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The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31
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The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31

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About this ebook

This is the third of the five-book set originally published as the box set of the Rules of Magic. If you haven't read the first two volumes this will be confusing. The realities of 21st-century publishing have some odd requirements. But as long as you are here. A quick recap is Lee Günter O'Neil has shared his journals or his recollections of obtaining psionic abilities, as distinguished from psychic in that psionic powers can be developed and everyone has the potential, whereas psychic powers seem to be more an affliction than a skill set.
In the last set of Journals, we learned that Lee, with the help of Serenia, Lilly's sister, has discovered a treasure trove of instructional materials and probably has worked out how to use psionic gifts without burning out his brain. In a bit of a surprise, Max & Isabel had a double wedding with Lee & Serina, with Lee to be the last to see this coming. Grandma's dying request was for Lee & Serina to wake up, smell the lust, I mean the love they have, and just get married. The government is protecting Serina, their chief scientist who has found something to this magic stuff, and Lee is being extended some protective services as both the wife of Serina and because he has found the psychological weak spot of the drug cartels. Considering the drug cartel's connections to terrorism and the national threat that they represent, they are happy to support Lee. Just like with Al Capone, it may have been a small tax charge that was the cheap shot, but it worked; so, with Lee, it may be the drug cartel cannot deal with a pudgy bill collector getting the drop on one of their people, if it brings them down, everyone is happy to for the results.
Look for the box set as the individual books fees add up to be more.

Release dateJun 23, 2024
The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31

Ash Nom DePlume

Pen Names are useful for separating the part of me that needs the day job and paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Between my day job and dyslexia, writing has been a challenge but you cannot keep a good story down. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, tell everyone, if you do not, tell me at the contact information in the book. Free access codes for the first Angry Brothers based story, the rest have a small honorarium though from time to time there are free. The Angry Brothers is a free show that can be found on YouTube and in many other places.Hidden in my stories are actual science facts, as well as a mystery or two when I can. I always try to keep the elements of a good story, A little religion, a royal figure, a little sex (sometimes a lot), and a mystery. This makes the shortest story that meets these requirements is, "Good God, the Queen is pregnant; who did it?"I hope the readers like my stories enough to come back for more and, better yet give favorable recommendations to their friends. Please check out my newest website to get more detail on books. If you are interested in proofreading or commenting on a galley copy let me know. It is all good fun and I do enjoy honest feedback even when it is you missed this error.Ash

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    Book preview

    The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic Volume 3, Journals 14-31 - Ash Nom DePlume

    The Psionicist Guild 2:The Rules of Magic

    Volume 3, Journals 14-31

    By Ash Nom DePlume

    Editor Ray Rahl

    Copyright January 2012, 2023, 2024 renewal,

    Ash Nom DePlume

    This is a retitling of The Rules of Magic even though published 5 years before another book using the same name. Obviously, the publishing industry cannot tell us apart, and that one has a movie and mini-series while this one does not. I have no reason to believe that author knows about this inconvenience so if you figure out the other work, don’t blame her. This work was previously published as part of the following 9781370332397 eBook, 9781370332397 Softback Book, and 9781370332397 Hardback Book ISBN numbers but is now separated as a stand-alone version .

    Current ISBN: 9798224717842

    All Rights Reserved, so no part may be used, reproduced or story characters without permission of the copyright holders of those characters. Contact can be made via contact information found at the end of this work, email is also available to reach the copyright holder of this work.

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people living and dead is accidental, or public figures, and the story is not intended for young readers; consider this a PARENTAL ADVISORY of being unsuitable for young and/or impressionable minds or those easily offended. This work contains discussions of the development of psychic abilities, environmentally responsible living, and consensual sex among adults.

    Table of Contents



    Reflective Journal Entry Eight

    Reflective Journal Entry Nine

    Reflective Journal Entry Ten

    Reflective Journal Entry Eleven

    Reflective Journal Entry Twelve

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Fourteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Fifteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Sixteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Seventeen

    Reflective Journal Entry Eighteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Nineteen

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-One

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Two

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Three

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Four

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Five

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Six

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Seven

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Eight

    Reflective Journal Entry Twenty-Nine

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-One

    Acknowledgments for Chapters 14-31

    About the Author

    Other books by Ash Nom DePlume

    Meet the Editor

    Connect with Ash Nom DePlume


    These are the second set of journal reflections of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to power so that it can be shared when appropriate and if some tragedy were to occur, the knowledge of how a Western thinking person can achieve usage of the potential all humans share. Dept 1793 was established in the nascent days of the United States, to handle occult, supernatural, and contacts with other cultures that needed to be kept truly confidential and secret. The Louisiana Purchase had not occurred, and much of the world was still shrouded in mystery and magic. Therefore, having a secret department to deal with such secret things was not only reasonable, it was expected, as was that it’s existence was also a secret. As anyone knows about a government agency or department once established it never goes away, it may reinvent itself, but it never is gone. 1793 was created in secret for dealing with secrets including the many secret societies that it drew its operatives from. Therefore it should not be a surprise that the first managers and operatives of 1793 imbued it with the cultures and tools to survive persecution, as it recruited from the suppressed, outlawed and otherwise secret societies, even today White Lotus, Templars, Rosicrucian, Order of Assassins, Opus Dei, Magi, Literate, Keepers, Illuminati, Freesmiths, Freemason, Conservatoire of Arts, Skull and Bones, Red Spear, Ancient Order of Druids are names with active liaisons or cross membership to 1793.

    As this knowledge is too important to leave on a shelf and trusted to the good intentions of government, it is lucky for me and you the reader of this and the other series I have purloined, that I can beat the security of this online storage service, enjoy. Since these are transcribed from handwritten pages, you will find out in later journals, I cannot confirm if the names have been changed to protect the sources. The journals are not of an even length, which is either how they are recorded or separated into instructional units.

    It's all good as long as I don't get caught, so enjoy your voyeuristic view into his life. If you meet any of these people, don’t tell them you have been reading their innermost secrets, they might not like it.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Secret Hacker


    This is the third of the five journal sets that were originally published as the Rules of Magic. If you haven’t read the first two volumes this will be confusing. The realities of 21st publishing, have some odd requirements. But as long as you are here. A quick recap is Lee Günter O’Neil has shared his journals or his recollections of obtaining psionic abilities, as distinguished from psychic in that psionic powers can be developed and everyone has the potential, whereas psychic powers seem to be more an affliction than a skill set.

    In the last set of Journals, we learned that Lee with the help of Serenia, Lilly’s sister has discovered a treasure trove of instructional materials, and probably has worked out how to use psionic gifts without burning out his brain. In a bit of a surprise Max & Isabel had a double wedding with Lee & Serina, with Lee to be the last to see this coming. Grandma’s dying request was for Lee & Serina to wake up and smell the lust, I mean the love they have and just get married. The government is protecting Serina, their chief scientist who has found something to this magic stuff and Lee is being extended some protective services as both the wife of Serina, and because he has found the psychological weak spot of the drug cartels. Considering the drug cartels connections to terrorism and the national threat that represents, they are happy to support Lee. Just like with Al Capone, it may have been a small tax charge that was the cheap shot, but it worked; so, with Lee it may be the drug cartel cannot deal with a pudgy bill collector getting the drop on one of their people, if it brings them down, everyone is happy to for the results.

    Reflective Journal Entry Eight

    The next morning the housekeeper woke me up. I was wearing enough clothes that she will not need therapy. It is my fault I did not put out the do not disturb sign. When calling to grandpa's room he was laughing because he was just calling to get my lazy butt up. A few minutes later, dressed and ready to go, I caught up with Max and the crew. It was time for some errands and to get Grandpa to the airport. Max took Isabella to rent a car for the remainder of our time in Vegas. Serena needed a favor or quid pro quo, call it what you will.

    The regulations for flying effectively reduced our goodbye to dropping him at the curb and telling him to be safe. We chatted for a few minutes longer on the cell phone and confessed to getting addicted to the online TV options that the mobile data stream package made possible. That it is a good thing I am paying for this because his poor farmer heart wouldn't let him waste the money of frivolous things like this.

    Security at the airport was in full panic mode after the gang war that has the news all-abuzz with what is being called the New Turf War and the Vegas Incident. The question of the news hour was, Who will fill the vacuum in the criminal world? Why now? Who started it and how far will it spread?. The viewer polls are suggesting the police should step up their anti-gang activities and social outreach programs to keep kids out of gangs while they are young, so these things do not have to happen. The who is going to pay for it verses the it is cheaper than paying for prisons so let the criminals kill each other debate is keeping the airwaves filled.

    Serena's favor almost had me leave her on the corner, until she started talking real fast about how this would not pose any risk to me and my family. She wanted to go to UNLV to the research project that she works with from time to time to get some controlled readings on my 'ability'. When, I voiced my objections to vivisection, especially when I am the subject, she had that covered, for now.

    The clothing choices had me feeling like a street gang member, as identifying anyone in this outfit is difficult. Duh, why do you think they dress that way is the smart-ass comment of choice for a reply. Jeans, hoody, baseball cap, sunglasses, gloves, and name brand tennis shoes later. It would be very hard to identify me, and with the baklava for filming later makes getting any identifying information nearly impossible. A karaoke software package and microphone later to speakers changes the voice enough that if the postproduction voice alteration and black square over my face has flaws, it would take the resources of the NSA to filter through the first line of disguises. Between the double layer, it should be safe enough.

    Harrumph, and all of that, I am doing this under protest, but mutual silence we all have to keep about the preemptive strikes and vengeance, also known as mass murder. The cumulative body count is close to four hundred. So far no collateral damage, as the government calls their mistakes, gives her a few 'rights' to ask for a favor. Being cute as can be with a great ass doesn’t hurt either.

    After being directed to two different locations, Serena found her old mentor and friend asleep in his office. Emeritus status allowed him to keep his office, which seemed small for an honored academic asset that the title suggested.

    As she was about to tap on the half-open door, I am lucky it is this big. Serena here can tell you those of us on the fringe have been skeptically criticized to extinction, then touted as heroes when a breakthrough happens in another field based on a concept or question asked. I would toast my benefactors of days gone by, but the budget is gone. What can I do for you Dr. Serena? he said with a flourishing bow and offering her a chair and indicating the other one for me with a ridiculous French accent that would have done the cartoon Peppy le Pew proud.

    The pong of old laundry, and that urine smell some older people get, the nursing home and bed pan thing. Flashback to visiting my great grandma at the home, she was so far-gone when I was born she never understood who I was but was polite to me and spoke of days gone by with my mother who feigned recalling the events.

    I have something for you, she said.

    Ten years ago, and before all these new ethics rules, I would have been so flattered my dear, but even then, you would have been but a child, so alas, no dear is not meant to be, he said with more flourishing motions and a conspiratorial wink.

    "You never change, which is why I love you. If you CALM your dominant brain for a few moments. I will show you something too and if that doesn't get your cooperation I will pretend not to notice as you undress me with your eyes when I bend over the equipment. Let me introduce Lee O'Neil, this is Dr. Louis Franco. Louis, Lee has a ‘Gift’' to demonstrate," she said.

    I am dying, if he is a full-fledged Avatar, an Ascended Master/Immortal, and a Jedi Knight, there is no time. I sit here rotting because I have nowhere to go. The sins of my past have caught me and only the charity of the system, not that they would not excise that if they could, damn bean counters, provides my SOP, was his response. The flourish was gone from his movements, but Peppy's accent remained. He then leaned to offer his hand as is polite when meeting someone for the first time.

    Show him! she said while giving me the parental type kick as if I had been naughty or forgot to be polite to my elders at a thanksgiving dinner. I 'lifted' the aged and well-worn Mont Blanc pen from its resting place on the desk. A couple of loop de loops and balanced it on it end leaving it there. I estimated its mass at fifty grams, so the two-meter distance was not a problem.

    You would not trick an old man on his deathbed. This is a trick, an illusion like Siegfried and Roy without the cats and distracting girls, he said while reaching for the pen. I had it dance out of reach and then returned to his hand.

    Damn, the indignities and infirmaries of age. I must go to the Loo, he said while struggling to his feet in obvious great discomfort. With even a more pained look, he gathered up a container with liquid and made his way for the door, the smell or urine following him.

    Serena looked as pained seeing his struggle down the hall. I got up and followed him. Once moving he made good time, I had to walk very quickly to catch him at the door. Before I could open it, he hit the handicapped access button on the wall that opened it.

    I can still manage, but thank you, he said.

    Looking back to the office, Serena motioned for me to come back. Upon returning, she said, He is a brilliant mind and has done a lot to advance philosophy and inclusion of the unconventional in the advancement of science. Healthy skepticism was developed under his tutelage, which has now been corrupted by intellectual bullies to suppress asking questions. Some questions are asked when the answer is known to start the conversation, that is the basis of inquiry. To humiliate him like this, she said while wiping her eyes, which were tearing up.

    I looked at the office with an old leather and sometimes bed from the looks of the depressions, and all the latest low-cost office furniture with all the soul of disposable dishes at a fast-food restaurant. There are limits to what I will risk, my family and my own vivisection in the name of science are not happening, but I will see what I can do for your distinguished friend. We should be lying low not becoming a scientific breakthrough. Especially with recent events people can put two and two together and then I will have to get nasty, I replied.

    Please make an old man happy, he is dying. Who is he going to tell? Nobody will believe him anymore; he has already been written off as senile. They could at least treat him better after all his years of service, she said.

    Fine, but how much longer do I have to wear this getup? It is hot, I answered.

    Nobody is around that will remember you. When we get the recording instruments out the privacy protections go back on, she said.

    My apologies that there is not a brass band and trumpets to herald your arrival. Not too long ago I could have made arrangements. All I can offer is an attentive listener as you tell me how you come to be able to do this. Do you know how it is done? Louis stated as he entered the small office.

    As he got his chair adjusted beneath himself an older woman came to the door and said, Doctor the kitchen just called and there will be some leftovers from last night, which are better than lunch, if you hurry. I did not realize you had company. My, my, is that Dr. Stevens? It has been what ten years since you were visiting from Columbia when you were just starting your dissertation and needed to visit the old fox here. Remember that time when we got carded at the restaurant when the Doctor asked for a wine glass for you at the restaurant? she said.

    Yes, I do, and I didn't even have a fake ID not that they would have bought it. Sally Mitchell, this is a friend of mine Lee O'Neil, Serena said as an introduction.

    Sally, the department's office manager then went on to describe how Serena hasn't changed a bit, and how lucky she was to have those good genes as well as brains. How at 19 years of age she was working on doctorate even if she had to get part of her committee from a tenured facility who had taken up residency in their retirement due to health reasons elsewhere. Then she got back to business and inquired if Louis, as he insisted, I call him, was going to need a ride home tonight since the senior shuttle service only works until four p.m. today or did she need to dig up sheets for the couch.

    Serena and Sally entered into a rapid exchange of mother hen crossed with professional colleague and old friend discussion of his needs, while Louis commented to me about how they always talk as if he is not there like adults do with a small child or the senile in a nursing home.

    Can we go and eat, you two can plan my day later and I am liable to ignore you anyway. Alas, poor Serena there is no wine even if you have aged like a fine vintage, Louis said. Insert soundtrack for ‘The Beverly Hillbillies' because the next thing I knew this millionaire was driving the three of us back to the strip for an expensive restaurant and bottles of wine.

    The crime of it all. A lifetime of looking and when it is time for champagne and wine, woman and song, damnable blood thinners will kill me dead as a doornail. This morning I would not have minded, but not before I know the answer to this mystery shall I go into the next great adventure and final mystery of life, Louis said again with a return of flourish to his movements.

    The old Professor was having a hell of an emotional roller coaster. When he went to cut his food, he developed enough of palsy that the shaking kept him from being able to perform this simple task. When I kinetically diced the food before he could finish putting his knife down his delight at seeing objective proof that is difficult to fake was exuberant. It was a good thing that he was frail or Serena or both of us would have been in a lot of trouble. I was hoping that his bodily functions would stay under control.

    At my suite, demonstrations and disclosure of the charging or pattering of materials, such as the crystal that Grandma sent had the effect of almost giving him another fit or something. We did learn that once there were others who with the aid of drugs could for a short time access my abilities. That for a while he with the aid of drugs could feel playing cards and induce sensations in others. Then, It faded with time. The results kept the community of researchers in funding for decades during the Cold War until the CIA cut their funding as the main project was shelved after the fall of the Berlin Wall, taking the money with it. Even with the distance readers, they developed, which should have kept funding going until the end of time. Many years of research provided good data for years to come including his late wife. I couldn’t help but wonder why he was in such financial distress. Then it occurred to me that ten years ago that he set Serena up with funding, he was over eighty and then had the bad taste to outlive his money.

    Max and Isabella joined us in this discussion. There was a lively debate as to why extra sensory perception and other psychic phenomenon is still outside of accepted areas of study. The final result being that to admit that it is possible gives other countries the hint to study it. What if they develop it more than the USA? Many cultures have more history and cultural experience than the US. Some like India and China have both a history and a lot of people, that if it is a matter of probabilities they win. Therefore, like UFOs it doesn't matter if it is true or not, the official answer is it is all balcony. The fakers and con artist don’t help legitimacy either. Even though the USA has deployed these abilities in combat with the use of drugs that damage and kill the user after a while.

    Even limited use of the drugs is harmful, which is how Louis got the brain tumors that are killing him. If his late wife had not told him that he would find out how to unlock ESP without drugs he would have stopped treatments or mixed the wine he so loves, with the meds and finish this a long time ago. As it was, he has spent his last cent on the medicines and such hanging on for an answer. He was down to the last three pills. His house is in foreclosure and eviction notices on it, like so many others. He cannot get to or from the cabin at Mt. Charleston which he could not even get a loan on to lose it to a bank.

    The Cabin in its heyday was a low quality A frame that burglars do not even bother to break into. When he lost his license to age, and the car broke down his backup plan for housing went the way of the dodo, too.

    Hell, and damnation, I have money and in the last few hours he has given me more history on 'psionic' and ESP and a scary prospect that some or all of my life has been preordained. Which bothers me a lot as I like thinking I have a choice in things.

    Well, we cannot make a liar out of your wife, now, can we? Tomorrow, we will go and get you the meds you need. I will go and make a withdrawal from a casino down the block since I have tapped this one enough. How much do I need to go and get, to save your house and any other expenses that are out there? I said to a room full of mouth breathers. I should have had the camera phone ready; it was a Kodak moment.

    Max, who had been texting on his phone, said, I see your offer and challenge you to do better,

    What is better? Full disclosure and sharing of all information in exchange for a stack of cash to fix all the problems that money can fix for the rest of his life. The how much question is not can we afford it but how big does the stack need to be, I said.

    Confusion followed, my friends are not understanding that I am going on a limb here, risking being banned and losing future assess to casinos for a little information. This is so he could live, putting in his time on his research, with as much dignity as you can with a disabling condition that causes problems with controlling your bodily functions.

    You can cause brain damage, can you? he said when interrupted by Serena, Isabella, and Louis said, Fix it,

    I have no idea, I'm an engineer not a doctor, I answered.

    Well now ‘You. Are. A. Doctor (double pause) McCoy’ Max said in an imitation of James, I will fuck anything, Kirk from Star Trek.

    There was a discussion of where, what, and how am I to know the location? Without seeing a picture or being able to feel the tumors, are they malignant and coming back in a week or benign and JUST killing Louis.

    Isabella was using his medical card login information to pull his records online as he is part of a University Medical Center trial of all records online project. As a professor and guinea pig, getting free and reduced cost treatments and most medication free. The remaining cost still bankrupted a lifetime of savings as he had the bad taste of living too long.

    Pension plans assume you will die on time to the actuarial tables. Louis outlived his by twenty-four years, so math is a problem. He would have been out of meds months ago; except he has been getting free meals at the school canteen. The old-time staff looking the other way, so food money becomes medication, with his long-time secretary doing laundry so he can sleep on the office couch as he is about to be homeless but wants to die with his boots on trying for the last academic discovery before he goes.

    Serena was being told the locations and the cipher code for his research which have been encrypted as a defense against those who would misuse the information which half the time was his benefactors paying the bill at the government. There was also a gold mine of journals from psychic subjects with all too revealing and important recollections available for reading now that they are dead.

    Would I mind during my part for posterity to record my own firsthand accounts with the understanding that these private journals would only be read after my death? We will have lots of other interviews for the active research, but the back stories lead to clues that are important. The true feelings about co-workers and friends should not be always shared, so the posthumous reading of journals is the best compromise for the long-term scientific process. I'm still not sure why I agreed to this writing crap. He is persuasive, but not that good. It might have just maybe had something to do with the smile of a beautiful woman. Why is it that she is not married? You can add clarifications later, but it must be your first impressions and handwritten to avoid excess editing and computers can be coerced into revealing secrets. Be sure to leave space in the journals, so your first entry is single sided on the papers. Journals on a shelf attract little notice to the uninitiated. You still have to trust that you store them safely, or entrust them to someone trustworthy, but life is full of risk. This notation was added a day later than my first entry and by the way, I am hiding this thing and moving it around, it will be rather dog-eared even though it is an expensive leather-bound diary book. Finding a safe deposit box that it will fit in will be interesting. Chronological recalling of the events has me putting my comments in near the locations, instead of the beginning and end of Journal Entry books themselves. If you don’t like it, DEAL WITH IT.

    I have had a good life better than most, now I have passed on what I know in my files to someone who might get some use out of it so you do not have to do it all the hard way. My wife was right, silly thing, I did live long enough to see it done without drugs. It would be nice to finish it all. Be this Russian Roulette or a coup de grâce, I would rather depart with a full stomach of delicious food and the company of friends knowing my life’s work will live on. It is better than dying slowly lying in my own urine. Please do an old man a favor and try, he pleaded.

    Serena cried and held his hand while Isabella left the room. Max had a strong interest in his phone screen then went to check on Isabella.

    Well, l cannot blame you for that. I happen to be able to recall always hating diapers as a toddler and resolved to be done with that smelly business as soon as I could. It may be my oldest memory, I replied.

    If it doesn't work out, thank you and do mind if I have a shower and a robe that way, I can leave a pampered prince? he asked.

    Isabella said from the other room of the suite, We can do better than that, a nice shower and an in-room massage with a happy ending from two young ladies, a ménage a troi for the road or the start of a research filled tomorrow, Then she left to find the bell captain, or the casino manager after tapping her hand at me to fill it with money, and it was not a request. There was a stack of black chips in my coat pocket, she took them all and went with Max in tow.

    Serena and I helped Louis to his feet and pointed him towards the shower whirlpool bath with all the handicapped monkey bars you could ask for and a fluffy robe while we beat it to the door. There were more chips in the nightstand for a tip.

    In Serena's room with the tablet computer showing the MRI scans from a few days ago,

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