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Ex-Luna's Revenge: Book 2 New Changes
Ex-Luna's Revenge: Book 2 New Changes
Ex-Luna's Revenge: Book 2 New Changes
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Ex-Luna's Revenge: Book 2 New Changes

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On her wedding anniversary, Brielle plans on gifting her husband, Alpha Argon, a news on her pregnancy. But she's left shattered when she found Argon proposing to his first lover, Estelle, a super model and daughter of Alpha Deron from Red Wood pack. Argon rejects Brielle for his first love. He and Estelle don't hesitate to mock her for being wolfless and a burden with no family. When she planned to hide the news of her pregnancy, a curious Estelle fishes out the report, shocking Argon with the news. Brielle thinks the goddess would mend her broken relationship, but her whole world came crumbling when Argon and Estelle pushed her down the stairs, resulting to her miscarriage. Broken, she receives a divorce letter from Argon, giving her twenty four hours to sign and leave. In her pains, something was awoken in Brielle. Something rare and deadly.

"Don't sign it, Brielle. That's not the way of the IVYs. Make them pay." Her eyes glowed green.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Ex-Luna's Revenge: Book 2 New Changes

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    Book preview

    Ex-Luna's Revenge - Blessing Okosi

    Chapter 51


    Why won't you tell me what happened at Argon's place? Speak to me, dear, Father pleaded, sitting right next to me.

    I laid in bed, crying my eyes out. I was too hurt to tell my father what occurred, because I don't want him marching down to Argon's home and causing a scene.

    Daddy loves me. He can't bear to see his little princess shedding tears. But this princess can't bear to see her father fighting with her prince.

    He carefully pulled me up to sit by his side, wrapping his arms around me with care.

    Tell me, did that wretched woman harm you? Did Argon say anything to hurt your feelings? He asked, sounding vexed.

    I swayed my head and said to father, It was just a small issue.

    Small issue, like what? He asked, showing his desperation in the situation.

    Sniffing once again, I answered my father, giving him a different response just to hide the main answer. Argon wants a break from our relationship. He wants an alone time to himself, I shared, revealing Argon's decision.

    I didn't tell him before, but I felt this would be better than talking about the whole poison scene and Argon's rage.

    I know once I tell my father about it, he would go over to Argon's place and cause a scene. That will only push my sweetheart far away from me, and Brielle...

    No, it's better this way, I viewed, recalling that woman's annoying face.

    I can't allow her to take my Argon back. I know that's her goal.

    When father heard the reason, he sighed out and said, I see. He's still thinking about the councils announcement to the public. Hmm.

    My dear, if he wants a break to himself, then just give it to him. Such a small matter shouldn't lead to a fight between you lovebirds, He chuckled, caressing my cheek.

    If you two had an argument, it's best you two work it out. Arguments in a relationship is part of the things that makes that relationship strong. So, don't cry, Father advised, still petting me in his hold.

    All I did was sniff and nod at his words. Thank you, Daddy. I'll do as you have said.

    That's my girl. Now come down stairs for dinner. You need to eat before heading to bed, He said, taking hold of my hand.

    I didn't have any appetite to eat, but to please my father, I agreed to join him.

    After dinner, I decided to take a stroll around the mansion, trying to reach out to Argon. His phone was ringing, but he wasn't picking my calls.

    I felt upset with this, wishing he could just give me a listening ear.

    I did this for us. I only wanted to frustrate Brielle by using Argon, so she'd leave. Please, answer me my love. I grumbled, stepping out of the mansion.

    I strolled into the garden and took a seat on a bench. One more time, I contacted Argon but ended up tossing my phone to the ground when he declined the call.

    ARGON!! I groaned out, grabbing my head in frustration.

    I know you're mad at me, but my action is justified. It was to get Brielle out of our lives for good. I didn't mean to break your heart. Please Argon, I cried, covering my face.

    The moment I did that...

    How sad, A deep voice uttered from behind, causing me to jump off the bench with speed, turning around to face whoever it was.

    But I saw... Nobody.

    I thought I heard someone's voice. Was that my imagination? I asked myself, feeling uncomfortable.

    Troubled by the sudden aura engulfing me, I rushed back into the mansion, aiming for my room.

    I must be tired. All I need is a bed rest and I'll be fine, I assumed, getting closer to my room.

    Quickly, I rushed into my bedroom, which was a bit dark, and shut the door from behind. I sat on my bed, trying to get myself under control.

    Why is my heart racing so fast? I observed, hearing how my heartbeat was pounding like crazy.

    I placed my hand against my chest, feeling the beat. Even my wolf began to whimper in fear, causing distress to me.

    Something is wrong here, I sensed, rising to my feet.

    But what is making both my wolf and I scared?

    Wait, I paused, spotting something black and furry next to my bed, at the other side.

    I stared at it, noticing how it looked like one of my clothes. Is that my black jacket?


    I rather lick the wall than be called your smelling jacket.

    Shocked, I staggered backwards on hearing this deep voice that spoke to me. It's the same voice from the garden.

    And not just that, the black fur began to move, crawling out from it's hiding spot.

    When my eyes fell on it, I was horrified!

    It's you! I recognized immediately.

    Those terrifying green eyes!

    Did you miss me? The black wolf asked, chuckling at me.

    My whole body came engulfing with heat, causing my heart to pound faster. Any more speed and I bet I'll die.

    This can't be real. It's just my imagination, I told myself, trying to believe that the beast before me was unreal.

    But the more I hoped and prayed, the more this beast came closer and closer to me.

    It shimmered those scary eyes, chuckling at my fear. Oh, I love it when you shiver like a weak ass pup. The smell of fear is so sweet, She said, grinning.

    Her large teeth reminded me of that horrifying night she had attacked me. I can't go through that anymore.

    Scared, my knees began to shake. I quivered back, hoping I could aim for the door. But this beast knew my move already.

    If you test me, you will not like the result, She said, terrifying me even more.

    But since you love to play tag, then you have five seconds to move. One.... Two...

    As soon as she started counting, I rushed out of the room with speed, screaming out to my father for help.

    DAD! DAD!! I yelled, turning back to see how close this beast was. But she wasn't out of my room yet.

    Facing ahead to run faster, my feet came halting with force on seeing the black wolf waiting for me.

    How did she get here so fast?!

    You're too slow, She laughed, charging ar me with speed.

    Swiftly, I jumped out of the way, avoiding her from pouncing on me. And with full speed, I rushed to the stairs, jumping four steps at a time, and screaming out to my father for help.

    DADDY, HELP! I cried, looking back to see if she was coming.

    And just then...


    AHHH! I screamed out in fear, turning around to find my father standing before me. He was surprised to see the state I was in.

    Scarred by that monster, I dived into Father's hold, crying out my eyes.

    What happened to you? Why were you screaming? He asked, wrapping his arms around my trembling body.

    Dad, there's a black wolf that wants to kill me. It has been chasing me from Argon's place, and now here! I reported, shaking before my father.

    He was stunned.

    What? A wolf is chasing my daughter in my own home?! What rubbish! He sparked, looking up the stairs.

    Guards! Guards!! He called out to them at once, sending them racing to his point with speed.

    Yes, Alpha?

    Where were you when an intruder stepped into my home to harm my daughter?! He yelled at them.

    They looked confused, assuring my father that they didn't see anyone nor did they let their guard down.

    Are you saying my daughter is a liar?!

    No, Alpha. It's nothing like that. Do forgive us, They apologized to father, but he wasn't satisfied.

    He ordered that they search around the mansion for the wolf and bring the beast to him.

    I will punish the idiot for scaring my daughter, He said, pulling me closely.

    The guards immediately rushed to search for the wolf while I stayed with father, wondering where that monster was hiding.

    After some minutes, the guards came back empty handed.

    So? Father asked, lifting his brow.

    And their response stunned me.

    We didn't see anyone.

    There's no intruder in the mansion. Just the maids and other guards, They reported.

    That can't be possible. There's a big black wolf in this mansion. Check again! I ordered, refusing to accept this feedback.

    But the guards still repeated their words.

    With fury, father stormed up the stairs to search by himself, calling the guards useless. I followed him from behind, so I'd show him where I saw the wolf.

    It was here, I said, stepping into the room to point the corner of the bed.

    Father drew near and took a sniff. But he couldn't pick any scent.

    There's no other scent in this room except yours Estelle. Are you sure you saw a big wolf?

    Yes! It was big! It had black furs, very large teeth and green eyes that...

    Green eyes? Father picked that word, looking stunned.

    When I saw his face expression, my heart bloomed with curiousness.

    Father, you have also seen the wolf? I asked, drawing nearer to him.

    If he has seen the wolf, then that means I'm not crazy!

    It's real!

    Chapter 52


    Where did you see it, Dad? Did she attack you as well? I asked, feeling my body temperature rising.

    Now I can prove to Argon that I wasn't lying that day. There's indeed a wolf with green eyes.

    Expecting something helpful from my father, this old man came out laughing!

    I was confused and also offended by his sudden outburst.

    Green eyes? Is this some kind of prank? He asked, still cackling and holding his stomach.

    I don't believe this man. I thought he had seen the wolf before.

    Estelle, you got me. Nice way to prank your old man at his age, He chuckled, patting my head.

    But my frustration got the best of me.

    Dad, I'm serious! With annoyance, I yanked his hand off my head, pointing at the areas the wolf had stepped.

    There's a green eyed wolf in the mansion! I swear to the goddess! She was here! Try sniffing again. I kept pointing at the spots.

    Father didn't want to take me seriously. Still, he did as I wanted and took a sniff. And just like the first result, he didn't pick any other scent except for mine.

    Estelle, stop this joke now. There's no such thing as a green eyed wolf, okay? He assured me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

    You must be tired. Just get into bed and sleep. By morning, you'd have forgotten about this green eyed black wolf, He said, chortling again.

    Despite his comfort, I wasn't calm. He also thinks I'm joking.

    Father noticed this and decided to send in maids that'd keep watch over me, throughout the night.

    I felt that'd better and accepted his plan.

    Now, smile for your Daddy. Come on, smile, He persuaded.

    Unable to stay upset with him, I ended up grinning at him.

    That's my girl. Now, have a good night rest. Don't stress yourself too much, He said, helping me into bed before stepping out of the room.

    Some minutes later, I was surrounded by eight maids, who stood beside my bed to watch me sleep.

    Though it was creepy seeing their ugly faces, I still had to bear this for only tonight, hoping to never see that wolf again.

    But... Does this mean I'm losing it? No, I can't be. I know what I saw, I pondered, recalling the past incidents at Argon's home.

    Just like Dad, Argon and Jerome also said such wolf doesn't exist. The guards had checked around and returned with nothing.

    So, why am I the only one seeing this creature?

    This was beginning to scare me.

    I better tell Argon about this. We need to find a way to this problem, I planned, reaching for my phone.

    Before I could take hold of it, I stopped.

    No, he won't answer my calls. Even if I text him about this matter, he'd think I want to trouble him. No, I won't text or call, I decided.

    Already tired, I carefully laid into bed and soon fell asleep.


    In the next three nights, I was feeling okay. I didn't see the wolf in the previous nights, leaving me with the conclusion that I was over thinking again.

    Seems I'll have to visit a doctor for help. What if I end up seeing the beast in an open place and panic out to an unreal creature? They'd think I'm crazy. I can't allow people to think a whole model and daughter of a well known Alpha is mentally unstable. I'm not.

    To save myself from any humiliation, I planned to visit a doctor tomorrow morning.

    Then maybe I'd head down to Argon's office to see him. It's been three days now and we haven't seen or spoken to each other. I have to see my sweetheart again. I miss him so much, I sighed, wrapping my arms around my chest while strolling through the mansion.

    Should I tell Daddy about it? Nah, I don't want him to get worried. Maybe...

    WHAM! A strong force slammed my head from behind, down to the ground with speed. My forehead banged on the tiled ground, sending a shocking wave around my body.

    The sudden attack caused an adrenaline, which sent me rising to my feet with speed, to find my nightmare before me.

    It was back! The black wolf!

    And it was bigger and scarier than last time. It now stood on its two legs, looking so terrifying.

    I could no longer tell if I was looking at a wolf or an abomination. I was just frozen to the core!

    I stared with a racing heart, saying repeatedly, You're not real! You're not real!! You're just my imagination!

    I sang it like a rhyme, shaking in my stand.

    This beast stared at me with those scary eyes, silently.

    I kept singing those words when I felt something sliding down from my forehead to my face.

    The smell triggered my fear in an instant.

    Mmm. Is that blood I smell? The beast finally uttered, grinning at me with delight.

    My forehead was bleeding from the strong impact to the ground. I could also smell my own blood as it flowed down to my face.

    Slowly, I swiped my hand across the trail, looking at my fingers to see my own blood.

    I'm... I'm bleeding.

    The sight of my blood brought dread to me. I lifted my eyes at this wolf and saw how it got nearer and nearer.

    All my peace vanished and was replaced by terror. Out of fear, I screamed and ran for my life, hearing this beast chasing after me with hunger.

    Don't be scared of me, Estelle. I only want to taste your blood and see if your meat would serve me well, She laughed from behind, adding to my fear.

    I was so scared that I could no longer think straight anymore. All I could do was cry and run to wherever my legs take me.

    And because of this, I ended up running to the roof terrace.

    When I saw this, the only idea that came to mind was to jump.

    I'd jump and escape this beast before it can catch me, I planned, hurrying into the patio.

    Before I could make my move, my neck was grabbed from behind.

    NO! I cried, watching myself fall to the ground and lifted into the air by this beast.

    My eyes widened in horror on seeing it's form.

    It tightened it's grip around my neck, with it's eyes shimmering at me, and it's face covered with a devious smile.

    This can't be my imagination. This is impossible!

    Suddenly, it pulled out something from it's fur and bathed me with it.

    This smelt like...

    Wolfsbane? I identified the dangerous liquid that can kill a wolf! I'm being soaked in it!

    As I struggled to set myself free, I heard from the wolf, Make sure you splat when you land.

    And just like that, with force, I was thrown off the roof!

    I screamed, unable to make any move due to the sudden effect of the poison. I could see my whole life flashing before my very eyes when...

    ESTELLE!! Father yelled, quickly grabbing me into his arms. He tumbled on the floor, holding me closely.

    When we came to a stop, father looked at me with fear and screamed out to the servants, Get the car ready! Fast!!

    My whole body was heating up because of the poison. I couldn't move but stare at the sky, asking the goddess within my heart, Am I going to die?

    HURRY UP, DAMMIT! Father screamed.

    He soon grabbed me into his arms and begged me to stay awake.

    Stay with Daddy, Estelle. Stay with me, He said, running fast.

    The last thing I remembered was being rushed into the car before passing out.

    Chapter 53


    Thank you very much. I am grateful, I appreciated the man I was talking to over the phone, before ending the call.

    My face cause engulfing with smiles, seeing a great opportunity coming for me.

    I wouldn't be rejoicing by now, if not for what happened yesterday, here at the office.

    Yesterday, at around seven in the morning, I came to the office to meet up with my business partners.

    They had called me over for a meeting.

    I thought the gathering was about expanding our business and increasing the sales of the market, but I was wrong.

    They only came over to end things with me, and I couldn't allow that to happen, not when I'm in desperate need of their help.

    We can't continue with this, Argon! Your bad reputation is beginning to affect us!

    We only agreed to stay back because of the relationship we shared with your father, but we're sorry. Your bad image is giving our business a bad name as well.

    If we stay any longer, we'll be ruined. So, we have to end it here.

    Please, please don't do this. Just... Just give me a chance. I promise to make things better. All I need is your support, I had begged them, pleading for them to stay.

    But what did they do?

    We're sorry, They had apologized and left me to face my own music, ending their partnership with me.

    I was so bittered and felt like all hope was lost, not until the goddess brought King Damien my way. He called me last night at the mansion, offering to support me in my business.

    I was stunned when he called.

    I mean... This is Damien. He's not just a business man like myself but a man I despise. He always likes to compete with me in everything I do, and in my time of need, he offered to help me out.

    He promised his manager was going to contact me to share the time I can come around and see him at his company, and that was the reason I was so happy.

    Thank you, goddess. I feel so much better, I sighed, taking my seat.

    Damien had placed our meeting date in two days time, and I needed to be ready for this meet up.

    I know we've had our differences in the past, but I guess this partnership will bring us closer than ever, I viewed, having good vibes about this.

    But suddenly...

    Out of my way! Someone yelled outside my office, leaving me wondering who the moron was.

    This workers! Do they think the office is a mar... Before I could complete my statement, my door came swinging wide with a bang.

    Who's that ani... I paused on seeing who the person was.

    Alpha Deron?

    You! He groaned, storming towards me.

    What's wrong? I asked, noticing the raging aura coming from him. But he grabbed me from the collar, pushing me against the wall.

    What did you do to my daughter?! He roared, shimmering his eyes at me, with his hands growing tight, dragging my collar.

    What are you talking about? I asked, trying to push him off. But I was overpowered by Deron, who tossed me towards my table, only to hear something shocking.

    All because of you, my daughter almost killed herself! Estelle almost committed suicide!

    What?! Estelle? I was shocked to the core.

    She tried to commit suicide?


    Tell me what you did to her that day! She came back home crying and refused to tell me what happened. Even though she told me about your so-called break, I felt she was still hiding something, not until my girl jumped off the roof to end her life! Alpha Deron shared, believing I'm at fault.

    I stared in astonishment, still trying to wrap my head around what he just said about Estelle.

    Estelle tried to kill herself?

    I don't know what you did or what you two discussed at your party, but you better fix things right with her. She's at the hospital recovering, Alpha Deron shared, stepping away from me.

    He stormed out of my office in anger, without looking back.

    My workers had drawn closer when Alpha Deron stormed in to attack and accuse me of Estelle's condition. They were frightened by his sudden attack.

    Estelle, why? Over an argument, you tried to kill yourself? I still couldn't believe this.

    This was surprising.

    I have to go and see her, I decided, grabbing both my car key and phone.

    When I stepped out of my office, Jerome came rushing to meet me. He had heard about Alpha Deron's attack and came running to protect me.

    What happened, Alpha? I heard Luna Estelle's father was fighting with you.

    Jerome, it's Estelle. She jumped off the roof to end her life.

    What?! Jerome was shocked.

    Watch over the company. I have to head down to the hospital to see her, I said, rushing.

    Jerome wanted to join me, but I insisted that he stays back and keep watch on the office.

    I ran out of my company and saw Deron's car exiting through the gate. I immediately got into mine and followed from behind.

    On arriving at the hospital and outside the room Estelle was placed in, I met the doctor who was in charge of her. She shared with Alpha Deron and I that Estelle was fine and out of danger.

    We were able to wipe off the wolfsbane from her body before it circulated into her system.

    Wolfsbane? My eyes came wide on hearing this.

    She even took poison to kill herself?

    My body shivered, wondering if she did this because of that argument with Brielle and the wine she claimed was poisoned by her.

    Is that why she did all this?

    Doctor, please tell me if my girl is indeed saved. I can't bear to see her acting all crazy. The other day she claimed she saw a black wolf with green eyes. I think she's losing her senses, Alpha Deron shared, showing his concern.

    When I heard that, I remembered her complains about the same black wolf with green eyes.

    But there's no such thing as a green eyed wolf. Is Estelle really going insane?

    Green eyes? That's impossible, The doctor confirmed, assuming Estelle to was suffering from a mental disorder.

    Seems she is over thinking a lot. She needs to take a lot of rest and quit drinking for some time. From there, we can tell the rate of her mental health.

    Alright, Her father answered the doctor, nodding at her.

    She's out of danger. You can go and see her in the room, She permitted, pointing at the door.

    Thank you, I appreciated along with Alpha Deron. Together, we stepped into the room and met Estelle being fed by one of Alpha Deron's maids.

    When she saw me...

    Argon, She called out like a child, opening her arms wide to receive me.

    With all that I've heard from the doctor, I couldn't help myself but rush towards Estelle for a hug, embracing her close.

    She began crying in my hold, telling me what had happened.

    She attacked me on the roof. She grabbed my neck and threw me off after bathing me with poison. Look at my forehead, She cried, showing me the wound that was already healing up slowly.

    I kept comforting Estelle, assuring her that all would be fine. She sniffed and held me tight, begging me to never leave her again.

    I need you, Argon. Please don't leave me, She winced.

    I won't, I promise, I said, petting her while navigating my eyes on her father.

    The once angry father was now calm. His eyes read nothing but trouble. He turned around and exited the room, leaving us alone.

    I'll be back, I said to Estelle, leaving her with the maid and stepping outside to see Deron. He leaned against the wall of his daughter's room, swaying his head in worry.

    She's losing it. My poor girl is suffering, He complained, sighing out bitterly.

    I drew near to show my support, promising him that Estelle would be fine.

    You heard what the doctor said. She just needs rest and care, I reminded him.

    But he still wasn't pleased with the report he got from the doctor.

    Fine? Are you sure my girl will be fine, when that woman is still in your home? He questioned, dimming his eyes at me.

    I could understand what he was saying. He's blaming Brielle for Estelle's condition.

    "As long as that woman is still in that mansion, my daughter will never be fine. Look at her!

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