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Papa Fluff
Papa Fluff
Papa Fluff
Ebook36 pages32 minutes

Papa Fluff

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About this ebook

Fluffies, the baby pups of Mama Fluff, are now working and enjoying farm life together with their owners during this summer. But when Papa Fluff suddenly goes missing, the Circus comes to town, and Papa Farmer wants a new lead dog; what will happen to the Fluff family? Find out how they and their owners navigate the ups and downs of

Release dateJun 25, 2024
Papa Fluff

Nancy Przybylowicz

Nancy Przybylowicz is the author of Total Fluff, Fluffies, and now Papa Fluff. As she creatively entwines real life and fantasy for her fictional stores; her real life is no less devoid of creativity and diversity. She now works at a food grocery store while her hobbies are writing, reading, and finding out the truths of life and science. She hopes you enjoy her dog tales, pun intended.

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    Papa Fluff - Nancy Przybylowicz

    Cover of Papa Fluff by Nancy Przybylowicz

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    Papa Fluff who will hereafter be known as p.f. woke up in a dark area full of trash. He didn’t feel good and didn’t know why P.F. or Papa Farmer had thrown him in a dumpster. All that he knew is he woke up to a horrible smell. He managed to crawl to a flow of air coming from the back, he saw light shards. When he got to it he crawled out. Freedom. He just wanted to get to his pet bed by the fire of P. Farmer. He remembered the way, first cross over the stream next go down the lane, go past all the town stores, and shops. Post office, Library. He couldn’t wait to get to rest. He was so tired and was worried as to why P.F. or someone had put him out.

    He hid in a brush area by the house because he noticed a strange man having a conversation with P.F. He eavesdropped, trying to be quiet so they wouldn’t notice him. He stepped on a dry twig, it made a noise.

    The man was inquiring if he could rent the field for the summer circus. I would like to borrow the field to have a place to set up my fair.

    What can you do for me? said P.F. I can pay you X, and he mentioned an amount.

    P.F. bargained with a highter amount.

    The man went up slightly in the amount.

    P.F. then countered with, Will you use my farm animals to provide entertainment for the circus guests?

    If you wish.

    Fine, but I would also like a new lead dog.

    You have a deal.

    P. f. knew what had happened. He had remembered conversations of F.M. or

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