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Enamored: Enamored: Kings & Queens, #1
Enamored: Enamored: Kings & Queens, #1
Enamored: Enamored: Kings & Queens, #1
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Enamored: Enamored: Kings & Queens, #1

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About this ebook

Six years ago…

After his brother's death, Aiden Sharpe continued the military tradition of his family. Honorably Discharged, he received Psychiatric help at the VA Rehabilitation Center when he was drawn to her by her magnetic smile. She didn't know she was his Bunny. He never told her. He never looked for her, he only hoped she was happy. His path was darker without her, but it was worth it if she was happy. Besides, he preferred a special type of give and take in relationships. A woman like that couldn't possibly be interested in anything other than something vanilla, right?

Six years ago…

Aleksandr Volkov sat on a bench on the boardwalk when he heard a little boy cry and he saw her. His Printessa. With her parting words she'd shared with the child, Aleksandr and his best friend, Aiden Sharpe, established Price International and Sharpe Core. With her words, they were able to work out a deal and leave the family operations of Nikolai Volkov, Aleksandr's father. Aleksandr never looked for his Printessa. A kind-hearted woman like that couldn't possibly have any interest in a man who knew his way around a cane and regularly shared, right?

Present Day…

Carrie Bellerose divorced her husband after five years of marriage and just wanted to focus on building a new life. With a thriving new bakery, a rekindled romance, and the support of her loved ones, that's exactly what she got. Dylan and she had been off and on for over a year because she didn't want to admit that their once fiery and fun dynamic had become trite and predictable.

Then the bell over the bakery door jingled and they walked in.

When Aiden shook her hand, she was swept under by the tides of his gaze and funneled out into the storm clouds of Aleksandr's eyes. With undeniable chemistry, Carrie embarked on a new path that put a target on her and those around her.

Will Aleksandr be able to live a life away from his role as heir to the Volkov Family? What darkness is behind Aiden's sparkling smile? Will Carrie's new life crumble before her eyes?

Read and discover why this throuple has become Enamored.

*Trigger Warning: Please be advised that the following content contains themes and scenes that may be triggering to some readers. Proceed with caution and prioritize your well-being*



PublisherHaliya May
Release dateJun 25, 2024
Enamored: Enamored: Kings & Queens, #1

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    Book preview

    Enamored - Haliya May


    For the unseen who were forced upon and are healing or have healed. For you who have taboo preferences even after you've healed. You are not alone. I, and so many like us, cherish you. You are more than your bruises. You are stronger than the scars placed on you.


    First and foremost , I extend unending gratitude to my husband, Steven . You are my rock in all things from the moment we swiped right. We didn’t think we’d last two weeks, yet here we are almost 8 years later. Thank you for putting up with my process and everything else I've put you through as I built worlds of characters. I love you, I admire you, I adore you. 

    Jamia. You have been by my side since Global Studies in High School. My fondness for our friendship goes beyond what words can describe. You have been my support, my coach, my reality check, and the loudest voice in the corner of the ring. Thank you for being you.

    Bell. You already know there is no force that can ever truly drive us apart. You have been there for the tears for the mistakes for the victories. As we grew and our families expanded, you remained in my constellation no matter what. We’ve been Bell and Carrie for decades and regardless of our name changes, I don’t see that changing. Sorry not sorry to our husbands.

    To my sisters, Terri and Lauris. Thank you for being the confidants, a listening ear, and an uplifting voice during my tears. Terri, you are the most determined spirit I’ve ever known in my life and the loudest cheerleader in the stands for those you love. Lauris, your ability to keep moving even when you’re bone tired is inspirational. Your smile is so contagious, my cheeks hurt around you. 

    To my brothers, Malik, Lonnie, and Brian. Thank you for showing me not to take life too seriously all the time. To take the time to appreciate my surroundings, to love fully, to laugh loudly, and to move forward with no regrets. 

    To my mom, Juliet. Mahal ki ta, Nanay. You are everything to me. A true force of love, laughter, and strength. You thrived in a land that was foreign to you and raised us with your smile. Our kind hearts are because of you. Our ability to overcome challenges is because of you.

    Lastly, to my father, Larry. What is written in the last chapter of Enamored was what we spoke of during the last two weeks of your life. I told you that in my book you did nothing wrong. Well, in my book, you did nothing wrong. You made us formidable against the monsters of the world. Thank you for every hard lesson and every sarcastic quip. Love you, always.

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39


    Dominated: Chapter 1


    Author’s Note


    Discover the reimagined world of Enamored, a gem initially crafted in 2015, now refined to mesmerize you with deeper passion and intricacies. Embark on a journey with Carrie Bellerose and Alexander Price, characters reborn with added layers of intensity, echoing the fervent rhythm of an enigmatic dance.

    Carrie, a fragment of my soul, has evolved over a decade, echoing the growth I’ve encountered. She stands amidst the powerful female leads like Reina Jenson and Nicole Hargrove, each adorned with distinctive tattoos that mirror my own, weaving an intricate tale of identity and authenticity.

    Enamored is a beacon for those with kink desires who’ve faced victimization. Here, in these pages, find a sanctuary where respect and consent reign supreme, where taboos are explored with care, and judgment is a forgotten whisper. Carrie’s story, though tinged with elements that may seem forbidden, is a testament to the beauty of embracing our true selves without fear.

    In a literary world where women of color and the nuances of diverse relationships are often shadows, Enamored shines light on the unspoken. The kink community, adorned with diverse races and rich cultures, finds a voice, an identity, a space to breathe and be free.

    Dive into a narrative where adult content marries empowering tales of resilience. While Carrie and subsequent leading ladies confront triggering instances, they emerge as symbols of inspiration and empowerment. Every layer, every nuance of Enamored and the ensuing stories, is a canvas painted with challenges, triumphs, and the unyielding dance of the human spirit.

    I extend an invitation to you: step into a world where the past is redefined, where characters leap from the pages with vigor and where every line is a blend of the passionate melody of life and the potent echoes of experience. May the journey through these stories mirror the depth of passion and the warmth of understanding I’ve infused in every word. Enjoy the odyssey.

    Chapter 1

    The evening was a whirl of customers and laughter in Whip It!, a local bakery that was my pride and joy. I had used my divorce settlement money to make my business a reality. I’d always enjoyed baking as a calming aid. Still, as I got older, I realized that my love for cooking and baking would be better than working for my sister as a receptionist at her rehab clinic after rebuilding my life.

    Carrie, Dylan’s voice called as I scrolled through my phone for boring updates from social media. 

    Dylan was one of my closest friends, roommate, and on-again-off-again Dom. 

    He gave me a flash of the carefree smile I’d fallen for in high school as he peaked his head around my office doorway. His green eyes always hinted at mischief, so I had been a goner early on as a teenage girl. He’d swapped his beanies for perfectly quaffed hair to accentuate the natural highlights in his dark strands. He towered as perfection to most men and women, often causing arguments and fights over his flirtatious nature. Honestly, he was as loyal as they came. Why had we broken up? College. After we graduated in Virginia Beach, Virginia, we migrated south to the same Florida university along with our two best friends, Joshua Gardner and Veronica Rayne. Dylan was a beautiful young man with looks that screamed Fraternity Pledge and with that came a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most college boys. He played the field but would steer towards me and Joshua most nights. Yes, the perfect Adonis to most was open to all types of people, penis or pussy. His heart was too big to choose between the sexes.

    In high school, you could say that we were in love. In college, we were in lust. As two millennials in their early thirties, we were happy friends running a business together. He worked with me as my night manager slash bodyguard for the night crew. Joshua, our third partner in the business, worked the morning or afternoon shifts depending on when he felt like getting out of bed. 

    Joshua was always the carefree life of the party wherever he went, but he didn’t need to work at the bakery. He made enough as a sought-after Bartender for his exclusive Tampa and Miami night scene. He usually tended bars for password-required nightclubs and wasn’t allowed to speak about what happened inside unless he came across a new ‘potential’. He was always good at keeping secrets. In college, no one heard about Dylan’s preferences until Dylan was ready to share that information. Joshua understood the importance of that step on Dylan’s path of self-discovery. He’d always been the blonde to Dylan’s brunette, the blue to his green, and the confidant of the group.

    So, I said that Dylan and I had broken up because of college. That wasn’t the complete story. Veronica had secretly been in love with Dylan since high school when he was my Emo-Skater boyfriend. In college, she pledged, he pledged, and they spent more time together. After a while, they started dating after I’d met my ex-husband, Daniel Thompson. After Daniel and I became serious senior year, my relationships with Dylan and Joshua dwindled to a call here and there to check-in. Veronica would come around but said that Daniel tended to linger too long with his hugs, so that friendship became close to nonexistent, too. He had wandering eyes that became a wandering dick and then a forceful, sometimes violent personality. 

    The final night Daniel attacked me, I called Dylan, who was out with Joshua and the two came to get me, practically ripping through Daniel in the process. My brother-in-law, Hendricks, had a law firm and helped me through my divorce. I didn’t want anything from him, no money, no house, nothing. Hendricks and his partners, Marcus and Christian, urged me to at least consider something of monetary value because I’d helped him build his life. His successes had also been mine. We fought for our house, my car, and half of his salary from the five years we’d been married and he’d been with his father’s firm. Daniel had refused to settle, but his dad, who had been disappointed by his son in more ways than just his manners, threatened to cut him off if he didn’t. His father would have given me anything I wanted. He was that type of guy. He knew his son had fucked up and would have done anything to save his name. I wasn’t that petty, so after I got everything we’d documented, I sold it all and started a new life with my friends, family, and business.

    Daniel had moved on with, to our surprise, Veronica Rayne, my former best friend and new future Mrs. Daniel Thompson. It’d been a shock at first but somewhat of a no-brainer. Dylan had been left heartbroken and Joshua had wanted to, in his words, cut a bitch. They’d since invited us to their weekly dinners for the past year. The same golden glitter envelope showed up every Tuesday for dinner the following Sunday. None of us ever went. Though I’d be lying if I didn’t want to go to ensure she was all right. That her life was happier than mine had been with him. I know that sounds strange, but it was the truth. I wasn’t jealous of her because I’d had that life. I was worried that her life could mirror my own. The thought made me sick to my stomach.

    Woah, serious face? Dylan chuckled, leaning against the door frame, what’s going on, Cupcake?

    Nothing, just wondering why you’re back here and not upfront, I smiled innocently.

    His eyes turned serious, his Dom personality peeking out for only a moment before he resumed his carefree persona. I’m on break and meeting some friends for a quick chat. Can you watch the front for me?

    I shrugged, getting to my feet. Fine, but I swear if it’s another one of your gym brats....

    I’m offended, Carrie, he mocked, you know I only have room for one brat at a time.

    I shook my head as I passed him. He took the opportunity to sneak a squeeze of my ass as I moved past him. I jumped and slapped his arm, forgetting who he was for a moment.

    Don’t go Dom on me, I smiled.

    He gave me a low growl, setting my nerves on fire. I hurried towards the front of the bakery. Dylan moved past me, maneuvering so that when he brushed past me, my ass came in direct contact with his hardened cock. My breath hitched in my throat as he chuckled, taking a seat at a table that kept me within his eye line. I didn’t care how long we’d been on-again-off-again. My reaction to him was still the same. We weren’t wholly compatible because he could only tolerate brattiness to a point. I liked to push buttons, and I knew all his buttons, but we trusted one another not to take things too far. He tended to hold back after Daniel and I divorced, though. He wasn’t as rough, as punishing, as dominant, but the thought of looking for a new Dom caused both of us hesitation. He was protective following my divorce, even when scouting a new Dom for me.

    The dining room was almost empty, the after-dinner crowd slowly dispersing into the night. I made my rounds, wiping down tables and taking up trash as I felt Dylan’s eyes carefully follow me around. We’d been as careful with our friendly relationship as possible, but the rest of my employees knew we were more than just friends, mainly since we lived in the next building in the same apartment.

    The door to the bakery jingled. I looked up to see two of the most breathtaking men enter. I watched as they scanned the dining room and froze as their eyes landed on me. My breath caught in my chest as I squeezed the white rag I’d been using to dust off the table, my form slightly bent over the surface. Because no comparisons came to mind, the blonde Viking with stubble smiled at me, his blue eyes bright as he took inventory, moving down from my eyes to the visible cleavage of my work shirt. Heat pooled between my legs as his eyes swept back up. His friendly appearance morphed into something hungrier as he stood just inside the door in his white crew neck shirt, dark blue jeans, and dark boots. I let my eyes trail down his left arm and noticed the elaborate design of colors that wrapped around his bicep disappear under his sleeve. 

    My attention shifted to the man next to him and I felt lost in his cool gray gaze. The stormy sea of the Viking’s brunette companion smirked at me as he stood there in a black crew neck shirt, dark blue jeans, and dark boots. He exuded a danger that made my mouth water at the thought of his touch. My fingertips tingled with anticipation at the thought of tracing the curve of his jaw. The two alone could make any room feel too small and intimate. I drowned in their existence, feeling my submissive nature scramble to the surface. 

    The sound of Dylan clearing his throat snapped me back to reality. I straightened myself and made my way over to the register again. I heard Dylan chuckle from his table as I attempted to regain my composure. I was in my bakery and my employees didn’t need to see me behaving like I had no decorum. Granted, they’d witnessed a look, a touch, or the occasional thickly coated innuendos between Dylan and me, but to add unprofessional behavior towards two unknown men would be embarrassing. 

    The dark-haired man’s gaze was heated and almost overwhelming. I felt like I might burst just from being within his eye line. I did my best to keep my eyes anywhere but on the perfected deities walking toward me. I crouched down behind a display case, turning the remaining confections, and pretended to examine them for quality. I could see them approaching the counter through the glass of the case. I closed my eyes and took a breath. I was the type of woman who could talk to anyone, and I’d never had a problem keeping my mouth shut around any man. So, what the hell was wrong with me?

    Aleksandr, Aiden, Dylan called, over here.

    My eyes shot open, and I watched through the display’s glass as the two pairs of strong legs walked away. I peered around the confections and saw them join Dylan at his table. I watched as the blonde Viking gripped the top of the wooden chair, the muscles beneath his extravagant half-sleeve flexing as he pulled the chair out to sit across from Dylan. The other man took the chair next to him, the ripples of sculpted muscles dancing along his back as he sat down. 

    I shook my head and gathered myself before forcing myself back to my feet to head back toward my office. 

    Carrie, Dylan called. 

    I stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and cursed under my breath. 

    What the hell was he up to?

    I took a breath, reminding myself that the bakery was mine. These were my employees and Dylan was obviously up to something. I needed to keep my composure. I needed to get my shit together. 

    I turned and made my way to Dylan’s table. I could do this. I wasn’t that type of woman. Yes, Dylan was sitting with two of the most attractive men I’d ever seen, but I could keep myself together. 

    Dylan grinned as I neared their table. 

    What’s up, Dylan?

    He chuckled and motioned toward the men across from him. I wanted to introduce you to my friends.

    I glared at him. He was definitely up to something.

    Don’t be rude, Carrie, he ordered, his Dom voice slipping into his words.

    I felt myself give in, cursing to myself in my head as I turned my attention toward the men opposite him.

    Good girl, Dylan said approvingly. At that moment, I hated and loved that the small action had pleased him. I was struggling. Carrie Bellerose, these are my friends Aiden Sharpe and Aleksandr Price.

    I looked from the blonde to the brunette and felt my stubbornness soften. 

    Hello, gentlemen, I smiled.

    Hello, Carrie, the brunette smiled. The deep roll of his voice sent a delicious vibration through my body. I attempted to mask my reaction to his voice but realized I had failed as I watched his eyes drink me in. 

    It’s a pleasure to meet you, Carrie. I’m Aiden, Aiden smiled, pulling my attention to him. He held his hand out to me. I slipped my hand into his without thinking. His hand was warm as his fingers enclosed my hand. The ordinary gesture felt anything but ordinary as he held me captive in his hold. 

    He looked down at my hand in his and chuckled to himself as he surely saw the edge of my tattoo, What’s this?

    He unwrapped his fingers from my hand and turned my wrist to examine the black outline injected into my caramel skin. I looked down at the curves of my Triskelion tattoo in view of all three men. My cheeks flushed with heat as I looked back at Aiden. He smiled and winked with a devilish glint in his eye. I felt his thumb lightly trace the slightly raised ink in my wrist, sending a rush of heat to my core. 

    Interesting tattoo, Carrie, he purred as he continued to move his thumb across my skin. I lost touch with reality as I fell into the ocean of his gaze. Thoughts of where I wanted his hands, where I wanted Aleksandr’s lips...

    Dylan cleared his throat again and I snapped out of it, pulling my hand from Aiden as his masculine laugh filled my world. 

    Dylan touched my other arm and gave it a soft squeeze. I looked at him and his face was endearing, caring. He nodded, reminding me that I was okay, that he was there and that I had nothing to be afraid of. I smiled softly at him.

    I’m going to go over some things with Aiden and Aleksandr for a bit, but I’ll clock back in and help you lock up, he explained, his voice calm and gentle as if reassuring me that I was safe. 

    Yeah, I said, take your time. I smiled at Aiden and Aleksandr, who eyed me as if I were their prey and they were waiting for an attack. It was wonderful to meet you two. If you need anything, let Dylan know.

    They nodded and I made my way to the kitchen, the heat of the gaze rushing over me. As I neared the doorway, I looked over my shoulder at the three men. Dylan seemed happy with himself, but the other two...Dylan was up to something. 

    Chapter 2

    The remaining hours of the evening flew by. I’d sent the kitchen staff home leaving only myself and Dylan to close up the bakery. I heard Dylan move around the main area up front as I finished the back-of-the-house duties. I sat at the long metal prep table and buried my face in my hands. Instantly, the images of Aleksandr and Aiden appeared in my mind. With no one around, I let myself escape into a fantastical world of their hands, their hardened bodies pressed against mine, their lips trailing kisses along my neck as they moved lower...

    Carrie? Dylan called.

    I jumped at the sound of my name ripping through the silence. 

    Um, yeah? What’s up?

    Dylan came around the corner, pulling his black Whip It! shirt over his head, his golden sun-kissed chest as mouthwatering as ever. He pulled his gym bag out of the employee lockers and tossed it onto the table where I sat. 

    You okay? He asked as he rummaged through his bag before pulling out a white tank top and stuffing his work shirt inside. He tossed the white tank top on the table surface as he zipped his bag closed. 

    I couldn’t help myself from drinking in the body that had held me, moved above me, fucked me for the past ten years.

    I’m...I’m fine, I answered, my throat suddenly dry. I felt my pussy throb and crossed my legs under the table. It was still impressive that he remained the only man to make me react that way towards him. Well, he was...

    I looked down, moving my hands to the edges of the metal stool where I sat. I reacted to Aiden and Aleksandr the same way without a single touch. As if noticing my thoughts, Dylan came behind me and trailed his fingertips down my shoulders as he leaned in to allow me to fall back into him.

    What’s wrong, Cupcake? He asked as he pressed into my back, the path of one hand trailing up the soft skin of my neck.

    What was earlier about, Dylan?

    You mean, why did I want to introduce you to Aiden and Aleksandr?

    Yeah, it wasn’t like you.

    He let out a breath, and I could feel his confident demeanor shake away. No, it wasn’t, but we’ve been looking for a new Dom for you for a while and....

    I shot to my feet. 

    Were you putting me on display like some Sub viewing?

    What? No, I... he looked at the ceiling before looking back down at me, Carrie, I can’t be the Dom you need anymore....

    I know that, but you’re so overprotective....

    And I love you. I’ve been selfish. You need someone or someones who can give you what you need. I wanted you to meet them in a place where you felt safe, a place where I was with you in case you didn’t like them. I’m sorry if it felt like I was....

    Putting me up for sale? I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. What the fuck, Dylan.

    See right there. You’re talking back to me while we’re talking about Dom/Sub prospects. Before...before everything changed, I would have had you over my knee. I would have punished you for interrupting me, challenging me, and would have loved it. Both of us. Now...I worry I’m hurting you, and you’re not telling me to stop.

    I shook my head. You know my limits, Dylan.

    I do, but even so, I hold back and you know that. I can’t shake the idea that you’ll slip into the mindset you were in when you were with....

    I held my hand up to him. No, I don’t slip into a victim mindset with you.

    Even though you say that, and I want to believe that, I’m scared that you secretly are. I wouldn’t be able to go through life if you victimized yourself instead of submitting to me. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.

    I bit my lip as I watched his gaze drop to the floor. He wasn’t wrong. Our dynamic changed after my divorce. Before Daniel, things were hotter, more intense, more everything. It wasn’t just high school or college hormones. It was our trust we had in one another. He’d bring me to the edge of too much, guide me through my interests, and satisfy me in ways no man or vibrator ever could. We weren’t together, not in the romantic sense, and things changed when I met Daniel. He couldn’t be there as my Dom and, eventually, he was barely a friend. 

    Dylan was right. The love was there, but we couldn’t trust one another in bed anymore. 

    If you don’t find a new Dom and we keep going the way we have, we won’t be fully happy together, and you know that, Carrie. If we were to step towards a real relationship, it’d be more vanilla than either of us would be happy with. Even Joshua hasn’t joined in for over a year, Carrie. I’m getting to a place where I want you, I love you, and won’t share you because I don’t trust anyone not to hurt you.

    You and Joshua still fucked, though, I shrugged.

    Yeah, but you like being shared. I won’t share you. I won’t punish you the way you want. I won’t fuck you the way I want....

    I stepped toward him, and his dark green eyes looked up at me. His face held so much: love, worry, desire...fear. I felt my heart thump as I realized what was happening.

    You’re breaking up with me, I said softly.

    He shrugged. I don’t know what else to do, Carrie. Aiden and Aleksandr are good guys and have been good to their exes. Both of them or either of them are Masters and they’d be able to give you what I can’t.

    I bit my lip and looked away from him, feeling the beginnings of the tears. 

    Fuck, he growled and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me, his frame towering over me as he held me to him. I didn’t want to hurt you this way, either.

    He shuddered against me as I forced myself not to cry. 

    I love you, Carrie, so fucking much, but as your Dom I have to do what’s best for you, even if that means letting you go. I wouldn’t be truly in love with you if I didn’t want you to be happy no matter what. I don’t want another Sub, but you need this, Carrie.

    I nodded against the heat of his chest as he began to stroke my hair. 

    Tell me that you understand. I need to hear you say it, baby, he whispered against my hair. 

    I understand, I choked. I’m sorry, Dylan.

    He moved me away from his chest to look down at me with a serious look on his face. You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one that can’t get past my self-induced pressures.

    I shook my head and laughed. Did you just give me the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ line?

    He pretended to think about it and smiled. I did.

    I playfully slapped his chest and realized my mistake. I froze as his grip on my shoulders tightened. I watched his face darken with something more than desire.

    See, he growled, we know what I want to do to you right now. We both know that I won’t.

    I nodded, restrained to keep my distance with the strength of his body that held me in place. Memories of our past flowed into my mind. The thought of every spank, every restraint, and his methods of exerting his dominance over me made my knees tremble and my pussy throb. The wetness surely dripped between my legs as I remained at arm’s length from him. I clenched my thighs together as I bit my lower lip to keep my composure.

    I watched his darkened gaze glance down at my lips. A groan escaped him. The sound made me shiver where he held me. My pulse quickened as I watched the bob of his Adam’s apple in his throat before the clench of his jaw. 

    Dylan, I whispered, I understand.

    He nodded, not taking his eyes from my lips. Good, he said, his voice hoarse with restraint. 

    Do you want to talk about Aiden and Aleksandr?

    We should, he answered, still not moving as if he didn’t trust himself to let me go or to bring me closer. 

    You trust them? I asked softly. 


    How do you know them?

    Aiden owns the gym I work part-time at. Aleksandr comes in sometimes, but not often.

    And you three randomly had a conversation about Subs?

    A small smile appeared on his lips. They mentioned they had broken up with a mutual ex-girlfriend. She was shared between them. Things went south when she tried to play them against one another. They ended it, and they need a new Sub. They told me what they were looking for. Their preferences lined up with you.

    But they’re Masters. Did you tell them that control of my everyday life is a hard limit for me?

    Of course, he continued, they’re both comfortable with that.



    We should finish locking up.


    Dylan, are you letting me go? I asked, watching his face.

    He finally met my gaze and smirked. Not tonight.

    What -

    Dylan pulled me into him before picking me up by the waist and moving me to the surface of the metal prep table. His lips crashed into mine, demanding entrance with his tongue. I reveled in the exploration of his kiss as he commanded my tongue to challenge his. He pulled back, looking down at me with hooded eyes. 

    Not tonight, he whispered as he rested his forehead against mine. 

    I nodded. 

    He brought a hand up and closed his fingers around my throat. I need to hear you say it, Carrie. Who do you belong to tonight?

    He tightened his grip around my throat so I couldn’t respond as my eyes immediately rolled to the back of my head, and I felt the slippery wetness between my legs increase. 

    He loosened his grip, and I gasped against the warmth of his hands as he cupped the side of my cheek with his other hand. He ran his thumb along my cheekbone as his other hand tightened around my neck. The opposing touches were deliciously familiar as my nipples hardened under my bra. 

    Who do you belong to, Carrie? He asked again, his voice softer as he leaned down and trailed soft kisses down the line of my jaw. 

    Half dazed, I felt myself smile in his grasp. You, sir.

    He groaned. The vibration of his pleasure at my answer made my body ache for more.

    I moaned as I felt the caress of his breath against my ear. 

    Unbutton my jeans for me, baby.

    I reached for his waist without hesitation, undoing the top button and sliding the zipper down. 

    Push them down for me, he ordered.

    I obeyed and pushed down as far as possible as he held me in place. I could feel the bulge of his straining cock as he kicked off his shoes and socks to remove his jeans the rest of the way. 

    Undress yourself for me. Shorts and panties. Quickly.

    I did as he commanded, undoing my shorts, and let my panties follow as they slid down my legs to the floor. 

    Before I could fully settle back on the tabletop, he hooked my legs over his shoulders and knelt in front of me. He scooted me closer to the edge and soon I felt the swipe of his tongue dance over my sensitive bud. He moved with expert precision until I was helpless and shaking from his touch. My head fell back as I felt him slip two fingers inside to add to the symphonious pleasure he composed between my legs. I could hear the pounding of my heart in my ears as I climbed to an elation only his fusion of talent could bring me to. My body shook as I surrendered to his will, but just as I felt the brink of sweet release, Dylan pulled away with a snarky grin.

    Not yet, baby, he grinned.

    Y-yes, sir, I huffed. 

    He slid his fingers from me, and I whimpered at the absence of him. He chuckled as he brought his slickened fingers to his lips, and I almost came from the sight of him licking my juices from his skin. He stepped into the space of my legs and used my hair as a handle to tilt my chin up to him. 

    What do you want, Carrie? He asked as he pressed his forehead to mine, and his other hand came around my throat. 

    His grip on my throat squeezed the air out of me as he ground his cloth-covered erection against my slick opening. I cried out for him, and he squeezed harder until I saw spots, grinding into me more forcefully. 

    What do you want, Carrie?, s...sir.

    He released my throat, moving both hands to my waist as I swayed without the support of his hands. He pushed the stool I’d been sitting on between my legs and pulled his boxer briefs down to reveal his perfect cock. My pussy pulsed as I regained my focus, admiring his impressive size. I moaned for him as he positioned himself between my legs, barely sitting on the stool but gripping the sides as he tilted his cock up toward me at an angle. I realized what he was doing, and my eyes widened. 


    Lower yourself, baby.

    At the position he was proposing, he’d feel deeper, more intense. I shuddered at the thought and moved to lower myself to meet his cock. 

    That’s it, baby, he smirked.

    I half jumped as I felt the tip of him touch the opening of my slippery entrance. 

    Now, Carrie, he commanded. 

    At that, I let myself fall, impaling myself with his cock. I screamed into the ceiling as he thrust into me as my legs dangled over his waist and I held on to the edge of the metal table.

    So fucking tight, he growled beneath me. 

    My head fell back as the beginnings of sweet pulsing pleasure overtook the initial burn of his invasion. He slowed beneath me, rolling his hips expertly, coaxing a wordless moan from my lips. I rolled my neck to look down at him. I took pleasure in the waves of his sculpted abs, the beads of sweat on his chiseled chest, and the veins of his biceps and forearms as he supported our weight. I shivered on top of him as he made me ride his every movement. 

    He came to a slow pause as he adjusted so that my body settled on him before he pushed up from the stool, causing me to slip back over the edge of the table, his cock still buried inside me as he stood over me.

    Is that what you wanted? He smiled, laying a gentle kiss on my forehead.

    Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I whispered as I leaned into his chest. 

    He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me securely against him as he pulled out slightly to thrust into me. I moaned into his chest before he pushed me back until I was lay across the table. He scooted me towards the edge of the table until only my back was left on the cold surface. He moved his hands down my legs, lifting them until they rested on his shoulders.

    Green, yellow, or red? He asked with caution. He was asking if I was comfortable, close to my limit, or needed to stop.

    Green, sir, I smiled down my body at him. 

    Good girl, he smiled, pleased with my answer. 

    He leaned forward, my legs moving with him as he slowly pulled his cock halfway out of me. 

    Take off your shirt and bra, he smirked with his demands. 

    I giggled as I slipped out of my work shirt and bra. He

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