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Winning the Heart of a Millionaire: Steps to a Successful Marriage and Financial Stability
Winning the Heart of a Millionaire: Steps to a Successful Marriage and Financial Stability
Winning the Heart of a Millionaire: Steps to a Successful Marriage and Financial Stability
Ebook143 pages2 hours

Winning the Heart of a Millionaire: Steps to a Successful Marriage and Financial Stability

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How to find a successful and wealthy man for a serious relationship? In this book you will learn. How to catch a rich fiancé in your net? Live in a luxurious house, vacation at the best resorts in the world, receive incredible gifts and the coolest cars. And your life will change dramatically! But only if when meeting men you will use an exclusive technique of seduction. It helps not only to make a dialog, but will leave you in his heart forever. How to keep him near you not for one evening, but for your whole happy life? Learn the secrets that are so hidden hunters for rich men. Use your chance to establish your personal life.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Winning the Heart of a Millionaire: Steps to a Successful Marriage and Financial Stability

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    Winning the Heart of a Millionaire - Got77

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Introduction to the concept of marriage with a rich partner

    Analysis of stereotypes and prejudices

    Introduction to the concept of marriage with a rich partner

    What girl has not dreamed of meeting a handsome prince? As a child, it seems that you can sit in the tower, look out the window, and he will definitely come. But the reality is a little different - handsome princes work very hard and have no idea about those who sit by the window and dream of meeting them.

    How to meet a rich man?

    It is not difficult to meet such a person at all - business conferences, exhibitions of retro cars, yacht clubs, ski resorts, business trainings, film premieres. In big cities, there are many open meetings related to work, business, investment, startups, which are attended not only by young professionals, but also by serious investors. You can get a job in a large company, in an elite marriage agency, in a private tennis club.

    It is not difficult to find a wealthy man. But what to do next? How to interest him? After all, there are always a lot of women around successful men.

    How to attract the attention of a rich man?

    In order to stand out from the rest, you need to:

    work on yourself;

    be self-confident;

    find harmony with your feelings and body;

    Be sincere and be clearly aware of your needs.

    To attract the attention of a rich and interesting man, you need to be an equally interesting woman. If your entire existence is reduced to finding a man, there is little chance of success. It is better to spend energy and energy on yourself, self-development, reading books, learning languages, searching for new and unusual hobbies, and realizing your spiritual needs.

    Become a pro in your field. It doesn't matter how much income your work brings, the important thing is that you have your own business, to which you are ready to devote with passion. In this, you will find commonality with your chosen one.

    Take care of your appearance. Sports, massage, water procedures, hairstyle, image. Your appearance is the embodiment of your individuality.

    Increase your self-confidence. It is impossible to be perfect, but to love and accept yourself with all your flaws and imperfections, to be able to be proud of them is the embodiment of a woman from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. Self-confidence is built not on appearance, but on a positive attitude towards oneself and the world. Get rid of low self-esteem, fear of loneliness, fear of failure, inner complexes and self-criticism.

    It is very important for a woman to be in harmony with her body and feelings. Laugh when you want to, or be sad. And not to apologize for it. Know your body, dance, move. Consciously approach your needs, boldly express your opinion and know what you really want.

    How to competently build a relationship with a rich man?

    Be sincere. Pretending to be perfect, adapting to a man in everything, rejecting your own opinion and desires - all this will not lead you to happiness.

    You need to be able to hear a man, to understand what he is striving for. It is worth finding out what his life values are and determining how much they are in tune with yours.

    Respect his freedom and personal space, do not try to control him in everything.

    Always enjoy communicating with him, be different, unusual, play life. Completely ignore his money, and look at his personality, get to know it.

    Compliment a man, ask questions about his parents, hobbies, find out his needs. What does he want from a relationship? Care and peace? Or passion and storms of emotions? Does he want support or a challenge? Does he want to climb the pedestal in your eyes or find a safe haven?

    If you consciously approach the relationship, you will be able to understand the true need of a man and give him what he wants. Then he will need you more than you need him.

    Analysis of stereotypes and prejudices

    You dream of marrying a millionaire. Well, good - for a successful man. Are you sure you can recognize him among others? To distinguish from majors, marriage scammers or those who are just trying to throw dust in their eyes? By what signs will you understand that you have the right person in front of you?

    And if you think about it, why are you looking for a successful man? Do you think that thanks to a successful marriage, your financial problems will be solved, and you will live beautifully, dress expensively, and have a luxurious vacation? Here I will disappoint you. If you do not see the character of your chosen one, nor his aspirations, nor needs, nor individuality behind a tight wallet, this will not lead you to happiness.

    "Envious people believe that women are attracted to the rich by their money. Or what can be purchased with this money.

    It is not money that attracts women. Not cars or jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. But what made a person powerful, rich and elegant. A power that is endowed by some and completely devoid of others."

    So how do you define a successful man?

    He does not like to demonstrate his financial status

    The powerful of this world are not used to jumping out of their pants or throwing beads to impress. They absolutely do not need to demonstrate anything to anyone. We can say that, for example, on dating sites (yes, such men also spend time there) you will never see a mention of this in the profile of a real aristocrat, and a rich man will never write about himself I am a millionaire. He can even put someone else's photo or be without a photo at all. It will be much more comfortable and interesting for him to play the role of a dark horse.

    You may object: what about those who like to demonstrate their status and financial superiority over others? Do they order the most expensive champagne, drive around in premium cars?

    Psychologists explain that such behavior in adult men comes from childhood. For example, all the boys' friends drove their two-wheeled bikes, and he did not have a bicycle, and he desperately wanted one. This is how a strong motivation to get what was lacking in childhood was formed and strengthened with age. The boy has turned into an adult man who has a whole fleet of expensive cars, but he still feels like a child who did not have a bicycle as a child.

    In other words, if you see a person who deliberately demonstrates his status, you have definitely met a male boy who still has unresolved childhood problems or psychological complexes. It happens, it's normal. But such a person is not ripe for a serious long-term relationship. Juggling with his toys, a representative of the stronger sex is interested only in an easy relationship, in a girlfriend for a couple of nights. And this is not the hero of your novel!

    He will provoke you and test you

    Do not be afraid of this: if you are tested, it means that they definitely like you. There is no need to frown and think: What does he allow himself!. A successful man is forced to behave this way because too many women around him want to attract his attention, gain his trust, and try to build a relationship with him.

    Among these smiling beauties, he must identify and cut off kept women, hunters for other people's wealth and status. A man must understand that you really love him and will not run after a more promising option that suddenly turned up.

    He can test you for commercialism, jealousy, the truth of your intentions, for hysteria - the list is almost endless. At the same time, he himself may not show the depth of his feelings for a long time, because he is extremely careful in making decisions and choosing words. Just be prepared for it!

    He has expensive men's toys and high-status hobbies

    If your vis-à-vis boasts in conversation that he plays golf several times a year on exotic islands, renting rooms in five-star hotels, this is a bad bell. This is how successful men rested about 20 years ago. Now expensive holidays are becoming more democratic - but only at first glance. It's about the nuances.

    It has already been said that high-status representatives of the stronger sex do not boast of their position and income. Therefore, listen to the interlocutor very carefully! He can tell you what amazing impressions he has left from piloting an airplane or flying a yacht - and here is a clear signal that he can afford such an expensive vacation. He will prefer an extreme safari in Central Africa to the Maldives, a luxury hotel in Paris - a retreat in Nepal or a visit to places of power in Peru. Even a passion for photography can turn into a very expensive pleasure if you set yourself the goal of capturing the rarest places on earth.

    Signs of a wealthy man

    A high-status man does not rest in order to idly squander energy and consume resources. He is a creator by nature and therefore often even during rest is attuned to purifying the mind and concentrating thoughts. It is creative energy that is very important for creating a family.

    In conversations about recreation and hobbies, you will understand something else important. You will have a chance to analyze how close you personally are to what your potential partner is doing, and whether you are ready to share his hobbies. After all, as you know, the best way to unite a relationship is to spend quality time together.

    He has a strong personality

    A successful man likes to set the rules of the game himself and change other people's rules for himself. He does not need to cultivate charisma in himself, he has it by definition as an integral part of a strong personality. It is pointless to talk about how to see or feel it in a man. It is either there, and you understand it right away, or it is not, but then there is no need to look for it.

    He has an excellent command of the art of communication

    Napoleon Bonaparte once said: He who does not know how to speak will not make a career. From the lips of a successful man, the conversation flows in a multifaceted, intellectual, fascinating stream. You hear and feel the original syllable, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.

    At the same time, he is as polite and correct as possible in communicating with absolutely everyone, because he knows how to control people literally by the power of his gesture. And for this, he does not need swear words, unnecessary

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