journey with me.

    We are going to move from the desperation and darkness of anxiety straight into light and truth. This is not going to be fun – at first.

    What I can promise you though is that if you stay the course, embrace the truth and through let go of anxiety's grip on you then you will be free.

    Free from anxiety. Free from worry. Free to live a confident, joyful, stronger version of yourself. You will get your life back.

    I get how hard this has been for you. It has been a nightmare that most people around you just haven't understood. You have probably felt very alone and frightened as anxiety took more and more ground in your life.

    Let's take it back together.

    I have spent the last twenty plus years helping those just like you break free from anxiety and recover their lives. I have witnessed the Lord's promises and healing in their lives and now it is your turn to have Him do the same for you.

    All you have to do is not give up. Do the work and God will do all He needs to do on your behalf.

    You are loved, valuable and about to be freed from anxiety.


    Anxiety hurts

    It hurts your mind, emotions, spirit, body, relationships, daily life and future hope.

    It steals your peace and replaces it with the experience of the pain of what might, but has not yet, happened.

    It demolishes the present and forces you to live in a dark, ominous, frightening future that has already started in your mind.

    Continual anxiety is not a normal state of being and, yet, millions and millions of people are suffering a living nightmare from it. Anxiety disorders have become the number one mental health issue in America.

    Day and night an engulfing fear of what might happen leaves the sufferer incapacitated and unable to enjoy the present.

    If this is what you are experiencing, you are going to find relief through this book.

    Hang in there.

    Before we get you to freedom from anxiety, you need to fully understand what is happening when you are anxious.

    Knowledge is power and when you understand anxiety you have the power to do something about it to remove it from your life forever.

    How did you get here?

    It was a journey from peace to anxiety that you never intended to take. But here you are.

    Anxiety made the world feel like a constant threat, setting off your racing heart and frantic thoughts and making it nearly impossible to function.

    How did this happen to you?

    It probably feels like something that came upon you. You had no control over it and no power to stop it. Right?

    Well, yes and no.

    Once anxiety got a hold of you, it took over your life, your thinking, your body and emotions. You never wanted this. Now you may feel that you are a victim in a never-ending assault against your life. But, as I will show you, you did have a part in bringing anxiety into your life. This is good news for it means that you can also remove it from your life.

    I'm so sorry that you are here, and I have some hard things to share with you.

    Those hard things, if you let me tell you, are your way back out. You are probably going to immediately fight against what I will reveal and that's okay.

    When you begin to consider that what I am telling you is possible, then you are on your way back out of anxiety and into a normal life.

    Are you ready? Do you want to hear some truth that will set you free?

    You started this anxious journey by accident. However, you had a part in keeping the anxiety going even though you never meant to.

    Wait! What?

    You didn’t choose to have anxiety you say? It is something that happened to you. You hate it and wish it had never taken up residence in your life. You absolutely didn’t choose anxiety. You don’t want anxiety. It’s not true that you chose anxiety! You are the victim here not the perpetrator!

    I get it. You feel trapped in anxiety. It is stealing your life, hurting relationships, making what you can do each day smaller and smaller. It takes up your thoughts and banishes peace and joy.

    Why would you choose such a thing and how dare I say that you did!

    I know this is a hard concept to grasp, so, let’s back up a bit and see how it might be true that you did unknowingly chose anxiety. Just stay with me for a bit. This is going to make sense and really help you when you understand.

    This is the first step out of anxious living.

    Here’s the process of how anxiety was chosen:

    You had a negative thought.

    You had a reaction to that thought.

    Then you chose to give the negative thought more and more attention.

    You chose to start to agree that the negative thought was indeed scary and could possibly happen.

    So, as you chose to give the negative thought more attention, you gave it more power.

    The more you chose to think about it, the more you feared it and it gained authority over you. The more you ran from the possible thing happening, the more it chased you. Your body kicked into the fight or flight response and has basically stayed there.

    The original negative thought is no longer the only problem. Now, your body has weird feelings, scary feelings.

    This creates new, frightening thoughts about what is going on with your body.

    You choose to think about it, fear it, run from it, even Google it.

    You wonder what is happening to you.

    This creates even more new, negative thoughts and feelings.

    You choose to believe you must be different from others. Something must be wrong with you. Maybe you are going crazy. Maybe you have a horrible disease.

    The cascade of negative thoughts continues.

    What will my family, my

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