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Repairing Your Identity and Credit: A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide
Repairing Your Identity and Credit: A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide
Repairing Your Identity and Credit: A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide
Ebook95 pages45 minutes

Repairing Your Identity and Credit: A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide

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About this ebook

The situations covered by Repairing Your Identity and Credit - Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide, include identity theft or credit reporting error(s). Four days are allotted for the restoration process, with duties to be completed each day. Given the importance of preventing additional identity theft, it is recommended that you follow this method and try your best to adhere to the schedule even if there are no assurances.

PublisherMary Eckholdt
Release dateSep 23, 2023
Repairing Your Identity and Credit: A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide

Mary Eckholdt

Mary has accumulated over 30 years of experience in the mortgage industry, gaining a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in both front-end mortgage operations and back-end servicing procedures.With a specific focus on fraud investigation, quality control, compliance, and underwriting, she has spent over 10 years in mortgage operations.Additionally, Mary has written and developed training manuals, fraud prevention guidelines, compliance guidelines, and underwriting procedures.

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    Book preview

    Repairing Your Identity and Credit - Mary Eckholdt

    Repairing Your Identity and Credit

    A Comprehensive Easy to Follow Instruction Guide

    Fraud and Identity Theft Collection – Book Three

    By Mary Eckholdt

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Copyright 2023 Mary Eckholdt

    This e-book is licensed for your personal use only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Day 1

    Step 1

    Step 2


    Day 2

    Step 4

    Step 5


    Day 3

    Step 7


    Day 4

    Step 9


    List of Templates

    Template 1

    Template 2

    Template 3

    Template 4

    Template 5

    List of Exhibits


    Exhibit 2

    Exhibit 3

    Exhibit 4

    Exhibit 5

    Exhibit 6

    Exhibit 7

    Exhibit 8

    Disclosure Statement

    Disclaimer Statement

    About the Author – Mary Eckholdt

    Books in Fraud and Identity Theft Collection


    The Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions in the Repairing Your Identity and Credit Comprehensive Guide includes daily tasks to be completed from Day 1 to Day 4. This e-book includes 5 templates and 8 exhibits to assist in the process.

    The following situations may be addressed by the Repairing Your Identity and Credit procedures outlined in this e-book below:

    Identity theft.

    Credit reporting error(s).

    The restoration process is divided into 4 days, with steps and specific tasks to be completed each day. It is highly recommended that you follow this method and make every effort to stick to the schedule, even though there are no guarantees of preventing further identity theft.

    Day 1

    Step 1:

    Task 1:

    Create a filing system to keep track of tasks completed and deadlines so you can monitor the credit repair process.

    Task 2:

    Create a manual paper file or, if you'd rather, add a new file folder named Identity Theft and Credit Repair Process to your computer.

    Task 3:

    Create an Identity Theft and Credit Repair log after that, using the following headings:

    (1) Date of Phone Call or Action

    (2) Subject of Call or Action

    (3) Business or Agency Name

    (4) Contact Name

    (5) Phone Number

    (6) Questions

    (8) Answers

    (9) Deadline Date: Date you must request by or receive by

    (10) Optional Date: Date Certified letter sent.

    (11) Optional: Name of Document You Sent by Certified U.S. Mail

    (12) Optional: Certified #

    (13) Optional: Date Certified Return Receipt Received

    (14) Save the file as Credit Repair Log.

    Task 4

    Save the Identity Theft and Credit Repair Log to the file folder you created on your computer in Task Two.

    Record Entries:

    Mark Step One as complete to the "Identity Theft and Credit Repair log" (if applicable)

    Mark Step One as complete to the "Identity Theft and Credit Repair checklist" (if applicable)

    Step 2:

    Task 1:

    Create an Identity Theft Credit Repair Checklist with the following column headings:

    (1) Day One

    (2) Day Two

    (3) Day Three

    (4) Day Four

    (5) Step Numbers One to Nine

    (6) List of Tasks associated with Steps One to Nine

    (7) Task Complete (make this a checkbox column

    Record Entries:

    Mark Step Two as complete to the "Identity Theft and Credit Repair log" (if applicable)

    Mark Step Two as complete to the "Identity Theft and Credit Repair checklist" (if applicable)

    Step 3:

    Task 1:

    An identity thief typically finds it more difficult

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