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The New Mindset For Success
The New Mindset For Success
The New Mindset For Success
Ebook41 pages24 minutes

The New Mindset For Success

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You Need A New Mindset To Be Able To Succeed In Today's World


What is your definition of success? Has it changed over the past year? If you are like many people, your goals and definition has evolved, just as you have.


Whatever your ideas and goals are about success, you need to take action to achieve them. You need to be able to make achieving success a personal journey. This does not mean you have to do it all by yourself, you can network and use a mentor or a Life Coach to guide you and keep you motivated.


This book is a good starting point to get you moving on developing your new mindset and make your journey to success a lot easier.

PublisherMichael W
Release dateJun 25, 2024
The New Mindset For Success

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    Book preview

    The New Mindset For Success - Michael W


    What exactly does success mean to you?

    Think back a year to see how things have changed. Whether or not you realize it, you are evolving with the times. What are your current goals compared to those you set last New Year's? Are they the same, or did you need to change your expectations? You may still be seeking success, but is your vision the same as before?

    In this book, we will look at what the new definition of success looks like. We'll begin with a brief definition of the terms we'll use to determine what New Success is and isn't. You might be surprised.

    Then we'll look at the most common personality qualities of successful people, but that's not what this book is about.

    The section will focus on key characteristics that are rarely discussed, but are essential to New Success.

    You will learn why each of these characteristics is significant in today's world, as well as their definitions. You will also learn how to use this attribute effectively.

    This may not be your first book on success because it is a popular self-help topic, but we hope you find it the most useful.

    "A lot of people notice when you succeed, but they don't see what it takes to get there."

    Dawn Staley

    What Is Success?

    You were asked what success meant to you. This is a more important question than you realize, and I hope you've thought about what your answer would be.

    The media presents a distorted view of how success should be defined. Successful people are depicted in films and television as living in mansions, driving fancy automobiles, and leading luxurious lifestyles. Reality programs immerse you deeper into the lives of celebrities, reinforcing the erroneous image of how success should seem.

    "The accomplishment of an aim or purpose" is a dictionary definition from a different perspective.

    With this perspective, success might be fairly modest. Tying your shoes this morning and leaving them fastened is a successful occurrence. The concept of success does not have to

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