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The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19
The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19
The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19
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The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19

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Even the ignorant think, theirs is a different yardstick from others, but they have a logic that often comes from the history of the ancients and not from progress.

We have found that the credibility threshold is measured on two levels: stories that can be true or invented.

The dilemma in seeking the truth must be found in the third type of story that we can stand for: that of Fantasias, where no one is able to perfectly find the dimension.

The Autobiographical Work allows readers from all over the world to be able to dream using comfortable fantasy, because during many uncomfortable truths there is always acceptance.

Release dateJun 4, 2024
The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19


FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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    The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant - FERDINANDO FREGA


    When you were born, we knew with your mother that there were two of you, the big concern was that you were born healthy, that you were small in weight, and they at once put you in the incubator.

    In the following hours, a natural check of the clinical values was conducted to certify that everything was going ahead normally.

    I remember that Vincenzo, the one who looks like me, had already caused panic in the nursery a few hours ago, everyone was ready to give him the normal ration of milk and he was screaming like a madman who was hungry.

    Ready to administer drugs, but I at once stopped them and asked them to give another bottle.

    Problem solved; it was my son. He did this until he was thirty.

    There are bonds that nothing and no one can ever dissolve, not time, not distance, not silence, not women. The greatest of all is the one between father and children.

    I know that you will always be the only loyal friends who will never betray me.

    The only true supporters of my life, ready to rejoice with me for every victory achieved and to share all the defeats with me. One day, finding time to reflect, you will understand the reasons why I have the strength to question myself alone and away from home then you will understand two things:

    1) The first is that in life you only live once.

    2) The second is that life is only one.

    You are my life.


    You are a beautiful woman, highly sought after, very clever, very feminine, and erotic, fascinating, and wonderful, you know how to attract people due to your natural empathy, your sex appeal, you also owe it to your Italian origins.

    Your life has had ups and downs, there was a period in which you lived in luxury and managed to maintain it, and then ended up working as a hairdresser in an uncomfortable little town in Toronto where you had great difficulty in moving forward, in order to buy food and support yourself.

    You continue to play the sex game with the weapons you have, and you do it very well, but be careful because as soon as any of your weapons are not strong enough you will find yourself with nothing, no options, and no customers.

    You should plan intelligently, make a serious plan for your life; The entrepreneur who spends money on making love every week is the one who changes women every week and will never stop with you.

    He never called you love; you were just his entertainment for the time being.

    Nobody respects you; everyone uses you, your parallelism is not found in people's hearts, only in the middle of their pants.

    One fact is certain, by calling myself crazy several times I realize that you do not have clear ideas, and I want to give you a gift before leaving you, by providing you with an indication.

    There are two fundamental moments in life, birth, and death, in between there is our life, and we must take care of ourselves, of feeling good, and not forgetting that we age and that eventually in the end we lose all our faculties.

    Your life is worth a lot today, but as you move forward it depreciates the value decreases and you become poorer and poorer, until you no longer have anything in your hands.

    It will not be impossible for another person, like me, to come into your life, try to change it, with lots of clever ideas, but at least you know that one has come and what you have done: you have slammed the door in your face.

    This is me, just a man who would have liked to give you smiles and make you happy.


    In Italy this profession, since the Seventies, has always been experienced as a sort of great secrecy and confidentiality, and has had three different moments of approach in the areas of Italy.

    Northern Italy, 100% visible, with clubs on the main streets of the cities and a female population that frequents them.

    Central Italy, with reduced visibility, offered services only to people it knew, as if it wanted to hide the ladies only in private centers.

    Southern Italy, with women who frequented private apartments, often introduced, and introduced by friends and relatives, and who were ashamed by their friends just for having said they were going to the beautician.

    In these official contexts men were not allowed, as they often confused a professional service with the request for a sexual service and many did not have the same intentions.

    Things, after fifty years, have partly changed. Total visibility for the female consumer, greater openness to men in terms of availability, but still with limits that hide fears and anxieties of being considered whores or no good.

    Let us not talk about the fear of husbands and the jealousy of beauticians.

    If you ask from Bolzano to Lampedusa who can do intimate hair removal for a man, do not turn to beauticians, you will only waste time and money, it is better to find other professionals who can satisfy your needs by searching in other registers.

    Then in the end the costs balance out, it is not a cream used in a treatment that changes or affects the service, but the satisfaction of those who need a treatment and those who are willing to give it.

    Anyone can disagree with the Thinker, it is called democracy, and we all embrace it, but let us always remember that some

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