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First Christmas: The Christmas Collection, #1
First Christmas: The Christmas Collection, #1
First Christmas: The Christmas Collection, #1
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First Christmas: The Christmas Collection, #1

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A Christmas-loving ice dragon. Her mate who has never celebrated the holiday. When ill tidings strike, will they have the chance to enjoy mistletoe?

Vixen isn't a reindeer as the song goes, but is an ice dragon shifter. Her one goal in life is to join Santa's sleigh team, and she's been practicing night and day. When an attack leaves her wounded, the only solace is being saved by her new mate.

Vixen's joy comes to a halt when her mate, Lunar, reveals his heart yearns for treasure as other ice dragon shifters do. But Lunar has never celebrated Christmas before either, and the joy of it has never touched his heart. Can Vixen convince Lunar that love is a greater treasure than gold before other treasure-seeking dragons destroy her chance?

"First Christmas" is the first book in the Christmas Collection. If you enjoy feel-good Christmas stories, fated mates, and goofy elves, you'll love "First Christmas." Buy now to let the Christmas season warm your heart.


PublisherHeather Karn
Release dateJul 8, 2017
First Christmas: The Christmas Collection, #1

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    First Christmas - Heather Karn

    When this torture was over, I was going to kill my best friends. One would be thrown into a barrel of plum pudding and the other would be baked into a fruit cake. Seriously, they were both fruit cakes. They skipped around their large bedroom while singing Baby, It’s Cold Outside in the most off tune voices elves could muster. The sad part was, only I could make them stop by reaching one hundred push-ups, and since I was only at eighty-five, I wanted nothing more than to shove mini marshmallows in my ears to dampen the ruckus.

    Holly, Jolly, you’re singing needs work, I announced to my elf friends as I dipped my body into another push-up. Seriously, this is ridiculous. Remind me why I’m letting you do this to me.

    Jolly flopped onto the ground in front of me to sit cross legged. I lifted myself back up and raised my head to gaze at her. With a smug smile growing on her thin, freckled face, she stuck a gingerbread man cookie into her mouth head first. Groaning, I collapsed onto the plush carpet.

    You’re killing me! I screeched at them since Holly continued to sing off tune at the top of her lungs in the worst solo known to human, elf, or ice dragon shifter. How am I supposed to finish with you people torturing me?

    We could always watch ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’, Holly announced, pausing in her singing long enough to threaten me with the one Christmas movie I loathed. She laughed as she hopped onto her bed, which we’d pushed to the edge of their room so I had space to do push-ups, and they could do whatever it was they had in mind today to torture me.

    I don’t understand, Vixen, Jolly stated with her mouth full of my favorite Christmas cookie of all time. You’re named after one of the reindeer. How can you dislike that movie?

    Because I’m named after a fictional reindeer and the humans have the facts all wrong.

    Jolly rolled her eyes, taking another bite and moaning in delight. The glint in her ivy green eyes told me she was doing it on purpose to annoy me. It was working.

    Rising back up on my shaky arms, I dipped into another push-up. I thought I was in luck that Holly hadn’t begun singing again until I heard tinfoil crunching from where she sat behind me. The silly elf had gotten into more candy. We’d already eaten enough junk food today to make Santa have a sour stomach, but my dragon shifter self had two weaknesses: cookies and candy.

    Growling, I pushed my body until I’d completed all of the push-ups I’d been assigned by the elves for today. Again I collapsed to the floor. This time, I reached my hand out to Jolly.

    Cookie, I ordered, hoping she’d be smart enough to know I was asking for one.

    Nope. Not going to happen.

    I lifted my head to glare up at the elf who had red streaks dyed into her brown hair. And why not?

    Because you have two hundred squats to do first. That sleigh isn’t going to fly itself, you know.

    Holly joined in, hopping off the bed to grab a cookie from the platter on their shared dresser. Exactly. How can you expect to earn the open spot on the sleigh team if you keep eating cookies? We’ve got to whip you into shape my dear dragon.

    Then stop eating cookies in front of me. I stood, planting my hands on my hips as I stared down at them. Even though Jolly sat on the ground, I still towered over Holly, who stood mere feet from me. Her green streaked, brown haired head came to just below my shoulders. At five foot nine inches, I was the average height for a female ice dragon shifter. Some of the males were well over six feet tall, which dwarfed me.

    Vix, we’re elves. We don’t stop eating cookies. Holly rolled her eyes and shoved a large gingerbread cookie into her mouth whole.

    The molasses scent that wafted from the cookie made my mouth water, and I fought not to groan that I couldn’t have anymore. An hour ago, the twins had declared the Christmas treats off limits for me until after the sleigh team tryouts. One of the dragon shifters who pulled Santa’s sleigh was retiring, so the clan was holding tryouts to fill the empty spot. Just because I loved Christmas more than any other dragon in the clan didn’t mean I automatically got the position. Anyone could try for it. So now my two elf friends, and self-elected trainers, were whipping me into shape so I would be ready to win the competition, and I was already dying from sugar withdrawal.

    No wonder you two are on the naughty list today, I mumbled under my breath as I readied to complete my first squat. If they thought a few days of training like this was enough to get me ready, they were crazy, but I let them have their fun. Maybe it would help somehow. With some of the stronger and faster dragons in the clan trying out, I didn’t stand much of a chance…unless Christmas luck was on my side.

    My friends continued to snack on various types of cookies and candies as I completed my required squats, doing my best to ignore the crumbs that fell to the carpeted floor. Even in my human form, I could make out the cookie bits as they lay on the carpet. Clenching my teeth, I fought back the urge to push Holly away from the plate and horde the rest of the treats.

    Okay, I’m done, I cried, dropping to the floor to lean against the wall when the mandatory squats were done. You two have had your fun for today. I’m done.

    What about the three mile run? Jolly asked, still seated on the carpet, but now she was painting her nails a bright red. The fumes from the polish irritated my nose and lungs, but I knew it was useless to comment on it. She would only shrug like she did every other time I opened my mouth to complain about the smell. You’re supposed to run now. How else are you supposed to build your stamina?

    My eyes rolled of their own accord. Oh, I don’t know. Fly, maybe? I won’t be running when I pull the sleigh.

    Jolly stared at me like I’d said something stupid. Yes, you can fly, but running works just as well. Now, you have five minutes, and then it’s time to run.

    One thing I had learned early about my two best friends was that they were far more stubborn than any ice dragon I had ever met. When they put their minds to something, there was no use fighting them, especially when the twins teamed up against you. There were few ways to trick them into changing their minds, and in that moment, I needed to find one. The thought came to me as Jolly tightened the cap on her nail polish.

    How about we make a deal? When I was sure I had their attention, I continued, crossing my fingers where they couldn’t see. You can paint my nails any color that you want, but in return, I don’t run.

    Both elves groaned. That’s not fair! Holly cried. You know we can’t resist that since you never let us paint your nails. That’s a low blow, even for a dragon.

    Hey! I shrieked in mock offense. Take it or leave it, but I think it’s a pretty fair trade.

    Jolly turned to her sister, a wicked grin crossing her face. Which hand do you want?

    The one you don’t take.

    For the next ten minutes I let them paint my nails a deep red. It wasn’t the color that I would have chosen for myself, but I had told them they could pick the color. Next time, I needed to rethink that part of the agreement. A bright green or silver was more my taste.

    The polish was almost dry when Candy, the twins’ mother, peeked her head into the room. She wasn’t any taller than her daughters, but it was clear they hadn’t gotten their brown hair from their mom. Candy’s bright blonde locks were pulled back into a French braid, which was her usual style.

    Vixen, your mother is here. You ready to go home?

    The sound of those words coming from anyone had never sounded so sweet. I tried not to appear too eager as I got to my feet, careful not to smudge my newly painted nails. The sight of them was going to give my parents a good laugh.

    All right you two troublemakers, I’m out of here, I announced, heading toward the door where Candy was chuckling to herself. She knew her daughters well enough that she could probably guess the nails were the result of a deal brokered between us to stop something far worse from occurring. It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, and I was positive it wouldn’t be the last.

    You aren’t innocent yourself, Vix, Jolly reminded me, standing to hug me goodbye. After all, it was your idea to steal the yellow paint from the Toy Shop and paint the snow in the Snowman Garden.

    We were twelve, I countered while fighting not to laugh at the memory. We’d gotten into huge trouble for the incident, but it had given several dragons and elves a good laugh once the initial shock of the situation had blown over.

    Holly snickered behind her hand. That was funny, wasn’t it?

    Hilarious, Candy groaned, her voice dripping like syrup with sarcasm while she shook her head at the three of us. Six years later and you all still get into more trouble than any other dragon or elves. It’s a miracle you end up on the Good List before Christmas every year.

    Vix, let’s go, Mom called from further in the house. With her dragon hearing, she’d heard the whole conversation. Even though we were prone to trouble, my parent’s had miraculously let me remain friends with the two terrors. Your father has a goose cooking, and we have a guest tonight.

    Who is it? I asked, following Candy from the bedroom, down a hall, and into their living room where Mom waited. I was nearly a spitting image of her, except that she was a few inches taller and a bit skinnier than me. Her long, honey brown hair was tied back into its usual ponytail, which was how I liked to wear mine as well. Unless the elves or dragons looked closely, they often mistook us from behind.

    A wandering dragon who is considering joining our clan for a time. Your father wants to get to know him a little better before he declines or accepts him into the clan. Now, put your coat on.

    My nails are still drying, I argued as Candy handed me my red pea coat. Instead of putting it on, I gingerly slung it over my arm while trying to avoid smudging my nails. Holly and Jolly would have me back in their room to fix the smudge before Mom or Candy could stop them. I would rather help the elves wrap presents than let the twins paint my nails again anytime soon, and I hated wrapping. It was the one Christmas tradition I loathed.

    Mom’s lips lifted at the corners in a secret smile. She knew my two best friends as well as I did, and she knew me. Let’s head home, my dragonet. I’ll see you later, Candy. Keep those youngsters of yours out of trouble.

    With a huff, Candy shook her head. They’re eighteen and I still haven’t figured out how to do that yet, Sage.

    I know what you mean. Mom turned her glare on me, so I feigned innocence as best as I could.

    What? I’m an angel, remember?

    Well, angel, let’s get home to help your father cook dinner. Our guest will be arriving soon and it would look bad if we weren’t there to greet him properly, Mom responded, waving a goodbye to Candy, with me on her heels.

    A chill, icy blast of air smacked us in the face the moment we stepped outside, stealing my breath. Since we were ice dragon shifters, the cold didn’t affect us as much as other creatures. However, the driving wind tore through my thin shirt, and chilled me to my core. With a deep breath, I took the cold into my body, letting it adjust my warm body temperature to a cooler temperature. It was a neat trick our kind could do, unlike the elves who had to suffer the frigid weather.

    All set? Mom asked after a few seconds, and I became aware that I’d stopped moving to regulate my core temperature. While most dragons could do it easily, it had always taken me longer. It wasn’t always necessary, but the day had been a frigid one, and it was only growing colder as night drew closer. With a shy smile, I nodded and started after her.

    We made our way through the residential district of Christmas Village where all of the elves lived in their small houses. They had strings of lights hung in the air, crisscrossing above the street. In the darkness surrounding us, the lights swayed, casting their color in a constantly changing light show on the snow that covered the brick road. Giant light poles painted as candy canes stood every half a block, letting the Christmas lights above us light the way between them. Garland hung from everything and looped with the lights, crossing the streets. Massive bulbs and ornaments, which hung from the tinsel, blew in the wind.

    A winter storm was blowing in, and by the look of the weather already, it would be a whiteout. Elves were outside bringing in anything that might blow away, especially their decorations. It was a task they completed before every large storm, which were frequent at this time of year. Each elf was too busy to notice Mom and I walking the streets of Christmas Village. Those elves that we passed who weren’t protecting their Christmas decorations were bundled up to their eyes in scarves, and colorful stocking hats protected their heads as they scurried for shelter.

    As we crossed a street, I peered to my left and caught sight of Santa’s castle barely peeking above the houses the next street over. The castle stood on the other side of the village, with the business district taking up the center as the goings on in that area were the focus of the whole village. That was where the toys were made, cookies were baked, ornaments and decorations were created, and every other task revolving around Christmas took place. Since several of the central buildings were massive, it was only luck that I’d caught sight of the castle at all, but it reminded me of Mom’s task for the afternoon.

    How was your meeting with Santa? I asked her over the howling wind that was now carrying large snowflakes through the air.

    It went well. He said they’re on schedule for another successful Christmas.

    I fought not to grumble. They’d discussed more than that, but that was all she would be telling me. When can I start attending your meetings? After all, I’ll be a clan leader one day, just like you and Da.

    Mom smiled over at me. When you’re a little older and a bit more mature, and after you’ve found your mate.

    Releasing a deep sigh, I let the subject die before it had even begun. Just the mention of my mate was enough to kill a good mood. Most dragons met their mates by the time they were in their mid teens. In fact, all of the dragons my age had found their mates already. It upset my parents that I hadn’t found my mate yet, but they tried not to show it. After all, it wasn’t my fault I hadn’t found him yet.

    The scent of cooking goose greeted us when we stepped inside our home. Da sat crouched in front of the fireplace where the featherless bird cooked, his back to us. Like most dragons, we liked to eat meat, and it was what our diet mostly consisted of, but my family preferred ours cooked instead of eating it raw. In fact, most of the clan did as well. That was one of the many characteristics of our clan that other dragons found odd. Our interest in sweets was another.

    Good, you’re home. Our guest should be here soon, and dinner is almost ready. How was your day, Vix? Da stood up from the fireplace to cast me a cheeky grin. Did training go well?

    I made an irritated sound while hanging my coat up next to Mom’s on hooks by the door. She crossed the room to plant a kiss on Da’s lips. He gave a playful growl against her mouth, which left her giggling when she pulled away. I would never admit it to my parents, but one day when I met my mate, I hoped our relationship could be as loving as theirs.

    But for now I settled for making gagging noises.

    Oh, stop that, Vixen, Mom laughed before giving Da one more peck on the lips. Now, go change out of those sweaty clothes before our company arrives.

    I escaped across the room and up the stairs before they could start kissing again to make me move faster. At the top of the landing I walked to my room on the right side of the short hallway. Mom and Da’s room was to the left, as was the bathroom. When our clan had settled here generations ago, the elves had given us knowledge of one of the best human inventions: indoor plumbing.

    Once in my room, I grabbed a clean sweater and jeans from my dresser and threw them on my bed. Stripping out of my sweaty shirt, I glanced down at my mate mark. It was a baby blue snowflake on my right bicep. As it always did, my brain attempted to picture the man whose mate mark matched mine, just as Mom and Da’s golden stars on the back of their left hands matched. It was how we knew our mates. The birthmarks we were born with would match our mate’s mark, and if that wasn’t enough, the moment we touched, our marks would burn. That was convenient for those of us whose marks were hidden under our clothes.

    A knock at the front door drew me out of my musings. Our company was here. The sound of a foreign male’s voice had me pulling my clean clothes on so I could join him and my parents for dinner without making them wait. I wanted to make a good first impression, no matter who he was.

    Meanwhile, my stomach tightened in anticipation. The chances that this male was my mate were slim. There were many unmated males, but there was always the slightest chance that he could be my mate, which sent my heart racing. It also caused my frazzled nerves to twist my stomach into knots. It wouldn’t settle down until I was sure this man wasn’t my mate. If he was my mate, it would surely grow worse. I doubted I’d be able to eat, and I’d probably forget how to talk until the shock wore off.

    Laughter rang up the stairs as I pulled dry boots on my feet and moved to stare at my reflection in the full length mirror that hung on the wall. Not daring to hope, I threw my hair into a quick braid. Exercising had my cheeks flushed pink still, and the light makeup I’d thrown on this morning was still mostly intact, even after all that the twins had put me through.

    With one final inspection in the mirror, I opened the door and headed downstairs. The stranger was speaking, and it became apparent to me at once that I wouldn’t be his mate, or at least I hoped I wouldn’t be. His whiny tenor voice grated on my ears worse with every step I took to descend the stairs. If that wasn’t enough to prove he wasn’t my mate, the first physical characteristic my eyes landed on was the fiery red mate mark on his neck which almost matched his flaming red hair that was cut close to his head.

    Ah, this must be the daughter who you mentioned, the man stated, his

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