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A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17
A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17
A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17
Ebook115 pages1 hour

A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17

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About this ebook

The imperfect being in nature, in the absolute sense, is man, but it is also easy to talk about and describe its manifestations, in its metric diversity, with its characters, ways, behaviors, and finally language, as well as be aware of the asymmetric nature.

Imperfection makes us valuable only to the extent that we can prove our value, our principles, and our qualities.

The motivation for the book's title is to be found in our interiority, the proper place of life and personal satisfaction.

We are all united by our origins, the only thing that really matters.

We were born by a woman to whom we will remain tied throughout our lives, with a love that will never end, we will never be alone.

The imperfect search will be wanting to find a partner who looks like someone who looks like us and who is without flaws.

The best will be formed only through sacrifice and their own ideas, the only two things that are the true leverage of humanity.

Release dateJun 4, 2024
A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17


FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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    Book preview

    A Fair Imperfection - FERDINANDO FREGA



    (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003.

    In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce.

    From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations.

    From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSO AL FEMMINILE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure.

    September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life.

    He produces and publishes narrative texts and autobiographical stories in America, always monitored by critics, and is recognized as an author who creates reading by bringing a new way of writing, with his seventeen multilingual books and his seventeen e-books in English.

    The thing that surprises him is that out of interest in his books, they are bought and resold at double the market price, but there are many who are doing this exercise.

    His training leads him back to attending an Esoteric school for 30 years and to his life values based on Universal Principles and Values oriented towards good and justice.

    He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles.

    His concept of women leads him to express and say that they are especially important, stating that they are truly at the center of his Universe, unfortunately not all of them can be satisfied, alas. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on:

    Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity.

    There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

    Frega Ferdinando


    The imperfect being in nature, in the absolute sense, is man, but it is also easy to talk about and describe its manifestations, in its metric diversity, with its characters, ways, behaviors, and finally language, as well as be aware of the asymmetric nature.

    Imperfection makes us valuable only to the extent that we can prove our value, our principles, and our qualities.

    The motivation for the book's title is to be found in our interiority, the proper place of life and personal satisfaction.

    We are all united by our origins, the only thing that really matters.

    We were born by a woman to whom we will remain tied throughout our lives, with a love that will never end, we will never be alone.

    The imperfect search will be wanting to find a partner who looks like someone who looks like us and who is without flaws.

    The best will be formed only through sacrifice and their own ideas, the only two things that are the true leverage of humanity.

    A JOB

    The search for a job placement today passes through specialized social networks, search consultants, headhunters, trainers, all ready to analyze the information contained in the CVs that the candidate must have been able to draw up, for clarity and completeness of the information.

    Everything follows a process made up of role-specific interviews, answers to questions, empathy, touchiness, sociability, and positive disposition.

    Then there are the questions that are never asked:

    How much is my salary?

    Without any awareness of the qualities, it becomes difficult to give a value.

    What are the working hours?

    It gives us a sign that we are used to running with the clock in our hands and this is not welcome in a company.

    3) How many days of vacation?

    4) How long is the lunch break?

    5) Would I like a corner desk?

    6) An ergonomic chair for your back?

    7) Do I use a trackball mouse?

    8) The calculator on the left, am I left-handed?

    9) Where is the workplace found!!

    3/4/5/6/7/8 irrelevant questions, which make us better understand that the rule in job interviews is to talk as little as possible.

    Everything becomes legitimate, to receive the formal, strictly permanent job, where you can meet colleagues to love and hate, but it could also be the opposite.

    But have we bothered to know in advance what job we are talking about? Taking the first one that arrives is a sign of desperation and of not respecting expectations and expectations, for many a defeat.

    The moments that mark the working activity are:




    Compliance with these three rules allows us to make professional growth plans, aspire to important responsibilities, and have a decisive role in social issues.

    But work ennobles man and sometimes enslaves him, when he is no longer able to know how to manage it and, caught up in the weaknesses of life, he makes mistakes which in the end exclude him completely from the production cycle.

    A simple thought that I dedicate to all my readers:

    Simplicity is that thing that everyone seeks and/or says they have, but which in the end can only be found in the actions of a few.

    Knowing how to keep your work and guard it jealously is to be compared to a precious jewel that we keep locked inside the safe.


    Focusing on the things we

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