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Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14
Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14
Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14
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Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14

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Every Justice is the child of its time, of the populations, of the educations, of the cultures and it often happened that in the past innocent people were convicted.

The Church itself gave us a great contribution, imposing rules and mystifications at all times in the name of God, but in fact the will of the clergy, but it was a reality that despite time, did not help it to be forgotten or changed, it was only the I hope for a new trend, modernity.

Within the home, the couple faces a common problem, the origin of which is unknown, and as if by magic there is always the tendency to blame the husband, as if it were an automatic exercise of justice, the only scapegoat , but behind so many automatisms certainties often arise, it's true, but also unexpected exasperations.

What for many years seemed like a general rule, upon entering a Courtroom, observing the writing above the highest bench where the Judge is sitting, "THE LAW IS THE SAME FOR ALL", has become a justice that overturns with actions, according to which the same patients must be treated equally and different patients can be treated differently if the differences are relevant to the treatment.

A bit like saying let me know how you feel today and I'll award your sentence, or how much your economic assets are and I'll give you a fair sentence, or how many employees you have in the factory, or your surname reminds me of someone, yes, I'm the nephew of……never say that you were taken by need this is the indication that you are nobody.

It would be enough to remember major failures of Italian companies, always perpetrated by the same people, with different tasks and assignments, and to have noticed that the judicial findings were painless, almost to say sorry if we made you come here today, indeed in some cases new government positions with the tripled salary, but it is not an isolated case, just the luck of some mother's sons who have had this destiny, with the help of their mothers.

In relation to the Mafia sentences, we remember the most sensational ones, such as the one involving the former Honorable Andreotti who emerged unharmed from twenty-five trials, usually claiming that he lived in Rome but was often in Palermo for a walk, thanks to the seaside area , and that he kissed everyone he met in the town of Corleone, just because he wanted to share his joy and emotional component with them.

The case in question made us know that the subjects receiving the kisses were the leaders of Cosa Nostra, the first true Mafia organization in the world.

Then we learn that, on the basis of new evidence, that judgment was issued with serious errors, failures and lack of evidence, but the Judge is not worried about paying the damages, he is not subject to convictions, but continues to live in the midst of his arrogance and his power, and his sins and errors are not even ascribed to his profile.

These are the general ethical principles of Justice, we list them only for the record, they often stay just focal points that no one reads:

There are only three of us left, they told the men in one of the moments of life, GOD, MEN and THE EARTH, always confident that a daily improvement could take place, the idea of recognizing the rights and enforcing the duties of all, the only reason why it is worth hoping to be able to move forward and have a better world.

Nobody ever talks about what they can do for others, but the common exercise is always to think of having to judge them, it's easier, knowing what lies around the corner becomes the easiest exercise, it would be nice to think that one day , a theft may occur inside a market, which is necessary only to feed the children of a needy and desperate family, hoping that no one will say anything, where the first right remains, always and in any case, that of helping others, the right to life if anyone had forgotten.

Release dateJun 17, 2024
Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14


FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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    Wake Me up When I’m Famous - FERDINANDO FREGA


    Every Justice is the child of its time, of the populations, of the educations, of the cultures and it often happened that in the past innocent people were convicted.

    The Church itself gave us a great contribution, imposing rules and mystifications at all times in the name of God, but in fact the will of the clergy, but it was a reality that despite time, did not help it to be forgotten or changed, it was only the I hope for a new trend, modernity.

    Within the home, the couple faces a common problem, the origin of which is unknown, and as if by magic there is always the tendency to blame the husband, as if it were an automatic exercise of justice, the only scapegoat , but behind so many automatisms certainties often arise, it's true, but also unexpected exasperations.

    What for many years seemed like a general rule, upon entering a Courtroom, observing the writing above the highest bench where the Judge is sitting, THE LAW IS THE SAME FOR ALL, has become a justice that overturns with actions, according to which the same patients must be treated equally and different patients can be treated differently if the differences are relevant to the treatment.

    A bit like saying let me know how you feel today and I'll award your sentence, or how much your economic assets are and I'll give you a fair sentence, or how many employees you have in the factory, or your surname reminds me of someone, yes, I'm the nephew of……never say that you were taken by need this is the indication that you are nobody.

    It would be enough to remember major failures of Italian companies, always perpetrated by the same people, with different tasks and assignments, and to have noticed that the judicial findings were painless, almost to say sorry if we made you come here today, indeed in some cases new government positions with the tripled salary, but it is not an isolated case, just the luck of some mother's sons who have had this destiny, with the help of their mothers.

    In relation to the Mafia sentences, we remember the most sensational ones, such as the one involving the former Honorable Andreotti who emerged unharmed from twenty-five trials, usually claiming that he lived in Rome but was often in Palermo for a walk, thanks to the seaside area , and that he kissed everyone he met in the town of Corleone, just because he wanted to share his joy and emotional component with them.

    The case in question made us know that the subjects receiving the kisses were the leaders of Cosa Nostra, the first true Mafia organization in the world.

    Then, as a flip side of the coin, you meet a poor wretch and unload all the anxieties towards him and the oppressions you have accumulated from the previous week, and by chance you find the crime of having milked two goats on the same day at the same time, and according to the interpretation of the Penal Code and the decision of a Judge represents a crime, and sentences him to one year in prison.

    Depicting Justice is an exercise common to many, but imagining it as a blindfolded goddess, scales and sword in hand, remains only in the idea of those who are mentally strong, only for those people who love to daydream.

    Then we learn that, on the basis of new evidence, that judgment was issued with serious errors, failures and lack of evidence, but the Judge is not worried about paying the damages, he is not subject to convictions, but continues to live in the midst of his arrogance and his power, and his sins and errors are not even ascribed to his profile.

    We have always thought that Justice should be that activity that allows you to always behave in such a way as to take into consideration the needs of others, never personal interests.

    These are the general ethical principles of Justice, we list them only for the record, they often stay just focal points that no one reads:

    5.1 Legality ...

    5.2 Correctness, transparency, objectivity, equity ...

    5.3 Loyalty in conducting commercial activities. ...

    5.4 Impartiality ...

    5.5 Reciprocity ...

    5.6 Diligence, efficiency and professionalism ...

    5.7 Enhancement of human resources. ...

    5.8 Risk Management.

    There are only three of us left, they told the men in one of the moments of life, GOD, MEN and THE EARTH, always confident that a daily improvement could take place, the idea of recognizing the rights and enforcing the duties of all, the only reason why it is worth hoping to be able to move forward and have a better world.

    Nobody ever talks about what they can do for others, but the common exercise is always to think of having to judge them, it's easier, knowing what lies around the corner becomes the easiest exercise, it would be nice to think that one day , a theft may occur inside a market, which is necessary only to feed the children of a needy and desperate family, hoping that no one will say anything, where the first right remains, always and in any case, that of helping others, the right to life if anyone had forgotten.

    I dedicate this premise to all the people who have remained victims of the judicial system and have had to suffer all the adversities of incorrect judgments in form and content and who have had to pay the price of the restriction of freedom, where no economic remuneration will ever be sufficient and enough, to re-establish the pain received which never goes away.

    I am fortunate

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