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Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18
Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18
Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18
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Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18

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We feel the perception of good and evil almost immediately, through the arrival of an illness, where the doctor, in examining us and knowing our state of health, asks us some questions:

how do you feel? Where does it hurt? Can you get up and walk? Does your head spin? Do you feel vomiting? Did you go to the bathroom? What pills did you take? Do you have a fever? This is just to simplify…….

It may just be a stupid warning, but mentally we build in our mind the possibility of tracing it back to something more serious, the habit that also moves us to other previous states of health, to the physical, mental, moral, sentimental, emotional condition , which allows us to express and demonstrate how we are, and the current variable state on capabilities.

Our organs give us the opportunity to warn in time the active or passive, low or high, performing, or poor functions, and often a negative symptom is an alarm bell of something that must be immediately checked and prevented in the treatment.

The brain and the heart are the only fundamental organs that do not cause pain, they are often adjacent areas that hurt, but not them, and in their functions, we have the measure of what our condition is, and whether the parameters are satisfactory or worrying.

All material goods, things, or animals themselves, represent a manageable condition, where it is easy to make decisions, but man is complex with many variations and one thing that is not replaceable: Love in everything.

The people we deal with every day give us the sweet and the bitter, we love them and we hate them, we want to see them and not see them, know about them or ignore them, but in the end it is enough to have a good degree of tolerance and acceptance.

A mention of the spiritual part could not be missing, and my mind takes me back to Bolivia, a few decades ago.

I was inside a Missionary headquarters, just outside the city of Oruro, in its department, when a Franciscan Friar asked, during mass, one hundred faithfuls' if they believed in GOD, and the choir rose in unison with the dramatic affirmation of yes.

And then, after a while, came the second question whether they believed in the existence of the Devil and everyone was silent, as if wanting to hide, wanting to deny themselves, because they knew he represented evil.

A situation of confusion and small discussions was created among the faithful, when the friar concluded that, if they believed in good, they would be forced to believe in the existence of evil and the devil.

They all looked at each other a bit, and looked for a sign of consensus among themselves, and the Friar declared the mass over and invited them to go out, because he said that on the path of each of them they would find evil, it was enough just to have the attention and the right strength to be able to recognize it.

Release dateJun 4, 2024
Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18


FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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    Book preview

    Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone - FERDINANDO FREGA


    We feel the perception of good and evil almost immediately, through the arrival of an illness, where the doctor, in examining us and knowing our state of health, asks us some questions:

    how do you feel? Where does it hurt? Can you get up and walk? Does your head spin? Do you feel vomiting? Did you go to the bathroom? What pills did you take? Do you have a fever? This is just to simplify…….

    It may just be a stupid warning, but mentally we build in our mind the possibility of tracing it back to something more serious, the habit that also moves us to other previous states of health, to the physical, mental, moral, sentimental, emotional condition , which allows us to express and demonstrate how we are, and the current variable state on capabilities.

    Our organs give us the opportunity to warn in time the active or passive, low or high, performing, or poor functions, and often a negative symptom is an alarm bell of something that must be immediately checked and prevented in the treatment.

    The brain and the heart are the only fundamental organs that do not cause pain, they are often adjacent areas that hurt, but not them, and in their functions, we have the measure of what our condition is, and whether the parameters are satisfactory or worrying.

    All material goods, things, or animals themselves, represent a manageable condition, where it is easy to make decisions, but man is complex with many variations and one thing that is not replaceable: Love in everything.

    The people we deal with every day give us the sweet and the bitter, we love them and we hate them, we want to see them and not see them, know about them or ignore them, but in the end it is enough to have a good degree of tolerance and acceptance.

    A mention of the spiritual part could not be missing, and my mind takes me back to Bolivia, a few decades ago.

    I was inside a Missionary headquarters, just outside the city of Oruro, in its department, when a Franciscan Friar asked, during mass, one hundred faithfuls’ if they believed in GOD, and the choir rose in unison with the dramatic affirmation of yes.

    And then, after a while, came the second question whether they believed in the existence of the Devil and everyone was silent, as if wanting to hide, wanting to deny themselves, because they knew he represented evil.

    A situation of confusion and small discussions was created among the faithful, when the friar concluded that, if they believed in good, they would be forced to believe in the existence of evil and the devil.

    They all looked at each other a bit, and looked for a sign of consensus among themselves, and the Friar declared the mass over and invited them to go out, because he said that on the path of each of them they would find evil, it was enough just to have the attention and the right strength to be able to recognize it.


    I opened my eyes, looked at the ceiling, the lights, other people occupying the beds, some with their eyes open, some others closed, the doctors who made room to ask me what I remembered, and the only thing I perceived was that I found myself in the hospital-resuscitation, a place that was not new to me, but had become almost habitual.

    The nurses asked if I had defecated and were immediately ready to check and conduct intimate cleaning, like the ones your mother used to do when you were little.

    Immediately other clinical checks, saturation, and an immediate intervention by the Female Psychiatrist, with a quarter of a breast, to evaluate whether I had suffered brain damage, but still no one told me what had happened.

    I was asked which of the relatives I wanted to see, only one person can come in they said, and I asked for my best friend, who arrives in tears and tells me: this time you really scared us.

    Have you seen who is outside the door? Your wife, your co-worker and we could not stop your Lover, who signed up as a client.

    Sorry but I do not even remember your name, he looks at me and asks me if I am making fun of him, but he guesses no: I am Antonio.

    So now you must do me a great courtesy: tell me the names of the three women and the roles they have in my life, I would not want to mistake my lover for my wife and vice versa.

    And then: but can you tell me what happened to find me here again after twenty years?

    They found you in the nuns' convent making love with five of them and at a certain point you had a stroke, without paralysis, but with partial loss of memory.

    And how did I end up in the convent? You stopped to talk to a nun in the courtyard of the convent, the others followed you and cheered you on.

    When the ambulance arrived, they did not want to leave you alone, but fortunately the nurse managed to convince them.

    Well, yes, I have been weak since birth, and I cannot stop my instinct for assistance, love, passion that I have developed towards women, all women.

    I remind you that you are 60 years old, and you can no longer play like when you were 20; you know little about the story, my friend, as a child I was always inspired and had NOE' as a point of reference, who with his age did so much good for many years.

    The Doctor allows the three women to enter the room, and they look at me clearly asking for a nod of consent, but I pretend to be deaf and this time I manage to get away with it.

    Charity is not just a charitable or act of faith, but often becomes an act of love to those who request it.


    I had been waiting for a few weeks to be contacted by an External Agency from the North, this was the agreement, to reschedule the new Google ADS Advertising Campaign, after the negative event of February 2024, which had made me lose a month of time.

    The people involved had not been able to support me, their arrogance and conceit, combined with manifesting themselves as super experts, had made me fall into the error of believing that I was finding people who knew what they were doing and instead they demonstrated an identity that allowed their Society to evaluate the failure, their failure.

    We had all lost a month of work, I had broad shoulders and was able to absorb and support this loss, their company had put the money into it.

    That morning I was reached by telephone by a gentleman, with a strong accent from the Reggino hinterland, who introduced himself as Head of the Italian online area, whose surname I still struggle to remember, as the pronunciation was singular, who told me he was interested in

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