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A Fluid Motion
A Fluid Motion
A Fluid Motion
Ebook64 pages44 minutes

A Fluid Motion

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About this ebook

Jordan is a fifty-three-year-old woman, who is abducted from her bedroom into an alien ship. She is subjected to a series of tests and internal examinations until her abductors decide she will need to be adjusted to serve their needs better. They turn back her biological clock to that of a twenty-year-old woman.


The aliens then send Jordan back in time to relive a moment with two of her friends. During her time in the past, the aliens expect her and her friends to produce certain fluids that the aliens need for survival. The aliens are unable to generate the substance in their world. The aliens have monitored Jordan for a long time and know that one time she and her friends were capable of producing large quantities of the substance they so badly needed.


Once Jordan arrives in the past she finds herself sleeping in a van with her long-ago friend Morgan and they are about to relive a road trip the two young girls had in the eighties. She realizes the aliens are aware of what happened on that road trip and all the wild lesbian adventures they had. Once she discovers where and when she is, the aliens cause the memory to fade and it will be like Jordan is experiencing this for the first time.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJun 26, 2024
A Fluid Motion

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone is the pen name of a thirty-seven-year-old single mother of two teenaged boys. A former college instructor and medical consultant. She has now begun to devote her time to writing. Science fiction and Romance are her passions, and she loves to spice her stories with some steamy erotica, just to give her work a punch other writers lack. Born in Birmingham AL she is an avid Crimson Tide Football fan. She currently lives just outside Cincinnati, OH

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    Book preview

    A Fluid Motion - Sherry Stone


    Mimi Lesseos

    Chapter One

    Agreen light bathed the room...

    It came from the open window as the flying saucer hovered silently.

    Is this a dream? I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much at the party Her mind raced. She felt paralyzed—her naked body levitated a good 12 inches off the bed. Beams of green and purple light scanned her middle-aged body. An almost electronic reverberating voice filled her mind saying:

    This is a female of the species. She is 53 solar years of maturity with no dedicated production ovary rate. Notice the beginning of secondary sex markers. (as the woman watched her gray pubic hairs went up in the air uncurling as if in a strong static field) Much lower production than the 20, 30, and 40-year-old females we have examined this evening. Bring her aboard the craft.

    Jordan's lips trembled as she saw her body float from the bed towards the window.

    "Remain tranquil woman. You have been expelling small quantities of living ovum upon which we seek to harvest. Note the crusty dried circles on your flesh. We derive much-needed DNA cortoids and ambioids which your science does not know, and that our science cannot replicate. Our race depends upon your precious product for feeding.

    We will help you in the manufacture of that which we need and use you for milking. We are acquiring stock. We need samples of potency. You will be returned to your planet before you know the time has passed. We expect you to use that fluid motion you perfected in your youth to help us."

    Jordan tried to speak but was afraid as she saw the window slowly open. She should have felt the coolness of the outdoors as her womanly body floated out the 2nd story window into the open door of the UFO, but the glowing green field kept her warm and secure.

    Whizzzzzzzzap! The metallic-like door to the UFO materialized shut.


    Quietly the trees yielded to the flying saucer as it raced upwards to the stars... Jordan slowly awoke in what appeared to be a rounded dark room that was brightly illuminated with a light shining only on her. As her vision cleared, she shook the raven black bangs of thick hair from her blue eyes. She crinkled her nose as her pearly white teeth glistened in the light. She tried to lift her head only to discover she was on a metallic-like table that was levitating off the floor.

    The Y-formation table held her naked body. She felt a force holding her securely to the table, yet without straps or binding of any kind. She could see her soft abs bulging and the lack of muscles in her hairless thighs contracting trying to lift off the table. No such luck!

    Is this some weird dream or something? Where am I? Hey!

    Jordan looked about and noticed her breasts flopped to the side. Her now sparse growing gray pubes seem to glisten in the examining light. Her twin orb mounds hung down near her belly.

    Is this some joke? Morgan, Liz? You there? Oh, this is really funny ladies. Lemme go! Her mature voice cracked. Anybody? Hey, um, this isn't funny... I am naked!

    Suddenly a group of Greys came towards her and encircled her on the table. A green laser-like light dot appeared on her head and she heard "Welcome woman. You are aboard our craft. Remain calm and tranquil. You are the first

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