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The Haunted Attic: Juvenile fiction, #1
The Haunted Attic: Juvenile fiction, #1
The Haunted Attic: Juvenile fiction, #1
Ebook87 pages57 minutes

The Haunted Attic: Juvenile fiction, #1

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Discover the chilling tale of **The Haunted Attic: Secrets of Shadow Hill**. When a family moves into their new home on Shadow Hill, they uncover its dark past through eerie encounters and ghostly apparitions. As they delve deeper into the attic's secrets and confront a malevolent presence, they unearth a tragic history of curses and rituals. With supernatural forces escalating, they must decipher cryptic clues and face their fears to break the curse haunting their new home. Prepare for a haunting journey of courage, resilience, and the power of family in this gripping juvenile fiction thriller.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
The Haunted Attic: Juvenile fiction, #1

Emily Darkwood

Emily Darkwood is a talented author specializing in juvenile fiction horror, crafting chilling tales that captivate young readers. Known for her ability to blend suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements, Emily's storytelling transports readers to eerie settings where shadows hold secrets and every creaking floorboard harbors a mystery. Her bestselling works include "The Haunted Attic: Secrets of Shadow Hill," a spine-tingling journey into a haunted house where dark secrets and malevolent spirits await brave young protagonists. Emily's writing combines gripping plots with relatable characters, offering readers thrilling adventures that explore the depths of fear and the triumph of courage.

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    Book preview

    The Haunted Attic - Emily Darkwood

    Chapter 1: The New House

    The wind whispered through the trees as the Wilson family's car wound its way up the narrow, twisting road that led to Shadow Hill. Twelve-year-old Emily Wilson peered out the window, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Beside her, her younger brother, Jacob, pressed his face against the glass, his eyes wide with curiosity.

    Dad, are we almost there? Jacob asked eagerly, his voice tinged with excitement.

    Mr. Wilson glanced at his children in the rearview mirror, offering them a reassuring smile. Almost, buddy, he replied, his voice calm despite the tension in the air. Just a little further.

    Emily shifted in her seat, her gaze fixed on the imposing silhouette of their new home. The old Victorian house stood tall against the backdrop of Shadow Hill, its weathered facade adorned with intricate carvings and a wraparound porch that seemed to beckon them closer. The windows, framed by overgrown ivy and cracked paint, stared back at them like unblinking eyes.

    As they approached the house, Emily noticed the overgrown garden and neglected flower beds that surrounded it, adding to its eerie charm. The gate creaked open on rusty hinges as Mr. Wilson parked the car in the gravel driveway. A sense of unease settled over Emily as she stepped out onto the gravel, the crunching sound beneath her feet echoing in the stillness of the afternoon.

    Here we are, Mr. Wilson announced, his voice filled with forced cheerfulness as he retrieved the keys from his pocket. Our new home.

    The Wilson family stood together on the front porch, their breath visible in the crisp autumn air. Mrs. Wilson glanced around, her brow furrowed with concern as she took in their surroundings.

    It's... certainly something, she murmured, her voice trailing off as she surveyed the sprawling grounds and the towering trees that surrounded the house.

    Emily's heart sank as she followed her mother's gaze, her thoughts drifting to their old house—a cozy suburban home filled with laughter and warmth. Moving to Shadow Hill had seemed like an adventure at first, but now, standing in front of their new home, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right.

    It's... charming, Emily offered weakly, forcing a smile as she glanced up at the looming structure before them.

    Jacob, undeterred by his sister's unease, bounded up the steps to the front door. Can we explore, Dad? Please? he pleaded, his voice echoing in the silence.

    Mr. Wilson exchanged a glance with Mrs. Wilson, silently communicating their shared concern. Sure, buddy, he replied at last, his voice tinged with hesitation. But stay together, and be careful.

    With a chorus of excited yelps, Jacob pushed open the heavy wooden door, revealing a dimly lit foyer that seemed frozen in time. Dust motes danced in the slivers of sunlight that filtered through the stained glass windows, casting eerie patterns on the worn Persian rug that lined the floor.

    Emily hesitated for a moment, her hand resting on the doorknob as she took a deep breath. She glanced back at her parents, their faces etched with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

    Let's go, Emily whispered to herself, her voice barely audible above the creaking of the floorboards beneath her feet.

    Inside, the house seemed to groan with the weight of its own history—a history that had been whispered about in hushed tones by the townspeople of Shadow Hill. Tales of mysterious disappearances, flickering lights in the attic windows at night, and strange noises that echoed through the halls had swirled around the Wilsons ever since they had announced their intention to move into the old Victorian house.

    Look at this! Jacob exclaimed, breaking the silence as he darted from room to room, his excitement palpable.

    Emily followed her brother reluctantly, her eyes scanning the peeling wallpaper and faded photographs that lined the walls. The air was thick with the scent of dust and neglect, mingling with the faint aroma of old books and dried flowers.

    In the corner of the living room, Emily noticed a collection of antique furniture covered in dusty sheets, their shapes looming like ghosts in the dim light. A grand piano stood against one wall, its keys yellowed with age and its polished wood reflecting the faint glimmer of sunlight that filtered through the lace curtains.

    As they explored further, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched—a sensation that sent shivers down her spine. She glanced nervously at the staircase that led to the upper floors, its banister worn smooth by generations of hands that had climbed its steps.

    Dad, Mom, Emily called out, her voice echoing through the empty rooms. Have you seen the attic yet?

    Mr. and Mrs. Wilson joined their children in the foyer,

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