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Special Forces: The Most Outstanding Units for the Most Dangerous Missions
Special Forces: The Most Outstanding Units for the Most Dangerous Missions
Special Forces: The Most Outstanding Units for the Most Dangerous Missions
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Special Forces: The Most Outstanding Units for the Most Dangerous Missions

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In the annals of modern military history, there is a select group of warriors whose courage and skill go beyond the ordinary. They are the special forces, the elites among the elites, whose existence and operations are often hidden in the shadows of secrecy. These units are trained to operate in the most hostile environments and perform the most dangerous missions, where life and death balance on a fine thread.


Among these special forces are the renowned U.S. Navy SEALs, whose skill in amphibious operations and assault tactics is legendary. The UK's SAS (Special Air Service), renowned for their deep infiltration capabilities and surgical precision in critical missions. The Russian Spetsnaz, a formidable force trained in the arts of asymmetric warfare and close combat in difficult terrain. Poland's GROM, whose agility and determination have made them a rapid response force in Central Europe. There are many groups dedicated to these demanding missions: GIGN, GEOS, Join Task Force 2, Comando Jungla, Unit 777, Kopassus, Sayeret Matkal....


Each of these units has its own story of heroism and sacrifice, forged in the heat of combat and the extreme demands of training. From hostage rescue missions to covert operations, these special forces play a crucial role in national defense and global security.


In these pages you will discover nearly fifty special forces groups, recalling their achievements and major interventions, so that you can enjoy the heroic events faced by these units engaged in the most daring missions around the world.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Special Forces: The Most Outstanding Units for the Most Dangerous Missions

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    Special Forces - Randall Pickles


    In the annals of modern military history, there is a select group of warriors whose courage and skill go beyond the common. They are the special forces, the elites among the elites, whose existence and operations are often hidden in the shadows of the underground. These units are trained to operate in the most hostile environments and carry out the most dangerous missions, where life and death balance on a fine thread.

    Among these special forces are the renowned United States Navy SEALs, whose skill in amphibious operations and assault tactics is legendary. The SAS (Special Air Service) of the United Kingdom, recognized for their deep infiltration capacity and surgical precision in critical missions. The Russian Spetsnaz, a formidable force trained in the arts of asymmetric warfare and hand-to-hand combat in difficult terrain. Poland's GROMs, whose agility and determination have made them a rapid response force in Central Europe.

    Each of these units has its own story of heroism and sacrifice, forged in the heat of combat and the extreme demands of training. From hostage rescue missions to covert operations, these special forces play a crucial role in national defense, global security and counterterrorism.

    This book is a tribute to the bravery and dedication of these exceptional units. I hope you enjoy discovering these exceptional military groups capable of changing the world.

    Delta Force

    Delta Force, officially known as 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), is a highly classified United States Army special operations unit considered one of the most elite forces in the world. This unit specializes in counterterrorism missions, hostage rescue, and covert operations. The creation of Delta Force dates back to the mid-1970s, when Colonel Charles Beckwith, an experienced Special Forces officer, proposed the formation of a highly specialized counterterrorism unit. Beckwith had spent time with the British Special Air Service (SAS) and was impressed by their capabilities and effectiveness. Upon his return to the United States, Beckwith worked hard to establish a similar force, leading to the founding of Delta Force in 1977.

    Delta Force is characterized by a rigorous selection and training process. Candidates are subjected to extremely demanding physical and psychological tests to ensure that only the fittest and mentally resilient are accepted. Training includes hand-to-hand combat, infiltration and exfiltration techniques, weapons handling, parachuting, land and sea navigation, and survival in extreme conditions. Delta Force operators are prepared to deploy anywhere in the world in a matter of hours and perform high-precision missions under the most adverse conditions.

    One of Delta Force's most notable missions took place in 1980 during Operation Eagle Claw, a hostage rescue mission at the United States Embassy in Tehran, Iran. Although the operation failed due to mechanical problems and coordination errors, it provided valuable lessons that improved special forces coordination and readiness in future operations. This initial failure did not diminish the reputation of Delta Force, but instead fueled the evolution of tactics and procedures in special operations.

    In the 1990s, Delta Force participated in Operation Gothic Serpent in Somalia. This mission, popularly known as the Battle of Mogadishu or Black Hawk Down, aimed to capture the leaders of Mohamed Farrah Aidid's clan. Although the operation encountered fierce resistance and resulted in the loss of several American soldiers, it demonstrated the bravery and tenacity of Delta Force operators. His ability to adapt and continue the mission under intense fire and chaotic conditions underscored his exceptional training and dedication.

    Another significant deployment occurred in 2003 during the invasion of Iraq. Delta Force was instrumental in capturing important figures in Saddam Hussein's regime. One of the highlights was the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003, in Operation Red Dawn. Using precise intelligence and stealth tactics, Delta Force operators found and captured Hussein hiding in a small hole near his hometown of Tikrit. This operation not only marked the end of the search for one of the world's most wanted men, but also demonstrated Delta Force's ability to conduct successful operations in hostile environments.

    In more recent years, Delta Force has played a crucial role in combating terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS). They have carried out multiple high-profile operations in the Middle East, including raids to capture or eliminate key terrorist leaders. In 2015, Delta Force operators participated in an operation in Syria that resulted in the death of Abu Sayyaf, a top ISIS commander. The operation also allowed for the collection of valuable intelligence that helped dismantle terrorist networks and financing operations.

    Delta Force's effectiveness is not limited to direct combat missions; They have also been essential in hostage rescue operations. In October 2019, Delta Force carried out a successful operation in Syria that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. The mission, sanctioned by President Donald Trump, involved infiltrating an ISIS-controlled area and eliminating one of the world's most wanted terrorists. The operation was meticulously planned and executed, reflecting Delta Force's high level of professionalism and operational capability.

    In addition to its missions abroad, Delta Force has been called upon to act in domestic situations under the direction of the United States government. Although such missions are extremely rare and generally remain classified, Delta Force is known to be prepared to intervene in national emergency situations, such as terrorist attacks on American soil.

    Delta Force's role in modern warfare is multifaceted, ranging from direct combat operations to intelligence and support operations. The unit works closely with other agencies and military units, including the CIA, FBI, Navy SEALs and other allied special forces. This interagency cooperation is crucial to the success of its missions and allows for a coordinated response to global threats.

    Delta Force personnel also play an important role in training and advising special forces from allied countries. Through training programs and international cooperation, Delta Force helps strengthen the special operations capabilities of other nations, promoting global security and the fight against terrorism.

    Although many of Delta Force's operations and specific details remain classified, the unit has earned a legendary reputation thanks to its successes and the dedication of its members. Their ability to operate in the most hostile environments and under the most difficult conditions makes them a vital tool for US national security policy.

    The future of Delta Force will continue to be of great importance to national and international security. As technology advances and global threats evolve, Delta Force will continue to adapt and develop new tactics and strategies to meet emerging challenges. Their commitment to excellence and protecting the interests of the United States and its allies ensures that they will continue to be a formidable force in the world of special operations.

    Their ability to conduct complex operations with precision and effectiveness, their bravery in extreme situations, and their dedication to the mission reflect the highest standards of professionalism and sacrifice. The unit not only represents a powerful tool in the fight against terrorism and global threats, but also embodies the spirit of service and commitment to national security. As the world faces new and varied threats, the importance of Delta Force and its role in protecting global peace and stability will continue to be invaluable.


    Navy SEALs

    The Navy SEALs, officially known as the Sea, Air, and Land Teams, are a special operations unit of the United States Navy. Recognized for their ability to operate in any environment and under the most extreme conditions, the SEALs are one of the most respected and feared elite forces in the world. Its history dates back to World War II, when the United States Navy formed units specialized in underwater demolition operations. These first units, known as Navy Combat Demolition Units (NCDUs) and Underwater Demolition Teams (UDTs), were instrumental in preparing the beaches for Allied landings. In the 1960s, in response to the need for more versatile special operations during the Vietnam War, President John F. Kennedy authorized the creation of the Navy SEALs.

    Navy SEAL training is legendarily rigorous, designed to identify and cultivate the most physically and mentally resilient soldiers. The process begins with the Physical Preparation Program (PPT), followed by the initial phase of Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (BUD/S). This phase includes the infamous Hell Week, an extreme

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