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Magi Argent, The Complete Series: Magi Saga Collections, #6
Magi Argent, The Complete Series: Magi Saga Collections, #6
Magi Argent, The Complete Series: Magi Saga Collections, #6
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Magi Argent, The Complete Series: Magi Saga Collections, #6

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About this ebook

I was just a dealer in Magical trinkets, but one bad deal later, and I faced a choice;
Work for the Magi Council, or they take my Magic, as punishment.
And that was just Tuesday!

My name's Atticus Argent, and I never cared about the war between the Magi factions. It's not my fight. I just want to do my thing, live my life, and have some fun.
Just ask Greymalkin, my cat. But don't scratch her belly. She'll claw your face off.

But that all changed after an ill-fated deal when I got dragged before the Magi Council.
One quick reprimand and an impossible choice later, and I was a fully paid-up agent of the council, complete with an annoying chaperone.

Now I'm investigating the very black market deals I used to arrange, hunting down Magical serial killers and investigating global conspiracies.

No one ever said life as a Magus was easy, but mine's becoming downright deadly.

Magi Argent a gritty, dark Urban Fantasy series for anyone who enjoyed The Dresden Files, the Nate Temple Series, or the Iron Druid Series.
This collected edition includes all three of the Magi Argent books.

Release dateJun 12, 2024
Magi Argent, The Complete Series: Magi Saga Collections, #6

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    Book preview

    Magi Argent, The Complete Series - Andrew Dobell

    Welcome to the Magi Saga

    The Magi Saga is a whole universe of book series, in a variety of genres, set in a world where Magic and the Paranormal are very real and very dangerous.

    Each series can be read independently, but they all also crossover with characters from one series appearing in another.

    To find out more, please check out my website.


    Thank you to my wife and family for their love and tolerance and help. You make everything worthwhile.

    Thank you to my old gaming friends, you guys have inspired this story more than you can know. I have some of the best memories from those hours sitting at the gaming table.

    Thank you to my editor, Hanna Elizabeth. Your input has been amazing, thank you.


    For my boys, my kids, I love you!


    I’m a British author living in Britain, and I write in British English with British spellings.  ;-)


    For full list of Andrew Dobell’s Books, visit his website at:

    Table of Contents

    Welcome to the Magi Saga



    Table of Contents


    Bad Deal

    Fight or Flight

    Impossible deal

    The Halls of Power

    First Job

    The Sisters

    Errant Knights

    A New Mission




    Fighting the Unknown

    Club Xenomorph

    Guardian of New York

    Next Moves

    Rose and Thorn






    An Errant Knight

    A Beginning and an End


    Rude Awakening

    A Body of Evidence

    First Steps


    The Sphinx

    The Sphinx’s Deal

    Russian Siege

    A Lead


    New Lead

    Dead End

    Knight Hunt

    Crashing the Party

    Squandered Potential


    Hunter Killer


    Old Times

    Hunts End

    A Plan


    Unexpected Release

    Next Steps



    Into The Forest

    The Hidden

    Familiar Situation

    Barrio Boys





    Into the Hive




    Author Note



    Magi Argent

    Book 1


    Andrew Dobell

    Shape, circle Description automatically generated

    Bad Deal


    Well, that’s not intimidating at all, I muttered as I walked into the creepy, disused warehouse and spotted the spread of figures deeper inside. They were little more than silhouettes—dark in the shadows of the dimly lit building, and they were watching me intently.

    I was expected, but part of me still felt like turning on the spot and walking right back out. I’m no wimp, but I’m not an idiot either, and something about this deal had seemed off right from the start.

    Normally I’d say no when I got a red flag like that, but this was for Conor, a good friend and client, and I didn’t want to let him down.

    If this all goes to shit, I’m blaming you, I added.

    ~Me?~ the familiar voice sounded in my head, silky smooth, feminine, and powerful. She had been my constant companion for twenty-five years, and I got a certain amount of reassurance hearing her talk.

    My long, black coat shifted and I looked down to see a pair of bright, golden eyes, looking up at me from the shadows inside of it.

    I need to blame someone, I insisted.

    ~Your logic, as always, baffles me, Argent. But do as you wish.~

    Sympathetic as always, I see.

    ~I’m not here to soothe your ego, Argent. You took on this deal.~

    I know. Doesn’t make it a good idea, though.

    ~Aren’t they always bad ideas?~

    What, my deals, or just deals in general?

    ~No. Your ideas.~

    Shit, you’re in rare form today. I feel very ‘seen’ right now.

    ~Let’s get this over with,~ Greymalkin replied and slipped back into the shadows of my coat.  

    My thoughts exactly, I muttered as thoughts of another deal, twenty-five years ago filled my mind. Greymalkin was a constant reminder about the perils of buying and selling things on the Magical black market, and what would happen if I was careless. As I walked into this frankly creepy building, those memories were ringing loud and clear in my head, which was starting to put me on edge.

    Flashes of memories from the house that had been raided by Nomads back then ran through my head. I remembered finding Greymalkin’s former partner, and the mess he’d been left in, because of my actions.

    They were not pleasant memories, and Greymalkin had served as a constant reminder to be more aware and circumspect. And yet, here I was, going against my instincts and walking into a deal I wasn’t one hundred percent convinced about.

    But Conor had been a good friend to me for a long time now, and he’d never put me into a bad situation. Surely he wouldn’t start now.

    Would he?

    I grumbled to myself, feeling torn about what to do, but in the end, my loyalty to Conor won out. Besides, he wasn’t the only friend I’d brought into this thing.

    I’ll try to be quick, Greymalkin, promise.

    She didn’t reply, but I could feel her mood through the Link anyway, and she wasn’t happy.

    Sucking in a deep breath, I pressed on and crossed the distance to Conor, who stood at the fore of the group. He smiled at me as I approached, but unless I was mistaken, it was a nervous smile rather than a genuinely happy one. A glance around at the other people in attendance revealed a wall of stony faces that did not improve my mood. I recognised most of Conor’s crew.

    Miles, Demi, and Keaton, but everyone else was new, and all but one of them was well-armed, and my Aetheric Sight confirmed that they were enchanted weapons.


    Conor and his crew were Riven. The only other Magus here, apart from myself, stood a short distance beyond Conor, staring at me with a perpetual frown.

    Like all Magi, he glowed brightly with Essentia in my Aetheric Sight and he wasn’t attempting to hide it. I took one last look around me to take in my surroundings as I crossed the final few steps to Conor.

    To my left, the outer wall of the warehouse with its high windows blocked any meaningful exit or cover. To my right, however, the rest of the complex spread out, filled with machinery, production lines, walkways, and all manner of places to hide.

    If things got hairy, that’s where I’d go.

    Argent, Conor said in greeting, holding out his hand. It’s been far too long. It’s good to see you.

    And you, I replied, taking his hand. He was right, it had been a while since we’d worked together. Too long my friend. I hope you’ve been keeping well.

    A slight flicker of concern flashed over his face, but he quickly recovered. Yeah, I’m good, thanks. You know. Can’t complain.

    Nodding, I glanced at the Magus behind him. Who’s grumpy? I kept my voice low, but I was under no illusion that the man knew exactly what I was saying, even from several metres away.

    Um, that’s my client, Dalton.

    I raised my eyebrows. And you brought him to the deal?

    Conor shrugged. He insisted.

    Did he? I replied, my voice even.

    When’s the seller getting here, Magus? Dalton called out, his arms crossed.

    I eyed the man for a moment before answering. Soon.

    Dalton pulled a face and glanced at one of the armed thugs that stood nearby. The thug shifted in place, and although he made no other move, he looked like he was itching for a fight. My feelings regarding this deal were not improving. The end of the deal would be especially tricky, once payment had been made and the goods handed over. I had the distinct impression that these guys were going to try something.

    I returned my attention to Conor. Is everything okay?

    Just peachy, he replied, but his eyes told a very different story. I considered reaching out to him with a Mental Link, but Dalton would see the Magic, and I had no idea how he’d feel about that. Better to keep things open and above board.

    Okay, I answered as I heard footsteps behind me. Turning, I spotted Enos walking in with two others. All of them were Riven, and the only thing Magical about them were the items they wore and the case that Enos carried.

    Turning away from Conor, I approached Enos, walking away from Dalton and the thugs.

    You made it, I said, and held out my hand, which Enos shook with a firm grip.

    For you, always, my man.

    Careful, I whispered as I pulled him in for a hug. Something I never did, but it allowed me to get close and hopefully speak to Enos without being overheard, and without resorting to Magic. This might go south, quickly.

    Understood, Enos replied and pulled away. He was a large man, stocky, and a little overweight, but powerful.

    By contrast, Conor was slim and fit, but I was taller than all of them.

    I walked with Enos to where Conor was standing beside a table that had been placed in the middle of the open space.

    Conor, this is Enos. Enos, Conor.

    Pleasure, Conor replied.

    I’ve heard of you, Enos replied. It’s good to finally meet you.

    Any friend of Argent’s is a friend of mine, Conor answered.

    Indeed, Enos replied. How’re things for you both, what with the new law from the Council? Business okay? I think it might actually make things easier for us.

    You mean apart from hiding from them? I snarked.

    Yeah, apart from that, Enos replied with a smile.

    Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop for a while, Conor replied. What new law?

    I couldn’t help but frown at Conor. It wasn’t like him to be unaware of current developments. The Council has banned conjuring money. It was apparently getting out of hand, destabilising the global economy, and causing all kinds of problems, so they went with the nuclear option and banned it. That’s what I heard, anyway.

    Oh, well, I suppose that’s good, Conor replied and glanced back at Dalton, who just continued to stare at us. We can probably use actual money for deals now, as it’ll have more value to the Magi.

    I guess, I replied. Depends on if everyone goes along with it.

    I think most will, Enos speculated. There’ll always be those who don’t, but if the Council comes down hard on the rulebreakers, then I think that will be beneficial to most. Besides, it’s not as if the Magi don’t have enough ways to make money without conjuring it from thin air.

    Nodding, I shrugged. Fair point.

    I heard Dalton sigh. As fascinating as this is, ladies, can we get down to business? I have places to be.

    Sorry, Conor muttered. So, what have you got for us, Enos? He seemed even tenser than he had been just a few moments ago if that was even possible. What kind of hold did this Dalton have over him?

    Alright, well, I have three items, as asked for, and I propose that you get two, and Atticus here takes the one leftover, as his payment.

    Sounds fair to me, Conor replied and nodded to me.

    That works, I replied, satisfied with the arrangement. I wasn’t working for free, after all, and another enchanted item was always welcome. But as the suggestion was made, I could see Dalton’s expression changing out the corner of my eye.

    I don’t get all of them? Dalton asked.

    Conor stiffened as the man called out.

    It’s quite normal, Enos answered, challenging him, apparently unaware of the dynamic at play here.

    I hissed through my teeth at Enos’ words. I didn’t want Enos to piss this guy off too much.

    Is it? Well, I don’t fucking like it, Dalton said. If I want all three of whatever shit you managed to pull together, I should get all three.

    Enos looked over at me.

    I’m sure we can come to some kind of agreement, I said in an attempt to smooth things over.

    Conor turned and walked over to Dalton. They spoke in hushed tones. I looked up at Enos, and pulled a face, gritting my teeth.

    Who is he? Enos mouthed to me.

    A Magus, I mouthed back, and Enos’ eyes bugged for a moment, then he nodded his understanding, muttering a curse under his breath.

    After a few moments of hushed words, Conor walked back over, placed his hands on the table, and sighed. Okay, let’s see what we have.

    Enos placed the long case he held on the table and opened it, shooting a worried glance over at me as he did so. Inside where three items. A long black wooden rod with runes carved on its shaft, a simple black ring of metal that should fit over a finger, and a metallic sphere.

    All three items glowed in my Aetheric Sight marking them as Magical, and I had a fairly good idea what kind of Magic or effect they would have from reading the ambient signatures they gave off.

    Three fine items, Enos said, starting his pitch. Any of which would make a fine addition to your gear. Firstly, we have the Blasting Rod. It shoots fireballs out the end. Fairly self-explanatory, that one. Destructive but elegant. Next, we have the ring. But this is no ordinary ring. It’s been called a Weapons Ring by some and conjures enchanted weapons to your hand. To the best of my knowledge, it’s been in circulation within Magi society for hundreds of years. And finally, this innocuous little ball is a powerful gravity grenade. Throw it, and anyone in the area of the effect is going to get real cosy with everything else in the area. It’s quite nasty, but also reusable, provided you can retrieve it.

    Conor looked back at Dalton, who just nodded once.

    Turning back to us, Conor leaned on the table and sighed. We want all of them.

    That was never the deal, Enos replied. You take two, Argent takes one.

    It’s fine, I replied, just wanting to get it over with.

    No, it’s not. This is not how these things go, Enos replied. "Magus or not, he’s not fucking us over.

    No deal, Dalton replied stepping a little closer, followed by one of his armed goons. I’m leaving here with all of those items. But, I suppose I could be fair to you Atticus, as well as you, Enos. So, what will it be? Hmm? Money, perhaps, now there’s this silly little law? Or maybe you’d prefer some kind of information? I’m sure there’s a lot we know that would be useful to someone in your position.

    I frowned at the man, with his dark floppy hair and sunken eyes. He looked unwell, and I felt slimy talking to him. Like I was dealing with a backstreet car salesman.

    No? he continued. Okay, well maybe we have an enchanted item of our own that you’d like? Or could it be that your tastes lie elsewhere? Maybe you want something that only someone like myself can get for you. Favours from someone in power, or a slave of some kind?

    I want nothing from you, I replied. What he was offering sounded very much like a deal with the devil, rather than payment for services rendered. But if he was genuinely offering some of those things, rather than just being glib, then I was starting to get an idea of who this Magus was, and what faction he belonged to. I just hoped I was wrong. I’d been careful not to deal with any Nomads directly for years. It just wasn’t worth it.

    But if I was right, I was starting to feel rather worried about Conor. What had he gotten himself into?

    Nothing? Dalton asked. Are you sure?

    Quite sure. I turned. Enos, I think you should reconsider this deal.

    No, Conor cut in. Please, we can do this. You’re a friend, Argent. Let me owe you one.

    What are you doing with this guy, Conor? This is madness.

    Just do the deal, Conor answered. Please. I need this.

    Why? What have you gotten yourself into? This whole thing stank to high heaven.

    Please, Conor pressed.

    Listen to the man, Dalton suggested. I don’t think you want the alternative.

    And what would that be?

    Dalton merely smiled at me, and I had a growing sense that this was going to spiral out of control at any moment.

    Magic flared in the room, and several figures snapped into existence around us. Essentia pulsed and flared.

    Dalton’s goons turned and opened fire. People yelled and screamed. Gunfire barked.

    I ducked and ran.

    Fight or Flight


    There was no way I was waiting around to see how this turned out. Keeping low, I broke right and made for a gap between two huge bits of machinery as one of Dalton’s thugs, hit by a kinetic blast, flew past me. He slammed into the wall with a grunt. I didn’t stop to see if he’d survived, and skidded into the shadows, before looking back.

    Enos slammed the case with the items shut and charged after me. He slipped into a gap on the other side of a section of the disused production line and came to a stop.

    ~It’s all going well, I see,~ Greymalkin said through her Link to me.

    ~Swimmingly,~ I answered. ~You know, you could be a little more useful.~

    ~You’re doing just fine, Argent. You’re not bleeding out yet, are you?~

    ~No, not yet,~ I admitted.

    ~See, fine. Nothing to worry about.~

    Shaking my head at Greymalkin’s indifference, I couldn’t help but smile at her nature.

    Argent, Enos called out.

    What? I asked as I looked back into the open section of the building, hunting for Conor, but I couldn’t make him out anywhere. Dalton’s goons were still shooting, their enchanted bullets bouncing off the Aegises of the Magi that had appeared in the building. Lightning and fire surged from them, beating Dalton’s goons back. It was chaos.

    Who are these new guys? Enos asked.

    I looked over at the surprise visitors and pulled a face. If I had to guess, I’d say they were Arcadians.

    Figures. Shit. I need to get out of here.

    Me too, I replied. As far as I was concerned, the endless war between the Arcadians and the Nomads had nothing to do with me. And I wanted nothing to do with them, especially the Nomads. They were dangerous, and the memories I had from my last deal with them would haunt me until the end of time. So what on earth was Conor doing getting mixed up with their crap? If I’d known who he was working with, I’d never had taken the deal for one, and secondly, I might also have been able to help him. Shit Conor, why didn’t you talk to me?

    Here, take this. It’s your payment, Enos said.

    I looked over as he held out the ring. The Magical energy within it glowed brightly, calling to my Anima—my Soul. Are you sure?

    Christ, yes, you went out of your way to organise this. It might have gone to shit now, but you... Aagh. Flames licked past, sending a blast of heat our way. Fuck, here, he said, tossing it to me.

    I deftly plucked it from the air.

    I’m off, good luck, he said as he got up and ran deeper into the building. I watched him go and then turned back to the chaos. Dalton was staring at me.

    Had he seen me take the ring? Crap. Well, I wasn’t about to wait around and find out. Turning, I ran along the gap between the machines and took a right turn, followed by a quick series of lefts and rights, where I ducked into a little alcove. I opened my fist.

    The matte black ring rested on my palm, plain and unremarkable, glowing with Essentia in my Aetheric Sight. I picked it up between two fingers and examined it, and noticed that on the inside were a series of runes or symbols that I didn’t recognise.

    A weapons ring, huh? Well, no time like the present. I slipped it onto my middle finger on my right hand. It was easily too big though, and would fall off in a hot minute.

    Damn, I cursed, and reached to slip it off, only for it to shrink and fit snugly around the base of my finger. Oh, nice.

    ~What’s that?~

    I glanced down to see the golden eyes of Greymalkin in the folds of my coat, looking up at the ring with curiosity.

    You know what they say about curiosity, I commented.

    ~I’m not a cat, Argent.~

    Really? You could’ve fooled me.

    ~What’s it doing? I can feel it.~

    I don’t know, I replied, but knew exactly what she meant. The ring pulsed with Essentia that rippled through my body, and reached out to me before I knew what was going on.

    ~Greetings, bearer of the ring. It is my honour to serve you,~ a voice said in my head—a male-sounding voice that I’d never heard before.

    ~Hello?~ I began, surprised. ~Who’s this?~

    ~I am Brandt, Ringbearer. It is a pleasure to serve you.~

    ~You’re intelligent?~

    ~Some might disagree with that statement, but yes, I am sentient. Now, let’s go kill some folks.~

    ~Sorry, what?~ I asked.

    ~Give me the command, and I shall provide you with the tools. So, who do we kill?~

    ~No one, right now,~ I replied, looking at the ring askance.

    ~Soon then, Ringbearer.~

    ~The name’s Argent. Atticus Argent.~

    ~Very well, Ringbearer Argent, I am honoured to be worn by a great warrior like yourself. Now, we should cut a swathe through any who stand in our way.~

    Oh jeez, I muttered.

    ~Is there a problem, Argent?~ Greymalkin asked.

    ~This ring’s talking to me,~ I answered. The two Mental Links were mutually exclusive, so Greymalkin and Brandt couldn’t hear each other unless I Linked them—something I had no plans to do any time soon.

    ~How nice for you,~ she replied.

    ~Not really, it wants me to kill everything.~

    ~Not an unreasonable request, given your current situation,~ she replied.

    Hmm, I answered vocally, before continuing to talk through the Link. ~Whatever. We need to get out of here.~ Pushing myself off the wall, I set off again and moved through the warren of pathways between the rusty machines until I could make out an exit. Peering through the open door, I sighed as I spotted the Aegis that surrounded the building. I’d hoped to be able to Port out of the building, something I was only capable of doing if I had a line of sight to my destination at my current Magi Rank.


    ~Problem?~ Greymalkin asked.

    An Aegis. The Arcadians don’t want anyone getting away.

    ~Understandable,~ she replied.

    ~Might I suggest a sword?~ Brandt added.

    ~You can suggest it all you like.~

    ~Then I shall do so.~

    Wonderful, I muttered.

    ~Are you regretting accepting this payment, yet?~ Greymalkin asked.

    ~We’ll see,~ I said and turned away from the main entrance. There were Arcadians over there still fighting Dalton’s goons, so I figured I’d better find another egress. I’d scouted the building before entering, and was aware of a couple more exits, and started to make my way through the derelict machinery.

    ~What did you make of Dalton and Conor?~ I asked.

    ~The Nomad has a hold over Conor,~ Greymalkin replied.

    ~That’s what I thought. Damn, I hope he’s okay.~

    ~Might I suggest, that is a problem for another time?~

    ~You might,~ I replied as I slipped along the walkway, passing other intersecting pathways as I made for where I hoped was another exit.


    On instinct, I ducked away from the shout and leapt ahead as a gun barked. Metal clanged and sparks flew as the man turned and shot again. Bullets sprayed across me and slammed into my Aegis as I turned to face Dalton’s thug. My Magical Shield sparked as the Magical bullets hit and whined as they bounced off. I could feel the Shield pull on its power reserves to remain active, weakening itself to keep me protected.

    With a quick thought, I asserted my will on the local Essentia, and fed it into my Aegis, boosting it.

    ~Now we kill?~ Brandt suggested.

    ~Shit, alright, yes. I want a gun.~ I summoned an image of a beefy revolver in my head and Essentia snapped, pulsing from the ring as it appeared in my hand. I gripped the handle of the revolver and raised it.

    Oh, cool, I muttered as the thug ejected his spent magazine and reached for a replacement. It was unlike any gun I’d seen before but was broadly what I’d imagined, with several glowing runes or symbols on the side of the barrel.

    ~I live to serve, Argent,~ Brandt replied.

    Hey, I called out as the thug slapped another magazine into his assault rifle.

    Fuck you, the goon shouted and raised his weapon.

    I didn’t wait and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit home in the man’s upper chest. He jerked, looked up at me in shock, and then dropped to his knees.

    ~He’s not dead yet,~ Brandt protested.

    ~No, but he’s down,~ I replied, and backed off. ~He’s no threat to me now.~

    ~I would disagree, and suggest finishing him, Argent.~

    But I was already running the other way as more gunfire and explosions rang out.

    ~Well done. Looks like the ring might be useful after all,~ Greymalkin said.

    ~Maybe,~ I replied. ~I might have to set some ground rules though, I can’t have him suggesting I kill people all the time.~

    ~He sounds amusing, to be honest.~

    ~I think that would depend on the situation. And anyway, where were you? That guy shot at me.~

    ~Did you or did you not survive?~ Greymalkin answered.

    ~Smart arse.~

    ~My point exactly. I’m not opposed to helping you. You know that. But right now, I do not see the need.~

    I rounded a corner and skidded to a stop, nearly running into another goon.

    ~Kill him,~ Brandt suggested.

    The man turned and brandished his gun. I raised mine and fired, hitting him first, but he squeezed a few off as he grabbed hold of the railing. I felt something shift under my coat, and briefly wondered what Greymalkin was up to, only for my attention to be drawn by the man before me as he tried to raise his weapon again.

    I kicked out and sent the rifle clattering to the floor.

    With a roar, he leapt at me. I brought my gun to bear and fired. A look of shock appeared on his face before he fell to his knees, clutching himself, as blood fell to the concrete.

    That would have been a good moment for you to help me, Greymalkin, I suggested but got no reply. There was a dull roar behind me. Turning, I spotted a mass of whipping shadows slam another thug to the floor and knock him out. As I watched, the shadows leapt off the prone figure and snapped back into the form of a dark grey cat with golden eyes.


    Ah, I see. Well done, I said as Greymalkin padded back to me.

    ~I have your back, as always,~ she replied as I crouched and scratched her behind her ears. She purred and pressed into my hand. ~But you’re quite capable of looking after yourself most of the time. You just need to learn to be a bit more aware of your surroundings.~

    ~But I have you for that.~

    ~And if one day, you do not?~

    ~I’ve survived this long.~

    ~Indeed,~ she replied, and jumped at me, transforming into a blur of shadow and disappearing beneath my coat again. ~Against all odds, I might add.~

    ~Whatever you say, grumpy.~ I set off again, hunting for my exit, but feeling somewhat turned around. It was dark, and all the walkways looked the same. My Aetheric senses suggested to should head right, but I could sense Magic that way.

    I went right anyway. I needed to get out of here.

    Moving up between two huge hulks of machinery, I stopped as I sensed a build-up of Essentia in front of me. Up ahead, a young man backed into a crossroads. Essentia flared. His Aegis had seen better days. Essentia spikes lanced in at him and hit his Aegis, sending cracks right through it.

    Dalton stepped into view, as lightning snapped out from his hands and smashed into the young Magus. He was one of the Arcadians, I felt sure of it.

    No, arrgh! the Arcadian yelled as several more Magical attacks lanced out at him over the next few seconds. Dalton was fast.

    The Arcadian’s Aegis buckled.

    Magic flared again. I raised my gun and fired Essentia-laced bullets into Dalton, but he didn’t stop.

    The Arcadian screamed.

    Essentia pulsed and a Kinetic Ram hit me like a wrecking ball. I hit the wall and fell to the floor, rolling head over arse, before coming to a stop. I gasped as my ribs screamed at me for taking a breath.

    Oh, Christ, I muttered.

    ~Kill this one. This would be an honourable kill,~ Brandt suggested.

    ~A bloody satisfying one,~ I gasped and looked up to see Essentia flare again as Dalton hit the Arcadian. Blood splattered over the floor. I felt unreasonably angry at him, both for what I’d just seen him do, and for somehow controlling Conor, but mostly for playing me for a fool. Pushing myself up and raising my revolver, I roared and fired round after round at the Nomad. Dalton just stood there. I could feel him pumping Essentia into his Aegis as my bullets ricocheted off of his Shield.

    I want that ring, Argent, he called out.

    Come and get it, fuck face, I answered.

    Gladly. Dalton smiled, confident. As he stepped a little closer, I thrust my arm out towards him. At my calling, my Magic harnessed the kinetic energy from the movement. I fed it, boosting the power before converting it into Essentia-filled fire that burst forth from my hand and rushed out at him.

    Essentia flared from the Nomad as he was engulfed in flames. Within moments, he’d swept it aside, looking more furious than ever. He stormed towards me, and then faltered, looking past me. Essentia flared, and Dalton suddenly disappeared. Flux Magic. He’d Ported away.

    Turning, I spotted three Arcadian Magi baring down on me.

    Shit, I hissed, and concentrated. Porting was still a new skill for me, and took a lot out of me when I did it, but it was that or nothing.

    Essentia flared. First theirs, and then mine as I tried to Port. The energy flashed in my vision and surged around me, but I went nowhere. The Arcadians had conjured an Aegis that surrounded me, holding me in place.

    Go on, try again, please, the big man suggested sarcastically.

    Holding my Magic in place, I looked over at the man and for a moment, I considered it. I might even be able to break through the Aegis that surrounded me, but then what? It was three against one, and they were more powerful than I was. Besides, these were the good guys, and I had no desire to kill them even if I didn’t really consider myself a part of their club. If they’d been Nomads or even independents, I’d probably have put up more of a fight, but not with these guys. I just didn’t see that ending well, and I did not want to be classed as a Nomad in their eyes.

    I let my Magic fade.

    The man ambled over to me, all attitude and superiority as he planted his fists on his hips.

    Dressed in grey, he seemed to be the leader of the group and gave me a questioning look as he regarded me. We were about the same height, but his bulk made him look like there was two of him. 

    "Atticus Argent. What have you been up to?"

    None of your business, I replied with a frown. He knew my name. That was a surprise. I didn’t think I was such a big fish.

    Perhaps not, but it’s certainly the business of the Council. You’re coming with us.

    Ah, crap.

    Impossible deal


    It seemed that the fight was over by the time I’d been captured. They walked me back into the open area where the deal had taken place, and apart from a few dead or injured thugs from Dalton’s side of things, everyone else had apparently managed to escape. Enos and Conor were nowhere to be seen, and even Dalton was gone.

    Had I just been unlucky, or were they actually after me?

    I cursed silently to myself as I watched the Acadians check on the bodies and the injured. Nearby, Magic flared, and a Portal burst into life. Another second later, and a couple of figures dressed in black walked through. They started talking to the lead Magus and the other Arcadians about the injured, when one of them pointed to me, the Magus shook his head.

    The people in black brought a few more through the Portal before setting to work, carrying the bodies, or walking the injured through the Portal.

    They were a clean-up crew, probably Arcanum.

    Moments later, another Portal flared into life, but this time, no one came out of it. The lead Magus walked over to me.

    Right then big man, this way, he said.

    ~Any ideas on how to get out of this?~ I asked Greymalkin.

    ~I’m beginning to wonder why I became your familiar,~ she replied. ~That probably doesn’t help though does it?~

    ~A simple no would have sufficed.~

    ~I urge patience. Let’s see how this plays out.~

    ~Wonderful,~ I replied deadpan and concentrated on my other Link. Brandt, how about you? Any ideas for getting out of this mess?~

    ~Kill them,~ he replied.

    I sighed. ~I’m not a Nomad, Brandt. I’m not going to kill people for no reason. Besides, these are the ‘good guys’.~

    ~Kill some of them?~

    ~Okay, you’re no help.~

    ~Or just this guy, here. Just kill him. I have a wide array of weapons that could do the job.~

    ~Not helpful,~ I answered, exasperated.

    I pulled away from his Link.

    ~Where are we going?~ Greymalkin asked.

    ~My guess? To the see the Council, which probably means we’re going to Ultima Thule.~

    ~Never heard of it,~ she replied.

    ~No? Oh, well now that I think about it, I suppose you wouldn’t,~ I replied. ~This will be quite the experience for you.~

    ~Is it far?~ she asked.

    ~It’s a fair distance, yeah, but it should only take a moment for us to get there through the marvel of Portals.~

    Through you go, the Arcadian urged and prodded me to walk through the Aegis, following after another of his group. The rest were right behind us.

    I’m going, I’m going, I replied, and stepped into the roiling Magical energy that rippled and pulsed before me.

    As I touched the oval field of energy that was nearly invisible to the naked eye, and only really obvious to Magi like myself who could see and sense the Magic, I felt a hint of resistance. Like I was pressing up against a thin, pliable barrier. Pressing into it, the barrier suddenly gave way, and the concentrated Essentia pulsed once, sending a shockwave of energy through me. I was reminded of the feeling loud music gave when a bass line dropped and seemed to rattle through my ribcage.

    Where there had been resistance before, suddenly the Magic in the Portal gripped me and pulled me through. There was a brief feeling of dislocation where I wasn’t sure what was up or down, and I had a fleeting, but intense, sensation of vertigo that lasted barely a heartbeat.

    Then it was gone, and I stood inside a pristine room of white.

    Being transported across space like that often made people nauseated, especially if they were new to it, but I’d become used to the feeling a long time ago. Ahead, one of the Arcadians stood waiting before another door. I turned as Magic flared behind me, and I watched the lead Magus step through the Portal.

    The energy inside it pulsed several more times as the other members of his crew followed.

    I knew from my Aetheric senses that I wasn’t on Earth anymore. My Magic gave me an intrinsic sense of where I was that was incredibly accurate. Not only was I not on Earth anymore, although I was still close, relatively speaking, but I also wasn’t in the same dimension, or realm either.

    We’d crossed over, and were halfway between the Material Realm and the Aetheric Realm—the Spirit World. This was a Null Realm. A Magical construct, made by Magi for a purpose. Most served as secretive homes for the Magi, but this one functioned as a security station for Ultima Thule in case any undesirables found and used the Portal. I’d passed through one just like this once before.

    We paused for a moment, and the lead Magus seemed distracted as Magic flitted around his head. He was Linking with someone.

    He then turned to look at me, frowning with annoyance. You’re not alone inside that Aegis, he said. Who’s in there with you?

    With me? I asked, surprised and confused before I suddenly realised what he was getting at. Oh, yes. My familiar, Greymalkin.

    Your familiar?

    Mm-hmm, I replied with a smile."

    It needs to come out of...wherever it is.

    "She, is under my coat," I answered. ~Sorry Greymalkin, you need to come out from under there.~

    ~Fine,~ she answered, and dropped from the inside of my coat to the floor, looking like a normal, black and dark grey cat, apart from the intelligent, comprehending eyes that looked up and regarded the man before me.

    The Arcadian frowned at Greymalkin. He looked into the middle distance for a moment, before he looked back at me. Okay, fine. But she stays with you at all times. Got it?

    Loud and clear, I replied.

    Good, he said and nodded to the female Arcadian who stood before me. She walked to the large wooden door behind her and opened it, revealing another shimmering Portal.

    ~They didn’t ask about Brandt,~ I commented to Greymalkin.

    ~I would assume they know about it,~ she replied.

    ~Are you coming back up?~ I held my coat open.

    ~Not right now. I’ll walk for a bit,~ she replied and trotted along beside me as I was ushered through the Portal. I appeared in a huge, grand hallway of grey stone, sweeping staircases and hanging tapestries. Doorways and dark hallways led off in all directions, beyond groups of seats set out in the massive lobby.

    I’d been here once before, and despite my general distaste for the Arcadians, there was no denying that this was an impressive entrance hall for the seat of Arcadian power. It spoke of strength and power, and was designed to intimidate. It worked.

    I was worried.

    The Magi of the Council were all Masters and Arch Masters and could rip me apart with barely a thought. That would be terrifying even if I were here on a social call.

    But I wasn’t here on a lark. I was a prisoner, and that could mean punishment. I’d escaped that punishment once before, but I was under no illusion that things would be the same today.

    Unless she was here. Then, maybe... Maybe...

    The Arcadians marched me through the entrance hall. Other Magi and Riven walked by, some of them giving me a look as I passed, but no one said or did anything other than peer over curiously.

    Seconds later, we’d disappeared up a side corridor, and made our way into the depths of the building. It seemed like a rabbit warren of arched stone corridors in the Gothic style. Sometimes carpet covered the floor, other times it was bare, or sported intricately designed rugs, while small tables lined the hall, carrying ornaments, urns, flowers, and other trinkets.

    Portraits, landscapes, and more tapestries continued to line the halls, spotlighted by Magical lights.

    A short distance later, I followed the Arcadians up a side corridor which ended in a set of double doors. As we approached, the doors were opened by a pair of men and we were ushered through.

    The room beyond was dominated by a large, circular, wooden table surrounded by chairs, and spotlit from above, so that the edges of the room fell into shadow.

    Around that table, about half of the twelve seats were occupied, and they were all looking over at me as I was marched into the room. It was a mix of men and women, most of which I didn’t recognise, and only two of which I could name.

    Luckily for me, one of those was Victoria, but her expression was far from friendly. Understandable really, given the circumstances, but I hoped having her here would help me.

    Although, I guess I had a fair idea of what this meeting would be about, I didn’t like thinking about it much, because frankly, it scared the bejesus out of me.

    ~I can sense your fear from here, Argent,~ Greymalkin commented. 

    ~How wonderful for you,~ I replied.

    ~Relax, I’m sure this will work out.~

    ~I wish I had your optimism.~

    Atticus Argent.

    I looked up. The man opposite me at the far end of the table, sat with his elbows on the tabletop, his fingers interlaced, just below his bearded chin as he stared at me.

    This is the second time you’ve appeared before this Council after being caught dealing enchanted items. This is becoming a habit.

    The man looked to be in his fifties maybe, with greying hair and a close-cut beard. His name was Trevelyan, the current chairman of the Magi Council and, as far as I was concerned, a humongous dick.

    In my defence, I replied, I try not to get caught, and twice in three decades years isn’t bad going.

    Trevelyan cocked his head to one side. I see you’ve lost none of your trademark sarcasm.

    I shrugged. I’m just a natural comedian.

    Indeed, he replied, unimpressed.

    ~Tough audience,~ Greymalkin commented.

    ~We could kill them,~ Brandt suggested, and I resisted the urge to smirk.

    Can we get on with this? one of the other councillors I didn’t know said.

    Trevelyan sighed. Yes, of course. We have a lot on our plate at the moment, you understand.

    Fair enough, I answered. There wasn’t much I could say to that, really. I was little more than an annoyance to them. I couldn’t help but look over at Victoria, but her eyes were fixed, looking down at the table, as if she didn’t want to look at me.

    Was she ashamed? It wouldn’t surprise me, given our history. A history that everyone at this table was probably well aware of. Were they judging her? I hoped not, because none of it was her fault. She’d trusted me, and I’d betrayed that trust.

    Atticus Argent, you have been charged with trading enchanted items on the black market, fraternising with Nomads, risking exposure to the Riven population, endangering Arcadian Magi, and using conjured funds. How do you plead?

    "I wouldn’t say I

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