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The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13
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The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13

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Originally, this was part of the single-volume Rules of Magic, but due to many issues with a book longer than classic Russian literature, Tolkien, or Melville's works, it needed to be broken into 5 volumes of a standard size. This is volume 2, Journals 7-13 of Lee Günter O'Neil. In Volume 1, Lee figured out telekinesis, made some money, and has both a drug cartel looking to kill him. While Lee has survived, his mother and father did not, and Lilly, his friend with benefits who gave him the clues to telekinesis, is also dead. Grandpa and Lee are in the market for a little payback and think a good offense is the best defense for this situation. The US government agency for secret stuff wants to know why the cartel wants him dead. The problem is the agent in charge; Max is Lee's childhood friend who, the last time they interacted, got a cannabis charge. Max beat the charge, but Lee didn't, ending his career and positive relationship with his parents. Now, Serina, Lilly's sister, who is the agency's contracted scientist to study psychics, has questions that can lead to testing/vivisection. Are they the good guys or worse than the cartel who just wants him dead? How does Lee keep everyone safe? Considering his track record, it is not looking good. He does have a talent that evens the playing field, it may not be a fair fight but they did start it.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13

Ash Nom DePlume

Pen Names are useful for separating the part of me that needs the day job and paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Between my day job and dyslexia, writing has been a challenge but you cannot keep a good story down. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, tell everyone, if you do not, tell me at the contact information in the book. Free access codes for the first Angry Brothers based story, the rest have a small honorarium though from time to time there are free. The Angry Brothers is a free show that can be found on YouTube and in many other places.Hidden in my stories are actual science facts, as well as a mystery or two when I can. I always try to keep the elements of a good story, A little religion, a royal figure, a little sex (sometimes a lot), and a mystery. This makes the shortest story that meets these requirements is, "Good God, the Queen is pregnant; who did it?"I hope the readers like my stories enough to come back for more and, better yet give favorable recommendations to their friends. Please check out my newest website to get more detail on books. If you are interested in proofreading or commenting on a galley copy let me know. It is all good fun and I do enjoy honest feedback even when it is you missed this error.Ash

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    Book preview

    The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 2, Journals 7-13 - Ash Nom DePlume

    The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic

    Volume 2, Journals 7-13

    By Ash Nom DePlume

    Editor Ray Rahl

    Copyright January 2012, 2023, 2024 renewal,

    Ash Nom DePlume

    This is a retitling of The Rules of Magic even though published 5 years before another book using the same name. Obviously, the publishing industry cannot tell us apart, and that one has a movie and mini-series while this one does not. I have no reason to believe that author knows about this inconvenience so if you figure out the other work, don’t blame her. This work was previously published as part of the following 9781370332397 eBook, 9781370332397 Softback Book, and 9781370332397 Hardback Book ISBN numbers but is now separated as a stand-alone version .

    Current ISBN: 9798215814215

    All Rights Reserved, so no part may be used, reproduced or story characters without permission of the copyright holders of those characters. Contact can be made via through contact information found at the end of this work, email is also available to reach the copyright holder of this work.

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people living and dead is accidental, or public figures, and the story is not intended for young readers; consider this a PARENTAL ADVISORY of being unsuitable for young and/or impressionable minds or those easily offended. This work contains discussions of the development of psychic abilities, environmentally responsible living, and consensual sex among adults.

    Table of Contents



    Reflective Journal Entry Seven

    Reflective Journal Entry Eight

    Reflective Journal Entry Nine

    Reflective Journal Entry Ten

    Reflective Journal Entry Eleven

    Reflective Journal Entry Twelve

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirteen

    Acknowledgments for Chapters 7-13

    About the Author

    Other books by Ash Nom DePlume

    Meet the Editor

    Connect with Ash Nom DePlume


    These are the second set of journal reflections of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to power so that it can be shared when appropriate and if some tragedy were to occur, the knowledge of how a Western thinking person can achieve usage of the potential all humans share. Dept 1793 was established in the nascent days of the United States, to handle occult, supernatural, and contacts with other cultures that needed to be kept truly confidential and secret. The Louisiana Purchase had not occurred, and much of the world was still shrouded in mystery and magic. Therefore, having a secret department to deal with such secret things was not only reasonable, it was expected, as was that it’s existence was also a secret. As anyone knows about a government agency or department once established it never goes away, it may reinvent itself, but it never is gone. 1793 was created in secret for dealing with secrets including the many secret societies that it drew its operatives from. Therefore it should not be a surprise that the first managers and operatives of 1793 imbued it with the cultures and tools to survive persecution, as it recruited from the suppressed, outlawed and otherwise secret societies, even today White Lotus, Templars, Rosicrucian, Order of Assassins, Opus Dei, Magi, Literate, Keepers, Illuminati, Freesmiths, Freemason, Conservatoire of Arts, Skull and Bones, Red Spear, Ancient Order of Druids are names with active liaisons or cross membership to 1793.

    As this knowledge is too important to leave on a shelf and trusted to the good intentions of government, it is lucky for me and you the reader of this and the other series I have purloined, that I can beat the security of this online storage service, enjoy. Since these are transcribed from handwritten pages, you will find out in later journals, I cannot confirm if the names have been changed to protect the sources. The journals are not of an even length, which is either how they are recorded or separated into instructional units.

    It's all good as long as I don't get caught, so enjoy your voyeuristic view into his life. If you meet any of these people, don’t tell them you have been reading their innermost secrets, they might not like it.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Secret Hacker


    This is the second of the five journal sets that were originally published as the Rules of Magic. If you haven’t read the first six journal set this will be confusing. The realities of 21st publishing, have some odd requirements. But as long as you are here. A quick recap is Lee Günter O’Neil has shared his journals or his recollections of obtaining psionic abilities, as distinguished from psychic in that psionic powers can be developed and everyone has the potential, whereas psychic powers seem to be more an affliction than a skill set.

    Lee having been fired 2 days before Christmas, tries his new developed telekinetic skills are getting some funding from the local riverboat casino. Surviving a mugging attempt, he now has a Mexican Drug cartel looking to kill him for having the bad taste to survive the attempt on his life. His friend with benefits who pointed him towards the path to power, has been killed in their attempts to get to him, as well as his Lee’s parents. Along the way he develops more skills, becomes involved with the lead scientist answering to the secret government agency who cares about psychic and psionic abilities. Serena is the sister of Lily the friend with benefits who was murdered. Yes, it is a bit of a strange development. Now Lee has access to the government resources that were once behind his fear of be vivisected, but as he can defend himself now, it is time to see if the best defense is a good offense. If this is not enough of a back story, the Journals 1-6 are priced at a taste treat price, and look for free coupons on occasion to catch up on all the minutia and details.

    Reflective Journal Entry Seven

    To add insult to injury, the IRS did not haul Timmy or the Sheriff off to jail, though it looked like a lot of photographs were taken at the farm.

    Max tracked down Lily’s sister, who worked for a CIA contracted project to research psychic phenomena. It was all considered a joke but since every other major political power periodically looked at the matter. Hence, we had to as well, and what is the cost of a couple of researchers against the whole CIA budget, it is probably barely worth tracking under the category of chump change. If there was one thing in the whole mumbo-jumbo field worth a damn, we needed it first is the opinion backed with cash.

    For a bullshit department, suddenly Max was reassigned to look into if the Asset (that would not be me) was targeted for political reasons, therefore, he did not have to use his vacation time and sneak support in to make up for old sins. Lily was listed as an Asset, and my drawing attention to the Achilles heel of the Machismo, overriding common sense, has gotten me attention from ‘them’ too.

    Max told me he almost got a nosebleed from having a phone call from that high up the food chain as the oversight of the CIA, NSA, and FBI just made this his problem, and now he has an open budget until it was closed. Either he will solve this case, or he will be on it until after retirement unless he fucks up and then he would be on the other end of the case. Direct threat meant to be taken at face value and give your family our best. No pressure.

    Isabella took leave from her job to handle the funeral for Lily, and Max stayed with her. I bounced back and forth between the Gym and the farm. I cannot sleep at Lily’s house. After pulling the cash piles out of the house and hiding most of it at the farm and the rest at the Gym which has a safe and cash flow and was in the process of reducing the credit lines to less than ninety days and hoping for less than sixty soon.

    Serena, who is or was Samatha’s sister, which was Lily’s first name that she hated. The name, not her sister. Lily hated her name of Samantha. Their parents were major fans of ‘Bewitched’ and named the girls after the characters, and even invited the actors and actresses over for birthday parties when they were children.

    Whereas Lily was all of five feet nothing in height with an extra fifteen pounds, her sister is five and a half feet tall and, hits the gym three times a week and spoke like an academic working for the government. She shared Lily’s shade of brunette hair and pixie-like looks that would age very well. She reminded me of my fantasy woman during Lily’s morning blowjobs, which was an uncomfortable realization.

    Serena could not sleep at the house either, so I put her up at a hotel. Isabella who had started the funeral arrangements, got this taken care of per Lily’s instructoins. Lily had left plans for after her demise after she needed cancer treatment. She never told me that she only had a year at most if it came back.

    She had been working very hard lately to get my trick then I beat her to it. I should have realized all the implications and her life choices with those facts in mind, they became more obvious. Since Lily came to Omaha for cancer treatment at the cutting-edge treatment center of the Medical Center attached to the University, she has also been doing a lot of research into psychic healing.

    Serena knew of the Fey funeral arrangements as they had some honest talks over the years, which is why she bought Lily the house. One less worry and able to live her life the way she wanted to and be as weird as she likes.

    Everyone was upset; Brook spent a long night in the hospital with a panic attack that could have been a heart attack with all the extra weight she carried. Jacob and Mason were in full warrior mode, ready to take off on a moment’s notice, guns in hand to even the score if we can find who did this.

    I was working out and taking Aikido when I was not dodging questions from Serena, who knew I knew something about Samantha’s latest suggestions of how to approach the whole psychic research field. The suggestions were too male and engineering-like and not capricious Fairy Princess with references to old magic. The money pointed at me too, but I must have been in the presence of lady luck because she let me off the hook. Then she could have been playing the long fishing game to tire me out.

    Max was semi-stressed. Things just got easier since he knew it was all the Lobos connection. He just got a paygrade increase and some authority as the Case Manager. His career was made or dead, but he was good for a while. Now, he had to decide if he wanted to be NSA until he died of old age or not.

    How I got involved is simple, for the first attempt at my life is dumb luck. My friends who just happened to be with me, have the resume of a military strike team, which is convenient. Then hiring PSS bodyguards with all the toys and trimmings is just good planning, and they live up to their reputation. How I consistently win money, all two major events of it while possible, is pushing probability to the point the IRS notices.

    Visions of Serena and faceless government workers, vivisection, and waterboarding has me doing the tap dance of dumb, which is not selling well. Pissed off and getting ready for a throwdown was selling better.

    Max kept dropping leading questions about what I might be doing. Since the Lobos were getting more heat in Omaha than in the whole country. Grandpa and I talk many times a day, and we have our own plans. Milk the government for intelligence data but no operational data, since there are too many leaks. The miracle of this is nobody with the Lobos has put together my connection to the farm.

    The Max and Serena thing is not adding up either, why is the outcast research project all the way from the edge of the fringe of science able to mobilize a blank check of an investigation? One or both of them is not what they claim to be or works for the big bad nasty that is keeping me up at night. If not, then there is another unknown enemy or a whole lot of coincidences that push probabilities beyond the realm of there being such a creature as an honest politician.

    Lily’s cremation and memorial service were quick and painful. I know how the family bastard feels at the reading of the will. Everyone looked at me, with every look saying this is your fault, and they were correct. While everyone else shunned me, while talking about peace, love understanding and universal brotherhood, I stood there at a low boil. Everyone was crying, Judy of the ‘Stitch and Bitch’ crew said, Peace and love my ass, what are you going to do about this?

    Find them, and kill them, I said.

    Good, come and get your stuff out of my car, she replied. Surprise, I didn’t know I had things in her car. I had another jacket with ballistic cloth and plates for me, one for Lily, who won't be needing it. Maybe it will fit Serena.

    My parents’ funeral and memorial were torture and took a week to get organized, with lying in state with the full Catholic honors. The police and FBI had the places under surveillance, even though they believed it was just a single car accident without foul play. I have never accused Lincoln Police of being overly bright, then again, they were the ones that wrote the police report that got me a conviction. Truth obviously does not get in the way of paperwork. A decoy double stood in for me, while I was acting as an employee working at the funeral home. My sister, Elizabeth, is a basket case that Max’s Grandmother, mother, my uncle, and his wife watched constantly as Grandma was in bad shape with the death of her son, my father. My Grandfather is just scary, silent and angry.

    After the funeral, Grandpa and I took a little road trip to Vegas. We told Max we would keep in touch and that he better find us the location of the bosses and not just the trigger men by the time we got there. If he wanted to help, then he had better help. The hotel was very happy to see me again and the opportunity to have the laws of large numbers even things up. PSS bodyguards were on standby, but first, we are going to try and stay low key and enjoy the town without attracting any attention.

    Max, Serena, and Isabella were staying at the Circus Circus hotel, as the unlimited budget had travel restrictions within the USA. So much for all the support and all the cover you can ask for. After resting up from our drive, and a few stops to pick up supplies we were ready. I left Max and Serena to make their calls about not being able to keep up with a pudgy ex-bill collector and a seventy-year-old farmer, while we went on a little cruise.

    We did the drive-by routine, with me thinking and Grandpa driving, and we removed twenty street dealers and their backups. The new 22 pellet guns with domed pellets with a sound suppressor so the ‘varmints’ that it is designed to hunt don’t get scared off by the 1400 plus feet per second velocity doesn’t make much noise. Therefore, I can use my abilities to act as an extended guide-rail, eliminating the missing target from the equation. First, our first pass through the Lobos and their lookouts on street corners and sitting on porches in the neighborhoods that they own, dropped like rabbits. Shooting brain-damaged scum is not very sportsmanlike, but this is not a sport, coup de grace puts it back in the realm of the normal. If you were expecting a story of love and forgiveness, you have come to the wrong journal. Bastards killed my

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