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Uprising: Tales of the Magi Saga, #5
Uprising: Tales of the Magi Saga, #5
Uprising: Tales of the Magi Saga, #5
Ebook65 pages57 minutes

Uprising: Tales of the Magi Saga, #5

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About this ebook

She was only visiting, and this isn't her fight, should Liz get involved?

Wanting both to have a break from the chaos of New York, and to reconnect with her past, Liz travels back to London and visits some of her old haunts.

Recent events have made her well known within the Magi world, however, and when a local Coven invite Liz to their home, she soon gets caught up in a vendetta against this coven by a group of Vicious Nomads.

Liz must choose whether she should get involved in this uprising against the local Arcadians, or if she's got enough to deal with back in New York as it is.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Uprising: Tales of the Magi Saga, #5

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    Book preview

    Uprising - Andrew Dobell

    Welcome to the Magi Saga

    This is book one of a long, sprawling adventure over several series of books, of which, this is the start.

    This book has been through various editions, with this being the latest.

    I hope you enjoy reading about the adventures of Amanda and the Magi, as much as I have enjoyed writing them.


    For my Grandfather, who was a continual inspiration and support. I miss you, and this is for you.

    Thank you to my wife and family for their love and tolerance and help. You make everything worthwhile.

    Thank you to my old gaming friends, you guys have inspired this story more than you can know. I have some of the best memories from those hours sitting at the gaming table.

    Thank you to my Editors: Julie Hall, CP Bialois, Hanna Elizabeth and Crystal Wren. Your input has been amazing. Thank you.

    Thank you to Vicki Blatchley for being my cover model.


    For my boys, my kids, I love you!


    I’m a British author living in Britain, and I write in British English with British spellings.  ;-)

    My Books

    You can buy all of my books on my website, at;

    Table of Contents

    Welcome to the Magi Saga



    Table of Contents


    Coming Home





    Author Note



    Ellie risked a quick glance behind her, just one quick look, maybe he wasn’t there anymore, maybe he’d gone? But who was she kidding, he’d still be there.

    Her blood pumped hard, coursing through her body as her heart hammered like a drum in her chest while she concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and not falling over in these ridiculous high heels.

    She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to know, she had to see if he was still behind her... but what if he was still there?

    She didn’t understand it, it made no sense. He never seemed to be running. Instead, every time she looked, he was walking, slowly, but with dread purpose, focused solely on her and nothing else.

    And yet, she was running, as fast as she could, trying to get away from him, but no matter how fast she ran he was always the same short distance behind her.

    There, up ahead, the left turn that would put her on her own street and within a stone’s throw of her home, and safety.

    She reached it and grabbed the railing in front of the houses to her left and looked back down the street.

    Gone. The man wasn’t there anymore, only the usual pedestrians and cars, but no strange man.

    Still breathing hard, she didn’t want to be out here anymore, so she jogged down her road towards her house. It was quiet down here, really quiet. She looked around her at the street and the houses. No people, no cars, nothing. Just her.

    Something wasn’t right here, this was London, no street in London was this quiet, certainly not hers.

    She looked back at the road she’d left, seeing a car drive along it, past the entrance to her road. There were people over there, but none down here.

    She continued on, jogging steadily but looking about her, expecting someone or something to just jump out at her at any moment. Nothing did, but her pounding heart and pumping adrenalin didn’t ease up. If anything, they got worse. She felt terrified, and yet, could see nothing.

    But that was the issue. If there were people about, if her street looked normal and not abnormally quiet, even at this late hour, she felt sure she would calm down.

    She reached the bottom of the steps that led up to her door and stopped. Peering into the darkness she did her best to see if anything or, more importantly, anyone was approaching her. But she saw nothing.

    She turned and looked the way she’d just come, back to the street where she had last seen the man, wondering if he might be only now turning onto her street. Would he see where she lived, would he try to break in and find her in her own home?

    She’d call Richard. He’d know what to do. He’d be round here so quickly.

    She recalled the moment just a few minutes ago now as she’d turned onto the side street she usually took to walk home. A small cut through that had a few shops on it and always had a few people milling about, wandering through on their walk through the city.

    She’d nearly walked straight into a man coming the other way. She stepped sideways to go around him, but he stepped with her, blocking her path. She moved again, thinking he’d tried to move out of

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