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The Party Across The Street: A Short Story: Your Mother's Nightmares
The Party Across The Street: A Short Story: Your Mother's Nightmares
The Party Across The Street: A Short Story: Your Mother's Nightmares
Ebook50 pages35 minutes

The Party Across The Street: A Short Story: Your Mother's Nightmares

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About this ebook

When the house across the street swallows up a visitor dressed for a party at 1 a.m., three-year-old Dorian is curious to know more.


Excited at the prospect of an entertaining departure from the monotony of parenting, his sleep-deprived mother accompanies him out the door and across the street to the house where a party is indeed in full swing.


Guests with painted faces and elaborate costumes heartily welcome the mother-son duo, luring them in with the promise of free babysitting and loads of tasty treats.


But no one mentions the presence of a magician in their midst, a magician who knows how to make little children disappear.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
The Party Across The Street: A Short Story: Your Mother's Nightmares

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    The Party Across The Street - Anitha Krishnan

    The Party Across The Street






    Copyright © 2024 by Anitha Krishnan

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-998472-01-7

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-998472-02-4

    Cover stock image ‘Modern graphic icon vector illustration’ by captainvector on Depositphotos; Standard License purchased on 17 June 2024

    Vellum flower icon Created with Vellum

    For Dhruv,

    the greatest miracle in my life.

    You came and made my life an adventure. A grand exploration. Of the world outside. And also the world within me. Thank you for this precious gift.

    For Daiane,

    Thank you for showing me that in reality, the house across the street and its residents are absolutely charming and lovely, and nothing at all like my imagination portrayed it in this tale. It’s such a blessing to have you here.


    The Party Across The Street

    When the house across the street swallows up a visitor dressed for a party at 1 a.m., three-year-old Dorian is curious to know more.

    Excited at the prospect of an entertaining departure from the monotony of parenting, his sleep-deprived mother accompanies him out the door and across the street to the house where a party is indeed in full swing.

    Guests with painted faces and elaborate costumes heartily welcome the mother-son duo, luring them in with the promise of free babysitting and loads of tasty treats.

    But no one mentions the presence of a magician in their midst, a magician who knows how to make little children disappear.


    Before we begin

    The Party Across The Street

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Enjoyed The Party Across The Street?

    Author’s Note

    More Books by Anitha Krishnan

    About the Author


    Dear Reader,

    Motherhood, or even parenting in general, is one of those life experiences that are almost universal yet remarkably unique to each one of us.

    Everyone’s parenting journey is vastly different. What works for one parent/family may simply not work for another.

    My own journey has been a mix of unimaginable joys and unbelievable anxieties and everything else in between these two extremes.

    During those dark moments, I turned to writing as a salve. I couldn’t bring myself to speak aloud the fears I had for my child. Already wracked with anxiety and a deep sense of wrongness for even having

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