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Total Eclipse of Humanity: Revolution & Revelations
Total Eclipse of Humanity: Revolution & Revelations
Total Eclipse of Humanity: Revolution & Revelations
Ebook213 pages2 hours

Total Eclipse of Humanity: Revolution & Revelations

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Humans pursued knowledge in a state of rebellion against the Creator to become Gods, that resulted in their existence outside Gods realm. As distinguished guests, not created to integrate into the structure of nature, we became the masters of the land yet slaves to its laws and its system that required continuous labor to receive its fruits, and find true happiness. Our lives became a series of episodes that are reset with every new day. Every experience that is supposed to fulfil our sense of achievement and purpose is faced with another day, as the moment that brought us joy become the events of yesterday. A vacuum that is continuously reminding us that we are outcasts, and that true happiness is not achievable, so long as we continue to be part of this system.This book aims to have the reader understand these factors and how we came to exist in these conditions that made us masters and slaves at the same time. How everything was foretold in prophetic messages preserved by the ancient man in the Old Testament; how the link was revealed in the era of the New Testament; making the old and the new a testament for future generations. These links between the texts of the biblical scriptures that span over thousands of years are a proof that the message could not have been instigated by man or altered in time.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Total Eclipse of Humanity: Revolution & Revelations

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    Total Eclipse of Humanity - Michel Kobti

    Copyright © 2024 by Michel Kobti

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-1-77941-384-0 (Hardcover)

    978-1-77941-383-3 (Paperback)

    978-1-77941-385-7 (eBook)


    I dedicate this book in memory of the brave people who fought through hardships and challenges to make sure that God’s message is taken forward to future generations.

    These messages are in 66 books, 39 books in the Old Testament (or Tanakh, the foundation of the Jewish faith), 27 books in the New Testament, 40 different writers who lived in different times and locations, their records of historical events used for hundreds of years by archeologist to find places, kings, buildings, civilizations, and more than 300 prophecies about the savior in the Old Testament over a span of thousands of years, memorized, later written and then translated.

    A message paid for in suffering and sacrifice for us to value it in ease and comfort.

    The purpose of this book is to put the reader on the path towards enlightenment by shedding light on important questions that usually linger in our mind as to our beginnings and existence, using the information within our reach for a logical conclusion.


    I want to thank all those who have put in their tireless efforts in making this book possible. I am very grateful for their careful reading of the text and suggestions for important changes. I would also like to extend my gratitude to my parents, who have acted as guardians to the purpose of family and taught me how to appreciate relationships offered by the gift of life. My gratitude and special thanks go to Jean Touma, Kristina E., Mark K., Zeina H., Hanane B., Mazen G. and Lora D. for their input, assistance, and valued support.

    I have always had an optimistic view of life. We were made unique in the formula of creation to stand out in the face of winds of change that constantly challenge us, whether we have nothing happening in our lives at all or have everything happening all at once. It is a path that is meant to define us in our successes and failures for a higher purpose than just to live comfortably and die peacefully.





    The Creator

    The Beginning

    Old Testament


    The Old & New

    Old Testament Prophecies

    The Apostles

    Biblical Myth and Facts

    A Closer Look

    Signs & Warnings

    Jesus’s Teachings

    Love, Pride, & Sacrifice

    The Tree of Life


    In the darkness that appears to shape our future and the negative trends that humanity is adopting in their values and relationships, I continue to believe that a crescent will appear in these obscure conditions. There is still hope that mankind will see the light and alter future decisions and actions to revert to the values and ethics of relationships, which were once the core of any human civilization. I remember how our grandparents emphasized the importance of having a good reputation in the community. You were known to others by your family name and the image projected by the house you belonged to, their ethics and values. Respect used to be a valuable currency earned by your actions, while at present, it is the currency that earns you respect regardless of your actions.

    The family, its structure with the man as the head of the house, the woman his devoted partner keeping the house in check, all knitted closely with faith, and God’s teachings were the pillars of a good home and, in turn, a good community. We have detoured from that path in the name of a better life, promoting ethics and values as chains and limitations and replacing them with superficial freedom, encouraging the new generation to break from family, its intangible emotional bond, and its rules that were once the source of protection for your body and soul. At present, believing in anything that is intangible and having emotional attachments and sentiments has become illogical and mediocre. Though like our Creator who is intangible, it is the intangible factors that make us human.

    We came to realize the values of relationship through religion, which identified the characteristics of its source as an entity of relationship governed by laws and codes of ethics. In our present time, having faith in this religion has been labelled as a weakness, shadowed by claims that it is man-made. This has manifested the state in which humanity is living in today, making it a state of bliss and normality not to be concerned with our beginning and purpose but rather concentrating only on surviving and living comfortably as the ultimate achievement for any human life. The platform for this transformation was based on gradually altering our decisions and actions towards a lifestyle that caters only to oneself, living in a state of competition and detachment from everyone else. The true concept of unity and community is gradually fading, introducing superficial standards based on digital platforms that only broadcast differences, promoting division and detachment.

    The key of creation and its beauty is relationship in diversity. Today, we endorse platforms that manipulate diversity to highlight differences as a benchmark for separation. These platforms are becoming increasingly part of our daily lives, distorting our perception of how we see others, using our differences as a recipe for competition, scrutiny and judgment rather than using differences for what they were meant to be—an encounter to experience and enrich our lives. We were meant to adapt and integrate in diversity and explore the unknown through continuous interactions that lead to bonds and relationships, from the minute we give out our first cry until the minute we give out our last breath. This drive towards relationship is declared in the way God fashioned all of creation. All the elements of life that God created are diverse and in a state of unity in the way they interact with each other, which essentially feeds into balance and harmony.

    Our galaxy is in a state of constant interaction with our solar system; in turn, our solar system has continuous interaction with our planet. Similarly, we too, interact with our planet, its elements, and each other as human beings. We are all connected in this ecosystem, and how we fashion our relationship with all these elements dictates future outcomes and consequences. Relationship is the foundation set by God in the beginning, which is highlighted in the first chapters of the biblical text. Examining these chapters, creation began with light, the galaxy, sea, and land created in the first three days, and the stars, moon, animals, and humankind created in the following three days. The first three days made up the platform God prepared for the rest of His creation on days four, five, and six to interact with. As we go on in our reading of Genesis, we also come across the relationship between the Creator, man, woman, and their surroundings in Eden. These were the beginnings of relationship, a stage that was set by the designer of creation to form a state of unity in diversity.

    The stage was set, and the curtains released, with the main characters taking their place, acting in free will and portraying their own stories while the director of these events watched closely. The joy of God must have been overwhelming as He saw humanity taking its first steps to be a living reflection of Him, an intelligent entity acting and interacting with its environment in free will. In an environment led, controlled, and programmed to act in a coded structure, humans are the only creations that were given the free will to decide and set the standards of relationships as they saw fit.

    Through the gift of free will and to satisfy their pride to rule with their newly acquired knowledge, Adam and Eve willed their path away from the Creator’s purpose to exist in unity with Him. Adam’s decision separated us from the Creator to rule and live in the kingdom of nature. As opposed to our current condition, Eden was placed by God on Earth to protect Adam and Eve from the outside world that existed beyond its boundaries. With the exit of Adam and Eve from Eden, they merged into the system of nature with the rest of creation. Sitting on the throne of this newfound kingdom, humans began their journey with no one to keep them in check but their own will at the cost of living in an environment controlled by laws and codes founded on a life-and-death cycle. During this phase of defiance and competition with the Creator, we detoured from establishing bonds through relationships to manipulating them for control. Created in the image of God, we no longer mirrored Him in unity; rather, we mirrored Him in separation, to be gods away from God.

    The system of relationship in everything God created is preset in a controlled environment governed by codes and laws, except for humans, who were given the freedom to decide and act without any code to dictate their actions. From the point of our creation with the gift of free will, humans throughout history have continuously acted towards achieving individual desires by promoting an environment of competition in separation rather than harmony in unity. This state of mind that compelled the ancient man to compete with his Creator in separation and be like him rather than with Him caused us to stray from being human to just humans concerned with their own being. In this state of separation, the ancient man thrived and multiplied under the laws of nature with the same drive towards control and authority. This condition continued to spread within his future generations and communities, promoting a common practice towards individuality rather than finding common factors for unity.

    Purpose is what sets in motion an action, and as these actions are repeated and endorsed, it shapes our values and ethics, which would later become a way of life. Since purpose instigates the process that results in values and way of life, manipulating our purpose towards becoming self-centered and driven by pride in a state of competition that would result in separations and division among the community, became the preliminary goal for those thirsty for control and power.

    This trend continued to be supported till our present time, creating benchmarks of achievement measured by the ability of each person to manipulate the fruits of relationships for his or her own benefit. This drift created gaps in societies, resulting in feelings of resentment, emptiness, loneliness, and depression.

    Our societies at present are made up of individuals struggling to fill these emotional gaps with brands and other superficial products and services offered by the engineers of a better way of life, which ends up being a painful, incomplete, and unsatisfying experience. Mankind’s purpose towards an individual state of mind in competition driven by pride became an important objective carried on through future generations to give room for the minority to control and weaken the majority. No man is an island is a lesson yet to be learnt. We are currently living in a system that promotes the original sin of pride and self-esteem through categorization and classification, titling every individual according to the accessories of life they possess.

    It is apparent that pride is and has been our source of weakness, constantly taking us down the path of ruin. We were not meant to be gods or in control—a harsh experience humans have undertaken from the beginning of existence till our present day, striving to be individual entities rather than being part of an entity. The first man and woman broke their relationship with the Creator to empower themselves; similarly, in this day and age, we are being pushed to break from family ties, which were once the main pillar of any community, for the same reason. In previous generations, the mentality was that children should stay within the household, and they, in turn, were taught that their value was not to empower themselves but to work under and develop what the head of the house and his previous generations prepared for the family. They were expected to work on the land or in the domain of their house, assisting family members and the community, strengthening their bond as their work required daily interaction with them. In the modern era, people are being brainwashed to believe that you can only prove your self-worth by being detached from the family (in most countries at the age of eighteen), to find your own path and fend on your own. Ironically, the same doesn’t apply if you have a pet at home and you are expected to have it thrown out of the house as it reaches maturity to fend for itself.

    As Adam and Eve were manipulated to break their bond with the creator and have them outside His realm and protection, these principles have been designed to weaken family bonds, have people out in societies at a young age, inexperienced, vulnerable, without the protection of their family and community, to be manipulated with superficial values that would slowly enslave them with superficial benchmarks; distorted values and ethics; feeble relationships; digital platforms and eventually digital chains which future generations would gladly accept, as they would have no reference as to how relationships should be and how life was before all this came into play.

    Similarly, we have no reference as to how it was to be in the kingdom of God, sons and daughters of the Most High, and how life was before the fall. Created in the shade of our Creator, the ancient man chose to live in the shadow of creation. He chose to live under the harsh laws of nature, which he was protected from in the beginning in Eden, and decided through pride to rule over it at the cost of being deprived of God’s presence.

    The following pages are meant to highlight how the Bible is a living embodiment of the word of God, our reference to who we should have been, and how decisions and actions, stitched by the threads of relationship and free will, have tailored all the events from the beginning. How the first man and woman deviated from our Creator’s plan and became the aliens who landed in

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