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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 1, Journals 1-6
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 1, Journals 1-6
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 1, Journals 1-6
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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 1, Journals 1-6

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Journals 1-6 of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to “power.”
Lee is having a rough time, one burger from a heart attack, he decides to lose some weight, despite being raised Catholic he is desperate enough to utilizes the free self-hypnosis course from the New Age bookstore to help him out. Two days before Christmas he was fired and estranged from his family for something his roommate confessed to doing. With a free coupon for a meal at the local casino and a nascent telekinetic ability from his weight loss program, he tries his luck at getting the bills paid. Lucky enough at the casino to warrant a mugging attempt in the parking lot. Now the criminals want him dead, he is unwelcome at his family home, and waiting on a fey worshiping trisexual (will try anything sexual) dungeon master friend for a ride and place to hide. What could go wrong....

Release dateJun 17, 2024
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 1, Journals 1-6

Ash Nom DePlume

Pen Names are useful for separating the part of me that needs the day job and paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Between my day job and dyslexia, writing has been a challenge but you cannot keep a good story down. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, tell everyone, if you do not, tell me at the contact information in the book. Free access codes for the first Angry Brothers based story, the rest have a small honorarium though from time to time there are free. The Angry Brothers is a free show that can be found on YouTube and in many other places.Hidden in my stories are actual science facts, as well as a mystery or two when I can. I always try to keep the elements of a good story, A little religion, a royal figure, a little sex (sometimes a lot), and a mystery. This makes the shortest story that meets these requirements is, "Good God, the Queen is pregnant; who did it?"I hope the readers like my stories enough to come back for more and, better yet give favorable recommendations to their friends. Please check out my newest website to get more detail on books. If you are interested in proofreading or commenting on a galley copy let me know. It is all good fun and I do enjoy honest feedback even when it is you missed this error.Ash

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    Book preview

    The Psionicist Guild 2 - Ash Nom DePlume

    The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic

    Volume 1, Journals 1-6

    By Ash Nom DePlume

    Editor Ray Rahl

    Copyright January 2012, 2023, 2024 renewal,

    Ash Nom DePlume

    This is a retitling of The Rules of Magic even though published 5 years before another book using the same name. Obviously, the publishing industry cannot tell us apart, and that one has a movie and mini-series while this one does not. I have no reason to believe that author knows about this inconvenience so if you figure out the other work, don’t blame her. This work was previously published as part of the following 9781370332397 eBook, 9781370332397 Softback Book, and 9781370332397 Hardback Book ISBN numbers but is now separated as a stand-alone version .

    Current ISBN: 9798224236497

    All Rights Reserved, so no part may be used, reproduced or story characters without permission of the copyright holders of those characters. Contact can be made via through contact information found at the end of this work, email is also available to reach the copyright holder of this work.

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people living and dead is accidental, or public figures, and the story is not intended for young readers; consider this a PARENTAL ADVISORY of being unsuitable for young and/or impressionable minds or those easily offended. This work contains discussions of the development of psychic abilities, environmentally responsible living, and consensual sex among adults.

    Table of Contents



    Reflective Journal Entry One

    Reflective Journal Entry Two

    Reflective Journal Entry Three

    Reflective Journal Entry Four

    Reflective Journal Entry Five

    Reflective Journal Entry Six

    Acknowledgments for Chapters 1-6

    About the Author

    Other books by Ash Nom DePlume

    Meet the Editor

    Connect with Ash Nom DePlume


    The best place to hide something is in plan sight. In order to do so it needs to be visible. Which means that this document has been repackaged and redistributed by 1793’s chronicler. In a world with quantum AI the temporal order of things is a bit fuzzy, as quantum mechanics does not follow linear time. This gives us a access the Psionicist Guild records today before their formal opening of a training academy, today, when some of these events are taking place. While adapting to the marketing demands of eBook and physical book sellers of yesterday and tomorrow, by reformatting it today, so it can be obtained by the hacker who knowns how to get things published , yesterday, because of events, that happen tomorrow. If you are confused that means you are understanding.

    This results in the uneven Journals are now in a series of 5 roughly equal sized books, instead of a massive book worthy or Russian literature and Tolkien for length. It also means you can read this introductory set on the cheap, before setting down purchase price that looks like an investment portfolio in the rest of the collection or purchasing them one volume at a time.

    The other four volumes are also available as an eBook, whereas the audiobook is a work in progress.


    These are the journal reflections of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to power so that it can be shared when appropriate and if some tragedy were to occur, the knowledge of how a Western thinking person can achieve usage of the potential all humans share. Dept 1793 was established in the nascent days of the United States, to handle occult, supernatural, and contacts with other cultures that needed to be kept truly confidential and secret. The Louisiana Purchase had not occurred, and much of the world was still shrouded in mystery and magic. Therefore having a secret department to deal with such secret things was not only reasonable, it was expected, as was that it’s existence was also a secret. As anyone knows about a government agency or department once established it never goes away, it may reinvent itself, but it never is gone. 1793 was created in secret for dealing with secrets including the many secret societies that it drew its operatives from. Therefore it should not be a surprise that the first managers and operatives of 1793 imbued it with the cultures and tools to survive persecution, as it recruited from the suppressed, outlawed and otherwise secret societies, even today White Lotus, Templars, Rosicrucian, Order of Assassins, Opus Dei, Magi, Literate, Keepers, Illuminati, Freesmiths, Freemason, Conservatoire of Arts, Skull and Bones, Red Spear, Ancient Order of Druids are names with active liaisons or cross membership to 1793.

    As this knowledge is too important to leave on a shelf and trusted to the good intentions of government, it is lucky for me and you the reader of this and the other series I have purloined, that I can beat the security of this online storage service, enjoy. Since these are transcribed from handwritten pages, you will find out in later journals, I cannot confirm if the names have been changed to protect the sources. The journals are not of an even length, which is either how they are recorded or separated into instructional units.

    It's all good as long as I don't get caught, so enjoy your voyeuristic view into his life. If you meet any of these people, don’t tell them you have been reading their innermost secrets, they might not like it.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Secret Hacker

    Reflective Journal Entry One

    If you are reading this, you are either an academic with high-security clearance. Otherwise, you were not careful about what you wished for, and the universe, in its perverse manner, gave you what you asked. If you are the latter, good luck, and read the warning labels on everything before you get in any deeper. My name is Lee Günter O’Neil, I am not a writer and not used to non-technical documentation, so if you are expecting Pulitzer-winning prose and perfectly edited materials like you would find in a good New York Times bestseller list book, you have come to the wrong place.

    Waiting for a ride from a Police Station gives you time to think. Especially on a clear and cold December night or late morning if you must be technical. As the temperature drops, the moister also drops out of the air, giving it a bit of a bite.

    There is nothing like knowing you cannot call on family. First, mine would not understand. Two, the pain-to-reward ratio for a ride, when a taxi would do, is just not worth it. I could have called a taxi, but I needed to chat with a friend and get another perspective on the situation.

    Lily arrived sooner than I expected, but it was still too much time. I already relived the evening in the theater of my mind, and I was going to have to go through it all again. This had better be good, she said from the window of her old Geo Metro. Climbing into the passenger seat I started with, Coffee, I’m buying. I would say it has been a left turn on reality, but left is usually a good direction, and this was not on my bucket list,

    Coffee, last time we went for coffee we got more than that, she said. A happy thought, but too much to ask. The last time we had hooked up, I got the first sex from someone other than Rosy Palm and her five sisters, that I had all year. When you are too poor to buy generic personal lubricant, you will know chafing.

    Lily is a cute little brunette at just a shade over five feet, a good weight to body ratio, plus the freshman fifteen pounds that never went away from college. She has nice boobs too, even if she never can get a bra that fits right to show them off.

    I’ll even pitch in for gas, a meal, find us an IHOP or Village Inn that is 24 hours, I replied. Food bribes are always good with those of use in my socioeconomic strata. That is too poor to pay attention, with the rent-to-own payments that are getting hard to meet.

    We could go back to the riverboats and get your car, and they have food there, she suggested. This would also get her out of having to ferry me back later. I needed to chat. I am more nervous than a stud dog that has been told he is going to the vet to get fixed up. Not quite sure of the future and can use a few comforting words and clarification.

    Later, I am not sure I am ready for that right now, was my response.

    Okay, but don’t you have to be at work in the morning, she asked while I buckled up. It is a good thing her car is a front-wheel drive, with too little muscle the way she stomps the pedals and jerks the wheel. Or that is the reason she stomps the gas and jerks the wheel. In either case, it makes for an interesting drive.

    Nope, the opening act of this Comedy of Tragedies, or is it Tragedy of a Comedy was getting fired, they call it restructuring to meet new client demands, I responded.

    AND, you went to the Casino boats when you cannot afford to lose money when you have a job. Hell, how often did you walk to the store for exercise and save the gas money? Lily stated after having the good taste to give me a genuine that sucks look.

    All you can eat buffet means gorge and go for twenty-four, before hitting the bottomless Salad & Chili at Wendy’s the next day, alternate with stops as friends and families to break things up. Repeat until employed, friendless, homeless or a combination thereof, I shot back.

    You forgot the soup kitchens, and the all you can eat steak buffets which are cheaper than the riverboat buffets, she said with the authority of experience.

    How are you able to afford Coffee, Gas, and a Meal? You’re not thinking the last dance of the Damned, are you? she asked.

    Got lucky at the Casino, risked $10.00 and came away with enough to get by on for a year if I am careful, I said.

    IHOP it is because this is got to be good, she said, and we hit the on-ramp to the Interstate and topped out at almost the speed limit. Metro’s are good on gas, not on speed. Her car is named Ollie, which she has had before she went off to university, while ‘he’ waited and pined for her in storage. Ollie was a rusted mess one-pothole impact from structural failure, but she loved the loyal car. I was glad not to be walking, and I needed to pick Lily’s brain. Not that, as a male, I have anything against the rest of her, as I recall the last time we went for Coffee, what she held against me was just fine. If not for her collection of cats and her house always smelling like a litter box, I would consider propositioning her to save funds as roommates and see what develops.

    I do love that the International House of Pancakes is 24 hours. At 3 a.m., I could use a cup of coffee and some food. Now, to be fair the police did offer to give me a ride to my car, but a heart-to-heart with a stranger who wears body armor for a living was not something I wanted to do at this time. We got a booth close to the bathrooms away from everyone. Not a lot of traffic on a Tuesday, I mean Wednesday at this hour, (even at Christmas season, or Yule as Lily would say), is all but empty.

    Me, I didn’t care one way or the other, as I have not been at a Church in about 8 years. Ever since my family cut me, off, because of my last visit to a police station. However, I have been to a few other festivals in the last year, thanks to Lily and the girls at the bookstore.

    Lily ordered some strange combination of waffles and salad, I got a burger and coffee. Sweet as can be, Lily said, Spill it or do I have to come over this table and beat you like you owe me money? And you do! Sending a mixed message is not a problem with Lily, she could teach a course.

    How can I resist a gracious invitation for social intercourse when presented like that? You want it chronologically or importance of events? I asked.

    It is too late for suspense, give it to me biggest to smallest, she said.

    Sounds like a porn casting call, I said.

    You are not changing the subject, she said. As we both know, she is tri-sexual (will try anything sexual) with more of an interest in women than men. Hey, a woman who will watch porn with you can be a lot of fun, and her collection is newer and better than mine. Does it get any better?

    When I came out of the casino, about twenty feet from my car, a man walking stopped, pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and said give me all of your money. As you can imagine my heart rate hit about 200 and all I could see was the end of the gun growing from its normal size to be about 4 feet across. Not being stupid, I reached into my pocket got out the roll of quarters that I had and my wallet. Moving really slow so not to set him off,

    So far so good. You are here now. So how come the police station? she pushed.

    He then said, ‘hand me the money’, so I opened my wallet and pulled out the thousand dollars that was there and held it out to him. He got real mad put the gun right up to my nose and said, ‘Where is the rest of it? I told him that is all I had in cash, the rest of my money is in the bank. He then took half a step back putting his arm straight out at me, cocked the gun and pointed it right at my left eye.

    A car door slammed, and he started turning to look while the gun moved to my left just past my ear. Dropping my wallet out of my left hand, I grabbed the gun with my left hand with the roll of quarters in my right hand hit him really hard in the throat.

    He dropped like a ton of bricks, not even a twitch. The gun flew under a car and went off, putting a bullet into someone’s car. Probably mine, the way things are going. I took off, like a bat out of hell and ran to the Casino. They called the police and a lot of police cars and security showed up. The whole thing was caught on the security cameras, and there was a couple getting out of their car who saw the guy putting a gun in my face. They also called the police.

    After two hours at the Police Station, repeating this about 5 times and verifying that my story matched what happened on the videotape, the cops said I could leave and I called you," I told Lily.

    Damn, are you going to have to testify in court and all of that? she asked.

    He is dead. Hit his head hard on the ground I said.

    Ouch are you going to have to defend yourself in court? Lily asked.

    No, the video and witnesses show I only hit him once and he had the gun. Did I mention I was fired today too? I said. Trying to change the subject from the fact that I killed a man today, or last night to something else.

    Yes, what happened there? she asked.

    The collection agency got a big government contract to collect money owed the government, I told her.

    So why does that get you fired, she asked.

    "Eight years ago, in college, my roommate got the police called on him for partying too much and I got home from school just in time to meet the police. Since I lived there, I got a minor in possession and the pot charge too. The judge did not buy that I had nothing to do with it.

    Now to be fair Max confessed to it all and swore that it was all his fault chasing after a couple of girls for a threesome. The Judge still didn’t

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