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A Plea For Human Life
A Plea For Human Life
A Plea For Human Life
Ebook74 pages42 minutes

A Plea For Human Life

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This book was written to give a voice to all who died in their mother's womb, and to all who are waiting for their day to be born. This book is not about which side of the debate you

have taken on the life of the unborn, it is about Human Life, and why it is different from all other life on earth. This book has been my effort to bring ligh

Release dateJun 21, 2024
A Plea For Human Life

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    A Plea For Human Life - Dr. Tom Sexton

    A Plea for Human Life by Dr. Tom Sexton

    A Plea for



    "What is your life?

    It is even a vapour,

    that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

    James 4:14

    ISBN: 979-8-9905333-8-7

    Dr. Tom Sexton

    Five Star Christian Ministries


    A Voice For The Unborn

    The first shedding of innocent blood took place centuries ago when Cain slew Abel, his brother. God said to Cain, the voice of thy brother’s blood cried unto me from the ground. Genesis 4:10.

    Cain discovered that Abel’s blood had a voice, and it spoke to God.

    The Bible also teaches us, "That the life of the flesh is in the blood." Leviticus 17:11.

    There are some who have heard the voice of people dying, cry out. Soldiers, returning from the battlefield, tell of the horror of hearing the cries of men dying in war. Some who heard their cry never forgot it, and often never get over hearing it.

    Stories of men, who fought in our Civil War, have been written telling of nights when they could hear the cries of the fallen men dying alone in the dark of night, crying from the battle fields. We hear their voices crying, but God hears their blood crying.

    God heard the voice of one man’s blood, Abel, crying out to Him. What must God be hearing from the 1,735,297,936, innocent babies, whose blood cries out to Him?

    The voice of the innocent, whose blood was shed, is crying out to God. It is a cry we need God to help us hear.

    This book is my attempt, to give a voice, to all who died in their mother’s womb, and to all who are waiting for their day to be born.

    May God give our hearts ears, which will hear their cries.

    Human Life

    "In Him was life; and the life

    was the light of men."

    John 1:4

    He is our life, and His life in us is our light for the world. This is how we become light in the world. How can creation be protected if there is no one putting light on the issue?

    Every problem, our world is facing today, needs someone to be a voice for the cause. Only human beings can put light on these problems.

    When people want to know more about a great need, in which they desire to help, they will sometimes use the expression, Put a little light on that subject for me. Which means, Tell me more about the need.

    The human lives that have been lost, and their voices, have created more darkness in the world.

    David became a voice for his nations freedom when he said, Is there not a cause? I Samuel 17:29. His voice made a difference. None of the problems we are facing today will ever change until someone takes up their cause.

    The world is waiting for someone to give them light. No animal or plant can give light, yet animals and plants are protected.

    Human life is the only life on this planet that is not protected. I understand nothing stirs up people more than talking about the life of the unborn, and the taking of human life.

    Human life is so important because every voice needs to be heard.

    Human Life Begins At Conception

    How much of a person is in the womb upon conception? According to the Bible, the answer is, EVERYTHING; they are just waiting for their body to develop.

    The truth about when life begins is given

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