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Hack Imperfect: Tales of the Magi Saga, #3
Hack Imperfect: Tales of the Magi Saga, #3
Hack Imperfect: Tales of the Magi Saga, #3
Ebook36 pages25 minutes

Hack Imperfect: Tales of the Magi Saga, #3

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About this ebook

With Lucian dead, Amanda offers Shaun and Vanessa a better place to live than their underground hideout in the sewers, but there's a reason that they both hide out down here.
Vanessa's actions as part of a group of Online activists made her some enemies, one of which is still hunting her down.
Amanda must dig into Vanessa's past to put these demons to rest, freeing Vanessa from this witch-hunt.

The Tales of the Magi Saga are supplementary short stories set within the world of the Magi Saga.
The stories usually take place somewhere in the timeline of the main Magi Saga books but can be read separately as well.
Hack Imperfect takes place between Magi Rising and Magi Edge, books 2 and 3 of the Magi Saga.

Release dateMay 29, 2024
Hack Imperfect: Tales of the Magi Saga, #3

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    Hack Imperfect - Andrew Dobell

    My Books

    You can buy all of my books on my website, at;


    For my Grandfather, who was a continual inspiration and support. I miss you, and this is for you.

    Thank you to my wife and family for their love and tolerance and help. You make everything worthwhile.

    Thank you to my old gaming friends, you guys have inspired this story more than you can know. I have some of the best memories from those hours sitting at the gaming table.

    Thank you to my Editors: Julie Hall, CP Bialois, Hanna Elizabeth and Crystal Wren. Your input has been amazing. Thank you.

    Thank you to Vicki Blatchley for being my cover model.


    For my boys, my kids, I love you!


    I’m a British author living in Britain, and I write in British English with British spellings.  ;-)

    Loose ends

    ‘I can’t thank you enough for helping us out with Lucian,’ Amanda said, relaxing in an old musty office chair that had seen better days, wearing her usual look of fitted jeans, sneakers, tank top and a denim jacket. Her long, straight, bright red hair falling over her shoulders. She smiled at the man sitting opposite her. The Scion vampire smiled back at her briefly, revealing the row of miss-shaped fangs that filled his mouth before letting the grin drop from his face.

    Shaun was one of the less lucky Scions, having been permanently disfigured by his change into a vampire. He was hairless with rough white skin stretched over a deformed skeleton. He had a prominent brow, strong cheekbones, pointed ears, and a ridge of bone that ran up and over the top of his head and down his spine.

    She could only see the skin on his head and hands, though, as he wore fitted black-clothing, including leather trousers, tall black leather boots, tank top, and a denim jacket that had a goth feel to them.

    His bloodshot eyes stared back at her. He probably wasn’t trying to be intimidating, but he was a scary person to look at.

    ‘After what he did, he had it coming, frankly,’ Shaun said. He’d been working

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