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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 4, Journals 32-51
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 4, Journals 32-51
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 4, Journals 32-51
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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 4, Journals 32-51

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This is the 4th of the 5 volumes and 69 Journals, though they range from OMG long to a couple of pages. Then some days have more going on than others. Finally, Lee may get a moment of normalcy like trying to use his engineering degree to fix those kinds of problems. As Lee walks the path, you know it just isn’t going to be that straightforward. He did marry the Queen of overdoing a good thing. A best-seller before it is published a book on Psychic Phenomenon that is peer reviewable is an invitation for the violent religious nutcases to come out of the woodwork. A road trip to Asia should be safe enough to lay low. Religious nutcases, government conspiracies, ritualistic murder, and going crosswise with a Tong, maybe a nice vacation at a beach or a nice cruise should be suggested.
Don't forget that there is a box set to cut down the number of titles in your library and often have a better price-to-story ratio.

Release dateJun 23, 2024
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 4, Journals 32-51

Ash Nom DePlume

Pen Names are useful for separating the part of me that needs the day job and paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Between my day job and dyslexia, writing has been a challenge but you cannot keep a good story down. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, tell everyone, if you do not, tell me at the contact information in the book. Free access codes for the first Angry Brothers based story, the rest have a small honorarium though from time to time there are free. The Angry Brothers is a free show that can be found on YouTube and in many other places.Hidden in my stories are actual science facts, as well as a mystery or two when I can. I always try to keep the elements of a good story, A little religion, a royal figure, a little sex (sometimes a lot), and a mystery. This makes the shortest story that meets these requirements is, "Good God, the Queen is pregnant; who did it?"I hope the readers like my stories enough to come back for more and, better yet give favorable recommendations to their friends. Please check out my newest website to get more detail on books. If you are interested in proofreading or commenting on a galley copy let me know. It is all good fun and I do enjoy honest feedback even when it is you missed this error.Ash

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    Book preview

    The Psionicist Guild 2 - Ash Nom DePlume

    The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic

    Volume 4, Journals 32-51

    By Ash Nom DePlume

    Editor Ray Rahl

    Copyright January 2012, 2023, 2024 renewal,

    Ash Nom DePlume

    This is a retitling of The Rules of Magic even though published 5 years before another book using the same name. Obviously, the publishing industry cannot tell us apart, and that one has a movie and mini-series while this one does not. I have no reason to believe that author knows about this inconvenience so if you figure out the other work, don’t blame her. This work was previously published as part of the following 9781370332397 eBook, 9781370332397 Softback Book, and 9781370332397 Hardback Book ISBN numbers but is now separated as a stand-alone version .

    Current ISBN: 9798224317295

    All Rights Reserved, so no part may be used, reproduced or story characters without permission of the copyright holders of those characters. Contact can be made via through contact information found at the end of this work, email is also available to reach the copyright holder of this work.

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people living and dead is accidental, or public figures, and the story is not intended for young readers; consider this a PARENTAL ADVISORY of being unsuitable for young and/or impressionable minds or those easily offended. This work contains discussions of the development of psychic abilities, environmentally responsible living, and consensual sex among adults.

    Table of Contents



    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Two

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Three

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Four

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Five

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Six

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Seven

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Eight

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Nine

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-One

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Two

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Three

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Four

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Five

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Six

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Seven

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Eight

    Reflective Journal Entry Forty-Nine

    Reflective Journal Entry Fifty

    Reflective Journal Entry Fifty-One

    Acknowledgments for Chapters 32-51

    About the Author

    Other books by Ash Nom DePlume

    Meet the Editor

    Connect with Ash Nom DePlume


    The best place to hide something is in plan sight. In order to do so it needs to be visible. Which means that this document has been repackaged and redistributed by 1793’s chronicler. In a world with quantum AI the temporal order of things is a bit fuzzy, as quantum mechanics does not follow linear time. This gives us a access the Psionicist Guild records today before their formal opening of a training academy, today, when some of these events are taking place. While adapting to the marketing demands of eBook and physical book sellers of yesterday and tomorrow, by reformatting it today, so it can be obtained by the hacker who knowns how to get things published , yesterday, because of events, that happen tomorrow. If you are confused that means you are understanding.

    This results in the uneven Journals are now in a series of 5 roughly equal sized books though the middle one seems to be twice the size of others, instead of a massive book worthy or Russian literature and Tolkien for length. It also means you can read this introductory set on the cheap, before setting down purchase price that looks like an investment portfolio in the rest of the collection or purchasing them one volume at a time.

    The other four volumes are also available as an eBook, whereas the audiobook is a work in progress.


    This the fourth volume of Journals 32-51 of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to power so that it can be shared when appropriate and if some tragedy were to occur, the knowledge of how a Western thinking person can achieve usage of the potential all humans share. Dept 1793 was established in the nascent days of the United States, to handle occult, supernatural, and contacts with other cultures that needed to be kept truly confidential and secret. The Louisiana Purchase had not occurred, and much of the world was still shrouded in mystery and magic. Therefore having a secret department to deal with such secret things was not only reasonable, it was expected, as was that it’s existence was also a secret. As anyone knows about a government agency or department once established it never goes away, it may reinvent itself, but it never is gone. 1793 was created in secret for dealing with secrets including the many secret societies that it drew its operatives from. Therefore it should not be a surprise that the first managers and operatives of 1793 imbued it with the cultures and tools to survive persecution, as it recruited from the suppressed, outlawed and otherwise secret societies, even today White Lotus, Templars, Rosicrucian, Order of Assassins, Opus Dei, Magi, Literate, Keepers, Illuminati, Freesmiths, Freemason, Conservatoire of Arts, Skull and Bones, Red Spear, Ancient Order of Druids are names with active liaisons or cross membership to 1793.

    As this knowledge is too important to leave on a shelf and trusted to the good intentions of government, it is lucky for me and you the reader of this and the other series I have purloined, that I can beat the security of this online storage service, enjoy. Since these are transcribed from handwritten pages, you will find out in later journals, I cannot confirm if the names have been changed to protect the sources. The journals are not of an even length, which is either how they are recorded or separated into instructional units.

    It's all good as long as I don't get caught, so enjoy your voyeuristic view into his life. If you meet any of these people, don’t tell them you have been reading their innermost secrets, they might not like it.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Secret Hacker

    Reflective Journal Entry Thirty-Two

    Saul and Serena were at the door.

    Honey, Saul needs a couple of favors and I think it is a great idea. This is your pet project and they are your toys, Serena said with her over the top phone sex voice for use on teasing me in public.

    Saul, that is just not fair, I said.

    I didn’t do it, guilt isn’t my thing, actually it is my wife and grandmother’s thing, but you get the idea, He said in such a New York Jew stereotype that I was looking for the next punch line for him to break character.

    What can I do you for? I answered.

    "First, I need more office space. You have some open space on level seven that still has the forty-foot loft ceilings.

    Second, I need to borrow your rapid prototyping set up and your computer studio. We got a virus, and we had to cut the system from the network.

    Third, can I borrow Mason to fix the network?

    Four, can we work out a trade deal, things are tight," he said. That must have killed him to tell me.

    Sure, but that isn’t enough to bring in the Big Guns, I mean my loving wife, I said.

    We just bought into a hidden defect that could ruin me, can you take a look at a building mid-town and see if you can pull another miracle out? he asked.

    We are in town for six weeks, barring someone trying to off me again, of course. We both know I need the experience. I have no idea what I can do for you that Marco cannot pull off, I said.

    When I need pretty, I call Marco. When I need clever, I call you, he said.

    Compliments to the baby engineer. There is a hook here, I can feel it, I said.

    There is this little matter of all the boxes on Nine in the storage, he said.

    I will be going through them and getting them cataloged and out of your way, I said. Serena and her friends want to get all the folk magic stuff out, and there is some really good old artwork and jewelry in them that may pay for the building.

    "We already did that with some interns. Nothing is missing, but there are a LOT of Jewish Immigrant family heirloom items, photos, junk jewelry, and some real stuff, and family books. There is one whole shipment, a hundred boxes that were recovered by the government from the Nazis, but never made it through the system to get to the Jewish center. Serena has called dibs on the Kabbalah stuff for her studies when she is done, we get it. In exchange, we can give her access to our library and museum of the same.

    The rub is we cannot pay for it. Joe Silverman is willing to discount his services. I can do a little, but I am so tight on money that my credit line at the bank could shut me down if I hit one more snag on the white elephant mid-town. Everyone else has been killed in the economy," he said. He looked like he was three feet shorter, and for a short Jewish man if you know the stereotype that is hard to do.

    Serena was giving me the yes nod. Give me a second, will you? I said and pulled Serena aside. Is there any magical pitfalls or things that are missing, or something else? I asked.

    It is all family junk, I don’t know how to set a price on this. But it feels like the right thing to do, and what would Susan say? Serena added.

    Do the right thing. How is our cash flow? I said.

    I got a hundred million that I cannot find a safe home for, why? she said. I nodded towards the wall that Saul is behind in the next room. She nodded back. Nodding back and forth about a hundred million like we were discussing loaning someone twenty bucks. My world has taken a left turn to fantasyland, but I like it.

    Saul, I don’t know what to say. First, the discounts are not going to work for me. You are already on the edge, boxes of junk are no reason to put it on the line, I said when he interrupted.

    It's Junk to you, but to us it is our family our history, he said. Then I interrupted with "That is why your money isn’t any good. Take them, subject to sharing what Serena needs. Family! It is the right thing and you know it. Don’t argue with me on this.

    As for your cash flow problem, I just happen to know someone who has some cash that he cannot find a safe place. It is better off helping a friend.

    Remodeling and moving people around on Seven, get Silverman on it so I don’t get sued. That we can work a trade deal on.

    What are friends for, of course. I will look at the White Elephant in Mid-town.

    Mason is getting bored, and use the computers as long as you need, you can work up here if you need to, it isn’t like I would notice. I still haven’t been in all the rooms.

    What do you need the rapid prototype and CNC for any way? You’re a structural firm." I said.

    "We do mechanical engineering too and have to redesign the machinery in a couple of drawbridges and some older buildings, and we are trying to integrate with the old stuff.

    And I don’t know what to say about the rest," he said flustered.

    "Thank you. We will have the people over from the Jewish center to sort the stuff right away before someone figures out its cultural value and steals it.

    Give me a number of how much you need to be bulletproof," I said.

    I’ll make the calls, get them right over. Twenty million is my current exposure on these defects if I have to eat it. I don’t think I can recover from that, he said.

    I will arrange forty million, to keep the vultures from circling, as we both know that you need to be bidding your next job, while this one is still up in the air, I replied.

    I have to pay you for the use of the money and a trade is not going to be enough to cover what I will owe you, he said.

    You and Joe work out what is the right thing and I will sign off on it. Have Marco tell Sophia where to put the money. Let’s eat, I am starving, I said.

    Saul was on his phone so fast that I think I may have whiplash watching him. We landed at Luigi’s in Little Italy, the restaurant that we were attacked at. I had lasagna, and Saul had spaghetti marinara. I was asked to autograph the mounting board that held the knife under glass that I used on the gunman. Serena autographed next to her broken water glass. Then the whole Jewish Community descended on us. Two former Mossad types offered to help on my security needs. Not that my continued survival was testimony that I am more than I appear.

    They had put in the elevator security and approved the wall design on the ninth floor. Have I thought about a dog? What about Serena at the University on Monday with her classes? While the university means well and they will do what is reasonable for security. Trust us religious nut jobs are very dangerous. You know you are in trouble when Mossad has to pull out ‘we understand religious nutjobs’ line.

    I put them on the phone with Izzie, Jacob, and Mason to work out the holes that other guard service may have left when they did the initial set up on the penthouse.

    That afternoon there was an army of old ladies on Nine going through things, from the access to my freight elevator. So, far the initial set up was getting adequate marks. A few upgrades here and there. Also, I am buying a place in Brooklyn that will be known if someone knows how to check records in the city. Decoy, it will then be sublet to a nice security consultant who doesn’t mind shooting his own burglars.

    They are doing a change to one of the elevators that goes all the way to the roof, that on the lower floors where it opens to the access passages there will be another set of doors, with one-way view glass. This elevator is exclusively for Family use. Some sort of rooftop escape is also in the works, as well as a fast getaway from the docks. They also want to put in a nasty set of surprises for anyone landing a helicopter and then trying to move on the penthouse. A simple nearly invisible net over the roof to keep the birds and slow unwanted guests is also in the works.

    Isn’t it nice I have my own power supplies, which make the power the most expensive in the country per kilowatt but the apartment is off the information grid? Unless one of the builders who work on dozens of these kinds of apartments each year does ‘a tell all’ to the press, and this apartment is not very special. Not even the taxman knows it is here, and the building is on a special tax deal, so no reason to reassess it, which I think it is legally immune from for some reason from days gone by.

    Friday morning the whole mall got additional security guards including a set of drug and bomb sniffing dogs for each shift. The police love that, free arrest (probable cause determined by someone else), also illegal drugs can stay out of this mall. The residences have a special entrance and elevator where the dogs do not stop the residence without explosives. What they do in their homes is not my problem. There is also a Kosher deli moving into the mall and a good Mexican restaurant. They may be related to Izzie’s mom and therefore her.

    Saturday I got to watch the game on a Super HD Theater projection system. It is a commercial projector that receives satellite TV, etc. Life

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