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Devil's Vow: Dark Mafia Romance
Devil's Vow: Dark Mafia Romance
Devil's Vow: Dark Mafia Romance
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Devil's Vow: Dark Mafia Romance

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Nevah possessed an ethereal beauty that captivated all who laid eyes upon her. Her delicate features and soulful eyes betrayed an inner strength belying her fragile appearance.


Ivan Volkov commanded attention through the sheer force of his domineering presence. He was the embodiment of masculine power and controlled aggression, his chiseled visage and imposing stature exuding an aura of absolute authority. One moment he could emanate a smoldering sensuality that demanded unwavering submission; the next, a glacial detachment that cut through the air like a double-edged blade.


Forced into a dangerous marriage with the notorious mafia boss, Nevah navigates a dangerous world of power, passion, and deception.

As she is drawn deeper into the Zhukov family's criminal empire, Nevah must confront her own demons and the constant threats that surrounds her.


Caught in a web of escalating tension, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Ivan's commanding presence, even as she fears his ruthless nature, all while grappling with the magnetic pull of Ivan's touch and the promise of ecstasy that lingers in his darkened gaze.

PublisherRose Knight
Release dateJun 25, 2024
Devil's Vow: Dark Mafia Romance

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    Devil's Vow - Rose Knight


    She was five years old when she attended her very first wedding. There was one core memory she knew she would never forget; walking down the aisle, with her flower basket in one hand and bunched up roses in the other, tossing them on the ground for the bride.

    She remembered her white dress with the bright pink ribbon around her waist. The way her hair was in little waves. She remembered Eliana waving at her as she walked on, and she remembered her wildest dream forming in her head; one day, it would be her turn. One day, she was going to get married, it would be her to walk down the aisle towards the love of her life. 



    Twenty Years Later

    There was something about empty places that always unnerved me. The feeling of being secluded, away from other things, that made me feel alone. I never felt at home in our mansion; there was always just too much space.

    For a family of three, there was no reason for us to have such a big house and with dad in the hospital, it felt even emptier. We had servants, maids and butlers and guards all over the house but they were like statues almost, stopping whatever they were doing when I walked in a room, to bow to me as if I were a princess. And I guess, in a sense, people believe I am. And maybe I should be grateful that I have a home, and all of these people to do things for me but it just never felt right.

    I was glad dad would be coming home today, glad that the house won't be so empty anymore, because without dad yelling into his phone or at people, it was so quiet, I could hear myself breathe.

    Mom shut down ever since his car crash, she just never left her room or did anything, as if he really died. I've always wondered how a person could love another that much. How could anybody love anyone to the point where they tear themselves down for that person?

    My father wasn't a good man, everyone that knew him knew that. Being in the mafia, this didn't come as much of a surprise but he wasn't good to anyone, not to me, his one and only child, and not to my mother, his one and only wife.

    I heard his voice the moment he entered, already ordering people around. My mom doted after him and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

    He cheats on you, why are you like this? I thought as I walked down the stairs into the main hall to see him in a wheelchair.

    Hi, dad, I greeted, walking towards him.

    He looked at me in that disgusted way he did, as if I was a pest he couldn't wait to get rid of. Meet me in my office, I need to talk to you. he said, then ordered a maid to lead him to his study, my mom frowned in response.

    I told you to not show yourself until I had a day with him, you are so fucking selfish, she hissed, grabbing my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

    You're a delusional piece of shit. I glared at her, tugging my arm away.

    I followed my father into his office, taking a deep breath before I walked in.

    He was seated in his chair, the maid disappearing into the next room and he looked at me then at the seat in front of him, a silent order, beckoning me to sit down and behave.

    I sat down and he held up a hand before I had a chance to open my mouth to say anything.

    I am going to tell you something and I don't want you to speak. All you are to do is agree with me, do you understand? he demanded in that authoritative voice of his that people feared.

    I nodded and clench my hands into fists on my lap.

    Before Bricrui Zhukov died, bastard that he is, he and I made a deal, he began and my heart ached for that beloved man.

    Bricrui Zhukov is the complete and absolute opposite of my father. How I wanted to tell him off for disrespecting a man that was so much better than him.

    The deal we signed is that you are to marry his eldest son whenever I ask. He continued and my heart came to a full stop.

    What? I gasped and his glare could kill an entire room of soldiers. I clamped my mouth shut and looked down at my hands.

    He cleared his throat again. I am going to invite him and his siblings to dinner next week, and you better not disappoint me. He sighed. Now get out,

    I stood up and scurried to the door, my shock scrambling his words in my head.

    Dinner. Next week. Ivan and his siblings.

    His siblings. Eliana's face popped up in my head and I hurried to my bedroom to give her a call. The sound of her voice on the other end has never given me this much relief.

    Hey, Nevah, she greeted.

    Hey, Lia, can you talk? I asked.

    There was rustling then a yawn. Of course I can, what's wrong? she asked.

    Dad came home, I told her.

    Shit, she muttered. Wanna come over? she asked.

    I smiled at her invitation, Eliana knew me more than I knew myself. We've been attached since birth, her mother and mine were equally devious and the only thing we had in common with our mothers was the fact that we were best friends with each other.

    I don't remember a single important moment in my life where Eliana wasn't there. She was there when I walked for the very first time, I had pictures to prove it, she was there when I rode my first bike, she was there through every single up and down in my life and now that I think about it, so has her family.

    I feel like every good memory I have happened at their house.

    I don't think I can, but there's something I need to tell you. I whispered.

    What? she whispered back.

    My dad is marrying me off, I said, my voice breaking. She gasped and it was quiet for a few moments.

    "To who? Please tell me you're joking. Is he ugly? Wait, is he short? Have you met him? Oh my god, do you want me to marry you?" she asked and I nearly laughed, because if I agreed, she literally would marry me, just to escape my father's cruelty.

    No, you don't need to marry me, Eliana, and yes, I've met him countless of times.

    If that's the fricking case, then that means I've met him too, well, tell me who he is!

    He's Ivan.

    She was quiet. Then, Ivan? What do you mean Ivan? My brother, Ivan? My self centered, jerk of a brother, Ivan? she asked, her tone showing her disbelief.

    Yes, him, I said.

    No way.

    Yes way,

    We were both quiet for a while, both of us letting the information settle.

    You're going to be my sister in law, was her comment and I sighed.

    "As much as that entices me, Eliana, don't you understand? I'm getting married. Like, say yes to the dress, wedding vows, walk down the aisle, married."

    Yes, she said, her voice reaching a happier tone. Like you've always dreamed.

    No! That's different, I dreamed of marrying the love of my life, not Ivan! He's as much a stranger as my mailman is,

    Okay, but at least Ivan is richer than your mailman, and I bet you your mailman doesn't have a bombass sister like me that will be your sister in law.

    I sighed, trying not to smile at her dig. That's not my point, I just thought ... I always thought my wedding would be all mine, you know? I always thought I would be the one to choose.

    Nevah, I hate to break it to you, but with your parents, and the world we live in, you should have known that this was never for you to decide. 



    The invitation felt heavy in my hand even though it was just a piece of paper.

    So he finally claimed it, Kaian said, leaning against the file cabinets against the wall, sipping on his choice of alcohol early in the day.

    Yeah, I replied, re-reading the words engraved into the thick paper.

    About time, don't you think? Mikhail asked, eating the olives from the tray that were supposed to be for martinis.

    What do you mean about time? Eliana argued, brows furrowed, realization dawned on her slowly. "Wait... you knew? she looked from Mikhail to me then to Kaian then back to me. I was the only one out of the loop? What the fuck?"

    It's nothing serious, dad just didn't want you to tell Nevah. Might've scared her off, Mikhail told her.

    Eliana slumped back in her chair. Wow, she whispered in bewilderment. There was nothing my father told us that he didn't tell her, it was understandable she wouldn't take it well.

    The dinner, I began. I want all of you in attendance.

    Why? Kaian scowled.

    Because Mr. Foster invited all of us. It's a show of respect. We haven't gone to any formal gathering ever since, I had to clear my throat to get rid of the lump there, talking about this always took its toll on me, on all of us. Ever since father passed away. I explained. I want to uphold his reputation and all of you should too.

    Well, whether or not you wanted me there, I would have gone. At least for Nevah, her life changes after this too, Eliana said standing up. I'm sure you're aware Nevah is my best friend. What applies to other men regarding marriage, applies to you,

    She walked out the room and Mikhail shook his head bemused. Gotta be careful, Ivan, little miss bossy just threatened you. He turned to me, standing up too. I'll be there,

    Kaian was the last to agree, getting up and muttering. Not like I have a fucking choice,

    After they left the room, I can't help but remember the last time I'd seen Nevah. It was after my father's funeral, she had just helped Eliana, who could barely walk from the pain and sorrow of losing our father, into the car and she stood in front of me, beautiful even in her plain black dress, her face and hair wet from the rain.

    I'm sorry for your loss, Ivan, she mumbled, squeezing my arm, her large brown eyes looking up at me. She was so damn beautiful it was hard not to look at her. No, beautiful was not a good enough word to describe her. Ethereal, with her long brown hair, styled in a neat bun for the occasion, her rich brown skin glowed, even in the rain, as if it absorbed the sun's light and illuminated it. And her eyes, fucking hell, her eyes calmed me, looking into them was a reverie, an indulgence I couldn't give myself. She was everything, everything a man could ever beg for.

    I regret how I responded every single time I think about it because I didn't respond. The bastard that I was, I pushed past her, opened the door to my car and slammed it without a single thank you. My father's death was no excuse for me to be a fucking asshole to the one woman who wasn't family that

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