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Entanglement of Brilliant Minds
Entanglement of Brilliant Minds
Entanglement of Brilliant Minds
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Entanglement of Brilliant Minds

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There is a secret, almost mysterious connection between deep psychology and quantum physics. Two great thinkers of the 20th century, Carl Gustav Jung and David Bohm, invited us to explore the depths of the collective unconscious and the implicit Universe, opening up visions aimed at a transcendental territory within the human psyche and the subtle order of cosmos itself.
Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and pioneer of analytical psychology, introduced the concept of the collective unconscious. According to Jung, the individual shares a treasure of archetypes, symbols and profound images that resonate in the collective soul of humanity. For Jung, we are not just isolated individuals, but we are immersed in a common psychic ground that connects us with the ancestral past and with the eternal dance of the human being.
In an apparently distant but mysteriously complementary perspective, we find David Bohm, a theoretical physicist known for his contributions to quantum physics. Bohm proposed the idea of an implicit Universe, in which reality goes beyond particles and classical physical laws. For Bohm, the Universe is woven of a subtle order, in which every part is in direct connection with the whole, a totality that exists beyond the limitations of human observations.
Although these two geniuses belong to different cognitive spheres, we note that their theories interface and merge, creating a symphony of philosophical and metaphysical ideas. Both authors nurtured a profound curiosity towards the longing for the transcendent, for the exploration of the mysteries of the human soul and for the search for a universal meaning.
Both Jung's Collective Unconscious and Bohm's Implicit Universe emphasize the interconnection between all things, revealing the presence of an invisible and unifying universal level that permeates every aspect of our reality. The book aims to investigate our connection with this invisible universal order.
Jung and Bohm, with their enlightened words, offer us keys to access unknown worlds, words that awaken our senses, set our minds in motion and push us to ask uncomfortable but vital questions: What is the true nature of human beings ? How do we relate to the universe around us? How can we better understand our place in this cosmic vastness?
As we explore the works of Jung and Bohm, we will come across extraordinary quotes that awaken and nourish our thirst for knowledge and intuition. Jung, in his essay "The archetype and the collective unconscious", wrote: "He who looks outwards dreams, he who looks inwards awakens". These words inspire us to look beyond appearances, to delve into the depths of the human soul, in search of that buried wisdom that connects us to something greater.
Bohm, on the other hand, gave us a unique insight into the nature of reality, arguing: "The profound order of everything goes beyond particles, their interactions and physical laws." This statement pushes us to consider the Universe as a living organism, connected in unthinkable and still unexplored ways, a universe in which quantum physics assigns us the decisive role of "observers". At the same time Jung invites us to observe ourselves through individuation, that is, the search for our own "Self".
Through the comparison of Jung's theories on the collective unconscious and Bohm's on the implicit Universe, we will be able to reveal the philosophical and metaphysical aspects common to these two perspectives which, at first glance, seem to belong to different fields. This book will invite us to ask ourselves fundamental questions about the nature of existence, the meaning of our life and the connection between our inner world and the external universe.

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Entanglement of Brilliant Minds

Bruno Del Medico

1946. Programmatore informatico attualmente in pensione, opera come divulgatore e blogger in diversi settori tecnici. Alla nascita dell’Home computing ha pubblicato articoli e studi su diverse riviste del settore (Informatica oggi, CQ Elettronica, Fare Computer, Bit, Radio Elettronica e altre). Negli ultimi anni si è impegnato nella divulgazione delle nuove scoperte della fisica quantistica, secondo la visione orientata alla metafisica di molti notissimi scienziati del settore come David Bohm e Henry Stapp. In questo ambito ha pubblicato tre volumi: “Entanglement e sincronicità”, “Succede anche a te?” e recentemente “Tutti i colori dell’entanglement”. Gestisce il sito, ed è presente su Facebook con la pagina di successo “Cenacolo Jung-Pauli”, che conta oltre 10.000 iscritti e vuole essere luogo di dibattito dedicato all’incontro tra scienza e psiche.

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    Book preview

    Entanglement of Brilliant Minds - Bruno Del Medico

    Index of this book.

    Index of this book.

    What is this book about?.

    The reasons for a synchronic affinity.

    Extraordinary assonances.

    The protagonists. Separate but parallel lives.

    A prescient vision.

    A scientist with a metaphysical vision.

    The protagonists.

    Carl Jung and the Collective Unconscious.

    Intuition and the study of the collective unconscious.

    The breakdown of the friendship between Jung and Freud.

    Jung's early works and the beginning of the exploration of the unconscious.

    The theory of the collective unconscious.

    Jung's personal experience in his journey into the unconscious.

    The influence of archetypes in Jung's life and his studies on mystical and spiritual experiences.

    The use of mandalas as tools for investigating the unconscious.

    The connection between individual and community according to Jung.

    David Bohm and the holistic universe.

    The influences of David Bohm.

    David Bohm biography and background.

    Bohm and the spiritual dimension.

    The meeting with Jiddu Krishnamurti.

    Bohm's key concepts on holism and interconnectedness.

    Bohm's work with Albert Einstein in the field of quantum physics.

    David Bohm's holistic thinking. The interconnection between the parts and the whole.

    The illusion of separation in human perception.

    Relationships between the holistic universe and quantum theory.

    The connection between individual and community according to Bohm.

    Implicit order and explicit order.

    The foundations of the implicate order.

    The implicit order (also called implicate order)

    Differences between the implicit order and the explicit order.

    The explicit manifest order.

    The inextricable intertwining between implicit and explicit order.

    Applications of the implicit and explicit order.

    Bohm's Implicit Order and Jung's Collective Unconscious.

    The conceptual roots.

    The collective character of the mind.

    The interconnection between the manifest forms.

    The creative flow.

    Practical applications.

    Comparison between the collective unconscious and the holistic universe.

    Philosophical visions and affinity of experiences.

    Description and comparison of the ideas of Jung and Bohm.

    The individual and the relationship with the whole.

    The importance of archetypes and symbols in understanding the two theories.

    Mutual influence and applications.

    Psychological depth and human consciousness.

    Quantum physics and consciousness.

    Reflections on the implications of Jung and Bohm's theories in society.

    Points of contact between psychology and quantum physics.

    Epilogue. The continuous journey of awareness.

    Summary of the main conclusions of the book.


    What is this book about?.

    There is a secret, almost mysterious connection between deep psychology and quantum physics. Two great thinkers of the 20th century, Carl Gustav Jung and David Bohm, invited us to explore the depths of the collective unconscious and the implicit Universe, opening up visions aimed at a transcendental territory within the human psyche and the subtle order of cosmos itself.

    Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and pioneer of analytical psychology, introduced the concept of the collective unconscious. According to Jung, the individual shares a treasure of archetypes, symbols and profound images that resonate in the collective soul of humanity. For Jung, we are not just isolated individuals, but we are immersed in a common psychic ground that connects us with the ancestral past and with the eternal dance of the human being.

    In an apparently distant but mysteriously complementary perspective, we find David Bohm, a theoretical physicist known for his contributions to quantum physics. Bohm proposed the idea of an implicit Universe, in which reality goes beyond particles and classical physical laws. For Bohm, the Universe is woven of a subtle order, in which every part is in direct connection with the whole, a totality that exists beyond the limitations of human observations.

    Although these two geniuses belong to different cognitive spheres, we note that their theories interface and merge, creating a symphony of philosophical and metaphysical ideas. Both authors nurtured a profound curiosity towards the longing for the transcendent, for the exploration of the mysteries of the human soul and for the search for a universal meaning.

    Both Jung's Collective Unconscious and Bohm's Implicit Universe emphasize the interconnection between all things, revealing the presence of an invisible and unifying universal level that permeates every aspect of our reality. The book aims to investigate our connection with this invisible universal order.

    Jung and Bohm, with their enlightened words, offer us keys to access unknown worlds, words that awaken our senses, set our minds in motion and push us to ask uncomfortable but vital questions: What is the true nature of human beings ? How do we relate to the universe around us? How can we better understand our place in this cosmic vastness?

    As we explore the works of Jung and Bohm, we will come across extraordinary quotes that awaken and nourish our thirst for knowledge and intuition. Jung, in his essay The archetype and the collective unconscious, wrote: He who looks outwards dreams, he who looks inwards awakens. These words inspire us to look beyond appearances, to delve into the depths of the human soul, in search of that buried wisdom that connects us to something greater.

    Bohm, on the other hand, gave us a unique insight into the nature of reality, arguing: The profound order of everything goes beyond particles, their interactions and physical laws. This statement pushes us to consider the Universe as a living organism, connected in unthinkable and still unexplored ways, a universe in which quantum physics assigns us the decisive role of observers. At the same time Jung invites us to observe ourselves through individuation, that is, the search for our own Self.

    Through the comparison of Jung's theories on the collective unconscious and Bohm's on the implicit Universe, we will be able to reveal the philosophical and metaphysical aspects common to these two perspectives which, at first glance, seem to belong to different fields. This book will invite us to ask ourselves fundamental questions about the nature of existence, the meaning of our life and the connection between our inner world and the external universe.

    The reasons for a synchronic affinity.

    The collective unconscious appears as the foundation, the necessary background and the conditioning instrument of conscious action

    (Carl Jung).

    The whole is inextricably connected with each of its parts. The entire universe can be found in a single small flower

    (David Bohm).

    Extraordinary assonances.

    There is an enigmatic affinity between Carl Gustav Jung's Collective Unconscious and David Bohm's Implied Universe, two pioneers who extended the

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