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Game of Power: A Dark Mafia M/M Romance
Game of Power: A Dark Mafia M/M Romance
Game of Power: A Dark Mafia M/M Romance
Ebook432 pages6 hours

Game of Power: A Dark Mafia M/M Romance

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Sylvester was just a vulnerable slave trapped in the ruthless Black Market - until he was purchased by Liam Fournier, the powerful and dominant mafia boss.


Despite Liam's cold, violent nature, Sylvester finds himself helplessly drawn to his new master, their forbidden encounters igniting a primal, all-consuming passion.

When Sylvester suddenly vanishes, Liam is consumed by a twisted desperation to reclaim what's his.


As rival mafia families clash in a brutal battle, Sylvester's true identity is revealed, putting him at the center of the deadly mafia war.


In this dark, extra spicy mafia romance, Liam and Sylvester's all-consuming love is tested by the relentless violence and high stakes of the underworld.


Can their passionate bond withstand the threats that lurk in the shadows? Or will the dangers of the mafia life tear them apart forever?

PublisherRose Knight
Release dateJun 26, 2024
Game of Power: A Dark Mafia M/M Romance

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    Game of Power - Rose Knight



    •|| Sylvester ||•

    I felt the splash of cold water hits my face. I opened my eyes, gasping as my vision was still blurry.

    Wake up. I heard of a deep low voice in front of me.

    When I adjusted my visions, I saw a man in black suit sitting in front of me.

    I attempted to stretch my back and my arms but instead, I heard a clanging sound when I stretch my arms. It was the chains who were tied up around my wrists.

    The men in black stood up and arched an eyebrow to his men.

    Bring him. He said and walked out the room.

    Two men dressed in black suits too went to my place, one of the men released me from the cold chains that tied me for almost a week.

    When they finally set my arms free, they pulled my nearly ripped shirt up and caused me to let a small 'ouch' escaped my mouth.

    They dragged me out in the hallway and the next thing I know, they forced me to enter a strange room. They pushed me again to enter a small room and it turns out it's the bathroom.

    Take a bath slave and dress neatly and properly. If you don't, we will punish you again. Understood that? One of the two men in black told me with threat in his voice.

    I nodded as an answer and then they went out of the room, leaving me alone.

    I sighed. I started to put out my dress. It's nearly ripped and also has blood stains. You see, I was being punished several times, they hurt me like I am a punching bag, tortured me by slicing my skin and let it bleed, they would slap me, kick me, choke me and I don't know why would they do that since I'm just asking them.

    I turned the faucet on and the water started to sprinkle from the shower and went to my body. I grabbed the soap from the corner and started to scrub every inch of my body. I began to felt some stinging pain around my body. Well, it's maybe the bruises, scrapes and wounds I just received from the people who visited the black market, even the people who manages the black market hurts me.

    I tightly shut my eyes and let the cold water dripped in my whole body. I grabbed a towel in the drawer and dried myself up then I saw a black T-shirt and jeans and a pair of sneakers. I even brushed my teeth when I saw a toothbrush together in my t-shirt. They want us to dress properly because of the auction. They held an auction every week and one of their categories was selling and offering slaves to drug dealers, mafia leaders and etc.

    When I already finished myself dressing, I went out the room. Those same guys was outside and I think, they're waiting for me to finish myself from bathing. When they saw me, they dragged me again but this time I already know where they would bring me and that is in their fancy Main Hall.

    When they dragged me in the backstage, they put collars around my neck. Like what you see in dogs. There's also a golden chain attached to it.

    Me and my fellow slaves was waiting for our turn to the ongoing auction where items like weapons, rare high grade drugs, precious stones and rare expensive jewelries and etc were being sold.

    I suddenly remembered the day I came first here. I just woke up alone in a room without any windows to be seen. I can't really remember what happened back then and I just found myself here in the black market.

    I turned myself towards the door when a man in his middle 40's entered the room, wearing a luxurious and fancy black suit and a silver gun in his right hand. I started to be frightened with him when he sat beside me.

    Where am I? I asked him even though I'm nervous and scared.

    You're in the black market angel.

    Why am I here?

    Because you have nowhere to go.

    No where to go? I tried to remember what was happened to me the last time before I came here but there's no such thing I cam remember, the next thing I knew, my head was aching, like sometime now it was about to explode.

    I checked my head and felt something wrapped around it. It's like some bandages were wrapped up around my head.

    The doctor said you have a selective amnesia. He said as he pointed his gun to me.

    You have no where to go angel. He said.

    Tears started to flow in my cheeks. I can't remember anything, except for my name. After that, he laughed like a madman and went out the room. I can even hear his laugh inside the room. I was left there, crying and trying myself to remember anything from the past but there's none. It ended me hurting my head.

    Pay attention slaves, you go there and behave, understand that? A fat man told us and gave us a threatening look. We just nod and he went back to the stage.

    Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the last auction this night. The auction for the slaves! I heard a voice in the stage and the crowd applaud.

    MIBs started to grabbed the lace on our collars and dragged us in the stage. We're like dogs being walked by our owner but it's bad. Really bad.

    It was too bright when the spotlights hit us. I closed my eyes and when I finally feel that the Men in Black released me, I opened my eyes.

    It's so bright. I close my eyes and open again once more so I can adjust my visions until I did.

    There are so many people in front of us. Watching, eating, drinking some luxurious champagne and having a chitchat.

    After a few minutes, the auction has been started and it lasted for about 2 hours and luckily, I was fortunate not to be sold. I rather stuck here than than to be sold. Who knows if the person who bought me kills me? Right?

    Me and the remaining 5 of the slaves were left and did you know that we're merely teenagers? I sighed.

    Men in Black grabbed our collars one by one and dragged us in the backstage and now, we were walking back to our designated rooms for us, or also known as, dungeons.

    We were so close to the dungeons when I saw in the corner of my eyes the exit door. There's no one guarding it and it's open wide.

    Sometimes, I was thinking if what will happen to me if I free myself from here. I want to have freedom again and it's been 2 years since I arrived here.

    I looked at the guy who's holding my collar lace and he's holding it bit loose. My head turned to the exit again, I want to escape here. I really wanted to.

    So I made up my decision, I want to be free. Even though it's to risky for me but I must try.

    Me and the guy was the last in the line until the MIB holds me in my shoulder, so I turned myself back and grabbed his arm. He's surprised when I did that to him. He was about to grab me again but I kicked his back of his knee and he kneeled in the floor with pain. I pushed him with all of my  strength and ran as fast as I could to reach the exit.

    I can feel that they're chasing after me so I ran fast as much as I can.

    I was about to reach the exit when a tall and muscular man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and guess what, my speed gone wrong and I can't stop myself from it and ended myself bumping into the man. I fell on the cold floor and I can feel my butt hurt when I fell the floor. I looked back and saw the incoming Men in Black. I stood up and was about to went out when the man I bumped to earlier harshly grabbed my wrists. I looked him in the eyes and that moment, I felt chills down in my spine.

    He's looking me with death in his hazel brown eyes. He's clenching his jaw and his grip to my wrist tighten.

    Let me go. I said and tried to get my wrist back but it couldn't.

    Please, let me go. I pleaded. I feel my eyes are already watery by now and in any minute, I will cry.

    There you are you son of a bitch! I felt a hand in my head and grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me away from the man. I winced of the pain he made. He slapped me hard in the face and caused my head to tilt to the side.

    I hate this. I really hate this.



    •|| Sylvester ||•

    I hate this. I really hate this.

    Tears started to flow in my cheeks and looked at the MIB who I just kicked earlier. He's angry and his eyes are piercing me with death glare.

    You think you can escape here? You son of a bitch! He shouted and slapped me again one more time. It was harder and much painful than before.

    Once again my face tilted in the side. I feel my lips were now bleeding and when I touched my tongue to the side of my lips, I'm right. I tasted the coppery blood in my lips.

    Thank you sir for preventing him to escape. The MIB said and bowed 90 degrees to him. I looked at him, he's looking at the MIB who's bowing.

    I wiped my tear away. I was about to be dragged by the MIB when we heard the man called us.

    Can you take him back here? He said but in a cold and deep low voice. Well, I really felt shivers down in my spine when I heard his voice. It's kinda deadly to me.

    The MIB was hesitating but he dragged me back to the man.

    Is he one of the slaves in the auction? He asked in a monotonous voice.

    Yes Sir.

    I'll buy him. He said. My eyes widened.

    Pardon? The MIB said and looked at the man once more.

    I said I'll buy him.

    But sir, the auction is already ended. It's against our rules if we—- the MIB suddenly bowed when he saw the man pointed a gun to him.

    I was shocked at the moment. I saw his hazel brown eyes flickered emotions, anger and lust. Lust of what? Lust of killing people?

    I don't give a fuck, I want to buy him. Understand that? He said with enough threat to the MIB.

    Beau. He called and suddenly, a man in a blue suit appeared from nowhere. He stood beside the man who called him.

    Give him the check. He ordered and suddenly, the man named Beau hand a check to the MIB.

    When the MIB read what's on the check, his eyes widened. He looked at the man in front him and looked back to the check again.

    Seriously Sir? You're going to buy him for 5 Hundred Thousand? He asked in disbelief. My eyes widened even more.

    I was a little bit late for the auction. He said as he put his gun in his back.

    Okay Sir, you can take him. The MIB said and pushed me to the man. He grabbed my shoulder and when the moment I looked him, our eyes locked. His eyes are piercing to mine, he's looking me with nothing in his eyes. Like he's emotionless.

    You're mine now. He said and dragged me away from the MIB.

    Well, his grip to mine is really tight that nearly made me to feel numb at my wrist. I endured it until we reached a black luxurious car.

    He opened the door from the front seat and looked me.

    Sit. He ordered with coldness in his tone, I did what he said. I'm scared. I'm really scared right now, especially of him.

    He closed the door and went to the drivers seat. He turned on the engine of the vehicle and drive it of in the road. We were silent when we were driving, well, he's really the one who drives the vehicle so yeah. That's that.

    I faced the window and let my eyes roamed outside. It's already dark. I don't know what time it is but I don't care.

    Few minutes later when I felt my eyelids was getting heavier and heavier every second passes by so I closed my eyes and suddenly, darkness started to consume me.

    After taking a nap, I suddenly felt a tap in my face and that made me to wake up. It was the man who bought me from the auction. He gave me cold glare and told me to follow him and I did.

    And now, we were walking in a mansion. Well, it's a 2-storey mansion with black motif. A well-sophisticated and fancy design of the house welcomed the two of us. It's like a house similar to the gods. A Greek god. There's also paintings were hung at the walls of the house and when I looked up, a small yet expensive and beautiful chandelier was hung at the ceiling. When we reached his living room, I was amazed by the looks and design of it.

    Its large, nice and clean. Just what I have said earlier, there's also a chandelier up in the ceiling but this time, much bigger and even more prettier.

    I must say the interior design of this house is so out of this world.

    We climbed at the second floor and there's 6 rooms all in all.

    Ahh. I exclaimed when I crash to something hard and when I looked at the hard thing where I just bump, it turns out that its the man. He looked me coldly and I flinched. He's really scary.

    This will be your room. He said to me coldly and turn the door open. He entered the room, and so am I.

    There's a bed in the corner of the room, there's also a table beside the bed. A closet in the other corner and a door beside it. I think it's the bathroom. It's small but I like it

    We will discuss your work tomorrow. I'm fucking tired so don't bother me. Understand that? I nodded immediately as my answer.

    He suddenly picked his phone in his pocket and started to dial. After that, he placed his phone in his ear.

    Beau, bring some clothes tonight. He said.

    No, not for me. For my slave.

    Bring here tonight or else I'll kill you. He said and turned is phone off.

    He looked me at with that, I flinched again. Why I'm so scared when I meet his eyes.

    What do you looking at? He coldly asked me.

    I shook my head and stared the floor. But, I felt a tight grip in my jaw and harshly lift mg face up. I met his eyes again. His hazel brown eyes and now, it's filled with anger.

    Answer me slave! He shouted. I feel my body started to tremble.

    This what I hate. Being hurt.

    I'm not a patient man slave. He said and threw me and fell in the floor. Yeah, he threw me. Like, literally threw in the floor.

    Well, I'm not that skinny but I have a small body frame than him who have muscled arms and hard body.

    Don't make me mad slave because if you do, prepare to die. He said and stormed out the room.

    I was left in the room, alone. My tears started to run down in my face.

    I hate this.

    I stood up and went to the bed. I grabbed the pillow and covered my face with it. I started to shed tears.

    Why me? Why he chose me?

    I regretted myself why I did that risky move. Why I ran away and now, I'm ended up here.

    I cried there for almost 30 minutes until I heard someone knocking the door. I lift my face up. I know that my eyes are now red and my face is kinda wet because of my tears.

    I stood up and went to the door but I wiped my tears with my bare hands first before I opened the door wide. I saw a man there, in blue suit and then I remembered, he's Beau.

    May I enter? He asked me with a soft tone in his voice and beamed me a smile.

    I manage to smile but it didn't. He looked me sadly as I let him come inside the room. He closed the door and went beside me in the bed. He's carrying some paper bags in his hands.

    Does he hurt you? He asked me as he put the paper bags in the bed. I shook my head.

    Just don't make him angry okay. In that way, he won't hurt you. He said as he wiped my tears away.

    Thank you. I said. He smiled at me and started to open the paper bags.

    He took some pair of clothes outside the paper bags and stood up then went to the cabinet. His hands opened the wooden cabinet and took some hangers out then he came back beside me and started to prepare those dresses and put it on the hangers.

    What's your name? He asked me while he's taking some clothes out.

    Sylvester, Sylvester Gonzaga. I answered.

    I'm Beau by the way. He replied then put the hangers in the cabinet.

    Did you already have dinner? He asked before sitting again beside me.

    Yes. I lied. Actually, I didn't even have breakfast nor lunch today but anyways, I'm used to be hungry all the time because people from the black market didn't gave us food nor water.

    Okay, you should rest now or if he find out that you're not, he'll be mad. Again. Beau said and stood up, walking towards the door. He was about to open it when I stopped him.

    Beau? He turned his self to face me.


    Can I asked what his name? I asked him.

    He smiled and answered me.

    Liam Fournier. Then he went out.



    •|| Sylvester ||•

    Hey slave! I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw the same man who bought me last night. It was Liam Fournier.

    He's staring me coldly and emotionless.

    Follow me or I'll kill you. He said and went out the room.

    At first, I was left there dumbfounded but in the end, I get up and followed him outside.

    Where is he? I asked to myself

    I started to walked down to the living room and it's really beautiful. It's mesmerizing. I roamed my eyes and then, when to a hallway to who knows where.

    I found myself in a dining room. There's a long table in the center, and 12 seats to be filled and again, there's a chandelier above. I walked again and I went to the kitchen and my reaction was wow. It was large, and clean and I think it's heaven. It has so many kitchen utensils and other stuffs. I don't know why but I'm really happy when I see this.

    Even though I can't remember if I can cook or not, I'm happy.

    What if in the past I used to cook so that's why I love the kitchen.

    What if in the past I used to eat so many that's why I love the kitchen.

    Who knows? I can't remember.

    I went back to the living room and I started to looked at some painting hanged in the walls until I felt a tight grip in my hands and pulled me harshly.

    What do you think your doing? I told you to follow me. His voice is really cold and I flinched when I met his angry hazel brown eyes.

    I-I was l-lost. I stuttered out and gulped. I averted my eyes to else where just now to see his angry eyes.

    Look me in the eyes slave! He shouted. I jumped out a little bit in my position and looked him again. This time, it has so much anger.

    You're lying. He said and his gripped tightened even more. I winced in the pain and I think my eyes are watery right now.

    God, it's really embarrassing to a man to cry.

    N-no I'm n-not. I answered. He smirked and then dragged me upstairs. We entered the second room and he pushed me. I was about to fall but I manage myself to balance so I didn't fell.

    There's a table in front of me with an opened laptop, some documents and a pen beside it. There's also some documents that are neatly arrange in the side corner of the table and in the other corner was a PC. I bet this is his office.

    He sat to his table and crossed his legs.

    What's your name slave. He asked me with his usual cold tone and took some cigarettes to his drawer and lit it up with lighter.

    Sylvester. I answered.

    So Sylvester, I dragged you here to talked about your work here and as well my conditions. He said and blew the smoke coming from the cigarettes.

    I cough softly and take a step backwards not to inhale the smoke he blew just now.

    You can eat, get dress, watch TV and mostly do whatever you want but, it must be under my permission.

    In this house, I want you to do what I ordered you to do. Understand? I nodded.

    "I have also my rules and it's really simple as fuck.

    1. Call me Master or Sir but I prefer to be called Master. After all I'm the who bought your useless and meaningless life.

    2. Obey my orders. If you don't, I'll kill you.

    3. Don't talk back or else I'll kill you.

    4. Don't you dare touch my fucking things inside my house well except if you're cleaning or if you were given permission.

    5. If you want to do something, ask my permission.

    6. Don't attempt to escape here because if you do, I'll still find you and kill you." He said.


    But the most important is the last rule which is Rule number 7. Don't come inside to my room. Get that?

    I was speechless.

    Understand? I nodded immediately as my answer.

    Now get out. He ordered. I turned myself and went out the room.

    What did he say to you?

    Wah! I was startled in the man beside me. Seeing Beau's face and he beamed a bright smile.

    Good morning. He greeted.

    Good morning. I greeted back.

    So what did he say to you? He asked me.

    Rules. I said shortly and scratch the tip of my nose.

    Follow me, I'll make you some breakfast. He said and escorted me to the kitchen.

    He let me sit in a chair at the counter and went to a drawer. He took a apron and wore it and then he took some pan and placed it to the stove. Beau started to mix some pancakes and then cooked.

    I was just looking at him while cooking but when I got bored, I roamed my eyes once again to the beautiful kitchen.

    Breakfast is served. I heard Beau spoke and placed the 4 layered pancakes in front of me. He took a fork and spoon together with three bottles of syrup.

    Maple, strawberry or chocolate? He asked me and gave me the spoon and fork.

    Strawberry! I answered immediately and smiled. He looked me with amusement in his eyes and poured the strawberry syrup in my pancakes.

    I started to eat.

    May I asked you what's your age? Beau asked me while cleaning his hands in the sink. After that, he dried it off and seat across me.

    18 years old. Then took another slice of pancake and shoved it inside my mouth.

    Can I asked you why are you in the black market?

    My head began to ache, I ignored the pain and placed the spoon and fork in the plate.

    Actually, I can't remember. They just found me and when I woke up, I found myself there. They say I have selective amnesia. I was there for almost two years. And still then, I can't remember anything. I replied and preventing myself not to cry.

    Oh, the only word that came out to his mouth.

    Just forget it. Time will come and my memories will be back. I said and beamed a smile. He smiled me back.

    By the way, why master is giving me food? I asked out of no where. He gave me a confuse look.

    I mean, why is he good to me? He is giving me food, clothes and shelter to live. I thought people in Black Market are mean?

    Well, its maybe he doesn't want his slave to be sick and maybe he wants his slave to be healthy to do the things he ordered. Beau answered me.

    And besides, not all people in the black market are bad. He said then winked.

    He's good Sylvester, he's not just showy about his care to others. But please, don't make him mad if you want to still live. He said and I nodded.

    Okay, so I will make sure I'll never make him mad. I'll obey his orders.

    After I finished my breakfast, he escorted me to the storage room beside the kitchen. We gathered some cleaning tools and went to the living room. We started to clean and while we we're cleaning, we're talking about ourselves.

    Beau Del Mundo, he is 23 years old and he's working at Master Liam as his assistant. Everyday, he's coming here to cook and clean the whole house. Master Liam doesn't want to hire maids because he's easy to get annoyed.

    Master Liam can cook a little but he doesn't know how to clean clean, he just want to sit in his table and do his work or watch TV, clubbing, or worst, killing people. According to Beau.

    After we cleaned whole living room, we take a seat and rest for a while. We were both sweating and tired.

    I'll get some towels upstairs. I offered then stood up. He just let me and then I went upstairs. I was to turn my way when he bumped me again.

    Ahh. I groaned and held my nose. God, why that his body was so hard?

    I looked up and with that, I met his hazel brown eyes again. He's looking me coldly.

    Where are you going? Did I told you to clean my house with Beau, didn't I? He asked me with his usual tone.

    I-I just want to g-get some towel for u-us. I answered and looked down.

    He didn't reply. Instead, he just walked away and took his way downstairs.


    I ran to my room and get some towels and then went back to the living room. Seeing Master Liam sitting in the couch like a king and watch basketball in the TV.

    Beau is seated beside him and it seems that they are talking.

    I slowed my pace not to interrupt nor catch their attention. It seems like they're talking about something about killing and Cassadine until Master Liam turned his face to my direction with cold eyes.

    I flinched when I saw him.

    Are you listening to our conversation slave? He said again with cold tone and his eyes are really cold like you can't see any emotions there.

    N-no. I said and bowed.

    I feel him stood up and went to my direction. I saw his feet in the floor then suddenly, he harshly grabbed my face and made me looked him. He's angry and I can see it in his eyes.

    Eavesdropping is a sin slave, you wanna die? He asked me and his grip in my cheeks tighten.

    I s-swear, I-I d-didn't. I stuttered out.

    Liam. Stop it. You're hurting him. I heard Beau from behind and tried to stop him.

    Shut the fuck up Beau. He's my slave! I bought him and I gonna do what I want because he's already mine! Master Liam shouted and made Beau frozen while me is just trembling now in fear.

    He looked me again and tighten his grip.

    And where the hell is my honorifics? I told you to call me Master didn't I? That's my fucking first rule! He shouted in my face. I shrieked and closed my eyes shut and tight.

    I-I'm sorry, M-master. I said while my eyes are still closed.

    Fuck. After that he threw me in the floor. I landed on the cold floor and Beau instantly came to me, helping me to stand up.

    Are you okay? He asked me and I just nodded. My eyes are now watery but I prevented myself form crying.

    Liam, please calm down. Beau said in a soft voice.

    He's only 18 Liam please calm down. You hurt him.

    Master Liam furiously looked me and when our eyes locked, I looked down. I don't want to see his eyes. It's like I'm looking to death.

    Fuck. And with that, he walked away.

    Beau comforted me and guided me to the kitchen to drink water. After I drunk the water he gave me, I started to calm down.

    He told me that everything will be okay then hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. I thanked him for being in my side, it's like I have a older brother here.

    After what happened, Beau told me that Master Liam went out to do his business, he even say to me to fuck girls again. I slightly chuckled when he told me that.

    After he cooked dinner, we went to the living room and watch TV. We talked and talked until I said I'm going to sleep. I'm tired and sleepy already.

    He waved his hand and told me that he'll wait for my horny Master. I chuckled when he said that Master Liam was horny, like really really horny. I went to my room, brushed my teeth, washed my face and climbed up to bed.

    I felt my eyelids become heavy until I finally fell asleep.



    •|| Liam ||•

    It's already three weeks since I bought that slave to my house. He's doing good and obeying my orders to him. Sylvester and Beau are really close now and they helping each other to do their tasks.

    I remember the first time I met Sylvester in the black market. He bumped me and he fell in the floor. I'm not in the mood at that time actually so when he stood up and attempted to escape, I reached his wrist and pulled him back. I'm really mad and I'm ready to punch him really hard but the moment I met his ocean blue eyes, my anger started to fade away. His pleading to me to let go his hands but I couldn't. I was mesmerized in his eyes until the man in black suit grabbed him and slapped his face really hard. His face tilted to the side

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