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The Slayer and The Spy: The Eternal Love Series, #2
The Slayer and The Spy: The Eternal Love Series, #2
The Slayer and The Spy: The Eternal Love Series, #2
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The Slayer and The Spy: The Eternal Love Series, #2

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Slayer Kain DeAngelous knows that his reputation as a player is well earned, but that has never stopped him from taking on a mission for the Alpha Body. As long as his heart isn't involved, he's one of the best Slayers in North America. Until his latest assignment leaves him guarding the one man, he hoped to blot out of his memory.

Sebastian "Bastian" Valdian has the world on his shoulders. As the family rock, he is the one who the others know can get the job done. Including spying on the employees of his own company for Rogue Vampires. A job that has led to some extreme measures of stress management. His whisper of control is tested when the head of the Council requests the help of the last werewolf Bastian ever wanted to see.

Kain and Bastian both agree this is the last thing either man wants. To be trapped together until a murderer is captured. Every day is a new test of their resolve to keep their interactions platonic. Past fire burns to a near inferno leaving them both raw and scrambling.

Can Kain overcome his fears before a murderer takes the very person meant for him? Or will he let the love of his life slip through his fingers for the second time?

Release dateJun 1, 2022
The Slayer and The Spy: The Eternal Love Series, #2

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    Book preview

    The Slayer and The Spy - J. A. Giaquinto



    Two in the morning was a fantastic time to wake up one’s brother after a late-night booty call.

    Kain waited outside his brother Charlie’s apartment, hoping that none of his neighbors looked out. They would be confused to see a large man sporting leather pants and a torn burgundy shirt that looked like he had been ruffled by an enthusiastic panda.

    Kain pulled out his phone and dialed Charlie’s number when the door didn’t open right away. Given that the three-story apartment complex was filled with families and young couples, Kain chose not to use his authoritative knock, as they wouldn’t appreciate it.

    It took two tries before Charlie’s sleep-laden voice came on the line.

    What do you want, Kain?

    I’d like to come in.

    Charlie groaned. And why didn’t you take your key? He asked as moving fabric signaled him getting up.

    Because I was expecting to be out till morning, Kain said as he leaned against the wall beside Charlie’s front door.

    You didn’t find a date? Are you that off your game? Charlie said, making Kain roll his eyes.

    No, I found a date. But his girlfriend got off work early and caught us mid fuck. Kain said. The bastard had the balls to try to explain why he lied about having a girlfriend.

    In the closet? Charlie asked as the door unlocked and opened, showing his red-haired brother standing in his blue flannel pajama bottoms and a black muscle shirt.

    Kain hung up his phone and looked at him. So deep he’s finding Narnia.

    Charlie looked at him as his single strand of white hair hung on his face. He seemed to be trying to stifle a chuckle. Let me guess… was this guy rocking the goth look?

    Kain sighed. Smeared black and white makeup never looks good on anyone.

    Charlie snorted as he stepped aside to let Kain in. The makeup removers under the sink. May stashed some in there.

    Kain stepped inside and headed straight for the bathroom. The basic white counter sink matched the toilet and bathtub but contrasted with the soft brown towels Charlie hung against the wall. He took in the damage to his face and neck. Smeared black lipstick and near white foundation caked his lips, jaw, and throat.

    Thankfully, the makeup avoided his thick blond hair, but he’d be picking it off for months if he didn’t get the stickie stuff off soon. He pulled his hair back into one of Charlie’s hair ties, grabbed the bottle of makeup remover, and took the offending stuff off.

    Looks like cheap makeup, Charlie said as he appeared in the mirror behind him.

    I feel like his girlfriend wouldn’t accept him testing his boundaries, or he thinks she wouldn’t accept him. Don’t know, don’t care. I’m just pissed that he lied to me, Kain said as he washed his face of the makeup remover.

    Charlie sighed softly. I know. I’ll heat some food for you. He said as he stepped out of the bathroom.

    Kain sighed as he patted his face dry.

    He knew this anger wasn’t only because some closeted guy lied to him.

    Being hit on by the guy at the bar had felt wrong from the start.

    He wasn’t the one he should have been with.

    His treacherous heart belonged with the Asian brit he had walked out on in New York.

    One of the stupidest decisions he had made in his life.

    The microwave beeped, yanking Kain out of his thoughts. He finished drying off his face and stepped into the hall. The apartment was a small one-bedroom one bath with a tiny galley kitchen and living room/dining room space.

    The front door had a large calendar with blue and purple marks in the current month.

    You hosted May recently? Kain asked as he looked at the calendar.

    Yeah, last week while you were in Denver hunting down that feral wolf on the farm, Charlie said as he pulled out a Chinese takeout container and stirred the food. She was putting in the finishing touches to her trailer’s bedroom, and she needed a place to sleep.

    Kain nodded as he imagined their sister May doing all the renovation work on her Silverstream trailer. At least one of us requires something permanent.

    Charlie scoffed. It was the cheapest place I could find in LA, far enough away from Victoria and Rodger. He said as Kain gave him a small smile.

    Even after being adopted into the DeAngelous family, Charlie never called his parents ‘mom’ and ‘dad.’

    And it annoyed them to no end.

    Kain knew his parents weren’t the greatest people in the world, but they had taken him in at fourteen from foster care.

    That had to account for something.

    That’s why May stays as far from Long Beach as possible, Kain said, walking over as Charlie closed the microwave again, putting it on for another minute. You get set up for your next mission?

    Nope. Alpha Body called and said to not take any for the ‘foreseeable future.’ I nearly bit the head off of the idiot who called me, Charlie said before taking out the box and giving it another stir. Here, chicken chow mein. Chili oils’ in the cabinet. He said, closing the microwave and canceling the remaining time.

    Kain opened the cabinet and smirked at the jar of hot oil. Looks like you haven’t been enjoying it.

    Are you kidding? Charlie said, looking at him from where he leaned against the counter. Last time I ate that stuff, my stomach revolted and started a mutiny.

    Baby, Kain said as he grabbed a spoon and the jar. He couldn’t help the warm feeling in his chest at this gentle banter. Spending time with his brother ranked top of his list. Kain looked over at the redhead who sipped from a water bottle.

    Shorter than his 6’4", Charlie was strong and scrappy, whereas he was large and powerful. The two had made an imposing team that the Alpha Body loved sending out on hard-to-handle jobs. Charlie lowered his bottle and turned his duo chromatic eyes on Kain.

    Just because your tongue is fireproof doesn’t mean I’m a baby. I like to taste my food, not suffer from it, Charlie said as Kain spooned out a generous helping of the hot oil.

    You just don’t appreciate the flavor, Kain said.

    May is with me on this.

    You both don’t know what you’re missing.

    Charlie rolled his eyes as he watched Kain eat the leftovers. What about you? Any missions?

    Kain chewed on the sogged noodles and hunks of chicken before answering. "Nope. I got told that something was coming down the pipeline three days ago. If they didn’t pay us a weekly salary, I would be pissed.

    Charlie nodded. What do you think it is?

    Kain shrugged. I’ve heard rumors that some ferals are moving further into Canada and Mexico, causing some diplomatic issues.

    You know, if we could go outside of the US to hunt, we could stop that kind of shit, Charlie said with a huff. Staying ahead of ferals who make a break for the border is a pain in the ass.

    Right? Kain said as he swallowed another mouthful. But can you imagine a bunch of werewolves running around other countries? We’d need to expand big time.

    Charlie snorted. Noah said the Louisiana Alpha Body had 200 people come in to take the Oath after the last Hurricane hit the south. I’m guessing many people want to help like he did during the floods.

    Noah’s a good leader. He’ll make Sapphire in no time. Kain said, finishing the takeout container with a hum. Thanks for this, by the way.

    Charlie nodded. You going to sack out?

    I might after I watch something on Hulu. You can go back to bed if you like, Kain said. I should change my clothes as well.

    Charlie snorted. Yeah. If he tore such a nice shirt, the guy must have been a wild cat.

    You have no idea, Kain said, tossing the empty container away and washing the fork and spoon he used.

    Night, Charlie said, patting Kain’s shoulder, and walked back down the hall. The gentle start-up of Charlie’s box fan followed his footfalls into his bedroom.

    Kain sighed deeply as he pulled off the destroyed remnants of his shirt. He walked into the living room and cleared off the coffee table. As he lifted the top, he revealed a hidden compartment where he had stored some of his clothes. After changing into a t-shirt and shorts, he turned on the small TV to the streaming service. He put on some random documentary about a company that did something shady.

    His brain barely took in the subject further than that.

    The wrongness feeling he had from the bar settled heavily in his chest as he laid back on the couch. He pulled up his phone and scrolled down to the one saved text conversation.

    Two years.

    Two years since he had walked out of that Safe House and out of the life of the one man who made Kain’s heart feel whole again. His inner wolf gave a pitiful whine at the memory. Memories of soft black hair, wide eyes, and a tiny mouth that cooed his name flitted through his mind. He stomped down the ache in his heart, only to resurface when his eyes landed on the texts.

    The conversation wasn’t anything significant.

    Kain had asked if they ate meat and would want breakfast.

    Their answer had been just as enthusiastic as they had been as a lover.

    Yes, please!

    Valdian Inc’s Los Ángeles branch was far more lavish than even Bastian was used to. A sizeable Starbucks and sandwich shop took up the ground floor. While Bastian enjoyed the food, the burnt coffee smell overwhelmed him each time.

    Day or night, customers always packed the place, needing an extra buzz.

    Bastian walked through the ground floor, heading for the elevators to take him to his private office. He stepped into the small lift as two women secretaries followed him in. He stood by the buttons, allowing them to stand on the other side.

    Can you hit five, please? One of them asked in a sweet voice.

    Bastian nodded and pressed both his floor and theirs. How’re you doing this evening? He asked, looking at them.

    The women smiled at him. We’re doing good. Just finished our dinner.

    Bastian nodded as he looked toward the climbing numbers. He could feel the women’s eyes scanning over him, taking in his closely tailored dark gray suit with a soft blue and gray corset under his jacket. The women began whispering to each other, and Bastian closed his eyes to focus on their conversation.

    You think Jillian will be there? One of them asked.

    Doubt it. You know she doesn’t come in when Jenkin’s not here.

    But… his car was in the parking lot…

    Really? He wasn’t in the meeting when I came in.

    If his car’s here… then where is he?

    The elevator beeped when they hit the fifth floor, allowing the women to continue their gossip.

    Bastian took a slow breath before pulling out his phone. He brought up his texting app and shot off a message to Katya.

    Bastian: Do you have eyes on Jillian or Jenkins?

    He pocketed his phone and waited for the elevator to get to his eighth-floor office. The case had been a pretty cut and dried one of a vampire who might be feeding on mortals.

    Jillian Davis, a new intern, had only been a vampire for the last year, but had already garnered a reputation for latching onto men who would let her feed on them.

    Brian Jenkins, head of legal, had been quick to fall to her charms.

    Once on the proper floor, Bastian walked across the space with only a few tables taking up only a tenth of the area.

    The office was far from comfortable. Even after six months of being here, he still felt there was too much wasted space. He stepped behind his desk and took his seat just as his phone beeped.

    Bastian pulled it out and tapped on Katya’s response.

    Katya: Jenkins went into his office with Jillian at 1:30, and then she left ten minutes later. He hasn’t come out since, and Jillian went to her office.

    Bastian ran a hand through his black hair as he read over the message three times before responding.

    He had to handle this quickly.

    Bastian: Come to my office. We might have to move sooner than anticipated.

    Katya: Be there in three.

    Bastian breathed slowly as he rested his hand on his corseted stomach, taking a bit of comfort from its tightness.

    The door opened, showing a person clad in a tight black shirt and jeans with thin matching sneakers. They’d bound their ink-black hair into a bun on the back of their neck. They stepped over, taking off the black medical face mask showing Hunter Katya Zhang, their dark eyes annoyed.

    This place is a burglar’s wet dream. Do you have any idea how many times security saw me and turned the other way? Katya said as they sat on the desk.

    Most of them aren’t sure how to approach you. You, as fem Katya, is fun. Masc Katya is a little more intimidating. Bastian said, as he typed into his computer. The secretaries are gossiping about Jenkins and Jillian again. The fact that Jenkins came in here earlier than intended has put me on edge.

    Katya nodded. After watching those two for a week, I can confidently say they’re fucking. And he is aware of her vampire status. I’ve seen him take an extra break every day to go to the other building and bring back Red Bags for her. Why he feels the need to steal for her, I can’t explain. They said as they picked up the glass globe on Bastian’s desk.

    If she follows the same script as before, she’ll have told him she needs extra blood. Live blood. Bastian said. I had my grandfather send me the records of her victims that survived.

    Katya pouted. Why wasn’t I given them before?

    One victim had fled to Japan, and tracking him down was a little labor-intensive, Bastian said, as he turned the screen to them.

    Katya looked down at the screen and scanned it quickly. Damn.

    Is there enough to put her on the Green Lit list?

    They took a slow breath. Based on the past actions, she’s a candidate for consideration, but we need more current proof. All we have is that she manipulates men into being her servants and steals all of their stuff when she gets bored. By mortal standards, she should be in jail, but being Green Lit is far more serious. Considering her sire is on the list himself for siring another girl after Jillian, it’s not a stretch to assume she’s following in his footsteps.

    You think she’d plead guilty to her actions to the Council?

    Katya shrugged. Based on how she acts, she’s a lover, not a fighter. If you can convince her to admit her guilt, she could avoid a death sentence.

    Bastian took a slow breath. We need to pull Jenkins in. If we can convince him to turn against her, we could find the proof we need.

    Katya looked down at Bastian, sighing. You as a spy within your own company is helpful. This would have taken me far longer without your insider's help.

    Bastian lowered his eyes, running his fingers through his hair before taking off his glasses. The weight of everything sitting on his shoulders was making his back hurt. His job as CEO of Valdian Inc, being the eldest grandson to the head of the Vampire Council and the reliable one in his family, made every new obligation weigh him further.

    I hate this… He breathed.

    Katya reached over and rested their hand on top of Bastian’s head. I know. But we’re already balls deep into this. Might as well finish it.

    Classy. Bastian breathed before standing. Let’s go down and see why Jenkins hasn’t left his office in several hours.

    Katya rested their hand on Bastian’s shoulder, making him look into the vampires’ eyes. Are you ok? You seem more tired than when you called me about this last week.

    Bastian closed his eyes, letting out a ragged sigh. Just tired. The hotel I’m staying in isn’t my flat, and it’s hard to relax in it.

    Katya nodded as their hand cupped Bastian’s cheek. Is that all?

    Bastian pushed down at the moment of panic.

    The last thing he needed was for Katya to find out what was genuinely making him tired.

    Images of the Slayer that had shattered his heart haunted his dreams for the past two years. Cocky grin, luscious blond hair, a body that was both powerful and gentle. When he landed at LAX, something deep inside him screamed he was near.

    Yes… that’s all. Bastian said, straightening himself up. Let’s go deal with this.

    The sixth floor was empty when Bastian and Katya arrived there. The lobby branched off into two opposing hallways. Bastian headed off to the right, keeping his senses open to any changes.

    Bastian turned a corner, only to stop in his tracks. Katya stopped at his side before their body went ramrod stiff. You smell that, right?

    Get behind me. They growled as Katya’s fangs slid from their gums in an instant. Bastian backed up, letting Katya move in front of him.

    The scent was something one never forgot.

    Necrotized flesh.

    Bastian’s heart hammered in his chest as he watched Katya stop in front of Jenkin’s office. The Hunter pressed their ear against the door before pushing it open. The necrotized flesh smell overwhelmed Bastian, making him cover his nose and mouth with his handkerchief.

    Katya pulled their mask over their face looking around the disaster in Jenkins’ office.

    Someone had cleared the desk and covered it in smeared blood. Jenkin’s lamp and papers scattered all over the place. Someone had shoved his chair into the corner under an air vent. The cover hung on a single screw with blood splattered on the edges.

    Damn it… we have a Breed on the loose, Katya said, looking at Bastian. We need to find Jillian. If he’s angry, that’s where he will be.

    Bastian looked down at his watch. She’ll be heading to the parking garage. He said as Katya took off in a blur to the stairs. Bastian raced after Katya, zipping down the stairs before stopping at the door leading to the parking garage.

    Whatever happens, Bastian, stay back, Katya said as they sank their fangs into their palm. Their blood poured from the wound before curling together to form a short crimson sword.

    I’m not a weeping flower, Katya, Bastian said.

    Katya sighed. Then you’re back up. They said before opening the door as the scent of necrotized flesh hit Bastian in the face again.

    Bastian reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a handkerchief, and used it to cover his nose and mouth. Rotting flesh was a scent seared into the minds of anyone who had the unfortunate luck of encountering a Breed.

    Damn… he’s here. Katya hissed as Bastian followed them into the underground garage as the smell seemed to fill the stone space faster. I can’t tell where he is.

    A beep from the elevator drew Bastian’s gaze just as Jillian Davis stepped off, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder. She smoothed out her peach blouse’s collar as she halted when she locked eyes with Bastian.

    Oh! Mr. Valdian- uh! What is that smell?! She said, covering her nose and mouth with her hand. What are you doing here? She asked. Who’s that? Her eyes landed on Katya.

    Bastian stepped toward her. This is Ka. They’re a Hunter with the Conclave. He said, using Katya’s gender-neutral name.

    Jillian’s eyes widen. Oh my… why is a Hunter here?

    Katya moved in front of both of them. Bastian, keep her back. He’s here.


    A feral shriek sent a spike of panic straight into Bastian’s heart as one car flew into the wall, smashing to pieces.

    Standing in the car's spot was Jenkins.

    Or what remained of him.

    The formerly good-looking black-haired man quickly disappeared under the blackened necrotized flesh of the Breed, with his clothes torn and clinging to him like tissue. His large body hunched over. As the creature moved, more flesh dropped off, showing the bulging sinew beneath it.

    Jilly… The creature’s voice still had some of Jenkin’s deep timber, turning shrill.

    Jillian’s eyes widened as she covered her mouth and nose against the stench. What… is that?

    A Breed, Bastian said.

    Bastian, get her out of here, Katya said, holding her sword tight.

    Bastian wrapped his arm around Jillian’s waist and zipped past Jenkins, who took a brutal swipe at them, missing by inches. He landed on a nearby car hood as Jillian clutched onto him tight. Jenkins let out a feral roar as he raced toward them, tearing up the concrete in his path. Bastian shouted as he lept onto another car just as Jenkins smashed his way through the vehicle. The echoing of shredding metal made Bastian’s ears ring.

    Hey! Pick on someone your own size! Katya shouted, leaping onto Jenkin’s back and driving their blade down into his shoulder. A slashing claw strike toward the Hunter followed the cry that ripped from the creature.

    Bastian took the opening and skidded to a stop behind a wall leading to a street ramp. He kept his arm around Jillian, who clutched onto Bastian tight.

    What’s happening? Who is that?! Jillian cried.

    That’s Jenkins as a Breed. Your sire should have explained to you what they are. Bastian said as he looked over to see Katya continuing to fight Jenkins. The parking garage was taking a beating with how Jenkin’s punches were breaking up the solid concrete walls and floor. The silence from the woman made the hair on the back of Bastian’s neck stand up. He looked down into the woman’s bright green, terror-filled eyes. Did he never tell you?

    I don’t remember… he talked a lot, so I tuned out most of it… She said more than a little sheepishly.

    Bastian closed his eyes tight before lowering his head. Did he mention why you shouldn’t drain a mortal to near death?

    Jillian went quiet for a moment. He said don’t do it but never said why. He just said it was against our laws to feed on mortals.

    Bastian pointed his finger toward Jenkins, whose arm was lopped off by Katya. This happens when you don’t listen! He snapped, losing more of his cool than he expected. Drinking too much from a mortal without turning them creates a Breed. A creature that hunts for life energy without mercy. They will drain an entire building of mortals to keep themselves alive for one week! This is why we have these laws!

    If it was that important, then why wasn’t I told! Jillian shouted back at him before her anger disappeared when the realization hit her like a wrecking ball. The Hunter… are they here for me…?

    Bastian held onto the anger from before, glaring down at the woman. You’re already heading for the Green Lit list. If you admit what you’ve done, the Conclave might work with you. Bastian said, staring down at her.

    Jillian’s eyes went wide. Green- No, no no no, I can’t be-

    Feeding on mortals and turning them into Breeds is against our laws. You were aware of that when you were hired. Your contract says you have been informed of our laws and will abide by them. Bastian snapped, glaring down at her. Now, I will ask you, did you drink from Jenkins?

    Jillian stared into Bastian’s eyes before sagging against him. Yes… I did. Red Bags… don’t taste as good as the real thing… Those other men… were terrified of me… Brian… wasn’t. Her eyes filled with tears. I thought he loved me…

    Bastian took a slow breath before looking toward Katya as they swung their sword, lopping Jenkin’s head off in a single swipe. He turned back to Jillian. When this is over, turn yourself into Ka. Tell them everything you did.

    Will they execute me? Jillian’s voice shook with fear.

    I don’t know, but fighting against it is a quicker way to an execution, Bastian said.

    Jillian whimpered before she hung her head. Ok.

    Bastian sat Jillian on the ground, taking a step back to give himself a little space. Jillian let out a sob as she curled into herself, covering her face with her arms.

    I’m so sorry… she sobbed as Bastian looked down at her before pulling out his phone. He went to his contacts and hit call.

    Hey, Moe? It’s Bastian. We need a clean-up and purge of a parking garage. He looked over at Katya, who dispelled their sword, and walked over. Hunter on the scene with a Breed elimination. Smashed cars, concrete floors, and ceilings. No structural damage that I can see.

    Katya stepped over and looked down at Jillian. I need to get her to the Conclave here. Can you handle the clean-up?

    Bastian’s heart raced, making it challenging to take in a full breath. He gave a slow nod. Go ahead. I’ll call you.

    Katya stepped over and held their hand out. Come on, Jillian. Let’s go. Jillian sniffled before she reached out and took their hand.



    A lright, we’ll be done in ten minutes, and you’ll be back in business, Moe said as he wrote on the clipboard before handing it to Bastian. We can handle the construction stuff another day, Moe said.

    Bastian took it and read over the form that showed the clean-up cost. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, so Bastian signed it and turned back to the short older black man beside him. Moe Carmine was a great cleaner as one of the many associates connected to the Hunter’s Conclave. He had expertise in Breed purging but would not hesitate to seek help in rebuilding things that were extensively destroyed. Well into his sixties, the man was a consummate professional about the work the Conclave asked of him.

    Pleasure working with you, Mr. Valdian. I’ll come and let you know when we’re all finished. Moe said, taking the clipboard and heading down the ramp into the parking garage.

    Bastian sighed deeply as he walked up to the street level where they had corded off the entrance to the garage. He stepped through and pulled out his phone, finding a text message from Olivandro.

    Olivandro: Got the information from the LA Conclave about Jillian Davis. Good job weeding her out.

    Bastian took a seat on the bench near the garage, sighing heavily as he rested his hand on his corset. The tight piece of clothing did very little to ease the twisting in his gut or his racing heart. It took him a few minutes to compose himself and answer back.

    Bastian: I wish we could have caught her before she drained Jenkins. I have Moe cleaning up the office and garage.

    Olivandro: It happens. You did good, Sebastian. Take some time for yourself and rest up. I’ll see if there are any other reports from Valdian Inc.

    Bastian: Yes, grandfather.

    Bastian couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped his lips at the prospect of having to do this all over again. The last six months had been so much lonelier than the others had been. His soul was hollow and longed for something that was just out of reach.

    Kain was here.

    It didn’t matter that Bastian had kept his distance. His heart and soul knew he was close. It yearned for the Slayer. Longed for what they had.

    Bastian wanted to go home. The further he was from Kain, the better he’d feel.

    A beep came from his phone as he noticed a text from his baby sister, Colette.

    Colette: When are you coming back to London?

    Bastian smiled softly and opened the conversation. He enjoyed talking to his sister. Even when she was strict about time, he enjoyed knowing that she wanted him there.

    Bastian: I just finished some work here in LA, and I hope to be back in a few days. A week at the latest.

    Colette: Good. We’ve skipped your month of cooking the family meal several times, and I demand retribution.

    Bastian: Is that your way of saying you want me to make you some of that extra crispy fried chicken and noodles?

    Colette: That’s the only thing that will satisfy me.

    Bastian couldn’t help but laugh at his sister’s seriousness. He knew her demands were out of love, making him feel a lot better than he had before. It wasn’t like she was asking for anything he wasn’t already going to give her.

    Bastian: Alright, Cole, I’ll make the fried chicken and noodles.

    Colette: Can you make the noodles with that bone broth?

    Bastian: I’ll check with Tae-Hee and get the ingredients from her.

    Colette: That’s acceptable.

    Bastian: 143.

    Colette: 143.

    Bastian smiled as he stared at the numbers from Colette. 143 had become his and Jonathan’s way of letting Colette know they loved her without making her uncomfortable. It represented the number of letters in

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