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Maikro: Haiku & Microfiction
Maikro: Haiku & Microfiction
Maikro: Haiku & Microfiction
Ebook64 pages16 minutes

Maikro: Haiku & Microfiction

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About this ebook

Maikro collects 112 haiku and 47 works of microfiction, most falling in the speculative fiction realm (science fiction, fantasy, horror) with a few literary pieces tossed into the mix:

slick sea stones glimmer
golden leviathan sinks
night soars on gulls' wings

wise elder wordsmyth
telling tales of earth that was
blue skies in our minds

Fallen Angel

Leathery wings tangled, she falls from heaven's love-making, crashes to Times Square. Rises from the crater. Smiles at the morning after.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
Maikro: Haiku & Microfiction

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    Book preview

    Maikro - Milo James Fowler


    mercury ripples

    soaring wings filter sunlight

    waves collapse in foam


    toes sink into sand

    tides pull tide pools

    life rushes away


    flower-bright eyes

    broken stalks in muddy water

    dying for love


    shrieks pierce silent nights

    cowering chilled in wet tents

    awaiting dawn's glow

    swollen tomatoes

    thoughts drift beyond gardens

    heavy on her vine


    ethereal souls

    urban cacophony

    dancing through moonlight


    crimson mucous

    life emerges in darkness

    straining for release


    waterlogged pasture

    horses stand on reflections

    clouds stampede the blue

    keeping my head down

    so little of the day missed

    until you appear


    pelicans soaring

    fabric ripples in sunlight

    kite surfing breakers


    greasy pigeons perch

    spray-painted urban decay

    gaunt squirrels on the hunt


    postmodern ballads

    work for food need cash God bless

    weathered cardboard signs

    slick sea stones glimmer

    golden leviathan sinks

    night soars on gulls' wings


    windswept white-capped chop

    emerald waves breaking at dawn

    pelicans gliding


    two-lane country road

    shower of light through the trees

    streams of golden rain


    cotton peaks above

    sunlight on the churning sea

    foam tossed to and fro

    temporal fracture

    portal to another time

    leave yourself behind


    new brand of guitar

    chords unleash realities

    rock out with myselves


    lost automaton

    blinking with recognition

    birds across the sky


    gorgeous mutation

    watch her spread

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