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Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4
Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4
Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4

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The real point is social media where we often share stories, photos, ideas without thinking and for what purpose.

An ex-girlfriend to whom we want to let know that we have a new partner, and this creates jealousy, but no one reflects gratuitously on the harm that is done.

Posting in a blog, sharing an intimacy, my wife discovered one day that I had adopted a child from a distance, and it was not nice to let her know like that.

Most users of electronic and IT devices share without thinking.

Reflection as an opportunity for life lets us know that before opening our mouths, generating less and less stupidity, we need to think.

I was an example of time.

Release dateJun 4, 2024
Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4


FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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    Think Before Sharing - FERDINANDO FREGA


    The idea of wanting to share everything with social media subscribers has no economic or financial purpose, just the pleasure of talking.

    Everything was born very spontaneously on August 1, 2023, and has only one mission: to let everyone know about the reflection, linked to family history, or some funny fact that happened, or was experienced around the world.

    No notoriety sought, nor a job to conquer, I am an author with six books produced, but this is a fact that has already become public some time ago.

    All those who want to become followers must follow a path made of patience and time, everyone hopes to be welcome, but it is never possible to be able to please everyone, but always being available to exchange one's opinions with everyone is an indicator of maturity matured over time.

    Social Italia in giving me this opportunity gratified me in my attitude, recognized as serious and correct, which is unexpectedly reaching more places, and in the interest in the authenticity of the information never exploited because the purposes they inspire are only noble.


    I have always lived a quiet life, never routine, but serious and complex because the various diversities constitute the spice of my life.

    One morning a telegram arrives at home: Ministry of Education, the S: V: I: is summoned to Rome on 6 June at 11.00 am, for professional communications.

    My wife says to me: what did you do this time?

    I arrive in Rome in the morning at 10 I go to the Ministry but for guests there is another access gate, I change entrance and arrive at the office with the secretary who kindly welcomes me, making me sit in the waiting room, but after less than ten minutes he asks me to move to this large meeting room, where there is no one waiting for me.

    Shortly afterwards, a blonde lady arrives, thin, tall, elegant, with perfect make-up, refined, who with kind manners, class, and style, introduces herself with her name and shakes hands and her role at the Ministry: first Chief Director.

    I speak only with the Minister and the Undersecretaries.

    I immediately understand that I must not be an idiot, or make jokes or misrepresent the meeting as if it were a game, and I immediately shut myself away, ready to listen, but she immediately tells me, let's try to be on the front line, I won't eat you.

    Before telling you why you are here, I am curious to meet you, because some of my colleagues at the Embassy, where you worked over the years, spoke well of you and this is the reason for our real meeting.

    You do not have a degree, you only have a Commercial Accountant Diploma which gives you the right to teach in Italy only in institutes for Surveyors, Law, Geography and Political Economy. All true? Yes.

    How did you manage to teach in five Embassies, without titles, Communication, Sales, Logistics, Business Plan, Training, Coaching, Performance?

    The employment contracts that inspired the Embassies considered that my qualifications were recognized in the various countries. In the US we followed local regulations in Canada, UK, Australia.

    My qualifications are endorsed by campuses around the world plus I have US Management Certification. All right!!!!!

    I would like to propose to you, here in Rome at the Ministry headquarters, a six-month training internship for our staff, to be divided into two sessions, one medium level and one general level.

    We offer room and board, four flights to your city and an attractive compensation.

    The offer is interesting, let me know if we just need to discuss the details of the compensation.

    Thanks, I will think about it and let you know.

    I get up to leave, but she does not want to get up, she is curious, how this Calabrian ended up in the Embassies, if I had been from Milan, it would have been normal.

    With her big blue eyes, she starts to worry about my private life, she is a woman, and starts asking me: Married? Separate; Children? Three.

    Where do you live? Around the world.

    Do you have a partner? Always.

    Do I like you? Yes, a lot; What do you like? The brain.

    What do you think about me? Everything I do not see.

    I ask her if she will give me a minute to do something, and she says what? Do I have to organize myself to come and kidnap you and take you to my Castle? Loud laughter.

    I go to say goodbye to her to leave, she launches towards a double greeting on the cheeks, while I give a delicate kiss on the hand to a woman who did not waste a minute to make me understand who she was.

    My day at the Ministry ends here, I thought about the tragedy and found a job; What life is like, when you think something starts badly and instead ends wonderfully well.

    Then I did not go to Rome to work, there were many reasons not to, but one above all was that I did not want to meet her, I would have gone crazy seeing her.


    It is not a common surname in Italy, of Greek-Albanian origin typical of the Arbereshe people who have used it since the 15th century in southern Italy.

    There is a great racial affinity between them, distrustful, touchy, and fanatical, but also good-hearted and available, often good and dreamers.

    There is a saying that reigns in the world, which says, to clarify the impetuosity of this people, when you see an Arbereshe and a Wolf, shoot first at the Arbereshe and then at the Wolf, to signify that, if you make mistakes with them you are really finished.

    We are tied to our traditions from which we hardly break away, but we only do it within our country, where we know everyone by nickname and if a new one arrives, they have no identity.

    Grandma is unforgettable, tagliatelle and chickpeas are the Sunday dish, together with salami and wheat bread, and then the relatives without whom it is not Sunday.

    Experiencing unique moments, the carnival, Orthodox weddings, the feast of Saint Nicholas, charity and helping the poor, strictly in silence, because the Frega people do not like letting anyone know their things, but they are very curious in wanting to know those of others.

    I still remember my father, who, when we played cards with other Italian-speaking people, always said that he wanted to win because losing made him suffer, and the two of us were always focused on success and on being pointed out by all the experts in cheating.

    The Frega breed is the only one in

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